Hello community,

here is the log from the commit of package opensuse-manuals_ru for 
checked in at Thu Aug 11 15:36:57 CEST 2011.

New Changes file:

--- /dev/null   2010-08-26 16:28:41.000000000 +0200
    2011-07-26 07:01:13.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Tue Jul 26 05:01:37 UTC 2011 - pastak...@yandex.ru
+- Update text and image files.
+Wed Jul 20 17:06:34 UTC 2011 - pastak...@yandex.ru
+- update security_acls.
+Wed Jul 20 07:58:19 UTC 2011 - pastak...@yandex.ru
+- Update text and image files.
+Thu Jul 14 08:32:45 CEST 2011 - k...@suse.de
+- New package.

calling whatdependson for head-i586



Other differences:
++++++ opensuse-manuals_ru.spec ++++++
# spec file for package opensuse-manuals_ru
# Copyright (c) 2011 SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
# published by the Open Source Initiative.

# Please submit bugfixes or comments via http://bugs.opensuse.org/

# norootforbuild

Name:           opensuse-manuals_ru
%define my_lang ru
%define my_book opensuse-html
Version:        11.4
Release:        1
Provides:       locale(desktop-data-openSUSE:ru)
Obsoletes:      opensuse-manual_ru < 11.2 opensuse-kdequick_ru < 11.1 
opensuse-gnomequick_ru < 11.1 opensuse-gnomeuser_ru < 11.1 opensuse-kdeuser_ru 
< 11. opensuse-kde3user_ru < 11.1 apparmor-admin_ru < 11.1
Provides:       opensuse-manual_ru = %{version}-%{release} opensuse-kdequick_ru 
= %{version}-%{release} opensuse-gnomequick_ru = %{version}-%{release} 
opensuse-gnomeuser_ru = %{version}-%{release} opensuse-kdeuser_ru = 
%{version}-%{release} opensuse-kde3user_ru = %{version}-%{release} 
apparmor-admin_ru = %{version}-%{release}
Obsoletes:      opensuse-manual_ru-pdf < 11.2 opensuse-kde3user_ru-pdf < 11.1 
opensuse-manuals_ru-pdf < 11.3 opensuse-apparmor-admin_ru-pdf < 11.3
Provides:       opensuse-manual_ru-pdf = %{version}-%{release} 
opensuse-kde3user_ru-pdf = %{version}-%{release} opensuse-manuals_ru-pdf = 
%{version}-%{release} opensuse-apparmor-admin_ru-pdf = %{version}-%{release}
Source00:       opensuse-html_ru-html.tar.bz2
Source01:       opensuse-html_ru-desktop.tar.bz2
Source02:       opensuse-html_ru-graphics.tar.bz2
Source03:       opensuse-html_ru.tar.bz2
Source10:       opensuse-startup_ru.pdf
#Source11: opensuse-startup_ru-graphics.tar.bz2
#Source12: opensuse-startup_ru.tar.bz2
Source13:       opensuse-startup_ru-pdf-yelp.tar.bz2
Source20:       opensuse-reference_ru.pdf
#Source21: opensuse-reference_ru-graphics.tar.bz2
#Source22: opensuse-reference_ru.tar.bz2
Source23:       opensuse-reference_ru-pdf-yelp.tar.bz2
Source30:       opensuse-security_ru.pdf
#Source31: opensuse-security_ru-graphics.tar.bz2
#Source32: opensuse-security_ru.tar.bz2
Source33:       opensuse-security_ru-pdf-yelp.tar.bz2
Source40:       opensuse-kvm_ru.pdf
#Source41: opensuse-kvm_ru-graphics.tar.bz2
#Source42: opensuse-kvm_ru.tar.bz2
Source43:       opensuse-kvm_ru-pdf-yelp.tar.bz2
Source50:       opensuse-tuning_ru.pdf
#Source51: opensuse-tuning_ru-graphics.tar.bz2
#Source52: opensuse-tuning_ru.tar.bz2
Source53:       opensuse-tuning_ru-pdf-yelp.tar.bz2
Source901:      doc_pre_checkin.sh
Source903:      attributes
BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build
BuildArch:      noarch
Group:          Documentation/SUSE
License:        GFDLv1.2
Summary:        Complete set of openSUSE Manuals (HTML, Russian)
%define _defaultdocdir %{_datadir}/doc/manual
%define _docdir %{_datadir}/doc/manual

Contains the complete official openSUSE documentation in HTML
format. It can be accessed via the Desktop's help centers. 
The following manuals are included:

* Start-Up

* Reference

* Security Guide

* Tuning Guide

* KVM Guide

%package -n opensuse-startup_ru-pdf
Group:          Documentation/SUSE
License:        GFDLv1.2
Summary:        openSUSE manual: Start-Up (PDF, Russian)
#Provides:    locale(desktop-data-openSUSE:ru)

%description -n opensuse-startup_ru-pdf
Guides you through the installation and basic configuration of your
system. For newcomers, the manual also introduces basic Linux concepts
such as the file system, the user concept and access permissions and
gives an overview of the features the system offers to support
mobile computing. Provides help and advice in troubleshooting.

%package -n opensuse-reference_ru-pdf
Group:          Documentation/SUSE
License:        GFDLv1.2
Summary:        openSUSE manual: Reference (PDF, Russian)
#Provides:    locale(desktop-data-openSUSE:ru)

%description -n opensuse-reference_ru-pdf
This guide gives you a general understanding of your system and
covers advanced system administration tasks. It is intended
mainly for system administrators and home users with basic system
administration knowledge. It provides detailed information about
advanced deployment scenarios, administration of your system,
the interaction of key system components and the set-up of
various network and file services.

%package -n opensuse-security_ru-pdf
Group:          Documentation/SUSE
License:        GFDLv1.2
Summary:        openSUSE manual: Security Guide (PDF, Russian)
#Provides:    locale(desktop-data-openSUSE:ru)

%description -n opensuse-security_ru-pdf
This guide introduces basic concepts of system security, covering
both local and network security aspects. Shows how to make use of
the product inherent security software like AppArmor (which lets
you specify per program which files the program may read, write,
and execute) or the auditing system that reliably collects
information about any security-relevant events.

%package -n opensuse-kvm_ru-pdf
Group:          Documentation/SUSE
License:        GFDLv1.2
Summary:        openSUSE manual: KVM Guide (PDF, Russian)
#Provides:    locale(desktop-data-openSUSE:ru)

%description -n opensuse-kvm_ru-pdf
This guide introduces basic concepts of virtualization with KVM.

%package -n opensuse-tuning_ru-pdf
Group:          Documentation/SUSE
License:        GFDLv1.2
Summary:        openSUSE manual: Tuning Guide (PDF, Russian)
#Provides:    locale(desktop-data-openSUSE:ru)

%description -n opensuse-tuning_ru-pdf
This guide introduces basic concepts of system tuning.

#%setup -c -q
%setup -c -q -a 01
#echo "This PDF package is empty.  Find the PDFs in sub-packages." >README-pdf
find -name '*.png' -o -name '*.svg' | xargs chmod 644 || :
tar xvf %{S:13}
tar xvf %{S:23}
tar xvf %{S:33}
tar xvf %{S:43}
tar xvf %{S:53}

# make sure index.html exists
for f in $(find html -type f -name 'book.*'); do
  pushd ${f%/*}
  [ -f index.html -o -L index.html ] || ln -sf ${f##*/} index.html

mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_defaultdocdir}
# is set for sles or sled as /sles or /sled
# mkdir -p  desktop/{startup,reference,application,apparmor-admin-guide}
# product is name without language code
%define gnome_dir %{_datadir}/gnome/help/opensuse-manuals
install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{gnome_dir}
if [ -d html/%my_book ]; then
mv html/%my_book html/manual
### handle desktop files
pushd desktop
# problem writing desktop files on 10.3
### CHECKIT: still necessary on 11.0?
if [ -d index.desktop ]; then
  for f in $(find index.desktop -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1); do
    mv $f .
  rmdir index.desktop
### CHECKIT: can we fix this for 11.0?  Just avoid the subdir...
if [ ! -f .directory ]; then
  # stand-alone book, hidden in sub-directory
  dir=$(find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -name 'book_*')
  if [ -n "$dir" ]; then
    for f in $(find $dir -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1); do
      mv $f .
    rmdir $dir
for d in $(find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -name 'book*'); do
  pushd $d
  for f in $(find . -name '.directory'); do
    sed -i "s|@PATH@|%{_defaultdocdir}/%{name}/manual|
s|@id@|$id|" $f
    case $d in
        [ $f = "./.directory" ] \
          && sed -i "s|^\(X-DOC-Weight\).*|\1=-10000|" $f ;;
### remove it, only keep yelp and kde4 -- they depend on top-level
### .directory files...
# Probably useful for stand-alone books
for f in $(find . -name '*.directory'); do
  sed -i "s|@PATH@|%{_defaultdocdir}/%{name}/manual|
s|@id@|$id|" $f
  # Fix the index.html reference
  if [ $f = ./.directory ]; then
    sed -i 's:\(^DocPath.*/\).*:\1index.html:
s/^\(Name\|Comment\)\(.*\)/\1\2 (%{my_lang})/' $f

    # write yelp / rarian file
    sed "
# remove useless comments and search settings
s/^\[Desktop Entry\]/[Document]/
/^Name *=/i\
" $f > ../%{name}.document
# %{summary} is unreliable
#     my_title=$(echo "%{summary}" \
#       | sed 's/\(as \)*[Pp][Dd][Ff]//;s/ *(.*)//')
#     #if grep -s -q '^Name *= *$' ../%{name}.document; then
#     sed -i "
# s/^\(Name.*\)=\(.*\)/\1=$my_title \2/" ../%{name}.document
    # fi
    # if Name contains just "Documentation", add product info
    # FIXME: check this properly
    if ! grep -s -q '^Name *= *openSUSE' ../%{name}.document; then
      sed -i "
s/^\(Name.*\)=\(.*\)/\1=openSUSE \2/" ../%{name}.document
  # make sure to sort sles-startup guide first
  case %name in
      [ $f = "./.directory" ] \
        && sed -i "s|^\(X-DOC-Weight\).*|\1=-2000|" $f ;;
if [ -d yelp ]; then
  pushd yelp
  for f in *.document; do
    dir=$(echo $dir | tr [:upper:] [:lower:])
    sed -i "s|^\(DocPath=\).*|\1/usr/share/doc/manual/$dir/$pdf_file|
s|^\(Name.*\)|\1 (PDF)|" $f
if [ %{my_lang} = "en" ]; then
  mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/help
  for f in yelp/*.document; do
    file=$(echo $f | tr [:upper:] [:lower:])
    cp $f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/help/${file#*/}
  sed "s/Documentation *\(Documentation\)/\1/" %{name}.document \
    > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/help/%{name}.document
  # KDE4
  %define kdedir %{_datadir}/kde4/apps/khelpcenter/plugins
  mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%kdedir
  pushd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/help
  for doc in *.document; do
    sed "\
s/\[Document\]/[Desktop Entry]/
" $doc >$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%kdedir/${doc%\.document}.desktop
  mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/help/LOCALE/%{my_lang}
  for f in yelp/*.document; do
    file=$(echo $f | tr [:upper:] [:lower:])
    cp $f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/help/LOCALE/%{my_lang}/${file#*/}
  sed "s/Documentation *\(Documentation\)/\1/" %{name}.document \
    > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/help/LOCALE/%{my_lang}/%{name}.document
# old stuff
# Link it into the Gnome help system (must be found by calling
# susehelp help://suselinux-manual/
pushd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{gnome_dir}
if [ %{my_lang} = "en" ]; then
  install -d $target
  ln -sf %{_defaultdocdir}/%{name}/manual C
  install -d $target
  ln -sf %{_defaultdocdir}/%{name}/manual %{my_lang}
# PDF only books
install -d html/manual
echo PDF only > html/manual/%{name}
cp %{S:10} . 
mkdir opensuse-startup 

cp %{S:20} . 
mkdir opensuse-reference 

cp %{S:30} . 
mkdir opensuse-security 

cp %{S:40} . 
mkdir opensuse-kvm 

cp %{S:50} . 
mkdir opensuse-tuning 


rm -fr ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}


%files -n opensuse-startup_ru-pdf
%defattr(-, root, root)
%doc opensuse-startup_ru.pdf

%files -n opensuse-reference_ru-pdf
%defattr(-, root, root)
%doc opensuse-reference_ru.pdf

%files -n opensuse-security_ru-pdf
%defattr(-, root, root)
%doc opensuse-security_ru.pdf

%files -n opensuse-kvm_ru-pdf
%defattr(-, root, root)
%doc opensuse-kvm_ru.pdf

%files -n opensuse-tuning_ru-pdf
%defattr(-, root, root)
%doc opensuse-tuning_ru.pdf

%defattr(-, root, root)
%dir %{_defaultdocdir}
%doc html/manual
#GNOME -- probably obsolete now
%dir /usr/share/gnome
%dir /usr/share/gnome/help
#recent GNOME
%dir %{_datadir}/help
%dir %{_datadir}/help/LOCALE
%dir %{_datadir}/help/LOCALE/ru

++++++ attributes ++++++
group.opensuse-manuals_ru         Documentation/SUSE
license.opensuse-manuals_ru       GFDLv1.2
summary.opensuse-manuals_ru       Complete set of openSUSE Manuals (HTML, 
Contains the complete official openSUSE documentation in HTML
format. It can be accessed via the Desktop's help centers. 
The following manuals are included:

* Start-Up

* Reference

* Security Guide

* Tuning Guide

* KVM Guide
group.opensuse-gnomequick_ru-pdf     Documentation/SUSE
license.opensuse-gnomequick_ru-pdf   GFDLv1.2
summary.opensuse-gnomequick_ru-pdf   openSUSE manual: GNOME Quick Start (PDF, 
A quick start guide to the GNOME desktop.
group.opensuse-kdequick_ru-pdf     Documentation/SUSE
license.opensuse-kdequick_ru-pdf   GFDLv1.2
summary.opensuse-kdequick_ru-pdf   openSUSE manual: KDE Quick Start (PDF, 
A quick start guide to the KDE desktop.
group.opensuse-kdeuser_ru-pdf     Documentation/SUSE
license.opensuse-kdeuser_ru-pdf   GFDLv1.2
summary.opensuse-kdeuser_ru-pdf   openSUSE manual KDE User Guide (PDF, Russian)
This manual introduces the KDE desktop. It guides you through
using and configuring the desktop and helps you perform key
tasks. It is intended mainly for users who want to make
efficient use of KDE as their default desktop.
group.opensuse-gnomeuser_ru-pdf     Documentation/SUSE
license.opensuse-gnomeuser_ru-pdf   GFDLv1.2
summary.opensuse-gnomeuser_ru-pdf   openSUSE manual: GNOME User Guide (PDF, 
This manual introduces the GNOME desktop. It guides you through
using and configuring the desktop and helps you perform key tasks.
It is intended mainly for end users who want to make efficient use
of GNOME desktop as their default desktop.
group.opensuse-apps_ru-pdf     Documentation/SUSE
license.opensuse-apps_ru-pdf   GFDLv1.2
summary.opensuse-apps_ru-pdf   openSUSE manual: Application Guide (PDF, Russian)
Learn how to use and configure key desktop applications. This
guide introduces browsers and e-mail clients as well as office
applications and collaboration tools. It also covers graphics
and multimedia applications.
group.opensuse-reference_ru-pdf     Documentation/SUSE
license.opensuse-reference_ru-pdf   GFDLv1.2
summary.opensuse-reference_ru-pdf   openSUSE manual: Reference (PDF, Russian)
This guide gives you a general understanding of your system and
covers advanced system administration tasks. It is intended
mainly for system administrators and home users with basic system
administration knowledge. It provides detailed information about
advanced deployment scenarios, administration of your system,
the interaction of key system components and the set-up of
various network and file services.
group.opensuse-startup_ru-pdf     Documentation/SUSE
license.opensuse-startup_ru-pdf   GFDLv1.2
summary.opensuse-startup_ru-pdf   openSUSE manual: Start-Up (PDF, Russian)
obsoletes.opensuse-startup_ru-pdf opensuse-apparmor-quick_ru-pdf < 11.4
obsoletes.opensuse-startup_ru-pdf opensuse-gnomequick_ru-pdf < 11.4
obsoletes.opensuse-startup_ru-pdf opensuse-kdequick_ru-pdf < 11.4
obsoletes.opensuse-startup_ru-pdf opensuse-installquick_ru-pdf < 11.4
provides.opensuse-startup_ru-pdf  opensuse-apparmor-quick_ru-pdf = %{version}
provides.opensuse-startup_ru-pdf  opensuse-gnomequick_ru-pdf = %{version}
provides.opensuse-startup_ru-pdf  opensuse-kdequick_ru-pdf = %{version}
provides.opensuse-startup_ru-pdf  opensuse-installquick_ru-pdf = %{version}
Guides you through the installation and basic configuration of your
system. For newcomers, the manual also introduces basic Linux concepts
such as the file system, the user concept and access permissions and
gives an overview of the features the system offers to support
mobile computing. Provides help and advice in troubleshooting.
group.opensuse-apparmor-quick_ru-pdf     Documentation/SUSE
license.opensuse-apparmor-quick_ru-pdf   GFDLv1.2
summary.opensuse-apparmor-quick_ru-pdf   openSUSE manual: AppArmor Quick Start
(PDF, Russian)
A quick start guide to AppArmor, a security software.
group.opensuse-manuals_ru-pdf     Documentation/SUSE
license.opensuse-manuals_ru-pdf   GFDLv1.2
summary.opensuse-manuals_ru-pdf   ??????????????????
group.opensuse-security_ru         Documentation/SUSE
license.opensuse-security_ru-pdf   GFDLv1.2
summary.opensuse-security_ru-pdf   openSUSE manual: Security Guide (PDF, 
This guide introduces basic concepts of system security, covering
both local and network security aspects. Shows how to make use of
the product inherent security software like AppArmor (which lets
you specify per program which files the program may read, write,
and execute) or the auditing system that reliably collects
information about any security-relevant events.
group.opensuse-installquick_ru-pdf     Documentation/SUSE
license.opensuse-installquick_ru-pdf   GFDLv1.2
summary.opensuse-installquick_ru-pdf   openSUSE manual: Installation Quick 
Start (PDF, Russian)
A quick start guide providing a walk-through to the default installation.
group.opensuse-kvm_ru         Documentation/SUSE
license.opensuse-kvm_ru-pdf   GFDLv1.2
summary.opensuse-kvm_ru-pdf   openSUSE manual: KVM Guide (PDF, Russian)
This guide introduces basic concepts of virtualization with KVM.
group.opensuse-tuning_ru         Documentation/SUSE
license.opensuse-tuning_ru-pdf   GFDLv1.2
summary.opensuse-tuning_ru-pdf   openSUSE manual: Tuning Guide (PDF, Russian)
This guide introduces basic concepts of system tuning.
++++++ doc_pre_checkin.sh ++++++

filename=$(echo *.spec)
perl /usr/bin/update_spec $filename attributes > $filename.new
  mv $filename.new $filename

exit 0


Remember to have fun...

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