Hi, I have a Kobol Helios 4, a Marvell Armada 388-based Armv7 device that boots Armbian off a SDcard and is mostly upstreamed (u-boot, dts, kernel, and so on) apart from a kernel patch that allows PWM control of two system fans from the same GPIO bank.

I'm not a fan of Debian (the base of Armbian), nor Armbian. Even the "latest" software I can install on it is years old.

I would like a lot to run Tumbleweed on it, as it is what I use in my PC and home server too.

I looked at the wiki for ARM support and I really don't understand what is going on. Can someone explain what I should do to add this device to the OpenSUSE ARM build system?
Or where is a project I can look at as example.

I recently added support for it in OpenWrt [1], and it was very easy, so I felt optimistic I could pull this off in OpenSUSE too.

1. https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/pull/3073

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