Hello community,

here is the log from the commit of package ghc-persistent-mysql for 
openSUSE:Factory checked in at 2017-05-10 20:48:27
Comparing /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/ghc-persistent-mysql (Old)
 and      /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.ghc-persistent-mysql.new (New)

Package is "ghc-persistent-mysql"

Wed May 10 20:48:27 2017 rev:2 rq:489362 version:

    2017-04-12 18:08:18.421059863 +0200
   2017-05-10 20:48:29.559990781 +0200
@@ -1,0 +2,5 @@
+Tue Mar 14 09:26:15 UTC 2017 - psim...@suse.com
+- Update to version with cabal2obs.




Other differences:
++++++ ghc-persistent-mysql.spec ++++++
--- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.HKTnDp/_old  2017-05-10 20:48:31.975649916 +0200
+++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.HKTnDp/_new  2017-05-10 20:48:31.979649351 +0200
@@ -18,14 +18,13 @@
 %global pkg_name persistent-mysql
 Name:           ghc-%{pkg_name}
-Version:        2.6
 Release:        0
 Summary:        Backend for the persistent library using MySQL database server
 License:        MIT
 Group:          Development/Languages/Other
 Url:            https://hackage.haskell.org/package/%{pkg_name}
 BuildRequires:  ghc-Cabal-devel
 BuildRequires:  ghc-aeson-devel
 BuildRequires:  ghc-blaze-builder-devel
@@ -70,7 +69,6 @@
 %setup -q -n %{pkg_name}-%{version}
-cp -p %{SOURCE1} %{pkg_name}.cabal

++++++ persistent-mysql-2.6.tar.gz -> persistent-mysql- ++++++
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/persistent-mysql-2.6/Database/Persist/MySQL.hs 
--- old/persistent-mysql-2.6/Database/Persist/MySQL.hs  2016-08-10 
05:20:24.000000000 +0200
+++ new/persistent-mysql-      2017-03-03 
10:45:56.000000000 +0100
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 import Control.Monad.Logger (MonadLogger, runNoLoggingT)
 import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (..))
 import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
-import Control.Monad.Trans.Error (ErrorT(..))
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (runExceptT)
 import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (runReaderT)
 import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer (runWriterT)
 import Data.Monoid ((<>))
@@ -124,6 +124,7 @@
         , connRDBMS      = "mysql"
         , connLimitOffset = decorateSQLWithLimitOffset "LIMIT 
         , connLogFunc    = logFunc
+        , connMaxParams = Nothing
 -- | Prepare a query.  We don't support prepared statements, but
@@ -456,7 +457,7 @@
     stmtIdClmn <- getter "SELECT COLUMN_NAME, \
                                  \IS_NULLABLE, \
                                  \DATA_TYPE, \
-                                 \COLUMN_DEFAULT \
+                                 \IF(IS_NULLABLE='YES', 
                           \FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS \
                           \WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = ? \
                             \AND TABLE_NAME   = ? \
@@ -467,8 +468,12 @@
     -- Find out all columns.
     stmtClmns <- getter "SELECT COLUMN_NAME, \
                                \IS_NULLABLE, \
+                               \DATA_TYPE, \
                                \COLUMN_TYPE, \
-                               \COLUMN_DEFAULT \
+                               \CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH, \
+                               \NUMERIC_PRECISION, \
+                               \NUMERIC_SCALE, \
+                               \IF(IS_NULLABLE='YES', COALESCE(COLUMN_DEFAULT, 
                         \FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS \
                         \WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = ? \
                           \AND TABLE_NAME   = ? \
@@ -519,10 +524,14 @@
           -> IO (Either Text Column)
 getColumn connectInfo getter tname [ PersistText cname
                                    , PersistText null_
-                                   , PersistText type'
+                                   , PersistText dataType
+                                   , PersistText colType
+                                   , colMaxLen
+                                   , colPrecision
+                                   , colScale
                                    , default'] =
     fmap (either (Left . pack) Right) $
-    runErrorT $ do
+    runExceptT $ do
       -- Default value
       default_ <- case default' of
                     PersistNull   -> return Nothing
@@ -557,63 +566,65 @@
                    return $ if pos == 1 then Just (DBName tab, DBName ref) 
else Nothing
                _ -> fail "MySQL.getColumn/getRef: never here"
+      let colMaxLen' = case colMaxLen of
+            PersistInt64 l -> Just (fromIntegral l)
+            _ -> Nothing
+          ci = ColumnInfo
+            { ciColumnType = colType
+            , ciMaxLength = colMaxLen'
+            , ciNumericPrecision = colPrecision
+            , ciNumericScale = colScale
+            }
+      (typ, maxLen) <- parseColumnType dataType ci
       -- Okay!
       return Column
         { cName = DBName $ cname
         , cNull = null_ == "YES"
-        , cSqlType = parseType type'
+        , cSqlType = typ
         , cDefault = default_
         , cDefaultConstraintName = Nothing
-        , cMaxLen = Nothing -- FIXME: maxLen
+        , cMaxLen = maxLen
         , cReference = ref
 getColumn _ _ _ x =
     return $ Left $ pack $ "Invalid result from INFORMATION_SCHEMA: " ++ show x
+-- | Extra column information from MySQL schema
+data ColumnInfo = ColumnInfo
+  { ciColumnType :: Text
+  , ciMaxLength :: Maybe Integer
+  , ciNumericPrecision :: PersistValue
+  , ciNumericScale :: PersistValue
+  }
 -- | Parse the type of column as returned by MySQL's
-parseType :: Text -> SqlType
-parseType "bigint(20)" = SqlInt64
-parseType "decimal(32,20)" = SqlNumeric 32 20
-parseType "tinyint"    = SqlBool
+parseColumnType :: Monad m => Text -> ColumnInfo -> m (SqlType, Maybe Integer)
 -- Ints
-parseType "int"        = SqlInt32
---parseType "short"      = SqlInt32
---parseType "long"       = SqlInt64
---parseType "longlong"   = SqlInt64
---parseType "mediumint"  = SqlInt32
-parseType "bigint"     = SqlInt64
+parseColumnType "tinyint" ci | ciColumnType ci == "tinyint(1)" = return 
(SqlBool, Nothing)
+parseColumnType "int" ci | ciColumnType ci == "int(11)"        = return 
(SqlInt32, Nothing)
+parseColumnType "bigint" ci | ciColumnType ci == "bigint(20)"  = return 
(SqlInt64, Nothing)
 -- Double
---parseType "float"      = SqlReal
-parseType "double"     = SqlReal
---parseType "decimal"    = SqlReal
---parseType "newdecimal" = SqlReal
+parseColumnType "double" _                                     = return 
(SqlReal, Nothing)
+parseColumnType "decimal" ci                                   =
+  case (ciNumericPrecision ci, ciNumericScale ci) of
+    (PersistInt64 p, PersistInt64 s) ->
+      return (SqlNumeric (fromIntegral p) (fromIntegral s), Nothing)
+    _ ->
+      fail "missing DECIMAL precision in DB schema"
 -- Text
-parseType "varchar"    = SqlString
---parseType "varstring"  = SqlString
---parseType "string"     = SqlString
-parseType "text"       = SqlString
---parseType "tinytext"   = SqlString
---parseType "mediumtext" = SqlString
---parseType "longtext"   = SqlString
+parseColumnType "varchar" ci                                   = return 
(SqlString, ciMaxLength ci)
+parseColumnType "text" _                                       = return 
(SqlString, Nothing)
 -- ByteString
-parseType "varbinary"  = SqlBlob
-parseType "blob"       = SqlBlob
---parseType "tinyblob"   = SqlBlob
---parseType "mediumblob" = SqlBlob
---parseType "longblob"   = SqlBlob
+parseColumnType "varbinary" ci                                 = return 
(SqlBlob, ciMaxLength ci)
+parseColumnType "blob" _                                       = return 
(SqlBlob, Nothing)
 -- Time-related
-parseType "time"       = SqlTime
-parseType "datetime"   = SqlDayTime
---parseType "timestamp"  = SqlDayTime
-parseType "date"       = SqlDay
---parseType "newdate"    = SqlDay
---parseType "year"       = SqlDay
-parseType b            = SqlOther b
+parseColumnType "time" _                                       = return 
(SqlTime, Nothing)
+parseColumnType "datetime" _                                   = return 
(SqlDayTime, Nothing)
+parseColumnType "date" _                                       = return 
(SqlDay, Nothing)
+parseColumnType _ ci                                           = return 
(SqlOther (ciColumnType ci), Nothing)
@@ -931,9 +942,9 @@
     let name = entityDB val
     let (newcols, udefs, fdefs) = mkColumns allDefs val
     let udspair = map udToPair udefs
-    case ([], [], partitionEithers []) of
+    case () of
       -- Nothing found, create everything
-      ([], [], _) -> do
+      () -> do
         let uniques = flip concatMap udspair $ \(uname, ucols) ->
                       [ AlterTable name $
                         AddUniqueConstraint uname $
@@ -941,11 +952,12 @@
         let foreigns = do
               Column { cName=cname, cReference=Just (refTblName, _a) } <- 
               return $ AlterColumn name (refTblName, addReference allDefs 
(refName name cname) refTblName cname)
-        let foreignsAlt = map (\fdef -> let (childfields, parentfields) = 
unzip (map (\((_,b),(_,d)) -> (b,d)) (foreignFields fdef)) 
+        let foreignsAlt = map (\fdef -> let (childfields, parentfields) = 
unzip (map (\((_,b),(_,d)) -> (b,d)) (foreignFields fdef))
                                         in AlterColumn name 
(foreignRefTableDBName fdef, AddReference (foreignRefTableDBName fdef) 
(foreignConstraintNameDBName fdef) childfields parentfields)) fdefs
         return $ Right $ map showAlterDb $ (addTable newcols val): uniques ++ 
foreigns ++ foreignsAlt
+    {- FIXME redundant, why is this here? The whole case expression is weird
       -- No errors and something found, migrate
       (_, _, ([], old')) -> do
         let excludeForeignKeys (xs,ys) = (map (\c -> case cReference c of
@@ -959,6 +971,7 @@
         return $ Right $ map showAlterDb $ acs' ++ ats'
       -- Errors
       (_, _, (errs, _)) -> return $ Left errs
+    -}
         findTypeAndMaxLen tblName col = let (col', ty) = findTypeOfColumn 
allDefs tblName col
@@ -991,7 +1004,9 @@
                              connNoLimit = undefined,
                              connRDBMS = undefined,
                              connLimitOffset = undefined,
-                             connLogFunc = undefined}
+                             connLogFunc = undefined,
+                             connUpsertSql = undefined,
+                             connMaxParams = Nothing}
       result = runReaderT . runWriterT . runWriterT $ mig 
   resp <- result sqlbackend
   mapM_ T.putStrLn $ map snd $ snd resp
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/persistent-mysql-2.6/persistent-mysql.cabal 
--- old/persistent-mysql-2.6/persistent-mysql.cabal     2016-08-14 
00:03:06.000000000 +0200
+++ new/persistent-mysql- 2017-03-03 
10:45:56.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 name:            persistent-mysql
-version:         2.6
 license:         MIT
 license-file:    LICENSE
 author:          Felipe Lessa <felipe.le...@gmail.com>, Michael Snoyman
@@ -29,10 +29,10 @@
     build-depends:   base                  >= 4.6        && < 5
                    , transformers          >= 0.2.1
-                   , mysql-simple          >=  && < 0.3
+                   , mysql-simple          >=  && < 0.5
                    , mysql                 >=  && < 0.2
                    , blaze-builder
-                   , persistent            >= 2.6      && < 3
+                   , persistent            >= 2.6.1    && < 3
                    , containers            >= 0.2
                    , bytestring            >= 0.9
                    , text                  >=

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