Hello community,

here is the log from the commit of package ghc-katip-elasticsearch for 
openSUSE:Factory checked in at 2017-08-31 20:56:55
Comparing /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/ghc-katip-elasticsearch (Old)
 and      /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.ghc-katip-elasticsearch.new (New)

Package is "ghc-katip-elasticsearch"

Thu Aug 31 20:56:55 2017 rev:3 rq:513412 version:

  2017-07-11 08:26:41.248321059 +0200
     2017-08-31 20:56:55.615509731 +0200
@@ -1,0 +2,5 @@
+Fri Jul 28 10:09:18 UTC 2017 - psim...@suse.com
+- Update to version




Other differences:
++++++ ghc-katip-elasticsearch.spec ++++++
--- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.nRhBdQ/_old  2017-08-31 20:56:56.203427126 +0200
+++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.nRhBdQ/_new  2017-08-31 20:56:56.203427126 +0200
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 %global pkg_name katip-elasticsearch
 %bcond_with tests
 Name:           ghc-%{pkg_name}
 Release:        0
 Summary:        ElasticSearch scribe for the Katip logging framework
 License:        BSD-3-Clause
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
 BuildRequires:  ghc-aeson-devel
 BuildRequires:  ghc-async-devel
 BuildRequires:  ghc-bloodhound-devel
+BuildRequires:  ghc-bytestring-devel
 BuildRequires:  ghc-enclosed-exceptions-devel
 BuildRequires:  ghc-exceptions-devel
 BuildRequires:  ghc-http-client-devel
@@ -51,6 +52,7 @@
 BuildRequires:  ghc-lens-aeson-devel
 BuildRequires:  ghc-lens-devel
 BuildRequires:  ghc-quickcheck-instances-devel
+BuildRequires:  ghc-tagged-devel
 BuildRequires:  ghc-tasty-devel
 BuildRequires:  ghc-tasty-hunit-devel
 BuildRequires:  ghc-tasty-quickcheck-devel
@@ -96,6 +98,6 @@
 %files devel -f %{name}-devel.files
-%doc README.md changelog.md
+%doc README.md changelog.md examples

++++++ katip-elasticsearch- -> katip-elasticsearch- 
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/katip-elasticsearch- 
--- old/katip-elasticsearch-       2017-06-27 
00:42:06.000000000 +0200
+++ new/katip-elasticsearch-       2017-07-24 
22:50:35.000000000 +0200
@@ -11,14 +11,15 @@
 import           Control.Monad
 import           Criterion.Main
 import           Data.Aeson
-import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict                     as HM
+import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict                  as HM
+import           Data.Proxy                           (Proxy (..))
 import           Data.RNG
-import qualified Data.Text                               as T
-import           Database.Bloodhound.Types
+import qualified Data.Text                            as T
+import           Database.V1.Bloodhound.Types
 import           Numeric
 import           Katip.Scribes.ElasticSearch
-import           Katip.Scribes.ElasticSearch.Annotations
+import           Katip.Scribes.ElasticSearch.Internal (ESV1)
 main :: IO ()
@@ -34,7 +35,7 @@
 mkDocIdBenchmark :: RNG -> Benchmark
 mkDocIdBenchmark rng = bgroup "mkDocId"
-    bench "mkDocId (randomIO)" $ nfIO mkDocId
+    bench "mkDocId (randomIO)" $ nfIO (mkDocId (Proxy :: Proxy ESV1))
   , bench "mkDocId' (shared )" $ nfIO $ mkDocId' rng
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/katip-elasticsearch- 
--- old/katip-elasticsearch-        2017-06-27 
00:42:06.000000000 +0200
+++ new/katip-elasticsearch-        2017-07-24 
22:50:35.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+* Update to bloodhound >= This version adds support for both 
ElasticSearch versions 1 and 5. Previously, we implicitly supported one and 
maybe would work on 5. The types in `EsScribeCfg` had to change to be able to 
specify which version was being targeted.
+* Improved documentation.
 * Widen dependency on katip
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/katip-elasticsearch- 
--- old/katip-elasticsearch- 1970-01-01 
01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ new/katip-elasticsearch- 2017-07-24 
22:50:35.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module Main
+    ( main
+    ) where
+import           Control.Exception
+import           Database.V5.Bloodhound
+import           Network.HTTP.Client
+import           Katip
+import           Katip.Scribes.ElasticSearch
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+  mgr <- newManager defaultManagerSettings
+  let bhe = mkBHEnv (Server "localhost") mgr
+  esScribe <- mkEsScribe
+    -- Reasonable for production
+    defaultEsScribeCfgV5
+    -- Reasonable for single-node in development
+    -- defaultEsScribeCfgV5 { essIndexSettings = IndexSettings (ShardCound 1) 
(ReplicaCount 0)}
+    bhe
+    (IndexName "all-indices-prefixed-with")
+    (MappingName "application-logs")
+    DebugS
+    V3
+  let mkLogEnv = registerScribe "es" esScribe defaultScribeSettings =<< 
initLogEnv "MyApp" "production"
+  bracket mkLogEnv closeScribes $ \le -> runKatipT le $ do
+    logMsg "ns" InfoS "This goes to elasticsearch"
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
--- old/katip-elasticsearch-   2017-06-27 
00:42:06.000000000 +0200
+++ new/katip-elasticsearch-   2017-07-24 
22:50:35.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 name:                katip-elasticsearch
 synopsis:            ElasticSearch scribe for the Katip logging framework.
 description:         See README.md for more details.
 license:             BSD3
 license-file:        LICENSE
 author:              Ozgun Ataman, Michael Xavier
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
+  examples/example.hs
 tested-with: GHC == 7.8.4, GHC== 7.10.3
@@ -25,10 +26,11 @@
+    Katip.Scribes.ElasticSearch.Internal
       base >=4.6 && <5
-    , katip >= && < 0.5
-    , bloodhound >= && < 0.13
+    , katip >= && < 0.6
+    , bloodhound >= && < 0.15
     , uuid >= 1.3.12 && < 1.4
     , aeson >=0.6 && <1.2
     , stm >= 2.4.3 && < 2.5
@@ -44,6 +46,7 @@
     , transformers >= 0.2 && < 0.6
     , http-types >= 0.8 && < 0.10
     , time >= 1 && < 1.7
+    , bytestring
   hs-source-dirs:      src
   default-language:    Haskell2010
   hs-source-dirs:      src
@@ -96,6 +99,8 @@
     , scientific
     , time
     , stm
+    , bytestring
+    , tagged
   if flag(lib-Werror)
     ghc-options: -Wall -Werror
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
--- old/katip-elasticsearch- 
1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ new/katip-elasticsearch- 
2017-07-24 22:50:35.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,520 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE CPP                 #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable  #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts    #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings   #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes          #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards     #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies        #-}
+-- | This is an internal module. No guarantees are made in this module
+-- about API stability.
+module Katip.Scribes.ElasticSearch.Internal where
+import           Control.Applicative                     as A
+import           Control.Concurrent
+import           Control.Concurrent.Async
+import           Control.Concurrent.STM.TBMQueue
+import           Control.Exception.Base
+import           Control.Exception.Enclosed
+import           Control.Monad
+import           Control.Monad.Catch
+import           Control.Monad.IO.Class
+import           Control.Monad.STM
+import           Control.Retry                           (RetryPolicy,
+                                                          exponentialBackoff,
+                                                          limitRetries,
+                                                          recovering)
+import           Data.Aeson
+import           Data.ByteString.Lazy                    (ByteString)
+import           Data.Monoid                             ((<>))
+import           Data.Text                               (Text)
+import qualified Data.Text                               as T
+import qualified Data.Text.Encoding                      as T
+import           Data.Time
+import           Data.Time.Calendar.WeekDate
+import           Data.Typeable                           as Typeable
+import           Data.UUID
+import qualified Data.UUID.V4                            as UUID4
+import qualified Database.V1.Bloodhound                  as V1
+import qualified Database.V5.Bloodhound                  as V5
+import           Network.HTTP.Client
+import           Network.HTTP.Types.Status
+import           Text.Printf                             (printf)
+import           Katip.Core
+import           Katip.Scribes.ElasticSearch.Annotations
+-- | EsScribeCfg now carries a type variable for the version of
+-- ElasticSearch it targets, either 'ESV1' or 'ESV5'. You can use
+-- 'defaultEsScribeCfgV1' and 'defaultESScribeCfgV5' for a good
+-- starting point depending on the ES version you have.
+data EsScribeCfg v = EsScribeCfg {
+      essRetryPolicy   :: RetryPolicy
+    -- ^ Retry policy when there are errors sending logs to the server
+    , essQueueSize     :: EsQueueSize
+    -- ^ Maximum size of the bounded log queue
+    , essPoolSize      :: EsPoolSize
+    -- ^ Worker pool size limit for sending data to the
+    , essAnnotateTypes :: Bool
+    -- ^ Different payload items coexist in the "data" attribute in
+    -- ES. It is possible for different payloads to have different
+    -- types for the same key, e.g. an "id" key that is sometimes a
+    -- number and sometimes a string. If you're having ES do dynamic
+    -- mapping, the first log item will set the type and any that
+    -- don't conform will be *discarded*. If you set this to True,
+    -- keys will recursively be appended with their ES core
+    -- type. e.g. "id" would become "id::l" and "id::s"
+    -- automatically, so they won't conflict. When this library
+    -- exposes a querying API, we will try to make deserialization and
+    -- querying transparently remove the type annotations if this is
+    -- enabled.
+    , essIndexSettings :: IndexSettings v
+    -- ^ This will be the IndexSettings type from the appropriate
+    -- bloodhound module, either @Database.V1.Bloodhound@ or
+    -- @Database.V5.Bloodhound@
+    , essIndexSharding :: IndexShardingPolicy
+    } deriving (Typeable)
+-- | Reasonable defaults for a config:
+--     * defaultManagerSettings
+--     * exponential backoff with 25ms base delay up to 5 retries
+--     * Queue size of 1000
+--     * Pool size of 2
+--     * Annotate types set to False
+--     * DailyIndexSharding
+defaultEsScribeCfg' :: ESVersion v => proxy v -> EsScribeCfg v
+defaultEsScribeCfg' prx = EsScribeCfg {
+      essRetryPolicy     = exponentialBackoff 25 <> limitRetries 5
+    , essQueueSize       = EsQueueSize 1000
+    , essPoolSize        = EsPoolSize 2
+    , essAnnotateTypes   = False
+    , essIndexSettings   = defaultIndexSettings prx
+    , essIndexSharding   = DailyIndexSharding
+    }
+-- | Alias of 'defaultEsScribeCfgV1' to minimize API
+-- breakage. Previous versions of katip-elasticsearch only supported
+-- ES version 1.
+defaultEsScribeCfg :: EsScribeCfg ESV1
+defaultEsScribeCfg = defaultEsScribeCfgV1
+-- | EsScribeCfg that will use ElasticSearch V1
+defaultEsScribeCfgV1 :: EsScribeCfg ESV1
+defaultEsScribeCfgV1 = defaultEsScribeCfg' (Typeable.Proxy :: Typeable.Proxy 
+-- | EsScribeCfg that will use ElasticSearch V5
+defaultEsScribeCfgV5 :: EsScribeCfg ESV5
+defaultEsScribeCfgV5 = defaultEsScribeCfg' (Typeable.Proxy :: Typeable.Proxy 
+-- | How should katip store your log data?
+-- * NoIndexSharding will store all logs in one index name. This is
+-- the simplest option but is not advised in production. In practice,
+-- the index will grow very large and will get slower to
+-- search. Deleting records based on some sort of retention period is
+-- also extremely slow.
+-- * MonthlyIndexSharding, DailyIndexSharding, HourlyIndexSharding,
+-- EveryMinuteIndexSharding will generate indexes based on the time of
+-- the log. Index name is treated as a prefix. So if your index name
+-- is @foo@ and DailySharding is used, logs will be stored in
+-- @foo-2016-2-25@, @foo-2016-2-26@ and so on. Index templating will
+-- be used to set up mappings automatically. Deletes based on date are
+-- very fast and queries can be restricted to date ranges for better
+-- performance. Queries against all dates should use @foo-*@ as an
+-- index name. Note that index aliasing's glob feature is not suitable
+-- for these date ranges as it matches index names as they are
+-- declared, so new dates will be excluded. DailyIndexSharding is a
+-- reasonable choice. Changing index sharding strategies is not
+-- advisable.
+-- * CustomSharding: supply your own function that decomposes an item
+-- into its index name hierarchy which will be appended to the index
+-- name. So for instance if your function return ["arbitrary",
+-- "prefix"], the index will be @foo-arbitrary-prefix@ and the index
+-- template will be set to match @foo-*@. In general, you want to use
+-- segments of increasing granularity (like year, month, day for
+-- dates). This makes it easier to address groups of indexes
+-- (e.g. @foo-2016-*@).
+data IndexShardingPolicy = NoIndexSharding
+                         | MonthlyIndexSharding
+                         | WeeklyIndexSharding
+                         -- ^ A special case of daily which shards to sunday
+                         | DailyIndexSharding
+                         | HourlyIndexSharding
+                         | EveryMinuteIndexSharding
+                         | CustomIndexSharding (forall a. Item a -> 
+instance Show IndexShardingPolicy where
+ show NoIndexSharding          = "NoIndexSharding"
+ show MonthlyIndexSharding     = "MonthlyIndexSharding"
+ show WeeklyIndexSharding      = "WeeklyIndexSharding"
+ show DailyIndexSharding       = "DailyIndexSharding"
+ show HourlyIndexSharding      = "HourlyIndexSharding"
+ show EveryMinuteIndexSharding = "EveryMinuteIndexSharding"
+ show (CustomIndexSharding _)  = "CustomIndexSharding λ"
+newtype IndexNameSegment = IndexNameSegment {
+      indexNameSegment :: Text
+    } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
+shardPolicySegs :: IndexShardingPolicy -> Item a -> [IndexNameSegment]
+shardPolicySegs NoIndexSharding _ = []
+shardPolicySegs MonthlyIndexSharding Item {..} = [sis y, sis m]
+  where
+    (y, m, _) = toGregorian (utctDay _itemTime)
+shardPolicySegs WeeklyIndexSharding Item {..} = [sis y, sis m, sis d]
+  where
+    (y, m, d) = toGregorian (roundToSunday (utctDay _itemTime))
+shardPolicySegs DailyIndexSharding Item {..} = [sis y, sis m, sis d]
+  where
+    (y, m, d) = toGregorian (utctDay _itemTime)
+shardPolicySegs HourlyIndexSharding Item {..} = [sis y, sis m, sis d, sis h]
+  where
+    (y, m, d) = toGregorian (utctDay _itemTime)
+    (h, _) = splitTime (utctDayTime _itemTime)
+shardPolicySegs EveryMinuteIndexSharding Item {..} = [sis y, sis m, sis d, sis 
h, sis mn]
+  where
+    (y, m, d) = toGregorian (utctDay _itemTime)
+    (h, mn) = splitTime (utctDayTime _itemTime)
+shardPolicySegs (CustomIndexSharding f) i  = f i
+-- | If the given day is sunday, returns the input, otherwise returns
+-- the previous sunday
+roundToSunday :: Day -> Day
+roundToSunday d
+    | dow == 7  = d
+    | w > 1     = fromWeekDate y (w - 1) 7
+    | otherwise = fromWeekDate (y - 1) 53 7
+  where
+    (y, w, dow) = toWeekDate d
+chooseIxn :: ESVersion v => proxy v -> IndexName v -> IndexShardingPolicy -> 
Item a -> IndexName v
+chooseIxn prx ixn p i =
+  toIndexName prx (T.intercalate "-" ((fromIndexName prx ixn):segs))
+  where
+    segs = indexNameSegment A.<$> shardPolicySegs p i
+sis :: Integral a => a -> IndexNameSegment
+sis = IndexNameSegment . T.pack . fmt
+  where
+    fmt = printf "%02d" . toInteger
+splitTime :: DiffTime -> (Int, Int)
+splitTime t = asMins `divMod` 60
+  where
+    asMins = floor t `div` 60
+data EsScribeSetupError = CouldNotCreateIndex !(Response ByteString)
+                        | CouldNotCreateMapping !(Response ByteString) 
deriving (Typeable, Show)
+instance Exception EsScribeSetupError
+-- | The Any field tagged with a @v@ corresponds to the type of the
+-- same name in the corresponding @bloodhound@ module. For instance,
+-- if you are configuring for ElasticSearch version 1, import
+-- @Database.V1.Bloodhound@ and @BHEnv v@ will refer to @BHEnv@ from
+-- that module, @IndexName v@ will repsond to @IndexName@ from that
+-- module, etc.
+    :: forall v. ( ESVersion v
+                 , MonadIO (BH v IO)
+#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 800
+                 , Functor (BH v IO)
+                 )
+    => EsScribeCfg v
+    -> BHEnv v
+    -> IndexName v
+    -- ^ Treated as a prefix if index sharding is enabled
+    -> MappingName v
+    -> Severity
+    -> Verbosity
+    -> IO Scribe
+mkEsScribe cfg@EsScribeCfg {..} env ix mapping sev verb = do
+  q <- newTBMQueueIO $ unEsQueueSize essQueueSize
+  endSig <- newEmptyMVar
+  runBH prx env $ do
+    chk <- indexExists prx ix
+    -- note that this doesn't update settings. That's not available
+    -- through the Bloodhound API yet
+    unless chk $ void $ do
+      r1 <- createIndex prx essIndexSettings ix
+      unless (statusIsSuccessful (responseStatus r1)) $
+        liftIO $ throwIO (CouldNotCreateIndex r1)
+      r2 <- if shardingEnabled
+              then putTemplate prx tpl tplName
+              else putMapping prx ix mapping base
+      unless (statusIsSuccessful (responseStatus r2)) $
+        liftIO $ throwIO (CouldNotCreateMapping r2)
+  workers <- replicateM (unEsPoolSize essPoolSize) $ async $
+    startWorker cfg env mapping q
+  _ <- async $ do
+    takeMVar endSig
+    atomically $ closeTBMQueue q
+    mapM_ waitCatch workers
+    putMVar endSig ()
+  let finalizer = putMVar endSig () >> takeMVar endSig
+  return (Scribe (logger q) finalizer)
+  where
+    logger :: forall a. LogItem a => TBMQueue (IndexName v, Value) -> Item a 
-> IO ()
+    logger q i = when (_itemSeverity i >= sev) $
+      void $ atomically $ tryWriteTBMQueue q (chooseIxn prx ix 
essIndexSharding i, itemJson' i)
+    prx :: Typeable.Proxy v
+    prx = Typeable.Proxy
+    tplName = toTemplateName prx ixn
+    shardingEnabled = case essIndexSharding of
+      NoIndexSharding -> False
+      _               -> True
+    tpl = toIndexTemplate prx (toTemplatePattern prx (ixn <> "-*")) (Just 
essIndexSettings) [toJSON base]
+    base = baseMapping prx mapping
+    ixn = fromIndexName prx ix
+    itemJson' :: LogItem a => Item a -> Value
+    itemJson' i
+      | essAnnotateTypes = itemJson verb (TypeAnnotated <$> i)
+      | otherwise        = itemJson verb i
+baseMapping :: ESVersion v => proxy v -> MappingName v -> Value
+baseMapping prx mn =
+  object [ fromMappingName prx mn .= object ["properties" .= object prs] ]
+  where prs = [ str "thread"
+              , str "sev"
+              , str "pid"
+              , str "ns"
+              , str "msg"
+              , "loc" .= locType
+              , str "host"
+              , str "env"
+              , "at" .= dateType
+              , str "app"
+              ]
+        str k = k .= object ["type" .= String "string"]
+        locType = object ["properties" .= object locPairs]
+        locPairs = [ str "loc_pkg"
+                   , str "loc_mod"
+                   , str "loc_ln"
+                   , str "loc_fn"
+                   , str "loc_col"
+                   ]
+        dateType = object [ "format" .= esDateFormat
+                          , "type" .= String "date"
+                          ]
+-- | Handle both old-style aeson and picosecond-level precision
+esDateFormat :: Text
+esDateFormat = 
+mkDocId :: ESVersion v => proxy v -> IO (DocId v)
+mkDocId prx = (toDocId prx . T.decodeUtf8 . toASCIIBytes) `fmap` 
+newtype EsQueueSize = EsQueueSize {
+       unEsQueueSize :: Int
+     } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
+instance Bounded EsQueueSize where
+  minBound = EsQueueSize 1
+  maxBound = EsQueueSize maxBound
+mkEsQueueSize :: Int -> Maybe EsQueueSize
+mkEsQueueSize = mkNonZero EsQueueSize
+newtype EsPoolSize = EsPoolSize {
+      unEsPoolSize :: Int
+    } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
+instance Bounded EsPoolSize where
+  minBound = EsPoolSize 1
+  maxBound = EsPoolSize maxBound
+mkEsPoolSize :: Int -> Maybe EsPoolSize
+mkEsPoolSize = mkNonZero EsPoolSize
+mkNonZero :: (Int -> a) -> Int -> Maybe a
+mkNonZero ctor n
+  | n > 0     = Just $ ctor n
+  | otherwise = Nothing
+    :: forall v. (ESVersion v)
+    => EsScribeCfg v
+    -> BHEnv v
+    -> MappingName v
+    -> TBMQueue (IndexName v, Value)
+    -> IO ()
+startWorker EsScribeCfg {..} env mapping q = go
+  where
+    go = do
+      popped <- atomically $ readTBMQueue q
+      case popped of
+        Just (ixn, v) -> do
+          sendLog ixn v `catchAny` eat
+          go
+        Nothing -> return ()
+    prx :: Typeable.Proxy v
+    prx = Typeable.Proxy
+    sendLog :: IndexName v -> Value -> IO ()
+    sendLog ixn v = void $ recovering essRetryPolicy [handler] $ const $ do
+      did <- mkDocId prx
+      res <- runBH prx env $ indexDocument prx ixn mapping 
(defaultIndexDocumentSettings prx) v did
+      return res
+    eat _ = return ()
+    handler _ = Handler $ \e ->
+      case fromException e of
+        Just (_ :: AsyncException) -> return False
+        _                          -> return True
+-- We are spanning multiple versions of ES which use completely
+-- separate types and APIs, but the subset we use is the same for both
+-- versions. This will be kept up to date with bloodhound's supported
+-- versions and should be minimally visible to the end user.
+class ESVersion v where
+  -- Types
+  type BHEnv v
+  type IndexSettings v
+  defaultIndexSettings :: proxy v -> IndexSettings v
+  type IndexName v
+  toIndexName :: proxy v -> Text -> IndexName v
+  fromIndexName :: proxy v -> IndexName v -> Text
+  type MappingName v
+  fromMappingName :: proxy v -> MappingName v -> Text
+  type DocId v
+  toDocId :: proxy v -> Text -> DocId v
+  type BH v :: (* -> *) -> * -> *
+  runBH :: proxy v -> BHEnv v -> BH v m a -> m a
+  type TemplateName v
+  toTemplateName :: proxy v -> Text -> TemplateName v
+  type TemplatePattern v
+  toTemplatePattern :: proxy v -> Text -> TemplatePattern v
+  type IndexTemplate v
+  toIndexTemplate :: proxy v -> TemplatePattern v -> Maybe (IndexSettings v) 
-> [Value] -> IndexTemplate v
+  type IndexDocumentSettings v
+  defaultIndexDocumentSettings :: proxy v -> IndexDocumentSettings v
+  -- Operations
+  -- We're deciding on IO here, but it isn't necessary
+  indexExists :: proxy v -> IndexName v -> BH v IO Bool
+  indexDocument :: ToJSON doc => proxy v -> IndexName v -> MappingName v -> 
IndexDocumentSettings v -> doc -> DocId v -> BH v IO (Response ByteString)
+  createIndex :: proxy v -> IndexSettings v -> IndexName v -> BH v IO 
(Response ByteString)
+  putTemplate :: proxy v -> IndexTemplate v -> TemplateName v -> BH v IO 
(Response ByteString)
+  putMapping :: (ToJSON a) => proxy v -> IndexName v -> MappingName v -> a -> 
BH v IO (Response ByteString)
+data ESV1 = ESV1
+instance ESVersion ESV1 where
+  type BHEnv ESV1 = V1.BHEnv
+  type IndexSettings ESV1 = V1.IndexSettings
+  defaultIndexSettings _ = V1.defaultIndexSettings
+  type IndexName ESV1 = V1.IndexName
+  toIndexName _ = V1.IndexName
+  fromIndexName _ (V1.IndexName x) = x
+  type MappingName ESV1 = V1.MappingName
+  fromMappingName _ (V1.MappingName x) = x
+  type DocId ESV1 = V1.DocId
+  toDocId _ = V1.DocId
+  type BH ESV1 = V1.BH
+  runBH _ = V1.runBH
+  type TemplateName ESV1 = V1.TemplateName
+  toTemplateName _ = V1.TemplateName
+  type TemplatePattern ESV1 = V1.TemplatePattern
+  toTemplatePattern _ = V1.TemplatePattern
+  type IndexTemplate ESV1 = V1.IndexTemplate
+  toIndexTemplate _ = V1.IndexTemplate
+  type IndexDocumentSettings ESV1 = V1.IndexDocumentSettings
+  defaultIndexDocumentSettings _ = V1.defaultIndexDocumentSettings
+  indexExists _ = V1.indexExists
+  indexDocument _ = V1.indexDocument
+  createIndex _ = V1.createIndex
+  putTemplate _ = V1.putTemplate
+  putMapping _ = V1.putMapping
+data ESV5 = ESV5
+instance ESVersion ESV5 where
+  type BHEnv ESV5 = V5.BHEnv
+  type IndexSettings ESV5 = V5.IndexSettings
+  defaultIndexSettings _ = V5.defaultIndexSettings
+  type IndexName ESV5 = V5.IndexName
+  toIndexName _ = V5.IndexName
+  fromIndexName _ (V5.IndexName x) = x
+  type MappingName ESV5 = V5.MappingName
+  fromMappingName _ (V5.MappingName x) = x
+  type DocId ESV5 = V5.DocId
+  toDocId _ = V5.DocId
+  type BH ESV5 = V5.BH
+  runBH _ = V5.runBH
+  type TemplateName ESV5 = V5.TemplateName
+  toTemplateName _ = V5.TemplateName
+  type TemplatePattern ESV5 = V5.TemplatePattern
+  toTemplatePattern _ = V5.TemplatePattern
+  type IndexTemplate ESV5 = V5.IndexTemplate
+  toIndexTemplate _ = V5.IndexTemplate
+  type IndexDocumentSettings ESV5 = V5.IndexDocumentSettings
+  defaultIndexDocumentSettings _ = V5.defaultIndexDocumentSettings
+  indexExists _ = V5.indexExists
+  indexDocument _ = V5.indexDocument
+  createIndex _ = V5.createIndex
+  putTemplate _ = V5.putTemplate
+  putMapping _ = V5.putMapping
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
--- old/katip-elasticsearch-  
2017-06-27 00:42:06.000000000 +0200
+++ new/katip-elasticsearch-  
2017-07-24 22:50:35.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,14 +1,41 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable  #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings   #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes          #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards     #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
 -- | Includes a scribe that can be used to log structured, JSON log
 -- messages to ElasticSearch. These logs can be explored easily using
 -- <https://www.elastic.co/products/kibana kibana> or your tool of
--- choice.
+-- choice. Supports ElasticSearch servers with version 1.x or 5.x by
+-- way of different configs.
--- == __Important Note on Index Settings__
+-- Example of configuring for ES5:
+-- @
+-- import           Control.Exception
+-- import           Database.V5.Bloodhound
+-- import           Network.HTTP.Client
+-- import           Katip
+-- import           Katip.Scribes.ElasticSearch
+-- main :: IO ()
+-- main = do
+--   mgr <- newManager defaultManagerSettings
+--   let bhe = mkBHEnv (Server "localhost") mgr
+--   esScribe <- mkEsScribe
+--     -- Reasonable for production
+--     defaultEsScribeCfgV5
+--     -- Reasonable for single-node in development
+--     -- defaultEsScribeCfgV5 { essIndexSettings = IndexSettings (ShardCound 
1) (ReplicaCount 0)}
+--     bhe
+--     (IndexName "all-indices-prefixed-with")
+--     (MappingName "application-logs")
+--     DebugS
+--     V3
+--   let mkLogEnv = registerScribe "es" esScribe defaultScribeSettings =<< 
initLogEnv "MyApp" "production"
+--   bracket mkLogEnv closeScribes $ \le -> runKatipT le $ do
+--     logMsg "ns" InfoS "This goes to elasticsearch"
+-- @
+-- __Important Note on Index Settings__
 -- 'defaultEsScribeCfg' inherits a set of default index settings from
 -- the @bloodhound@ package. These settings at this time of writing
@@ -30,6 +57,9 @@
     , mkEsQueueSize
     , EsPoolSize
     , mkEsPoolSize
+    , IndexShardingPolicy(..)
+    , IndexNameSegment(..)
+    -- ** EsScribeCfg and fields
     , EsScribeCfg
     , essRetryPolicy
     , essQueueSize
@@ -37,375 +67,29 @@
     , essAnnotateTypes
     , essIndexSettings
     , essIndexSharding
-    , IndexShardingPolicy(..)
-    , IndexNameSegment(..)
     , defaultEsScribeCfg
+    , defaultEsScribeCfgV1
+    , defaultEsScribeCfgV5
+    -- ** Version-Proxied APIS
+    -- $versionproxies
+    , defaultEsScribeCfg'
+    , ESV1
+    , ESV5
     -- * Utilities
     , mkDocId
     , module Katip.Scribes.ElasticSearch.Annotations
-    , roundToSunday
     ) where
-import           Control.Applicative                     as A
-import           Control.Concurrent
-import           Control.Concurrent.Async
-import           Control.Concurrent.STM.TBMQueue
-import           Control.Exception.Base
-import           Control.Exception.Enclosed
-import           Control.Monad
-import           Control.Monad.Catch
-import           Control.Monad.IO.Class
-import           Control.Monad.STM
-import           Control.Retry                           (RetryPolicy,
-                                                          exponentialBackoff,
-                                                          limitRetries,
-                                                          recovering)
-import           Data.Aeson
-import           Data.Monoid                             ((<>))
-import           Data.Text                               (Text)
-import qualified Data.Text                               as T
-import qualified Data.Text.Encoding                      as T
-import           Data.Time
-import           Data.Time.Calendar.WeekDate
-import           Data.Typeable
-import           Data.UUID
-import qualified Data.UUID.V4                            as UUID4
-import           Database.Bloodhound
-import           Network.HTTP.Client
-import           Network.HTTP.Types.Status
-import           Text.Printf                             (printf)
-import           Katip.Core
 import           Katip.Scribes.ElasticSearch.Annotations
+import           Katip.Scribes.ElasticSearch.Internal
-data EsScribeCfg = EsScribeCfg {
-      essRetryPolicy   :: RetryPolicy
-    -- ^ Retry policy when there are errors sending logs to the server
-    , essQueueSize     :: EsQueueSize
-    -- ^ Maximum size of the bounded log queue
-    , essPoolSize      :: EsPoolSize
-    -- ^ Worker pool size limit for sending data to the
-    , essAnnotateTypes :: Bool
-    -- ^ Different payload items coexist in the "data" attribute in
-    -- ES. It is possible for different payloads to have different
-    -- types for the same key, e.g. an "id" key that is sometimes a
-    -- number and sometimes a string. If you're having ES do dynamic
-    -- mapping, the first log item will set the type and any that
-    -- don't conform will be *discarded*. If you set this to True,
-    -- keys will recursively be appended with their ES core
-    -- type. e.g. "id" would become "id::l" and "id::s"
-    -- automatically, so they won't conflict. When this library
-    -- exposes a querying API, we will try to make deserialization and
-    -- querying transparently remove the type annotations if this is
-    -- enabled.
-    , essIndexSettings :: IndexSettings
-    , essIndexSharding :: IndexShardingPolicy
-    } deriving (Typeable)
--- | Reasonable defaults for a config:
---     * defaultManagerSettings
---     * exponential backoff with 25ms base delay up to 5 retries
---     * Queue size of 1000
---     * Pool size of 2
---     * Annotate types set to False
---     * DailyIndexSharding
-defaultEsScribeCfg :: EsScribeCfg
-defaultEsScribeCfg = EsScribeCfg {
-      essRetryPolicy     = exponentialBackoff 25 <> limitRetries 5
-    , essQueueSize       = EsQueueSize 1000
-    , essPoolSize        = EsPoolSize 2
-    , essAnnotateTypes   = False
-    , essIndexSettings   = defaultIndexSettings
-    , essIndexSharding   = DailyIndexSharding
-    }
--- | How should katip store your log data?
--- * NoIndexSharding will store all logs in one index name. This is
--- the simplest option but is not advised in production. In practice,
--- the index will grow very large and will get slower to
--- search. Deleting records based on some sort of retention period is
--- also extremely slow.
--- * MonthlyIndexSharding, DailyIndexSharding, HourlyIndexSharding,
--- EveryMinuteIndexSharding will generate indexes based on the time of
--- the log. Index name is treated as a prefix. So if your index name
--- is @foo@ and DailySharding is used, logs will be stored in
--- @foo-2016-2-25@, @foo-2016-2-26@ and so on. Index templating will
--- be used to set up mappings automatically. Deletes based on date are
--- very fast and queries can be restricted to date ranges for better
--- performance. Queries against all dates should use @foo-*@ as an
--- index name. Note that index aliasing's glob feature is not suitable
--- for these date ranges as it matches index names as they are
--- declared, so new dates will be excluded. DailyIndexSharding is a
--- reasonable choice. Changing index sharding strategies is not
--- advisable.
--- * CustomSharding: supply your own function that decomposes an item
--- into its index name hierarchy which will be appended to the index
--- name. So for instance if your function return ["arbitrary",
--- "prefix"], the index will be @foo-arbitrary-prefix@ and the index
--- template will be set to match @foo-*@. In general, you want to use
--- segments of increasing granularity (like year, month, day for
--- dates). This makes it easier to address groups of indexes
--- (e.g. @foo-2016-*@).
-data IndexShardingPolicy = NoIndexSharding
-                         | MonthlyIndexSharding
-                         | WeeklyIndexSharding
-                         -- ^ A special case of daily which shards to sunday
-                         | DailyIndexSharding
-                         | HourlyIndexSharding
-                         | EveryMinuteIndexSharding
-                         | CustomIndexSharding (forall a. Item a -> 
-instance Show IndexShardingPolicy where
- show NoIndexSharding          = "NoIndexSharding"
- show MonthlyIndexSharding     = "MonthlyIndexSharding"
- show WeeklyIndexSharding      = "WeeklyIndexSharding"
- show DailyIndexSharding       = "DailyIndexSharding"
- show HourlyIndexSharding      = "HourlyIndexSharding"
- show EveryMinuteIndexSharding = "EveryMinuteIndexSharding"
- show (CustomIndexSharding _)  = "CustomIndexSharding λ"
-newtype IndexNameSegment = IndexNameSegment {
-      indexNameSegment :: Text
-    } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-shardPolicySegs :: IndexShardingPolicy -> Item a -> [IndexNameSegment]
-shardPolicySegs NoIndexSharding _ = []
-shardPolicySegs MonthlyIndexSharding Item {..} = [sis y, sis m]
-  where
-    (y, m, _) = toGregorian (utctDay _itemTime)
-shardPolicySegs WeeklyIndexSharding Item {..} = [sis y, sis m, sis d]
-  where
-    (y, m, d) = toGregorian (roundToSunday (utctDay _itemTime))
-shardPolicySegs DailyIndexSharding Item {..} = [sis y, sis m, sis d]
-  where
-    (y, m, d) = toGregorian (utctDay _itemTime)
-shardPolicySegs HourlyIndexSharding Item {..} = [sis y, sis m, sis d, sis h]
-  where
-    (y, m, d) = toGregorian (utctDay _itemTime)
-    (h, _) = splitTime (utctDayTime _itemTime)
-shardPolicySegs EveryMinuteIndexSharding Item {..} = [sis y, sis m, sis d, sis 
h, sis mn]
-  where
-    (y, m, d) = toGregorian (utctDay _itemTime)
-    (h, mn) = splitTime (utctDayTime _itemTime)
-shardPolicySegs (CustomIndexSharding f) i  = f i
--- | If the given day is sunday, returns the input, otherwise returns
--- the previous sunday
-roundToSunday :: Day -> Day
-roundToSunday d
-    | dow == 7  = d
-    | w > 1     = fromWeekDate y (w - 1) 7
-    | otherwise = fromWeekDate (y - 1) 53 7
-  where
-    (y, w, dow) = toWeekDate d
-chooseIxn :: IndexName -> IndexShardingPolicy -> Item a -> IndexName
-chooseIxn (IndexName ixn) p i =
-  IndexName (T.intercalate "-" (ixn:segs))
-  where
-    segs = indexNameSegment A.<$> shardPolicySegs p i
-sis :: Integral a => a -> IndexNameSegment
-sis = IndexNameSegment . T.pack . fmt
-  where
-    fmt = printf "%02d" . toInteger
-splitTime :: DiffTime -> (Int, Int)
-splitTime t = asMins `divMod` 60
-  where
-    asMins = floor t `div` 60
-data EsScribeSetupError = CouldNotCreateIndex !Reply
-                        | CouldNotCreateMapping !Reply deriving (Typeable, 
-instance Exception EsScribeSetupError
-    :: EsScribeCfg
-    -> BHEnv
-    -> IndexName
-    -- ^ Treated as a prefix if index sharding is enabled
-    -> MappingName
-    -> Severity
-    -> Verbosity
-    -> IO (Scribe, IO ())
-    -- ^ Returns a finalizer that will gracefully flush all remaining logs 
before shutting down workers
-mkEsScribe cfg@EsScribeCfg {..} env ix mapping sev verb = do
-  q <- newTBMQueueIO $ unEsQueueSize essQueueSize
-  endSig <- newEmptyMVar
-  runBH env $ do
-    chk <- indexExists ix
-    -- note that this doesn't update settings. That's not available
-    -- through the Bloodhound API yet
-    unless chk $ void $ do
-      r1 <- createIndex essIndexSettings ix
-      unless (statusIsSuccessful (responseStatus r1)) $
-        liftIO $ throwIO (CouldNotCreateIndex r1)
-      r2 <- if shardingEnabled
-              then putTemplate tpl tplName
-              else putMapping ix mapping (baseMapping mapping)
-      unless (statusIsSuccessful (responseStatus r2)) $
-        liftIO $ throwIO (CouldNotCreateMapping r2)
-  workers <- replicateM (unEsPoolSize essPoolSize) $ async $
-    startWorker cfg env mapping q
+{- $versionproxies
-  _ <- async $ do
-    takeMVar endSig
-    atomically $ closeTBMQueue q
-    mapM_ waitCatch workers
-    putMVar endSig ()
-  let scribe = Scribe $ \ i ->
-        when (_itemSeverity i >= sev) $
-          void $ atomically $ tryWriteTBMQueue q (chooseIxn ix 
essIndexSharding i, itemJson' i)
-  let finalizer = putMVar endSig () >> takeMVar endSig
-  return (scribe, finalizer)
-  where
-    tplName = TemplateName ixn
-    shardingEnabled = case essIndexSharding of
-      NoIndexSharding -> False
-      _               -> True
-    tpl = IndexTemplate (TemplatePattern (ixn <> "-*")) (Just 
essIndexSettings) [toJSON (baseMapping mapping)]
-    IndexName ixn = ix
-    itemJson' i
-      | essAnnotateTypes = itemJson verb (TypeAnnotated <$> i)
-      | otherwise        = itemJson verb i
-baseMapping :: MappingName -> Value
-baseMapping (MappingName mn) =
-  object [ mn .= object ["properties" .= object prs] ]
-  where prs = [ str "thread"
-              , str "sev"
-              , str "pid"
-              , str "ns"
-              , str "msg"
-              , "loc" .= locType
-              , str "host"
-              , str "env"
-              , "at" .= dateType
-              , str "app"
-              ]
-        str k = k .= object ["type" .= String "string"]
-        locType = object ["properties" .= object locPairs]
-        locPairs = [ str "loc_pkg"
-                   , str "loc_mod"
-                   , str "loc_ln"
-                   , str "loc_fn"
-                   , str "loc_col"
-                   ]
-        dateType = object [ "format" .= esDateFormat
-                          , "type" .= String "date"
-                          ]
--- | Handle both old-style aeson and picosecond-level precision
-esDateFormat :: Text
-esDateFormat = 
-mkDocId :: IO DocId
-mkDocId = (DocId . T.decodeUtf8 . toASCIIBytes) `fmap` UUID4.nextRandom
-newtype EsQueueSize = EsQueueSize {
-       unEsQueueSize :: Int
-     } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-instance Bounded EsQueueSize where
-  minBound = EsQueueSize 1
-  maxBound = EsQueueSize maxBound
-mkEsQueueSize :: Int -> Maybe EsQueueSize
-mkEsQueueSize = mkNonZero EsQueueSize
-newtype EsPoolSize = EsPoolSize {
-      unEsPoolSize :: Int
-    } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-instance Bounded EsPoolSize where
-  minBound = EsPoolSize 1
-  maxBound = EsPoolSize maxBound
-mkEsPoolSize :: Int -> Maybe EsPoolSize
-mkEsPoolSize = mkNonZero EsPoolSize
-mkNonZero :: (Int -> a) -> Int -> Maybe a
-mkNonZero ctor n
-  | n > 0     = Just $ ctor n
-  | otherwise = Nothing
-    :: EsScribeCfg
-    -> BHEnv
-    -> MappingName
-    -> TBMQueue (IndexName, Value)
-    -> IO ()
-startWorker EsScribeCfg {..} env mapping q = go
-  where
-    go = do
-      popped <- atomically $ readTBMQueue q
-      case popped of
-        Just (ixn, v) -> do
-          sendLog ixn v `catchAny` eat
-          go
-        Nothing -> return ()
-    sendLog :: IndexName -> Value -> IO ()
-    sendLog ixn v = void $ recovering essRetryPolicy [handler] $ const $ do
-      did <- mkDocId
-      res <- runBH env $ indexDocument ixn mapping 
defaultIndexDocumentSettings v did
-      return res
-    eat _ = return ()
-    handler _ = Handler $ \e ->
-      case fromException e of
-        Just (_ :: AsyncException) -> return False
-        _ -> return True
+  You may need these these functions and types if type inference
+  fails. For instance, you may need to hint to the compiler that a
+  config is @:: EsScribeCfg ESV5@, for instance.
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/katip-elasticsearch- 
--- old/katip-elasticsearch-        2017-06-27 
00:42:06.000000000 +0200
+++ new/katip-elasticsearch-        2017-07-24 
22:50:35.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,7 +1,13 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE CPP                 #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable  #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts    #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures      #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings   #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes          #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards     #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell     #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies        #-}
 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
 module Main
     ( main
@@ -9,117 +15,258 @@
-import           Control.Applicative         as A
+import           Control.Applicative                     as A
 import           Control.Concurrent.STM
-import           Control.Lens                hiding (mapping, (.=))
+import           Control.Lens                            hiding (mapping, (.=))
 import           Control.Monad
 import           Control.Monad.IO.Class
 import           Data.Aeson
 import           Data.Aeson.Lens
 import           Data.Aeson.Types
-import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict         as HM
-import qualified Data.Map                    as M
+import           Data.ByteString.Lazy                    (ByteString)
+import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict                     as HM
 import           Data.Monoid
 import           Data.Scientific
+import           Data.Tagged
+import           Data.Text                               (Text)
 import           Data.Time
 import           Data.Time.Calendar.WeekDate
-import qualified Data.Vector                 as V
-import           Database.Bloodhound         hiding (key)
+import           Data.Typeable                           as Typeable
+import qualified Data.Vector                             as V
+import qualified Database.V1.Bloodhound                  as V1
+import qualified Database.V5.Bloodhound                  as V5
 import           Network.HTTP.Client
 import           Network.HTTP.Types.Status
-import           Test.QuickCheck.Instances   ()
+import           Test.QuickCheck.Instances               ()
 import           Test.Tasty
 import           Test.Tasty.HUnit
+import           Test.Tasty.Options
 import           Test.Tasty.QuickCheck
 import           Katip
-import           Katip.Scribes.ElasticSearch
+import           Katip.Scribes.ElasticSearch.Annotations
+import           Katip.Scribes.ElasticSearch.Internal
 main :: IO ()
-main = defaultMain $ testGroup "katip-elasticsearch"
+main = defaultMainWithIngredients ings $ askOption $ \vers -> testGroup 
-    esTests
+    case vers of
+      TestV1 -> esTests (Typeable.Proxy :: Typeable.Proxy ESV1)
+      TestV5 -> esTests (Typeable.Proxy :: Typeable.Proxy ESV5)
   , typeAnnotatedTests
   , roundToSundayTests
+  where
+    ings = (includingOptions [Option (Typeable.Proxy :: Typeable.Proxy 
-setupSearch :: (EsScribeCfg -> EsScribeCfg) -> IO (Scribe, IO ())
-setupSearch modScribeCfg = do
-    bh dropESSchema
+data TestWithESVersion = TestV1
+                       | TestV5
+                       deriving (Typeable)
+instance IsOption TestWithESVersion where
+  defaultValue = TestV1
+  parseValue "1" = Just TestV1
+  parseValue "5" = Just TestV5
+  parseValue _   = Nothing
+  optionName = Tagged "es-version"
+  optionHelp = Tagged "Version of ES to test against, either 1 or 5, 
defaulting to 1."
+class ESVersion v => TestESVersion v where
+  type Server v
+  toServer :: proxy v -> Text -> Server v
+  toMappingName :: proxy v -> Text -> MappingName v
+  type Search v
+  type Query v
+  type Filter v
+  mkSearch :: proxy v -> Maybe (Query v) -> Maybe (Filter v) -> Search v
+  mkBHEnv :: proxy v -> Server v -> Manager -> BHEnv v
+  type ShardCount v
+  toShardCount :: proxy v -> Int -> ShardCount v
+  type ReplicaCount v
+  toReplicaCount :: proxy v -> Int -> ReplicaCount v
+  indexShards :: proxy v -> Lens' (IndexSettings v) (ShardCount v)
+  indexReplicas :: proxy v -> Lens' (IndexSettings v) (ReplicaCount v)
+  deleteIndex :: proxy v -> IndexName v -> BH v IO (Response ByteString)
+  deleteTemplate :: proxy v -> TemplateName v -> BH v IO (Response ByteString)
+  refreshIndex :: proxy v -> IndexName v -> BH v IO (Response ByteString)
+  withBH :: proxy v -> ManagerSettings -> Server v -> BH v IO a -> IO a
+  searchByIndex :: proxy v -> IndexName v -> Search v -> BH v IO (Response 
+instance TestESVersion ESV1 where
+  type Server ESV1 = V1.Server
+  toServer _ = V1.Server
+  toMappingName _ = V1.MappingName
+  type Search ESV1 = V1.Search
+  type Query ESV1 = V1.Query
+  type Filter ESV1 = V1.Filter
+  type ShardCount ESV1 = V1.ShardCount
+  toShardCount _ = V1.ShardCount
+  type ReplicaCount ESV1 = V1.ReplicaCount
+  toReplicaCount _ = V1.ReplicaCount
+  mkSearch _ = V1.mkSearch
+  mkBHEnv _ = V1.mkBHEnv
+  indexShards _ = lens V1.indexShards (\s v -> s { V1.indexShards = v})
+  indexReplicas _ = lens V1.indexReplicas (\r v -> r { V1.indexReplicas = v})
+  deleteIndex _ = V1.deleteIndex
+  deleteTemplate _ = V1.deleteTemplate
+  refreshIndex _ = V1.refreshIndex
+  withBH _ = V1.withBH
+  searchByIndex _ = V1.searchByIndex
+instance TestESVersion ESV5 where
+  type Server ESV5 = V5.Server
+  toServer _ = V5.Server
+  toMappingName _ = V5.MappingName
+  type Search ESV5 = V5.Search
+  type Query ESV5 = V5.Query
+  type Filter ESV5 = V5.Filter
+  type ShardCount ESV5 = V5.ShardCount
+  toShardCount _ = V5.ShardCount
+  type ReplicaCount ESV5 = V5.ReplicaCount
+  toReplicaCount _ = V5.ReplicaCount
+  mkSearch _ = V5.mkSearch
+  mkBHEnv _ = V5.mkBHEnv
+  indexShards _ = lens V5.indexShards (\s v -> s { V5.indexShards = v})
+  indexReplicas _ = lens V5.indexReplicas (\r v -> r { V5.indexReplicas = v})
+  deleteIndex _ = V5.deleteIndex
+  deleteTemplate _ = V5.deleteTemplate
+  refreshIndex _ = V5.refreshIndex
+  withBH _ = V5.withBH
+  searchByIndex _ = V5.searchByIndex
+  :: forall proxy v. ( TestESVersion v
+                     , MonadIO (BH v IO)
+#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 800
+                     , Functor (BH v IO)
+                     )
+  => proxy v
+  -> (EsScribeCfg v -> EsScribeCfg v)
+  -> IO Scribe
+setupSearch prx modScribeCfg = do
+    bh prx (dropESSchema prx)
     mgr <- newManager defaultManagerSettings
-    mkEsScribe cfg (mkBHEnv svr mgr) ixn mn DebugS V3
+    mkEsScribe cfg (mkBHEnv prx (svr prx) mgr) (ixn prx) (mn prx) DebugS V3
-    cfg = modScribeCfg (defaultEsScribeCfg { essAnnotateTypes = True
-                                           , essIndexSettings = ixs
-                                           })
+    cfg :: EsScribeCfg v
+    cfg = modScribeCfg $
+      (defaultEsScribeCfg' prx)
+        { essAnnotateTypes = True
+        , essIndexSettings = ixs prx
+        }
-teardownSearch :: (Scribe, IO ()) -> IO ()
-teardownSearch (_, finalizer) = do
-  finalizer
-  bh $ do
-    when False $ dropESSchema
-    when False $ dropESSTemplate --TODO: drop
+  :: ( TestESVersion v
+     , Monad (BH v IO)
+#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 800
+     , Functor (BH v IO)
+     )
+  => proxy v
+  -> IO ()
+teardownSearch prx = do
+  bh prx $ do
+    dropESSchema prx
+    dropESSTemplate prx
-withSearch :: (IO (Scribe, IO ()) -> TestTree) -> TestTree
+  :: ( TestESVersion v
+     , MonadIO (BH v IO)
+#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 800
+     , Functor (BH v IO)
+     )
+  => proxy v
+  -> (IO Scribe -> TestTree)
+  -> TestTree
 withSearch = withSearch' id
-withSearch' :: (EsScribeCfg -> EsScribeCfg) -> (IO (Scribe, IO ()) -> 
TestTree) -> TestTree
-withSearch' modScribeCfg = withResource (setupSearch modScribeCfg) 
+  :: ( TestESVersion v
+     , MonadIO (BH v IO)
+#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 800
+     , Functor (BH v IO)
+     )
+  => (EsScribeCfg v -> EsScribeCfg v)
+  -> proxy v
+  -> (IO Scribe -> TestTree)
+  -> TestTree
+withSearch' modScribeCfg prx = withResource (setupSearch prx modScribeCfg) 
(const (teardownSearch prx))
-esTests :: TestTree
-esTests = testGroup "elasticsearch scribe"
+  :: ( TestESVersion v
+     , MonadIO (BH v IO)
+#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 800
+     , Functor (BH v IO)
+     , Show (IndexName v)
+     )
+  => proxy v
+  -> TestTree
+esTests prx = testGroup "elasticsearch scribe"
-    withSearch' (\c -> c { essIndexSharding = NoIndexSharding}) $ \setup -> 
testCase "it flushes to elasticsearch" $ withTestLogging setup $ \done -> do
+    withSearch' (\c -> c { essIndexSharding = NoIndexSharding}) prx $ \setup 
-> testCase "it flushes to elasticsearch" $ withTestLogging prx setup $ \done 
-> do
        $(logT) (ExampleCtx True) mempty InfoS "A test message"
        liftIO $ do
          void done
-         logs <- getLogs
+         logs <- getLogs prx
          length logs @?= 1
          let l = head logs
          l ^? key "_source" . key "msg" . _String @?= Just "A test message"
          l ^? key "_source" . key "data" . key "whatever::b" . _Bool @?= Just 
-  , withSearch $ \setup -> testCase "date-based index sharding" $ do
+  , withSearch prx $ \setup -> testCase "date-based index sharding" $ do
       let t1 = mkTime 2016 1 2 3 4 5
       fakeClock <- newTVarIO t1
-      withTestLogging' (set logEnvTimer (readTVarIO fakeClock)) setup $ \done 
-> do
+      withTestLogging' (set logEnvTimer (readTVarIO fakeClock)) prx setup $ 
\done -> do
         $(logT) (ExampleCtx True) mempty InfoS "today"
         let t2 = mkTime 2016 1 3 3 4 5
         liftIO (atomically (writeTVar fakeClock t2))
         $(logT) (ExampleCtx True) mempty InfoS "tomorrow"
         liftIO $ do
           void done
-          todayLogs <- getLogsByIndex (IndexName 
-          tomorrowLogs <- getLogsByIndex (IndexName 
+          todayLogs <- getLogsByIndex prx (toIndexName prx 
+          tomorrowLogs <- getLogsByIndex prx (toIndexName prx 
           assertBool ("todayLogs has " <> show (length todayLogs) <> " items") 
(length todayLogs == 1)
           assertBool ("tomorrowLogs has " <> show (length tomorrowLogs) <> " 
items") (length tomorrowLogs == 1)
           let logToday = head todayLogs
           let logTomorrow = head tomorrowLogs
           logToday ^? key "_source" . key "msg" . _String @?= Just "today"
           logTomorrow ^? key "_source" . key "msg" . _String @?= Just 
-  , withSearch' (\c -> c { essIndexSharding = WeeklyIndexSharding}) $ \setup 
-> testCase "weekly index sharding rounds to previous sunday" $ do
+  , withSearch' (\c -> c { essIndexSharding = WeeklyIndexSharding}) prx $ 
\setup -> testCase "weekly index sharding rounds to previous sunday" $ do
       let t1 = mkTime 2016 3 5 0 0 0 -- saturday, march 5th
       fakeClock <- newTVarIO t1
-      withTestLogging' (set logEnvTimer (readTVarIO fakeClock)) setup $ \done 
-> do
+      withTestLogging' (set logEnvTimer (readTVarIO fakeClock)) prx setup $ 
\done -> do
         $(logT) (ExampleCtx True) mempty InfoS "today"
         let t2 = mkTime 2016 3 6 0 0 0 -- sunday march 6th
         liftIO (atomically (writeTVar fakeClock t2))
         $(logT) (ExampleCtx True) mempty InfoS "tomorrow"
         liftIO $ do
           void done
-          todayLogs <- getLogsByIndex (IndexName 
"katip-elasticsearch-tests-2016-02-28") -- rounds back to previous sunday
-          tomorrowLogs <- getLogsByIndex (IndexName 
"katip-elasticsearch-tests-2016-03-06") -- is on sunday, so uses current date
+          todayLogs <- getLogsByIndex prx (toIndexName prx 
"katip-elasticsearch-tests-2016-02-28") -- rounds back to previous sunday
+          tomorrowLogs <- getLogsByIndex prx (toIndexName prx 
"katip-elasticsearch-tests-2016-03-06") -- is on sunday, so uses current date
           assertBool ("todayLogs has " <> show (length todayLogs) <> " items") 
(length todayLogs == 1)
           assertBool ("tomorrowLogs has " <> show (length tomorrowLogs) <> " 
items") (length tomorrowLogs == 1)
           let logToday = head todayLogs
@@ -232,76 +379,127 @@
-getLogs :: IO [Value]
-getLogs = getLogsByIndex ixn
+  :: ( TestESVersion v
+     , Monad (BH v IO)
+#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 800
+     , Functor (BH v IO)
+     , Show (IndexName v)
+     )
+  => proxy v
+  -> IO [Value]
+getLogs prx = getLogsByIndex prx (ixn prx)
-getLogsByIndex :: IndexName -> IO [Value]
-getLogsByIndex i = do
-  r <- bh $ do
-    void (refreshIndex i)
-    searchByIndex i (mkSearch Nothing Nothing)
+  :: ( TestESVersion v
+     , Monad (BH v IO)
+#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 800
+     , Functor (BH v IO)
+     , Show (IndexName v)
+     )
+  => proxy v
+  -> IndexName v
+  -> IO [Value]
+getLogsByIndex prx i = do
+  r <- bh prx $ do
+    void (refreshIndex prx i)
+    searchByIndex prx i (mkSearch prx Nothing Nothing)
   let actualCode = statusCode (responseStatus r)
   assertBool ("search by " <> show i <> " " <> show actualCode <> " /= 200") 
(actualCode == 200)
   return $ responseBody r ^.. key "hits" . key "hits" . values
-bh :: BH IO a -> IO a
-bh = withBH defaultManagerSettings svr
+bh :: TestESVersion v => proxy v -> BH v IO a -> IO a
+bh prx = withBH prx defaultManagerSettings (svr prx)
-  :: IO (Scribe, IO a) -> (IO Reply -> KatipT IO b) -> IO b
+  :: TestESVersion v
+  => proxy v
+  -> IO Scribe
+  -> (IO (Response ByteString) -> KatipT IO b)
+  -> IO b
 withTestLogging = withTestLogging' id
-  :: (LogEnv -> LogEnv)
-  -> IO (Scribe, IO a)
-  -> (IO Reply -> KatipT IO b)
+  :: (TestESVersion v)
+  => (LogEnv -> LogEnv)
+  -> proxy v
+  -> IO Scribe
+  -> (IO (Response ByteString) -> KatipT IO b)
   -> IO b
-withTestLogging' modEnv setup f = do
-  (scr, done) <- setup
+withTestLogging' modEnv prx setup f = do
+  scr <- setup
   le <- modEnv <$> initLogEnv ns env
-  let done' = done >> bh (refreshIndex ixn)
-  runKatipT le { _logEnvScribes = M.singleton "es" scr} (f done')
+  le' <- registerScribe "es" scr defaultScribeSettings le
+  let done' = do
+        _ <- closeScribes le'
+        bh prx (refreshIndex prx (ixn prx))
+  runKatipT le' (f done')
     ns = Namespace ["katip-test"]
     env = Environment "test"
-svr :: Server
-svr = Server "http://localhost:9200";
+svr :: TestESVersion v => proxy v -> Server v
+svr prx = toServer prx  "http://localhost:9200";
+ixn :: TestESVersion v => proxy v -> IndexName v
+ixn prx = toIndexName prx "katip-elasticsearch-tests"
-ixn :: IndexName
-ixn = IndexName "katip-elasticsearch-tests"
+ixs :: TestESVersion v => proxy v -> IndexSettings v
+ixs prx = defaultIndexSettings prx
+  & indexShards prx .~ toShardCount prx 1
+  & indexReplicas prx .~ toReplicaCount prx 1
-ixs :: IndexSettings
-ixs = defaultIndexSettings { indexShards = ShardCount 1
-                           , indexReplicas = ReplicaCount 1}
+tn :: TestESVersion v => proxy v -> TemplateName v
+tn prx = toTemplateName prx "katip-elasticsearch-tests"
-mn :: MappingName
-mn = MappingName "logs"
+mn :: TestESVersion v => proxy v -> MappingName v
+mn prx = toMappingName prx "logs"
-dropESSchema :: BH IO ()
-dropESSchema = void $ deleteIndex (IndexName "katip-elasticsearch-tests*")
+  :: ( TestESVersion v
+     , Monad (BH v IO)
+#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 800
+     , Functor (BH v IO)
+     )
+  => proxy v
+  -> BH v IO ()
+dropESSchema prx = void $ deleteIndex prx (toIndexName prx 
-dropESSTemplate :: BH IO ()
-dropESSTemplate = void $ deleteTemplate (TemplateName 
+  :: ( TestESVersion v
+     , Monad (BH v IO)
+#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 800
+     , Functor (BH v IO)
+     )
+  => proxy v
+  -> BH v IO ()
+dropESSTemplate prx = void $ deleteTemplate prx (tn prx)

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