Hello community,

here is the log from the commit of package rxvt-unicode for openSUSE:Factory
checked in at Mon May 2 14:06:25 CEST 2011.

--- rxvt-unicode/rxvt-unicode.changes   2010-01-01 00:33:38.000000000 +0100
+++ /mounts/work_src_done/STABLE/rxvt-unicode/rxvt-unicode.changes      
2011-04-30 01:18:24.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,0 +2,133 @@
+Fri Apr 29 23:18:06 UTC 2011 - mrueck...@suse.de
+- run suse_update_desktop_file
+Fri Apr 29 21:55:39 UTC 2011 - mrueck...@suse.de
+- add desktop files (based on the desktop file from arch linux)
+Fri Apr 29 21:29:52 UTC 2011 - mrueck...@suse.de
+- fix packaging of terminfo files
+Mon Dec 27 23:33:34 UTC 2010 - pascal.ble...@opensuse.org
+- update to version 9.10
+  * fix minor memory leaks in urxvt and urxvtd
+  * fix regression in urxvtd that prevented options from being
+    correctly set
+  * implement xterm's horribly broken 1005 mouse reporting mode,
+    and an alternative 1015 mode that works in non-utf-8 locales
+    and has fewer limitations
+  * fix a possible bug where mouse notifications didn't work after
+    startup for the upper left corner
+  * implement our own pixbuf to pixmap rendering to get rid of
+    dependency on buggy gdk-pixbuf-xlib; only truecolor visuals are
+    supported
+  * apply tinting before shading when both operations are
+    requested: previously they were intermixed when lightening and
+    the result was inaccurate and confusing; note that now a black
+    tint yields a completely black image, regardless of shading
+  * avoid spurious redraws of the bg image when bg is transparent
+    or when using 'root' mode
+  * dynamically number options according to compiletime requirements
+Fri Dec 10 21:46:54 UTC 2010 - mrueck...@suse.de
+- reenable 256bit support:
+  the 256color support is a compile time option. so we provide 2
+  binaries now.
+  WARNING: you need a patched screen on < 11.4 to use the 256color
+  version.
+  - binaries come as <binname>-256color
+  - removed --with-term from the configure params.
+    each of the binaries will set correct TERM variable depending
+    on the compile time option
+  - added note to README.SuSE
+- spec clean up
+- added --enable-warnings to see the compiler warnings
+Fri Dec 10 19:25:29 UTC 2010 - mrueck...@suse.de
+- disable 256color support
+Fri Dec 10 18:25:04 UTC 2010 - mrueck...@suse.de
+- update to version 9.09
+  - NOTICE: this release updates terminfo/termcap.
+    - the bestest release ever.
+  - it was verified that urxvt handles µ and μ correctly.
+  - add support for blending and blurring with XRender
+    (Emanuele Giaquinta).
+  - add support for using gdk-pixbuf as image backend
+    (Emanuele Giaquinta).
+  - cleanup and minor fixes of the image code (Emanuele Giaquinta).
+  - new perl extension "confirm-paste" (Emanuele Giaquinta).
+  - new on_tt_paste perl hook and tt_paste perl binding (Emanuele
+    Giaquinta).
+  - new on_bell perl hook (Emanuele Giaquinta).
+  - searchable-scrollback no longer ignores the first line
+    (Emanuele Giaquinta).
+  - Use COMPOUND_TEXT encoding for WM_NAME/WM_ICON_NAME value when
+    it is not fully convertible to STRING (patch by James Cloos).
+  - fix a buffer overflow that would cause wrong key sequences to
+    be generated for numpad keys (introduced in 9.05).
+  - fix definition of sgr0 to work around limitations in luit.
+  - extend ISO 14755 5.4 mode to also print the font name of the
+    characters other than first one in the selected cell
+    (Emanuele Giaquinta).
+  - new iso14755 option to disable ISO 14755 at runtime
+    (Emanuele Giaquinta).
+  - make sure pagewise scrolling scrolls at least one line
+    (found by Mikachu).
+  - remove deprecated OSC 18 / 19 and make OSC 17 / 19 apply to
+    highlightColor / highlightTextColor (Emanuele Giaquinta).
+  - add highlightTextColor resource to change the foreground colour
+    of highlighted characters (Emanuele Giaquinta).
+  - make highlightColor apply also to selected cells with reverse
+    video but not to non selected cells with reverse video
+    (Emanuele Giaquinta).
+  - remove colorRV resource (it was enabled only with frills off).
+  - fix numlock handling, the most longstanding bug to date
+    (Emanuele Giaquinta).
+  - reduce the number of custom bits to 4, to make room for 256
+    colours.
+  - add support for 256 colors (Emanuele Giaquinta, Marc Lehmann).
+  - add rxvt-unicode-256color terminfo and use it by default in 256
+    colors mode.
+  - update rxvt-unicode terminfo to state 7744 colour pairs to
+    cover all 88*88 possible pairs.
+  - fix hang if DECAWM is not set and there are not enough columns
+    to insert a character (Emanuele Giaquinta).
+  - cub1 ("backspace") will now respect wrapping when past the
+    rightmost column, working around a shortcoming of most tty line
+    discipline's line editing.
+  - add support for grabbing the clipboard selection and extend
+    selection{_clear,_grab,} perl bindings to optionally work on
+    the clipboard selection (based on patch by Dana Jansens).
+  - no longer force CERASE to BACKSPACE - use the system default.
+    affects default value for VERASE only when no compatible
+    setting for backspacekey was given.
+  - use higher than 38400 baudrate setting, if detected.
+  - erase screen would clear to the wrong background when blinking
+    was enabled (which selects high intensity under some
+    circumstances).
+  - scr_kill_char didn't touch the line.
+  - upgrade and port to libev-4.01.
+- spec file clean up:
+  - removed old x handling
+  - removed unsupported configure options
+  - reorded configure options to use the same order as in the
+    configure output for easier matching
+- dropped rxvt-unicode-9.05.diff

calling whatdependson for head-i586




Other differences:
++++++ rxvt-unicode.spec ++++++
--- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.4AFuek/_old  2011-05-02 13:59:36.000000000 +0200
+++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.4AFuek/_new  2011-05-02 13:59:36.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-# spec file for package rxvt-unicode (Version 9.07)
+# spec file for package rxvt-unicode
-# Copyright (c) 2010 SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
+# Copyright (c) 2011 SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
 # All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
 # remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
@@ -19,30 +19,35 @@
 Name:           rxvt-unicode
-Version:        9.07
+Version:        9.10
 Release:        1
 License:        LGPLv2.1+
 Group:          System/X11/Terminals
 BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build
-BuildRequires:  freetype2-devel gcc-c++ pkgconfig
-%if 0%{?suse_version} > 0 && 0%{?suse_version} < 920
-BuildRequires:  XFree86-devel
-BuildRequires:  xorg-x11-devel
+BuildRequires:  freetype2-devel
+BuildRequires:  gcc-c++
+BuildRequires:  gtk2-devel
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig
 # for tic
 BuildRequires:  ncurses-devel
+%if 0%{?suse_version} == 0 || 0%{?suse_version} >= 920
+BuildRequires:  xorg-x11-devel
+BuildRequires:  XFree86-devel
 Provides:       locale(xorg-x11:ja;ko;zh)
+BuildRequires:  update-desktop-files
-%define with_terminfo_files 0
-# FIXME: this should be < 1011 but the number isnt bumped yet
-%if %{suse_version} <= 1010
-%define with_terminfo_files 1
 %define _terminfo      /usr/share/terminfo
+%if 0%{?suse_version} <= 1010
+%define with_terminfo_files 1
-%if ! 0%{?with_terminfo_files}
+%if 0%{?suse_version} < 1140
+%define with_265color_terminfo_files 1
+%if ! 0%{?with_terminfo_files} || ! 0%{?with_265color_terminfo_files}
 Requires:       terminfo
 %requires_eq    perl
@@ -51,6 +56,8 @@
 Source:         http://dist.schmorp.de/%{name}/%{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2
 Source1:        rxvt-unicode-rpmlintrc
 Source2:        rxvt-unicode.README.SuSE
+Source3:        rxvt-unicode-256color.desktop
+Source4:        rxvt-unicode.desktop
 Patch1:         rxvt-unicode-9.02-CVE-2008-1142-DISPLAY.patch
 Summary:        Rxvt X Terminal with Unicode Support
@@ -74,74 +81,65 @@
 %{__install} -m 0644 %{S:2} README.SuSE
-# cant use the configure macro here ... 
-# the script handles prefix in a not so nice manner
-%if %{suse_version} < 1011
-%define _prefix %{_usr}/X11R6
-%define _mandir %{_usr}/share/man/
-export CFLAGS="%{optflags} -fno-strict-aliasing -Wno-unused -DXPM_INC_X11=1"
-%configure \
-    --with-term="%{name}" \
-    --enable-shared \
-    --disable-strings \
+export COMMON_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS=" --enable-warnings --enable-unicode3 \
+    --enable-combining \
     --enable-xft \
     --enable-font-styles \
-    --enable-unicode3 \
-    --enable-combining \
-    --with-codesets=all \
-    --enable-utmp \
-    --enable-wtmp \
-    --enable-lastlog \
-    --enable-xpm-background \
+    --enable-pixbuf \
     --enable-transparency \
-    --enable-tinting \
     --enable-fading \
-    --enable-menubar \
     --enable-next-scroll \
     --enable-rxvt-scroll \
     --enable-xterm-scroll \
-    --enable-plain-scroll \
-    --enable-half-shadow \
     --enable-perl \
-    --enable-xgetdefault \
     --enable-xim \
-    --enable-ttygid \
+    --enable-8bitctrls \
     --enable-fallback \
-    --enable-linespace \
-    --enable-24bit \
+    --enable-iso14755 \
+    --enable-frills \
     --enable-keepscrolling \
     --enable-selectionscrolling \
     --enable-mousewheel \
     --enable-slipwheeling \
     --enable-smart-resize \
-    --enable-iso14755 \
-    --enable-cursor-blink \
     --enable-text-blink \
     --enable-pointer-blank \
-    --enable-8bitctrls \
-    --enable-frills \
-%if %{?suse_version} >= 1010
-    --with-xpm-includes=%{_prefix}/include \
-    --with-xpm-library=%{_prefix}/%{_lib} \
-    --with-xpm
-%__make %{?jobs:-j%{jobs}}
-%if %with_terminfo_files
-# no longer install the terminfo file as it is part of the terminfo package now
-%{__install} -Dd -m 0755 "%{buildroot}%{_terminfo}/r"
+    --enable-utmp \
+    --enable-wtmp \
+    --enable-lastlog \
+    --with-codesets=all \
+    --with-terminfo=%{_terminfo}"
+export CFLAGS="%{optflags} -fno-strict-aliasing -Wno-unused"
+%{__install} -Dd -m 0755 "%{buildroot}%{_terminfo}/r" 
+# build the 256color version
+%configure --enable-256-color ${COMMON_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS}
+%__make %{?_smp_mflags}
 TERMINFO="%{buildroot}%{_terminfo}" %makeinstall
+for i in %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/* ; do mv ${i} ${i}-256color ; done
+%__make distclean
+# build the normal 88color version
+%__make %{?_smp_mflags}
+TERMINFO="%{buildroot}%{_terminfo}" %makeinstall
+for j in %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1/* ; do
+  ln -s $(basename ${j}) ${j%%.1}-256color.1 ;
 %{__mkdir} examples/
 %{__cp} -av doc/embed* doc/rxvt-tabbed doc/pty-fd examples/
+%{__rm} -rf %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/urxvt/perl/macosx-clipboard-native
+# desktop files
+%{__install} -m 0644 %{S:3} %{S:4} %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications/
+%suse_update_desktop_file rxvt-unicode-256color
+%suse_update_desktop_file rxvt-unicode
 %{__rm} -rf "%{buildroot}"
@@ -152,13 +150,20 @@
 %doc doc/etc
 %doc examples/
-%if %with_terminfo_files
 %dir %{_terminfo}/r
+%if ! 0%{?with_terminfo_files}
+%exclude %{_terminfo}/r/%{name}
+%if ! 0%{?with_265color_terminfo_files}
+%exclude %{_terminfo}/r/rxvt-unicode-256color
 %dir %{_libdir}/urxvt/
 %dir %{_libdir}/urxvt/perl
@@ -180,5 +185,9 @@

++++++ rxvt-unicode-256color.desktop ++++++
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=An Unicode capable rxvt clone (256colors)
++++++ rxvt-unicode-9.07.tar.bz2 -> rxvt-unicode-9.10.tar.bz2 ++++++
++++ 31849 lines of diff (skipped)

++++++ rxvt-unicode.README.SuSE ++++++
--- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.4AFuek/_old  2011-05-02 13:59:36.000000000 +0200
+++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.4AFuek/_new  2011-05-02 13:59:36.000000000 +0200
@@ -23,3 +23,13 @@
 For all options read man 7 urxvt.
+ 256color Support
+  The 256color support is a compile time option, so we provide 2
+  binaries now. All the new binaries are suffixed with -256color.
+  WARNING: you need a patched screen on < 11.4 to use the 256color
+  version.

++++++ rxvt-unicode.desktop ++++++
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=An Unicode capable rxvt clone


Remember to have fun...

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