Hello community,

here is the log from the commit of package mozilla-nspr for openSUSE:Factory 
checked in at 2017-01-29 10:29:31
Comparing /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/mozilla-nspr (Old)
 and      /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.mozilla-nspr.new (New)

Package is "mozilla-nspr"

--- /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/mozilla-nspr/mozilla-nspr.changes        
2016-11-20 18:16:53.000000000 +0100
+++ /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.mozilla-nspr.new/mozilla-nspr.changes   
2017-02-03 17:50:44.610059893 +0100
@@ -1,0 +2,22 @@
+Wed Jan 18 21:11:42 UTC 2017 - w...@rosenauer.org
+- update to version 4.13.1
+  * The previously released version 4.13 had changed pipes to be
+    nonblocking by default, and as a consequence, PollEvent was changed
+    to not block on clear.
+    The NSPR development team received reports that these changes
+    caused regressions in some applications that use NSPR, and it
+    has been decided to revert the changes made in NSPR 4.13.
+    NSPR 4.13.1 restores the traditional behavior of pipes and PollEvent.
+- update to version 4.13
+  NSPR 4.13 has the following bug fixes:
+  * PL_strcmp (and others) were fixed to return consistent results
+    when one of the arguments is NULL.
+  * PollEvent was fixed to not block on clear.
+  * Pipes are always nonblocking.
+  * PR_GetNameForIdentity: added thread safety lock and bound checks.
+  * Removed the PLArena freelist.
+  * Avoid some integer overflows.
+  * fixed several comments.




Other differences:
++++++ mozilla-nspr.spec ++++++
--- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.o9oI5F/_old  2017-02-03 17:50:45.137985462 +0100
+++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.o9oI5F/_new  2017-02-03 17:50:45.141984897 +0100
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 # spec file for package mozilla-nspr
-# Copyright (c) 2016 SUSE LINUX GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
-#               2006-2016 Wolfgang Rosenauer
+# Copyright (c) 2017 SUSE LINUX GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
+#               2006-2017 Wolfgang Rosenauer
 # All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
 # remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 Name:           mozilla-nspr
-Version:        4.12
+Version:        4.13.1
 Release:        0
 Summary:        Netscape Portable Runtime
 License:        MPL-2.0

++++++ nspr-4.12.tar.gz -> nspr-4.13.1.tar.gz ++++++
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/nspr-4.12/nspr/.hg_archival.txt 
--- old/nspr-4.12/nspr/.hg_archival.txt 2016-02-12 14:51:25.000000000 +0100
+++ new/nspr-4.13.1/nspr/.hg_archival.txt       2016-10-20 14:50:51.000000000 
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 repo: a4b34919bf34db2ee22acbbc305693c8980b6dc6
-node: 88265db540d75d59e12ea8dbc34031160fce9ccc
-branch: default
-tag: NSPR_4_12_RTM
+node: 624c3bc4ed4c33a235e46a4fc46cbcd092d6c952
+branch: NSS_4_13_BRANCH
+tag: NSPR_4_13_1_RTM
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
--- old/nspr-4.12/nspr/automation/release/nspr-release-helper.py        
1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ new/nspr-4.13.1/nspr/automation/release/nspr-release-helper.py      
2016-10-20 14:50:51.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+import os
+import sys
+import datetime
+import shutil
+import glob
+from optparse import OptionParser
+from subprocess import check_call
+prinit_h = "pr/include/prinit.h"
+f_conf = "configure"
+f_conf_in = "configure.in"
+def check_call_noisy(cmd, *args, **kwargs):
+    print "Executing command:", cmd
+    check_call(cmd, *args, **kwargs)
+o = OptionParser(usage="client.py [options] remove_beta | set_beta | 
print_library_versions | set_version_to_minor_release | 
set_version_to_patch_release | create_nspr_release_archive")
+    options, args = o.parse_args()
+    action = args[0]
+except IndexError:
+    o.print_help()
+    sys.exit(2)
+def exit_with_failure(what):
+    print "failure: ", what
+    sys.exit(2)
+def check_files_exist():
+    if (not os.path.exists(prinit_h)):
+        exit_with_failure("cannot find expected header files, must run from 
inside NSPR hg directory")
+def sed_inplace(sed_expression, filename):
+    backup_file = filename + '.tmp'
+    check_call_noisy(["sed", "-i.tmp", sed_expression, filename])
+    os.remove(backup_file)
+def toggle_beta_status(is_beta):
+    check_files_exist()
+    if (is_beta):
+        print "adding Beta status to version numbers"
+        sed_inplace('s/^\(#define *PR_VERSION *\"[0-9.]\+\)\" *$/\\1 Beta\"/', 
+        sed_inplace('s/^\(#define *PR_BETA *\)PR_FALSE *$/\\1PR_TRUE/', 
+    else:
+        print "removing Beta status from version numbers"
+        sed_inplace('s/^\(#define *PR_VERSION *\"[0-9.]\+\) *Beta\" 
*$/\\1\"/', prinit_h)
+        sed_inplace('s/^\(#define *PR_BETA *\)PR_TRUE *$/\\1PR_FALSE/', 
+    print "please run 'hg stat' and 'hg diff' to verify the files have been 
verified correctly"
+def print_beta_versions():
+    check_call_noisy(["egrep", "#define *PR_VERSION|#define *PR_BETA", 
+def remove_beta_status():
+    print "--- removing beta flags. Existing versions were:"
+    print_beta_versions()
+    toggle_beta_status(False)
+    print "--- finished modifications, new versions are:"
+    print_beta_versions()
+def set_beta_status():
+    print "--- adding beta flags. Existing versions were:"
+    print_beta_versions()
+    toggle_beta_status(True)
+    print "--- finished modifications, new versions are:"
+    print_beta_versions()
+def print_library_versions():
+    check_files_exist()
+    check_call_noisy(["egrep", "#define *PR_VERSION|#define PR_VMAJOR|#define 
*PR_VMINOR|#define *PR_VPATCH|#define *PR_BETA", prinit_h])
+def ensure_arguments_after_action(how_many, usage):
+    if (len(sys.argv) != (2+how_many)):
+        exit_with_failure("incorrect number of arguments, expected parameters 
are:\n" + usage)
+def set_major_versions(major):
+    sed_inplace('s/^\(#define *PR_VMAJOR *\).*$/\\1' + major + '/', prinit_h)
+    sed_inplace('s/^MOD_MAJOR_VERSION=.*$/MOD_MAJOR_VERSION=' + major + '/', 
+    sed_inplace('s/^MOD_MAJOR_VERSION=.*$/MOD_MAJOR_VERSION=' + major + '/', 
+def set_minor_versions(minor):
+    sed_inplace('s/^\(#define *PR_VMINOR *\).*$/\\1' + minor + '/', prinit_h)
+    sed_inplace('s/^MOD_MINOR_VERSION=.*$/MOD_MINOR_VERSION=' + minor + '/', 
+    sed_inplace('s/^MOD_MINOR_VERSION=.*$/MOD_MINOR_VERSION=' + minor + '/', 
+def set_patch_versions(patch):
+    sed_inplace('s/^\(#define *PR_VPATCH *\).*$/\\1' + patch + '/', prinit_h)
+    sed_inplace('s/^MOD_PATCH_VERSION=.*$/MOD_PATCH_VERSION=' + patch + '/', 
+    sed_inplace('s/^MOD_PATCH_VERSION=.*$/MOD_PATCH_VERSION=' + patch + '/', 
+def set_full_lib_versions(version):
+    sed_inplace('s/^\(#define *PR_VERSION *\"\)\([0-9.]\+\)\(.*\)$/\\1' + 
version + '\\3/', prinit_h)
+def set_all_lib_versions(version, major, minor, patch):
+    set_full_lib_versions(version)
+    set_major_versions(major)
+    set_minor_versions(minor)
+    set_patch_versions(patch)
+    print
+    print "==========================="
+    print "======== ATTENTION ========"
+    print
+    print "You *MUST* manually edit file pr/tests/vercheck.c"
+    print
+    print "Edit two arrays, named compatible_version and incompatible_version"
+    print "according to the new version you're adding."
+    print
+    print "======== ATTENTION ========"
+    print "==========================="
+def set_version_to_minor_release():
+    ensure_arguments_after_action(2, "major_version  minor_version")
+    major = args[1].strip()
+    minor = args[2].strip()
+    version = major + '.' + minor
+    patch = "0"
+    set_all_lib_versions(version, major, minor, patch)
+def set_version_to_patch_release():
+    ensure_arguments_after_action(3, "major_version  minor_version  
+    major = args[1].strip()
+    minor = args[2].strip()
+    patch = args[3].strip()
+    version = major + '.' + minor + '.' + patch
+    set_all_lib_versions(version, major, minor, patch)
+def create_nspr_release_archive():
+    ensure_arguments_after_action(2, "nspr_release_version  
+    nsprrel = args[1].strip() #e.g. 4.10.9
+    nsprreltag = args[2].strip() #e.g. NSPR_4_10_9_RTM
+    nspr_tar = "nspr-" + nsprrel + ".tar.gz"
+    nspr_stagedir="../stage/v" + nsprrel + "/src"
+    if (os.path.exists(nspr_stagedir)):
+        exit_with_failure("nspr stage directory already exists: " + 
+    check_call_noisy(["mkdir", "-p", nspr_stagedir])
+    check_call_noisy(["hg", "archive", "-r", nsprreltag, "--prefix=nspr-" + 
nsprrel + "/nspr",
+                      "../stage/v" + nsprrel + "/src/" + nspr_tar, "-X", 
+    print "changing to directory " + nspr_stagedir
+    os.chdir(nspr_stagedir)
+    check_call("sha1sum " + nspr_tar + " > SHA1SUMS", shell=True)
+    check_call("sha256sum " + nspr_tar + " > SHA256SUMS", shell=True)
+    print "created directory " + nspr_stagedir + " with files:"
+    check_call_noisy(["ls", "-l"])
+if action in ('remove_beta'):
+    remove_beta_status()
+elif action in ('set_beta'):
+    set_beta_status()
+elif action in ('print_library_versions'):
+    print_library_versions()
+# x.y version number - 2 parameters
+elif action in ('set_version_to_minor_release'):
+    set_version_to_minor_release()
+# x.y.z version number - 3 parameters
+elif action in ('set_version_to_patch_release'):
+    set_version_to_patch_release()
+elif action in ('create_nspr_release_archive'):
+    create_nspr_release_archive()
+    o.print_help()
+    sys.exit(2)
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/nspr-4.12/nspr/configure 
--- old/nspr-4.12/nspr/configure        2016-02-12 14:51:25.000000000 +0100
+++ new/nspr-4.13.1/nspr/configure      2016-10-20 14:50:51.000000000 +0200
@@ -2488,8 +2488,8 @@
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/nspr-4.12/nspr/configure.in 
--- old/nspr-4.12/nspr/configure.in     2016-02-12 14:51:25.000000000 +0100
+++ new/nspr-4.13.1/nspr/configure.in   2016-10-20 14:50:51.000000000 +0200
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
 dnl = Defaults
 dnl ========================================================
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/nspr-4.12/nspr/lib/ds/plarena.c 
--- old/nspr-4.12/nspr/lib/ds/plarena.c 2016-02-12 14:51:25.000000000 +0100
+++ new/nspr-4.13.1/nspr/lib/ds/plarena.c       2016-10-20 14:50:51.000000000 
@@ -17,8 +17,6 @@
 #include "prlock.h"
 #include "prinit.h"
-static PLArena *arena_freelist;
 static PLArenaStats *arena_stats_list;
@@ -29,49 +27,6 @@
 #define PL_ARENA_DEFAULT_ALIGN  sizeof(double)
-static PRLock    *arenaLock;
-static PRCallOnceType once;
-static const PRCallOnceType pristineCallOnce;
-** InitializeArenas() -- Initialize arena operations.
-** InitializeArenas() is called exactly once and only once from 
-** LockArena(). This function creates the arena protection 
-** lock: arenaLock.
-** Note: If the arenaLock cannot be created, InitializeArenas()
-** fails quietly, returning only PR_FAILURE. This percolates up
-** to the application using the Arena API. He gets no arena
-** from PL_ArenaAllocate(). It's up to him to fail gracefully
-** or recover.
-static PRStatus InitializeArenas( void )
-    PR_ASSERT( arenaLock == NULL );
-    arenaLock = PR_NewLock();
-    if ( arenaLock == NULL )
-        return PR_FAILURE;
-    else
-        return PR_SUCCESS;
-} /* end ArenaInitialize() */
-static PRStatus LockArena( void )
-    PRStatus rc = PR_CallOnce( &once, InitializeArenas );
-    if ( PR_FAILURE != rc )
-        PR_Lock( arenaLock );
-    return(rc);
-} /* end LockArena() */
-static void UnlockArena( void )
-    PR_Unlock( arenaLock );
-    return;
-} /* end UnlockArena() */
 PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PL_InitArenaPool(
     PLArenaPool *pool, const char *name, PRUint32 size, PRUint32 align)
@@ -124,14 +79,7 @@
 ** pool. 
 ** First, try to satisfy the request from arenas starting at
-** pool->current.
-** If there is not enough space in the arena pool->current, try
-** to claim an arena, on a first fit basis, from the global
-** freelist (arena_freelist).
-** If no arena in arena_freelist is suitable, then try to
-** allocate a new arena from the heap.
+** pool->current. Then try to allocate a new arena from the heap.
 ** Returns: pointer to allocated space or NULL
@@ -169,37 +117,6 @@
         } while( NULL != (a = a->next) );
-    /* attempt to allocate from arena_freelist */
-    {
-        PLArena *p; /* previous pointer, for unlinking from freelist */
-        /* lock the arena_freelist. Make access to the freelist MT-Safe */
-        if ( PR_FAILURE == LockArena())
-            return(0);
-        for ( a = arena_freelist, p = NULL; a != NULL ; p = a, a = a->next ) {
-            if ( nb <= a->limit - a->base )  {
-                if ( p == NULL )
-                    arena_freelist = a->next;
-                else
-                    p->next = a->next;
-                UnlockArena();
-                a->avail = a->base;
-                rp = (char *)a->avail;
-                a->avail += nb;
-                /* the newly allocated arena is linked after pool->current 
-                *  and becomes pool->current */
-                a->next = pool->current->next;
-                pool->current->next = a;
-                pool->current = a;
-                if ( NULL == pool->first.next )
-                    pool->first.next = a;
-                return(rp);
-            }
-        }
-        UnlockArena();
-    }
     /* attempt to allocate from the heap */ 
         PRUint32 sz = PR_MAX(pool->arenasize, nb);
@@ -246,10 +163,11 @@
     return newp;
-static void ClearArenaList(PLArena *a, PRInt32 pattern)
+PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PL_ClearArenaPool(PLArenaPool *pool, PRInt32 pattern)
+    PLArena *a;
-    for (; a; a = a->next) {
+    for (a = pool->first.next; a; a = a->next) {
         PR_ASSERT(a->base <= a->avail && a->avail <= a->limit);
         a->avail = a->base;
         PL_CLEAR_UNUSED_PATTERN(a, pattern);
@@ -257,48 +175,25 @@
-PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PL_ClearArenaPool(PLArenaPool *pool, PRInt32 pattern)
-    ClearArenaList(pool->first.next, pattern);
  * Free tail arenas linked after head, which may not be the true list head.
  * Reset pool->current to point to head in case it pointed at a tail arena.
-static void FreeArenaList(PLArenaPool *pool, PLArena *head, PRBool reallyFree)
+static void FreeArenaList(PLArenaPool *pool, PLArena *head)
-    PLArena **ap, *a;
-    ap = &head->next;
-    a = *ap;
+    PLArena *a = head->next;
     if (!a)
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    ClearArenaList(a, PL_FREE_PATTERN);
+    head->next = NULL;
-    if (reallyFree) {
-        do {
-            *ap = a->next;
-            PL_CLEAR_ARENA(a);
-            PL_COUNT_ARENA(pool,--);
-            PR_DELETE(a);
-        } while ((a = *ap) != 0);
-    } else {
-        /* Insert the whole arena chain at the front of the freelist. */
-        do {
-            PL_MAKE_MEM_NOACCESS((void*)(*ap)->base,
-                                 (*ap)->limit - (*ap)->base);
-            ap = &(*ap)->next;
-        } while (*ap);
-        LockArena();
-        *ap = arena_freelist;
-        arena_freelist = a;
-        head->next = 0;
-        UnlockArena();
-    }
+    do {
+        PLArena *tmp = a;
+        a = a->next;
+        PL_CLEAR_ARENA(tmp);
+        PL_COUNT_ARENA(pool,--);
+        PR_DELETE(tmp);
+    } while (a);
     pool->current = head;
@@ -310,7 +205,7 @@
     for (a = &pool->first; a; a = a->next) {
         if (PR_UPTRDIFF(mark, a->base) <= PR_UPTRDIFF(a->avail, a->base)) {
             a->avail = (PRUword)PL_ARENA_ALIGN(pool, mark);
-            FreeArenaList(pool, a, PR_FALSE);
+            FreeArenaList(pool, a);
@@ -318,13 +213,13 @@
 PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PL_FreeArenaPool(PLArenaPool *pool)
-    FreeArenaList(pool, &pool->first, PR_FALSE);
+    FreeArenaList(pool, &pool->first);
     COUNT(pool, ndeallocs);
 PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PL_FinishArenaPool(PLArenaPool *pool)
-    FreeArenaList(pool, &pool->first, PR_TRUE);
+    FreeArenaList(pool, &pool->first);
         PLArenaStats *stats, **statsp;
@@ -348,19 +243,6 @@
 PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PL_ArenaFinish(void)
-    PLArena *a, *next;
-    for (a = arena_freelist; a; a = next) {
-        next = a->next;
-        PR_DELETE(a);
-    }
-    arena_freelist = NULL;
-    if (arenaLock) {
-        PR_DestroyLock(arenaLock);
-        arenaLock = NULL;
-    }
-    once = pristineCallOnce;
 PR_IMPLEMENT(size_t) PL_SizeOfArenaPoolExcludingPool(
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/nspr-4.12/nspr/lib/ds/plarena.h 
--- old/nspr-4.12/nspr/lib/ds/plarena.h 2016-02-12 14:51:25.000000000 +0100
+++ new/nspr-4.13.1/nspr/lib/ds/plarena.h       2016-10-20 14:50:51.000000000 
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
  * Also supports LIFO allocation (PL_ARENA_MARK/PL_ARENA_RELEASE).
 #include "prtypes.h"
-#include "plarenas.h"
@@ -47,6 +46,8 @@
+typedef struct PLArenaPool      PLArenaPool;
 struct PLArenaPool {
     PLArena     first;          /* first arena in pool list */
     PLArena     *current;       /* arena from which to allocate space */
@@ -225,6 +226,74 @@
         (a) = 0; \
+** Initialize an arena pool with the given name for debugging and metering,
+** with a minimum gross size per arena of size bytes.  The net size per arena
+** is smaller than the gross size by a header of four pointers plus any
+** necessary padding for alignment.
+** Note: choose a gross size that's a power of two to avoid the heap allocator
+** rounding the size up.
+PR_EXTERN(void) PL_InitArenaPool(
+    PLArenaPool *pool, const char *name, PRUint32 size, PRUint32 align);
+** Finish using arenas, freeing all memory associated with them.
+** NOTE: this function is now a no-op. If you want to free a single
+** PLArenaPoolUse use PL_FreeArenaPool() or PL_FinishArenaPool().
+PR_EXTERN(void) PL_ArenaFinish(void);
+** Free the arenas in pool.  The user may continue to allocate from pool
+** after calling this function.  There is no need to call PL_InitArenaPool()
+** again unless PL_FinishArenaPool(pool) has been called.
+PR_EXTERN(void) PL_FreeArenaPool(PLArenaPool *pool);
+** Free the arenas in pool and finish using it altogether.
+PR_EXTERN(void) PL_FinishArenaPool(PLArenaPool *pool);
+** Compact all of the arenas in a pool so that no space is wasted.
+** NOT IMPLEMENTED.  Do not use.
+PR_EXTERN(void) PL_CompactArenaPool(PLArenaPool *pool);
+** Friend functions used by the PL_ARENA_*() macros.
+** WARNING: do not call these functions directly. Always use the
+** PL_ARENA_*() macros.
+PR_EXTERN(void *) PL_ArenaAllocate(PLArenaPool *pool, PRUint32 nb);
+PR_EXTERN(void *) PL_ArenaGrow(
+    PLArenaPool *pool, void *p, PRUint32 size, PRUint32 incr);
+PR_EXTERN(void) PL_ArenaRelease(PLArenaPool *pool, char *mark);
+** memset contents of all arenas in pool to pattern
+PR_EXTERN(void) PL_ClearArenaPool(PLArenaPool *pool, PRInt32 pattern);
+** A function like malloc_size() or malloc_usable_size() that measures the
+** size of a heap block.
+typedef size_t (*PLMallocSizeFn)(const void *ptr);
+** Measure all memory used by a PLArenaPool, excluding the PLArenaPool
+** structure.
+PR_EXTERN(size_t) PL_SizeOfArenaPoolExcludingPool(
+    const PLArenaPool *pool, PLMallocSizeFn mallocSizeOf);
 #include <stdio.h>
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/nspr-4.12/nspr/lib/ds/plarenas.h 
--- old/nspr-4.12/nspr/lib/ds/plarenas.h        2016-02-12 14:51:25.000000000 
+++ new/nspr-4.13.1/nspr/lib/ds/plarenas.h      2016-10-20 14:50:51.000000000 
@@ -3,79 +3,10 @@
  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
  * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
-#ifndef PLARENAS_H
-#define PLARENAS_H
-typedef struct PLArenaPool      PLArenaPool;
-** Initialize an arena pool with the given name for debugging and metering,
-** with a minimum gross size per arena of size bytes.  The net size per arena
-** is smaller than the gross size by a header of four pointers plus any
-** necessary padding for alignment.
-** Note: choose a gross size that's a power of two to avoid the heap allocator
-** rounding the size up.
-PR_EXTERN(void) PL_InitArenaPool(
-    PLArenaPool *pool, const char *name, PRUint32 size, PRUint32 align);
-** Finish using arenas, freeing all memory associated with them.
-PR_EXTERN(void) PL_ArenaFinish(void);
-** Free the arenas in pool.  The user may continue to allocate from pool
-** after calling this function.  There is no need to call PL_InitArenaPool()
-** again unless PL_FinishArenaPool(pool) has been called.
-PR_EXTERN(void) PL_FreeArenaPool(PLArenaPool *pool);
-** Free the arenas in pool and finish using it altogether.
-PR_EXTERN(void) PL_FinishArenaPool(PLArenaPool *pool);
-** Compact all of the arenas in a pool so that no space is wasted.
-** NOT IMPLEMENTED.  Do not use.
-PR_EXTERN(void) PL_CompactArenaPool(PLArenaPool *pool);
-** Friend functions used by the PL_ARENA_*() macros.
-** WARNING: do not call these functions directly. Always use the
-** PL_ARENA_*() macros.
+** PLArena-related declarations used to be split between plarenas.h and
+** plarena.h. That split wasn't useful, so now all the declarations are in
+** plarena.h. However, this file still exists so that any old code that
+** includes it will still work.
-PR_EXTERN(void *) PL_ArenaAllocate(PLArenaPool *pool, PRUint32 nb);
-PR_EXTERN(void *) PL_ArenaGrow(
-    PLArenaPool *pool, void *p, PRUint32 size, PRUint32 incr);
-PR_EXTERN(void) PL_ArenaRelease(PLArenaPool *pool, char *mark);
-** memset contents of all arenas in pool to pattern
-PR_EXTERN(void) PL_ClearArenaPool(PLArenaPool *pool, PRInt32 pattern);
-** A function like malloc_size() or malloc_usable_size() that measures the
-** size of a heap block.
-typedef size_t (*PLMallocSizeFn)(const void *ptr);
-** Measure all memory used by a PLArenaPool, excluding the PLArenaPool
-** structure.
-PR_EXTERN(size_t) PL_SizeOfArenaPoolExcludingPool(
-    const PLArenaPool *pool, PLMallocSizeFn mallocSizeOf);
-#endif /* PLARENAS_H */
+#include "plarena.h"
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/nspr-4.12/nspr/lib/libc/src/strcase.c 
--- old/nspr-4.12/nspr/lib/libc/src/strcase.c   2016-02-12 14:51:25.000000000 
+++ new/nspr-4.13.1/nspr/lib/libc/src/strcase.c 2016-10-20 14:50:51.000000000 
@@ -48,8 +48,10 @@
     const unsigned char *ua = (const unsigned char *)a;
     const unsigned char *ub = (const unsigned char *)b;
-    if( ((const char *)0 == a) || (const char *)0 == b ) 
-        return (PRIntn)(a-b);
+    if( (const char *)0 == a )
+        return ((const char *)0 == b) ? 0 : -1;
+    if( (const char *)0 == b )
+        return 1;
     while( (uc[*ua] == uc[*ub]) && ('\0' != *a) )
@@ -67,8 +69,10 @@
     const unsigned char *ua = (const unsigned char *)a;
     const unsigned char *ub = (const unsigned char *)b;
-    if( ((const char *)0 == a) || (const char *)0 == b ) 
-        return (PRIntn)(a-b);
+    if( (const char *)0 == a )
+        return ((const char *)0 == b) ? 0 : -1;
+    if( (const char *)0 == b )
+        return 1;
     while( max && (uc[*ua] == uc[*ub]) && ('\0' != *a) )
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/nspr-4.12/nspr/lib/libc/src/strcmp.c 
--- old/nspr-4.12/nspr/lib/libc/src/strcmp.c    2016-02-12 14:51:25.000000000 
+++ new/nspr-4.13.1/nspr/lib/libc/src/strcmp.c  2016-10-20 14:50:51.000000000 
@@ -9,8 +9,10 @@
 PL_strcmp(const char *a, const char *b)
-    if( ((const char *)0 == a) || (const char *)0 == b ) 
-        return (PRIntn)(a-b);
+    if( (const char *)0 == a )
+        return ((const char *)0 == b) ? 0 : -1;
+    if( (const char *)0 == b )
+        return 1;
     return (PRIntn)strcmp(a, b);
@@ -18,8 +20,10 @@
 PL_strncmp(const char *a, const char *b, PRUint32 max)
-    if( ((const char *)0 == a) || (const char *)0 == b ) 
-        return (PRIntn)(a-b);
+    if( (const char *)0 == a )
+        return ((const char *)0 == b) ? 0 : -1;
+    if( (const char *)0 == b )
+        return 1;
     return (PRIntn)strncmp(a, b, (size_t)max);
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/nspr-4.12/nspr/pr/include/prinit.h 
--- old/nspr-4.12/nspr/pr/include/prinit.h      2016-02-12 14:51:25.000000000 
+++ new/nspr-4.13.1/nspr/pr/include/prinit.h    2016-10-20 14:50:51.000000000 
@@ -31,10 +31,10 @@
 ** The format of the version string is
 **     "<major version>.<minor version>[.<patch level>] [<Beta>]"
-#define PR_VERSION  "4.12"
+#define PR_VERSION  "4.13.1"
 #define PR_VMAJOR   4
-#define PR_VMINOR   12
-#define PR_VPATCH   0
+#define PR_VMINOR   13
+#define PR_VPATCH   1
 #define PR_BETA     PR_FALSE
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/nspr-4.12/nspr/pr/include/prio.h 
--- old/nspr-4.12/nspr/pr/include/prio.h        2016-02-12 14:51:25.000000000 
+++ new/nspr-4.13.1/nspr/pr/include/prio.h      2016-10-20 14:50:51.000000000 
@@ -196,8 +196,8 @@
     PR_SockOpt_Linger,          /* linger on close if data present */
     PR_SockOpt_Reuseaddr,       /* allow local address reuse */
     PR_SockOpt_Keepalive,       /* keep connections alive */
-    PR_SockOpt_RecvBufferSize,  /* send buffer size */
-    PR_SockOpt_SendBufferSize,  /* receive buffer size */
+    PR_SockOpt_RecvBufferSize,  /* receive buffer size */
+    PR_SockOpt_SendBufferSize,  /* send buffer size */
     PR_SockOpt_IpTimeToLive,    /* time to live */
     PR_SockOpt_IpTypeOfService, /* type of service and precedence */
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/nspr-4.12/nspr/pr/include/prolock.h 
--- old/nspr-4.12/nspr/pr/include/prolock.h     2016-02-12 14:51:25.000000000 
+++ new/nspr-4.13.1/nspr/pr/include/prolock.h   2016-10-20 14:50:51.000000000 
@@ -11,21 +11,21 @@
-** A locking mechanism, built on the existing PRLock definiion,
+** A locking mechanism, built on the existing PRLock definition,
 ** is provided that will permit applications to define a Lock
 ** Hierarchy (or Lock Ordering) schema. An application designed
 ** using the Ordered Lock functions will terminate with a
 ** diagnostic message when a lock inversion condition is
 ** detected. 
-** The lock ordering detection is complile-time enabled only. in
+** The lock ordering detection is compile-time enabled only. In
 ** optimized builds of NSPR, the Ordered Lock functions map
 ** directly to PRLock functions, providing no lock order
 ** detection.
 ** The Ordered Lock Facility is compiled in when DEBUG is defined at
-** compile time. Ordered Lock can be forced on in optimized builds by
-** defining FORCE_NSPR_ORDERED_LOCK at compile time. Both the
+** compile-time. Ordered Lock can be forced on in optimized builds by
+** defining FORCE_NSPR_ORDERED_LOCK at compile-time. Both the
 ** application using Ordered Lock and NSPR must be compiled with the
 ** facility enabled to achieve the desired results.
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/nspr-4.12/nspr/pr/src/io/prlayer.c 
--- old/nspr-4.12/nspr/pr/src/io/prlayer.c      2016-02-12 14:51:25.000000000 
+++ new/nspr-4.13.1/nspr/pr/src/io/prlayer.c    2016-10-20 14:50:51.000000000 
@@ -683,12 +683,17 @@
 PR_IMPLEMENT(const char*) PR_GetNameForIdentity(PRDescIdentity ident)
+    const char *rv = NULL;
     if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization();
-    if (PR_TOP_IO_LAYER == ident) return NULL;
+    if ((PR_TOP_IO_LAYER != ident) && (ident >= 0)) {
+      PR_Lock(identity_cache.ml);
+      PR_ASSERT(ident <= identity_cache.ident);
+      rv = (ident > identity_cache.ident) ? NULL : identity_cache.name[ident];
+      PR_Unlock(identity_cache.ml);
+    }
-    PR_ASSERT(ident <= identity_cache.ident);
-    return (ident > identity_cache.ident) ? NULL : identity_cache.name[ident];
+    return rv;
 }  /* PR_GetNameForIdentity */
 PR_IMPLEMENT(PRDescIdentity) PR_GetLayersIdentity(PRFileDesc* fd)
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/nspr-4.12/nspr/pr/src/io/prprf.c 
--- old/nspr-4.12/nspr/pr/src/io/prprf.c        2016-02-12 14:51:25.000000000 
+++ new/nspr-4.13.1/nspr/pr/src/io/prprf.c      2016-10-20 14:50:51.000000000 
@@ -461,7 +461,7 @@
        if( c == '%' )  continue;
        cn = 0;
-       while( c && c != '$' ){     /* should imporve error check later */
+       while( c && c != '$' ){     /* should improve error check later */
            cn = cn*10 + c - '0';
            c = *p++;
@@ -745,7 +745,7 @@
        if( nas != NULL ){
            /* the fmt contains the Numbered Arguments feature */
            i = 0;
-           while( c && c != '$' ){         /* should imporve error check later 
+           while( c && c != '$' ){         /* should improve error check later 
                i = ( i * 10 ) + ( c - '0' );
                c = *fmt++;
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/nspr-4.12/nspr/pr/src/misc/prlong.c 
--- old/nspr-4.12/nspr/pr/src/misc/prlong.c     2016-02-12 14:51:25.000000000 
+++ new/nspr-4.13.1/nspr/pr/src/misc/prlong.c   2016-10-20 14:50:51.000000000 
@@ -5,10 +5,10 @@
 #include "prlong.h"
-static PRInt64 ll_zero = LL_INIT( 0x00000000,0x00000000 );
-static PRInt64 ll_maxint = LL_INIT( 0x7fffffff, 0xffffffff );
-static PRInt64 ll_minint = LL_INIT( 0x80000000, 0x00000000 );
-static PRUint64 ll_maxuint = LL_INIT( 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff );
+static PRInt64 ll_zero = PR_INT64(0x0000000000000000);
+static PRInt64 ll_maxint = PR_INT64(0x7fffffffffffffff);
+static PRInt64 ll_minint = PR_INT64(0x8000000000000000);
+static PRUint64 ll_maxuint = PR_UINT64(0xffffffffffffffff);
 PR_IMPLEMENT(PRInt64) LL_Zero(void) { return ll_zero; }
 PR_IMPLEMENT(PRInt64) LL_MaxInt(void) { return ll_maxint; }
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/nspr-4.12/nspr/pr/tests/sockopt.c 
--- old/nspr-4.12/nspr/pr/tests/sockopt.c       2016-02-12 14:51:25.000000000 
+++ new/nspr-4.13.1/nspr/pr/tests/sockopt.c     2016-10-20 14:50:51.000000000 
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@
         "PR_SockOpt_Linger",          /* linger on close if data present */
         "PR_SockOpt_Reuseaddr",       /* allow local address reuse */
         "PR_SockOpt_Keepalive",       /* keep connections alive */
-        "PR_SockOpt_RecvBufferSize",  /* send buffer size */
-        "PR_SockOpt_SendBufferSize",  /* receive buffer size */
+        "PR_SockOpt_RecvBufferSize",  /* receive buffer size */
+        "PR_SockOpt_SendBufferSize",  /* send buffer size */
         "PR_SockOpt_IpTimeToLive",    /* time to live */
         "PR_SockOpt_IpTypeOfService", /* type of service and precedence */
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/nspr-4.12/nspr/pr/tests/vercheck.c 
--- old/nspr-4.12/nspr/pr/tests/vercheck.c      2016-02-12 14:51:25.000000000 
+++ new/nspr-4.13.1/nspr/pr/tests/vercheck.c    2016-10-20 14:50:51.000000000 
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
     "4.10", "4.10.1", "4.10.2", "4.10.3", "4.10.4",
     "4.10.5", "4.10.6", "4.10.7", "4.10.8", "4.10.9",
-    "4.10.10", "4.11",
+    "4.10.10", "4.11", "4.12", "4.13",
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@
     "3.0", "3.0.1",
     "3.1", "3.1.1", "3.1.2", "3.1.3",
     "3.5", "3.5.1",
-    "4.11.1",
-    "4.12.1",
+    "4.13.2",
+    "4.14", "4.14.1",
     "10.0", "11.1", "12.14.20"

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