Hello community,

here is the log from the commit of package ghc-pipes-cacophony for 
openSUSE:Factory checked in at 2017-08-31 20:48:40
Comparing /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/ghc-pipes-cacophony (Old)
 and      /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.ghc-pipes-cacophony.new (New)

Package is "ghc-pipes-cacophony"

Thu Aug 31 20:48:40 2017 rev:3 rq:513450 version:0.5.0

--- /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/ghc-pipes-cacophony/ghc-pipes-cacophony.changes  
2017-04-18 13:48:34.569944394 +0200
    2017-08-31 20:48:41.980836473 +0200
@@ -1,0 +2,10 @@
+Sun Jul 30 03:01:24 UTC 2017 - psim...@suse.com
+- Update to version 0.5.0 revision 1.
+Thu Jul 27 14:07:28 UTC 2017 - psim...@suse.com
+- Update to version 0.5.0.




Other differences:
++++++ ghc-pipes-cacophony.spec ++++++
--- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.OwpGHg/_old  2017-08-31 20:48:43.120676476 +0200
+++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.OwpGHg/_new  2017-08-31 20:48:43.128675353 +0200
@@ -19,17 +19,17 @@
 %global pkg_name pipes-cacophony
 %bcond_with tests
 Name:           ghc-%{pkg_name}
-Version:        0.4.1
+Version:        0.5.0
 Release:        0
 Summary:        Pipes for Noise-secured network connections
 License:        SUSE-Public-Domain
 Group:          Development/Languages/Other
 Url:            https://hackage.haskell.org/package/%{pkg_name}
 BuildRequires:  ghc-Cabal-devel
 BuildRequires:  ghc-bytestring-devel
 BuildRequires:  ghc-cacophony-devel
-BuildRequires:  ghc-memory-devel
 BuildRequires:  ghc-pipes-devel
 BuildRequires:  ghc-rpm-macros
 BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
 %setup -q -n %{pkg_name}-%{version}
+cp -p %{SOURCE1} %{pkg_name}.cabal

++++++ pipes-cacophony-0.4.1.tar.gz -> pipes-cacophony-0.5.0.tar.gz ++++++
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/pipes-cacophony-0.4.1/.travis.yml 
--- old/pipes-cacophony-0.4.1/.travis.yml       2016-12-26 17:17:05.000000000 
+++ new/pipes-cacophony-0.5.0/.travis.yml       2017-06-26 18:13:04.000000000 
@@ -1,81 +1,36 @@
-# This file has been generated -- see https://github.com/hvr/multi-ghc-travis
 language: c
-sudo: false
+dist: trusty
-    - $HOME/.cabsnap
-    - $HOME/.cabal/packages
+    - $HOME/.stack
-  - rm -fv $HOME/.cabal/packages/hackage.haskell.org/build-reports.log
-  - rm -fv $HOME/.cabal/packages/hackage.haskell.org/00-index.tar
+  apt:
+    packages:
+      - libgmp-dev
-    - env: CABALVER=1.22 GHCVER=7.10.3
-      compiler: ": #GHC 7.10.3"
-      addons: {apt: {packages: 
[cabal-install-1.22,ghc-7.10.3,alex-3.1.7,happy-1.19.5], sources: [hvr-ghc]}}
-    - env: CABALVER=1.24 GHCVER=8.0.2
-      compiler: ": #GHC 8.0.2"
-      addons: {apt: {packages: 
[cabal-install-1.24,ghc-8.0.2,alex-3.1.7,happy-1.19.5], sources: [hvr-ghc]}}
-    - env: CABALVER=head GHCVER=head
-      compiler: ": #GHC head"
-      addons: {apt: {packages: 
[cabal-install-head,ghc-head,alex-3.1.7,happy-1.19.5], sources: [hvr-ghc]}}
+    - env: ARGS="--resolver lts-8"
+      compiler: ": #stack 8.0.2"
+    - env: ARGS="--resolver nightly"
+      compiler: ": #stack nightly"
-   - env: CABALVER=head GHCVER=head
+    - env: ARGS="--resolver nightly"
+      compiler: ": #stack nightly"
   - unset CC
-  - export HAPPYVER=1.19.5
-  - export ALEXVER=3.1.7
-  - export 
+  - mkdir -p ~/.local/bin
+  - export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH
+  - travis_retry curl -L https://www.stackage.org/stack/linux-x86_64 | tar xz 
--wildcards --strip-components=1 -C ~/.local/bin '*/stack'
-  - cabal --version
-  - echo "$(ghc --version) [$(ghc --print-project-git-commit-id 2> /dev/null 
|| echo '?')]"
-  - if [ -f $HOME/.cabal/packages/hackage.haskell.org/00-index.tar.gz ];
-    then
-      zcat $HOME/.cabal/packages/hackage.haskell.org/00-index.tar.gz >
-           $HOME/.cabal/packages/hackage.haskell.org/00-index.tar;
-    fi
-  - travis_retry cabal update
-  - "sed -i  's/^jobs:.*$/jobs: 2/' $HOME/.cabal/config"
-  - cabal install --only-dependencies --enable-tests -fbuild-examples --dry -v 
pipes-cacophony.cabal > installplan.txt
-  - sed -i -e '1,/^Resolving /d' installplan.txt; cat installplan.txt
-  # check whether current requested install-plan matches cached package-db 
-  - if diff -u installplan.txt $HOME/.cabsnap/installplan.txt;
-    then
-      echo "cabal build-cache HIT";
-      rm -rfv .ghc;
-      cp -a $HOME/.cabsnap/ghc $HOME/.ghc;
-      cp -a $HOME/.cabsnap/lib $HOME/.cabsnap/share $HOME/.cabsnap/bin 
-    else
-      echo "cabal build-cache MISS";
-      rm -rf $HOME/.cabsnap;
-      mkdir -p $HOME/.ghc $HOME/.cabal/lib $HOME/.cabal/share $HOME/.cabal/bin;
-      cabal install --only-dependencies --enable-tests -fbuild-examples 
-    fi
-  # snapshot package-db on cache miss
-  - if [ ! -d $HOME/.cabsnap ];
-    then
-      echo "snapshotting package-db to build-cache";
-      mkdir $HOME/.cabsnap;
-      cp -a $HOME/.ghc $HOME/.cabsnap/ghc;
-      cp -a $HOME/.cabal/lib $HOME/.cabal/share $HOME/.cabal/bin 
installplan.txt $HOME/.cabsnap/;
-    fi
+  - stack $ARGS setup
-  - cabal configure --enable-tests -fbuild-examples -v2  # -v2 provides useful 
information for debugging
-  - cabal build   # this builds all libraries and executables (including tests)
-  - cabal test
-  - cabal sdist   # tests that a source-distribution can be generated
-  # Check that the resulting source distribution can be built & installed.
-  # If there are no other `.tar.gz` files in `dist`, this can be even simpler:
-  # `cabal install --force-reinstalls dist/*-*.tar.gz`
-  - SRC_TGZ=$(cabal info . | awk '{print $2;exit}').tar.gz &&
-    (cd dist && cabal install --enable-tests --run-tests -fbuild-examples 
--force-reinstalls "$SRC_TGZ")
+  - stack $ARGS --no-terminal test --flag "pipes-cacophony:build-examples" 
--haddock --no-haddock-deps
+  - stack sdist
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/pipes-cacophony-0.4.1/changelog.md 
--- old/pipes-cacophony-0.4.1/changelog.md      2016-12-26 17:17:05.000000000 
+++ new/pipes-cacophony-0.5.0/changelog.md      2017-06-26 18:13:04.000000000 
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+# 0.5.0
+* Brought up to date with cacophony API changes
 # 0.4.1
 * Brought up to date with cacophony API changes
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/pipes-cacophony-0.4.1/examples/loopback/Main.hs 
--- old/pipes-cacophony-0.4.1/examples/loopback/Main.hs 2016-12-26 
17:17:05.000000000 +0100
+++ new/pipes-cacophony-0.5.0/examples/loopback/Main.hs 2017-06-26 
18:13:04.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
 module Main where
-import Control.Exception     (SomeException)
-import Control.Lens
 import Control.Monad         (forever)
-import Data.ByteArray        (ScrubbedBytes, convert)
 import Data.ByteString.Char8 (unpack, pack)
+import Data.Maybe            (fromMaybe)
 import Pipes
 import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P
@@ -17,28 +15,49 @@
 import Pipes.Noise
-strToSB :: Pipe String ScrubbedBytes IO (Either SomeException ())
+strToSB :: (Cipher c, DH d, Hash h)
+        => Pipe String ScrubbedBytes IO (NoiseResult c d h)
 strToSB = forever $ await >>= yield . convert . pack
-sbToStr :: Pipe ScrubbedBytes String IO (Either SomeException ())
+sbToStr :: (Cipher c, DH d, Hash h)
+        => Pipe ScrubbedBytes String IO (NoiseResult c d h)
 sbToStr = forever $ await >>= yield . unpack . convert
+performHandshake :: (Cipher c, DH d, Hash h)
+                 => NoiseState c d h
+                 -> NoiseState c d h
+                 -> (NoiseState c d h, NoiseState c d h)
+performHandshake ins rns = (ins'', rns'')
+  where
+    (NoiseResultMessage ct  ins')  = writeMessage mempty ins
+    (NoiseResultMessage _   rns')  = readMessage ct rns
+    (NoiseResultMessage ct' rns'') = writeMessage mempty rns'
+    (NoiseResultMessage _   ins'') = readMessage ct' ins'
 main :: IO ()
 main = do
   iek <- dhGenKey :: IO (KeyPair Curve25519)
   rek <- dhGenKey :: IO (KeyPair Curve25519)
-  let idho     = defaultHandshakeOpts noiseNN InitiatorRole
-      rdho     = defaultHandshakeOpts noiseNN ResponderRole
-      iho      = idho & hoLocalEphemeral .~ Just iek
-      rho      = rdho & hoLocalEphemeral .~ Just rek
-      ins      = noiseState iho :: NoiseState ChaChaPoly1305 Curve25519 SHA256
-      rns      = noiseState rho :: NoiseState ChaChaPoly1305 Curve25519 SHA256
-  (iip, iop) <- mkNoisePipes ins
-  (rip, rop) <- mkNoisePipes rns
-  result <- runEffect $ (Right () <$ P.stdinLn) >-> strToSB >-> iop >-> rip 
>-> rop >-> iip >-> sbToStr >-> (Right () <$ P.stdoutLn)
+  let idho = defaultHandshakeOpts InitiatorRole "cacophony"
+      rdho = defaultHandshakeOpts ResponderRole "cacophony"
+      iho  = setLocalEphemeral (Just iek) idho
+      rho  = setLocalEphemeral (Just rek) rdho
+      ins  = noiseState iho noiseNN :: NoiseState ChaChaPoly1305 Curve25519 
+      rns  = noiseState rho noiseNN :: NoiseState ChaChaPoly1305 Curve25519 
+      (ins', rns') = performHandshake ins rns
+      (iip, iop)   = fromMaybe (error "unable to make Noise pipe") $ 
mkNoisePipes ins'
+      (rip, rop)   = fromMaybe (error "unable to make Noise pipe") $ 
mkNoisePipes rns'
+  result <- runEffect $ (undefined <$ P.stdinLn)
+                        >-> strToSB
+                        >-> iop
+                        >-> rip
+                        >-> rop
+                        >-> iip
+                        >-> sbToStr
+                        >-> (undefined <$ P.stdoutLn)
   case result of
-    Left e  -> print e
-    Right _ -> return ()
+    NoiseResultException ex -> print ex
+    _ -> return ()
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/pipes-cacophony-0.4.1/package.yaml 
--- old/pipes-cacophony-0.4.1/package.yaml      1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 
+++ new/pipes-cacophony-0.5.0/package.yaml      2017-06-26 18:20:38.000000000 
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+name: pipes-cacophony
+synopsis: Pipes for Noise-secured network connections.
+version: 0.5.0
+license: PublicDomain
+license-file: LICENSE
+maintainer: John Galt <jg...@centromere.net>
+category: Cryptography
+github: centromere/pipes-cacophony
+ghc-options: -Wall
+description: |
+  A set of pipes to secure network connections with the
+  <https://github.com/trevp/noise/blob/master/noise.md Noise> protocol.
+  - .travis.yml
+  - README.md
+  - changelog.md
+  - stack.yaml
+  - package.yaml
+  - tests/.hlint
+  build-examples:
+    description: Build examples
+    default: False
+    manual: True
+  source-dirs: src
+  dependencies:
+    - base >= 4.9 && < 4.10
+    - bytestring
+    - cacophony >= 0.10
+    - pipes
+  exposed-modules:
+    - Pipes.Noise
+  default-extensions:
+    - OverloadedStrings
+  hlint:
+    main: hlint.hs
+    source-dirs: tests/hlint
+    dependencies:
+      - base >= 4.9 && < 4.10
+      - hlint
+    ghc-options:
+      - -O2
+      - -rtsopts
+      - -threaded
+      - -with-rtsopts=-N
+  loopback:
+    source-dirs: examples/loopback
+    main: Main.hs
+    when:
+      - condition: 'flag(build-examples)'
+        then:
+          dependencies:
+            - base >= 4.9 && < 4.10
+            - bytestring
+            - cacophony >= 0.10
+            - pipes
+            - pipes-cacophony
+        else:
+          buildable: False
+    ghc-options:
+      - -O2
+      - -rtsopts
+      - -threaded
+      - -with-rtsopts=-N
+    default-extensions:
+      - OverloadedStrings
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/pipes-cacophony-0.4.1/pipes-cacophony.cabal 
--- old/pipes-cacophony-0.4.1/pipes-cacophony.cabal     2016-12-26 
17:17:05.000000000 +0100
+++ new/pipes-cacophony-0.5.0/pipes-cacophony.cabal     2017-06-26 
18:23:31.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,106 +1,79 @@
-name:          pipes-cacophony
-version:       0.4.1
-synopsis:      Pipes for Noise-secured network connections.
-license:       PublicDomain
-license-file:  LICENSE
-author:        John Galt
-maintainer:    jg...@centromere.net
-homepage:      https://github.com/centromere/pipes-cacophony
-bug-reports:   https://github.com/centromere/pipes-cacophony/issues
-category:      Pipes, Cryptography
-build-type:    Simple
-cabal-version: >=1.10
-tested-with:   GHC == 7.10.3, GHC == 8.0.2
-  A set of pipes to secure network connections with the
-  <https://github.com/trevp/noise/blob/master/noise.md Noise> protocol.
+-- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.17.0.
+-- see: https://github.com/sol/hpack
+name:           pipes-cacophony
+version:        0.5.0
+synopsis:       Pipes for Noise-secured network connections.
+description:    A set of pipes to secure network connections with the
+                <https://github.com/trevp/noise/blob/master/noise.md Noise> 
+category:       Cryptography
+homepage:       https://github.com/centromere/pipes-cacophony#readme
+bug-reports:    https://github.com/centromere/pipes-cacophony/issues
+maintainer:     John Galt <jg...@centromere.net>
+license:        PublicDomain
+license-file:   LICENSE
+build-type:     Simple
+cabal-version:  >= 1.10
-  .travis.yml
-  README.md
-  changelog.md
-  tests/.hlint
+    .travis.yml
+    changelog.md
+    package.yaml
+    README.md
+    stack.yaml
+    tests/.hlint
 source-repository head
   type: git
-  location: https://github.com/centromere/pipes-cacophony.git
-flag hlint
-  description: Build hlint test
+  location: https://github.com/centromere/pipes-cacophony
 flag build-examples
-  description: Build example executables
-  default: False
+  description: Build examples
   manual: True
-flag llvm
   default: False
-  manual: True
+  hs-source-dirs:
+      src
+  default-extensions: OverloadedStrings
+  ghc-options: -Wall
-    base        >=4.8 && <5,
-    bytestring,
-    cacophony   >=0.9,
-    memory,
-    pipes
-  hs-source-dirs:   src
-  default-language: Haskell2010
+      base >= 4.9 && < 4.10
+    , bytestring
+    , cacophony >= 0.10
+    , pipes
-    Pipes.Noise
-  ghc-options:      -Wall -fwarn-tabs
-  if flag(llvm)
-    ghc-options: -fllvm
-executable loopback
+      Pipes.Noise
+  other-modules:
+      Paths_pipes_cacophony
   default-language: Haskell2010
-  hs-source-dirs:   examples/loopback
-  main-is:          Main.hs
+executable loopback
+  main-is: Main.hs
+  hs-source-dirs:
+      examples/loopback
+  default-extensions: OverloadedStrings
+  ghc-options: -Wall -O2 -rtsopts -threaded -with-rtsopts=-N
   if flag(build-examples)
-      base            >=4.8 && <5,
-      bytestring,
-      cacophony       >=0.9,
-      lens,
-      memory,
-      pipes,
-      pipes-cacophony
+        base >= 4.9 && < 4.10
+      , bytestring
+      , cacophony >= 0.10
+      , pipes
+      , pipes-cacophony
     buildable: False
-  ghc-options:      -threaded -O2 -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N -Wall -fwarn-tabs
-  if flag(llvm)
-    ghc-options: -fllvm
+  default-language: Haskell2010
 test-suite hlint
-  type:             exitcode-stdio-1.0
-  main-is:          hlint.hs
-  ghc-options:      -Wall -fwarn-tabs
-  hs-source-dirs:   tests
+  type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
+  main-is: hlint.hs
+  hs-source-dirs:
+      tests/hlint
+  ghc-options: -Wall -O2 -rtsopts -threaded -with-rtsopts=-N
+  build-depends:
+      base >= 4.9 && < 4.10
+    , hlint
   default-language: Haskell2010
-  if !flag(hlint)
-    buildable: False
-  else
-    build-depends:
-      base  >=4.8 && <5,
-      hlint
-  if flag(llvm)
-    ghc-options: -fllvm
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/pipes-cacophony-0.4.1/src/Pipes/Noise.hs 
--- old/pipes-cacophony-0.4.1/src/Pipes/Noise.hs        2016-12-26 
17:17:05.000000000 +0100
+++ new/pipes-cacophony-0.5.0/src/Pipes/Noise.hs        2017-06-26 
18:17:46.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
 -- |
 -- Module      : Pipes.Noise
@@ -14,16 +13,13 @@
   , mkNoisePipes
   ) where
-import Control.Concurrent.MVar (MVar, newMVar, putMVar, takeMVar)
-import Control.Exception       (SomeException)
-import Data.ByteArray          (ScrubbedBytes)
-import Data.ByteString         (ByteString)
-import Pipes                   (Pipe, MonadIO, await, yield, liftIO)
-import Crypto.Noise.Cipher     (Cipher)
-import Crypto.Noise.DH         (DH)
-import Crypto.Noise.Hash       (Hash)
+import Data.ByteString     (ByteString)
+import Pipes               (Pipe, await, yield)
 import Crypto.Noise
+import Crypto.Noise.Cipher (Cipher)
+import Crypto.Noise.DH     (DH)
+import Crypto.Noise.Hash   (Hash)
 -- | Pipe used for inbound Noise messages.
 type InboundNoisePipe  = Pipe ByteString ScrubbedBytes
@@ -32,39 +28,40 @@
 type OutboundNoisePipe = Pipe ScrubbedBytes ByteString
 -- | Creates a pair of Pipes, the first used for inbound messages and the
---   second used for outbound messages.
-mkNoisePipes :: (MonadIO m, Cipher c, DH d, Hash h)
+--   second used for outbound messages. Note: The handshake for the given
+--   'NoiseState' must be complete. If it is not, this function will return
+--   'Nothing'.
+mkNoisePipes :: (Monad m, Cipher c, DH d, Hash h)
              => NoiseState c d h
-             -> IO (InboundNoisePipe  m (Either SomeException ()),
-                    OutboundNoisePipe m (Either SomeException ()))
-mkNoisePipes ns = do
-  nsmv <- liftIO . newMVar $ ns
-  return (inboundPipe nsmv, outboundPipe nsmv)
-inboundPipe :: (MonadIO m, Cipher c, DH d, Hash h)
-            => MVar (NoiseState c d h)
-            -> InboundNoisePipe m (Either SomeException ())
-inboundPipe nsmv = do
+             -> Maybe (InboundNoisePipe  m (NoiseResult c d h),
+                       OutboundNoisePipe m (NoiseResult c d h))
+mkNoisePipes ns | handshakeComplete ns = return (inboundPipe ns, outboundPipe 
+                | otherwise            = Nothing
+inboundPipe :: (Monad m, Cipher c, DH d, Hash h)
+            => NoiseState c d h
+            -> InboundNoisePipe m (NoiseResult c d h)
+inboundPipe ns = do
   msg <- await
-  ns <- liftIO . takeMVar $ nsmv
-  case readMessage ns msg of
-    Left e -> return . Left $ e
-    Right (pt, ns') -> do
-      liftIO . putMVar nsmv $ ns'
+  let result = readMessage (convert msg) ns
+  case result of
+    NoiseResultMessage pt ns' -> do
       yield pt
-      inboundPipe nsmv
+      inboundPipe ns'
+    NoiseResultNeedPSK   _ -> return result
+    NoiseResultException _ -> return result
-outboundPipe :: (MonadIO m, Cipher c, DH d, Hash h)
-             => MVar (NoiseState c d h)
-             -> OutboundNoisePipe m (Either SomeException ())
-outboundPipe nsmv = do
+outboundPipe :: (Monad m, Cipher c, DH d, Hash h)
+             => NoiseState c d h
+             -> OutboundNoisePipe m (NoiseResult c d h)
+outboundPipe ns = do
   msg <- await
-  ns <- liftIO . takeMVar $ nsmv
-  case writeMessage ns msg of
-    Left e -> return . Left $ e
-    Right (ct, ns') -> do
-      liftIO . putMVar nsmv $ ns'
-      yield ct
-      outboundPipe nsmv
+  let result = writeMessage msg ns
+  case result of
+    NoiseResultMessage ct ns' -> do
+      yield . convert $ ct
+      outboundPipe ns'
+    NoiseResultNeedPSK   _ -> return result
+    NoiseResultException _ -> return result
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/pipes-cacophony-0.4.1/stack.yaml 
--- old/pipes-cacophony-0.4.1/stack.yaml        1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 
+++ new/pipes-cacophony-0.5.0/stack.yaml        2017-06-26 18:24:27.000000000 
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+resolver: lts-8.20
+  - '.'
+extra-deps: []
+flags: {}
+extra-package-dbs: []
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/pipes-cacophony-0.4.1/tests/hlint/hlint.hs 
--- old/pipes-cacophony-0.4.1/tests/hlint/hlint.hs      1970-01-01 
01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ new/pipes-cacophony-0.5.0/tests/hlint/hlint.hs      2017-06-26 
18:13:04.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+module Main where
+import Control.Monad
+import Language.Haskell.HLint
+import System.Environment
+import System.Exit
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+  args <- getArgs
+  hints <- hlint $ [ "src"
+                   , "tests"
+                   , "--hint=tests/.hlint"
+                   , "--cpp-define=HLINT"
+                   ] `mappend` args
+  unless (null hints) exitFailure
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/pipes-cacophony-0.4.1/tests/hlint.hs 
--- old/pipes-cacophony-0.4.1/tests/hlint.hs    2016-12-26 17:17:05.000000000 
+++ new/pipes-cacophony-0.5.0/tests/hlint.hs    1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-module Main where
-import Control.Monad
-import Language.Haskell.HLint
-import System.Environment
-import System.Exit
-main :: IO ()
-main = do
-  args <- getArgs
-  hints <- hlint $ [ "src"
-                   , "tests"
-                   , "--hint=tests/.hlint"
-                   , "--cpp-define=HLINT"
-                   ] `mappend` args
-  unless (null hints) exitFailure

++++++ pipes-cacophony.cabal ++++++
-- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.17.0.
-- see: https://github.com/sol/hpack

name:           pipes-cacophony
version:        0.5.0
x-revision: 1
synopsis:       Pipes for Noise-secured network connections.
description:    A set of pipes to secure network connections with the
                <https://github.com/trevp/noise/blob/master/noise.md Noise> 
category:       Cryptography
homepage:       https://github.com/centromere/pipes-cacophony#readme
bug-reports:    https://github.com/centromere/pipes-cacophony/issues
maintainer:     John Galt <jg...@centromere.net>
license:        PublicDomain
license-file:   LICENSE
build-type:     Simple
cabal-version:  >= 1.10


source-repository head
  type: git
  location: https://github.com/centromere/pipes-cacophony

flag build-examples
  description: Build examples
  manual: True
  default: False

  default-extensions: OverloadedStrings
  ghc-options: -Wall
      base >= 4.9 && < 4.11
    , bytestring
    , cacophony >= 0.10
    , pipes
  default-language: Haskell2010

executable loopback
  main-is: Main.hs
  default-extensions: OverloadedStrings
  ghc-options: -Wall -O2 -rtsopts -threaded -with-rtsopts=-N
  if flag(build-examples)
        base >= 4.9 && < 4.10
      , bytestring
      , cacophony >= 0.10
      , pipes
      , pipes-cacophony
    buildable: False
  default-language: Haskell2010

test-suite hlint
  type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
  main-is: hlint.hs
  ghc-options: -Wall -O2 -rtsopts -threaded -with-rtsopts=-N
      base >= 4.9 && < 4.10
    , hlint
  default-language: Haskell2010

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