Hello community,

here is the log from the commit of package python-Django1 for openSUSE:Factory 
checked in at 2018-01-13 21:45:10
Comparing /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/python-Django1 (Old)
 and      /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.python-Django1.new (New)

Package is "python-Django1"

Sat Jan 13 21:45:10 2018 rev:1 rq:559133 version:1.11.8

New Changes file:

--- /dev/null   2018-01-05 12:14:39.755488130 +0100
+++ /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.python-Django1.new/python-Django1.changes       
2018-01-13 21:45:11.248955437 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1361 @@
+Thu Dec 21 15:56:39 UTC 2017 - mimi...@gmail.com
+- build only for python2 - Python3 provided by Django-2.0
+Tue Dec 12 05:16:57 UTC 2017 - tbecht...@suse.com
+- update to 1.11.8:
+  * Fixed #28488 -- Reallowed error handlers to access CSRF tokens.
+  * Fixed #28856 -- Fixed a regression in caching of a GenericForeignKey
+    pointing to a MTI model.
+  * Fixed #28597 -- Fixed crash with the name of a model's autogenerated 
+    key in an Index's fields.
+  * Added stub release notes for 1.11.7.
+  * Fixed #28305 -- Fixed "Cannot change column 'x': used in a foreign key 
+    crash on MySQL with a sequence of AlterField or RenameField operations.
+  * Fixed #28689 -- Fixed unquoted table names in Subquery SQL when using 
+  * Added assertion helpers for PostgreSQL's server-side cursor tests.
+  * Fixed #28729 -- Replaced a numbered list with unordered list in 
TemplatesSetting docs.
+  * Fixed #28786 -- Doc'd middleware ordering considerations due to
+    CommonMiddleware setting Content-Length.
+  * Added release date for 1.11.8.
+  * Fixed #28702 -- Made query lookups for CIText fields use citext.
+  * Added 2017-12794 to the security release archive.
+  * Fixed typo in docs/topics/cache.txt.
+  * Bumped version for 1.11.6 release.
+  * Added release date for 1.11.6.
+  * Fixed #28648 -- Corrected typo in docs/topics/db/queries.txt.
+  * Bumped version for 1.11.7 release.
+  * Added stub release notes for 1.11.8.
+  * Fixed #28848 -- Fixed SQLite/MySQL crash when ordering by a filtered
+    subquery that uses nulls_first/nulls_last.
+  * Fixed typo in docs/topics/db/aggregation.txt.
+  * Fixed #28802 -- Fixed typo in docs/topics/auth/default.txt.
+  * Fixed typo in docs/topics/forms/media.txt.
+  * Bumped version for 1.11.8 release.
+  * Fixed typo in docs/ref/models/querysets.txt.
+  * Fixed test failures due to ordering differences on PostgreSQL 10.
+  * Fixed #28710 -- Fixed the Basque DATE_FORMAT string
+  * Added stub release notes for 1.11.6.
+  * Fixed #28747 -- Fixed typos in django/conf/global_settings.py comments.
+  * Fixed #28817 -- Made QuerySet.iterator() use server-side cursors after
+    values() and values_list().
+  * Post-release version bump.
+  * Fixed #28792 -- Fixed index name truncation of namespaced tables.
+  * Fixed #28781 -- Added QuerySet.values()/values_list() support for union(),
+    difference(), and intersection().
+  * Fixed #28722 -- Made QuerySet.reverse() affect nulls_first/nulls_last.
+  * Refs #28710 -- Simplified l10n format test
+  * Initialized CsrfViewMiddleware once in csrf_tests.
+  * Added release date for 1.11.7.
+  * Linked to prefetch_related_objects func in DB optimization docs.
+  * Fixed #28645 -- Reallowed AuthenticationForm to raise the inactive user
+    error when using ModelBackend.
+  * Fixed #28653 -- Added missing ForeignKey.on_delete argument in docs.
+  * Fixed #28561 -- Removed inaccurate docs about QuerySet.order_by() and 
+  * Fixed #28555 -- Made CharField convert whitespace-only values to the
+    empty_value when strip is enabled.
+  * Fixed #28601 -- Prevented cache.get_or_set() from caching None if default
+    is a callable that returns None.
+Wed Sep 20 21:53:53 UTC 2017 - toddrme2...@gmail.com
+- update to version 1.11.5
+  * CVE-2017-12794: Possible XSS in traceback section of technical 500 debug 
+  * Fixed GEOS version parsing if the version has a commit hash at the end (new
+    in GEOS 3.6.2) (:ticket:`28441`).
+  * Added compatibility for ``cx_Oracle`` 6 (:ticket:`28498`).
+  * Fixed select widget rendering when option values are tuples 
+  * Django 1.11 inadvertently changed the sequence and trigger naming scheme on
+    Oracle. This causes errors on INSERTs for some tables if
+    ``'use_returning_into': False`` is in the ``OPTIONS`` part of 
+    The pre-1.11 naming scheme is now restored. Unfortunately, it necessarily
+    requires an update to Oracle tables created with Django 1.11.[1-4]. Use the
+    upgrade script in :ticket:`28451` comment 8 to update sequence and trigger
+    names to use the pre-1.11 naming scheme.
+  * Added POST request support to ``LogoutView``, for equivalence with the
+    function-based ``logout()`` view (:ticket:`28513`).
+  * Omitted ``pages_per_range`` from ``BrinIndex.deconstruct()`` if it's 
+    (:ticket:`25809`).
+  * Fixed a regression where ``SelectDateWidget`` localized the years in the
+    select box (:ticket:`28530`).
+  * Fixed a regression in 1.11.4 where ``runserver`` crashed with non-Unicode
+    system encodings on Python 2 + Windows (:ticket:`28487`).
+  * Fixed a regression in Django 1.10 where changes to a ``ManyToManyField``
+    weren't logged in the admin change history (:ticket:`27998`) and prevented
+    ``ManyToManyField`` initial data in model forms from being affected by
+    subsequent model changes (:ticket:`28543`).
+  * Fixed non-deterministic results or an ``AssertionError`` crash in some
+    queries with multiple joins (:ticket:`26522`).
+  * Fixed a regression in ``contrib.auth``'s ``login()`` and ``logout()`` views
+    where they ignored positional arguments (:ticket:`28550`).
+Thu Aug 10 12:51:56 UTC 2017 - tbecht...@suse.com
+- update to version 1.11.4:
+  * Fixed #27939 -- Updated OpenLayersWidget.map_srid for OpenLayers 3.
+  * Fixed #27956 -- Fixed display of errors in an {% extends %} child.
+  * Updated various links in docs to avoid redirects
+  * Fixed typo in docs/topics/auth/default.txt.
+  * Double quoted HTML attributes in widget docs
+  * Fixed #28303 -- Prevented localization of attribute values in the DTL 
attrs.html widget template.
+  * Added stub release notes for 1.11.3.
+  * Documented OSMWidget.default_lat/lon.
+  * Fixed #28101 -- Fixed a regression with nested __in subquery lookups and 
+  * Bumped version for 1.11.4 release.
+  * Bumped version for 1.11.3 release.
+  * Updated translations from Transifex
+  * Fixed #28039 -- Fixed crash in BaseGeometryWidget.subwidgets().
+  * Fixed #28242 -- Moved ImageField file extension validation to the form 
+  * Made docs/topics/migrations.txt use single quotes consistently.
+  * Fixed #28355 -- Fixed widget rendering of non-ASCII date/time formats on 
Python 2.
+  * Updated name of topics/db/queries link on index.
+  * Fixed #28025 -- Fixed typo in docs/ref/models/querysets.txt.
+  * Fixed #28043 -- Prevented AddIndex and RemoveIndex from mutating model 
+  * Fixed #28207 -- Fixed contrib.auth.authenticate() if multiple auth 
backends don't accept a request.
+  * Fixed #28361 -- Fixed possible time-related failure in 
was_published_recently() tutorial test.
+  * Fixed #28265 -- Prevented renderer warning on Widget.render() with 
+  * Fixed typo in docs/topics/testing/advanced.txt.
+  * Fixed #28125 -- Clarified 1.11 release note about Template.render() 
prohibiting non-dict context.
+  * Refs #18974 -- Added stacklevel for permalink() deprecation.
+  * Fixed #28350 -- Fixed UnboundLocalError crash in RenameField with 
nonexistent field.
+  * Fixed #28051 -- Made migrations respect Index's name argument.
+  * Fixed #28420 -- Doc'd 'is' comparison restriction for 
+  * Added release date for 1.11.4.
+  * Refs #28174 -- Fixed autoreload test crash on Python 2/non-ASCII path.
+  * Fixed #28389 -- Fixed pickling of LazyObject on Python 2 when wrapped 
object doesn't have __reduce__().
+  * Fixed #28148 -- Doc'd ImageField name validation concerns with the test 
+  * Added stub release notes for 1.11.2.
+  * Fixed #27890 -- Fixed FileNotFoundError cleanup exception in runtests.py 
on Python 3.6+.
+  * Fixed #28138 -- Used output type handler instead of numbersAsStrings on 
Oracle cursor.
+  * Fixed widgets module path in docs/ref/contrib/gis/forms-api.txt.
+  * Fixed #27947 -- Doc'd that model Field.error_messages often don't 
propagate to forms.
+  * Fixed #28067 -- Clarified __str__() return type when using 
+  * Fixed docstring typo in django/contrib/admin/actions.py.
+  * Fixed #28102 -- Doc'd how to compute path to built-in widget template 
+  * Fixed #28352 -- Corrected QuerySet.values_list() return type in docs 
+  * Fixed #28181 -- Added detection for GDAL 2.1 and 2.0.
+  * Refs #23853 -- Updated sql.query.Query.join() docstring.
+  * Added a test for Model._meta._property_names.
+  * Refs #27919 -- Changed Widget.get_context() attrs kwarg to an arg.
+  * Fixed #28415 -- Clarified what characters ASCII/UnicodeUsernameValidator 
+  * Fixed #28074 -- Doc'd template-based widget rendering changes for 
+  * Fixed #28278 -- Fixed invalid HTML for a required AdminFileWidget.
+  * Added content_type filtering in Permission querying example.
+  * Corrected FileExtensionValidator doc regarding the value being validated.
+  * Fixed #27960 -- Set errcheck=False for GDALAllRegister to prevent crash.
+  * Fixed #28097 -- Fixed layout of ReadOnlyPasswordHashWidget.
+  * Fixed #27969 -- Fixed models.Field.formfield() setting 'disabled' for 
fields with choices.
+  * Post-release version bump.
+  * Fixed #28298 -- Prevented a primary key alteration from adding a foreign 
key constraint if db_constraint=False.
+  * Refs #28192 -- Fixed documentation of ChoiceField choices requirement
+  * Fixed #27966 -- Bumped required psycopg2 version to 2.5.4.
+  * Linked GIS QuerySet API docs to corresponding PostGIS docs.
+  * Fixed #27974 -- Kept resolved templates constant during one rendering 
+  * Refs #28100 -- Fixed URL in el, es_MX, and pt auth translations
+  * Fixed typo in docs/ref/request-response.txt.
+  * Fixed #27963 -- Removed unneeded docstring example in contributing docs.
+  * Added stub release notes for security releases.
+  * Fixed #28349 -- Doc'd how to upgrade Django from LTS to LTS.
+  * Fixed typo in docs/ref/forms/fields.txt.
+  * Fixed CVE-2017-7234 -- Fixed open redirect vulnerability in 
+  * Fixed #28170 -- Fixed file_move_safe() crash when moving files to a CIFS 
+  * Fixed broken links to Oracle docs.
+  * Fixed #27554 -- Fixed prefetch_related() crash when fetching relations in 
nested Prefetches.
+  * Added links and cosmetic edits to docs/ref/request-response.txt.
+  * Added stub release notes for 1.11.1.
+  * Fixed #28079 -- Restored "No POST data" (rather than an empty table) in 
HTML debug page.
+  * Removed incorrect "required" attribute in docs/ref/forms/fields.txt.
+  * Fixed #28176 -- Restored the uncasted option value in ChoiceWidget 
template context.
+  * Refs #24423 -- Readded inadvertently deleted i18n tests.
+  * Fixed #27965 -- Fixed precision comparison in a geoforms test (refs 
+  * Corrected post-release version bump.
+  * Made runtests.py run gis_tests only when using a GIS database backend.
+  * Fixed #28230 -- Allowed DjangoJsonEncoder to serialize CallableBool.
+  * Fixed broken link to QUnit docs.
+  * Removed MySQL (unsupported) from Perimeter docs.
+  * Fixed #28266 -- Fixed typo in docs/ref/models/instances.txt.
+  * Fixed #28139 -- Added another level of headings in the topics index.
+  * Fixed #28003 -- Doc'd what an auto-created OneToOneField parent_link looks 
+  * Fixed #28160 -- Prevented hiding GDAL exceptions when it's not installed.
+  * Updated man page for Django 1.11.
+  * Fixed #27988 -- Fixed typo in docs/ref/django-admin.txt.
+  * Fixed #28199 -- Fixed Subquery generating unnecessary/invalid CAST.
+  * Fixed #28122 -- Fixed crash when overriding 
views.static.directory_index()'s template.
+  * Fixed AppRegistryNotReady error when running gis_tests in isolation on 
+  * Fixed #28435 -- Removed inaccurate warning about SECURE_HSTS_PRELOAD.
+  * Fixed #28040 -- Updated SplitArrayWidget to use template-based widget 
+  * Fixed #28269 -- Fixed Model.__init__() crash on models with a field that 
has an instance only descriptor.
+  * Tested EmailMessage(attachments=[MIMEText])
+  * Clarified return value of NumGeometries GIS function.
+  * Refs #27935 -- Fixed BrinIndex.max_name_length if a project's default 
database isn't PostgreSQL.
+  * Fixed #28058 -- Restored empty BoundFields evaluating to True.
+  * Replaced "not A== B" with "A != B" in docs/howto/writing-migrations.txt.
++++ 1164 more lines (skipped)
++++ between /dev/null
++++ and /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.python-Django1.new/python-Django1.changes



Other differences:
++++++ python-Django1.spec ++++++
# spec file for package python-Django
# Copyright (c) 2017 SUSE LINUX GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
# published by the Open Source Initiative.

# Please submit bugfixes or comments via http://bugs.opensuse.org/

%{?!python_module:%define python_module() python-%{**} python3-%{**}}
%define oldpython python
%define skip_python3 1
Name:           python-Django1
Version:        1.11.8
Release:        0
Summary:        A high-level Python Web framework
License:        BSD-3-Clause
Group:          Development/Languages/Python
Url:            http://www.djangoproject.com
Source2:        %{name}.keyring
Source99:       python-Django1-rpmlintrc
BuildRequires:  %{python_module devel}
BuildRequires:  %{python_module setuptools}
BuildRequires:  fdupes
BuildRequires:  python-rpm-macros
Requires:       python-Pillow
Requires:       python-pytz
Requires:       python-setuptools
Requires:       python-xml
Recommends:     python-bcrypt
Obsoletes:      %{oldpython}-django < %{version}
Provides:       %{oldpython}-django = %{version}
Obsoletes:      %{oldpython}-South < %{version}
Provides:       %{oldpython}-South = %{version}
Provides:       python2-Django = %{version}
Obsoletes:      python2-Django < %{version}
Provides:       python2-South = %{version}
Obsoletes:      python2-South < %{version}
Requires(post):   update-alternatives
Requires(preun):  update-alternatives
BuildArch:      noarch

Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development 
and clean, pragmatic design.

# The publisher doesn't sign the source tarball, but a signatures file 
containing multiple hashes.
# Verify hashes in that file against source tarball.
echo "`grep -e '^[0-9a-f]\{32\}  Django-%{version}.tar.gz' %{SOURCE1} | cut 
-c1-32`  %{SOURCE0}" | md5sum -c
echo "`grep -e '^[0-9a-f]\{40\}  Django-%{version}.tar.gz' %{SOURCE1} | cut 
-c1-40`  %{SOURCE0}" | sha1sum -c
echo "`grep -e '^[0-9a-f]\{64\}  Django-%{version}.tar.gz' %{SOURCE1} | cut 
-c1-64`  %{SOURCE0}" | sha256sum -c

%setup -q -n Django-%{version}



%python_clone -a %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/django-admin.py
%python_clone -a %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/django-admin

%{python_expand install -D -m 0644 extras/django_bash_completion 
pushd %{buildroot}%{$python_sitelib}
chmod a-x django/contrib/admin/static/admin/js/vendor/xregexp/xregexp.js
# Fix wrong-script-interpreter
sed -i "s|^#!/usr/bin/env python$|#!%{__$python}|" django/bin/django-admin.py
sed -i "s|^#!/usr/bin/env python$|#!%{__$python}|" 
%fdupes .
# Deduplicating files can generate a RPMLINT warning for pyc mtime
$python -m compileall -d %{$python_sitelib} django/bin/
$python -O -m compileall -d %{$python_sitelib} django/bin/
$python -m compileall -d %{$python_sitelib} django/conf/project_template/
$python -O -m compileall -d %{$python_sitelib} django/conf/project_template/
$python -m compileall -d %{$python_sitelib} django/conf/locale/
$python -O -m compileall -d %{$python_sitelib} django/conf/locale/
$python -m compileall -d %{$python_sitelib} django/conf/locale/ru/
$python -O -m compileall -d %{$python_sitelib} django/conf/locale/ru/
%fdupes django/bin/

%{python_install_alternative django-admin.py django-admin}

%python_uninstall_alternative django-admin

%files %{python_files}
%python_alternative %{_bindir}/django-admin
%python_alternative %{_bindir}/django-admin.py

++++++ Django-1.11.8.tar.gz.asc ++++++
Hash: SHA256

This file contains MD5, SHA1, and SHA256 checksums for the source-code
tarball and wheel files of Django 1.11.8, released December 2, 2017.

To use this file, you will need a working install of PGP or other
compatible public-key encryption software. You will also need to have
the Django release manager's public key in your keyring; this key has
the ID ``1E8ABDC773EDE252`` and can be imported from the MIT
keyserver. For example, if using the open-source GNU Privacy Guard
implementation of PGP:

    gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-key 1E8ABDC773EDE252

Once the key is imported, verify this file::

    gpg --verify <<THIS FILENAME>>

Once you have verified this file, you can use normal MD5, SHA1, or SHA256
checksumming applications to generate the checksums of the Django
package and compare them to the checksums listed below.

Release packages:


MD5 checksums

0f6557754e9347aeccf0f379b15a1264  Django-1.11.8-py2.py3-none-any.whl
e8b68d44b87a3de36e13547ec2722af2  Django-1.11.8.tar.gz

SHA1 checksums

821a5141eee6b898e54ae4d8646ef8ee5f09a5a4  Django-1.11.8-py2.py3-none-any.whl
185f29e3b613205b4ea97add7003dbefc120cde7  Django-1.11.8.tar.gz

SHA256 checksums

Version: GnuPG v1

++++++ python-Django1-rpmlintrc ++++++
# Empty model.py files should be kept around:
# Bash completion isn't config:
addFilter("non-conffile-in-etc /etc/bash_completion.d/django_bash_completion*")

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