Hello community,

here is the log from the commit of package deutex for openSUSE:Factory checked 
in at 2018-01-19 11:52:21
Comparing /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/deutex (Old)
 and      /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.deutex.new (New)

Package is "deutex"

Fri Jan 19 11:52:21 2018 rev:7 rq:562642 version:5.1.1

--- /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/deutex/deutex.changes    2017-07-08 
12:35:53.213865617 +0200
+++ /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.deutex.new/deutex.changes       2018-01-19 
11:52:43.265029864 +0100
@@ -1,0 +2,76 @@
+Tue Jan  9 00:09:12 UTC 2018 - avin...@opensuse.org
+- update to 5.1.1
+  * Fixed: texture name array: the maximum possible string size is
+    now supported.
+  * Fixed: some warnings and errors with old versions of pkg-config
+    and gcc 
+  * Fixed: Aliasing errors (caused crashes on some architectures,
+    such as sparc64)
+  * Can now build WADs with an arbitrary number of lumps. A warning
+    is emitted when more than 4046 are included (vanilla Doom limit).
+- remove 0001-increase-array-size-for-char-tname-variable-51.patch
+  * upstreamed in 7024dd74a33780ef2dbdf614f4e52526cc3ab457
+- remove 0001-Fix-strict-aliasing-violations.patch
+  * upstreamed in 85d821dd3c145be1a998ca2a704930caaad73030
+- remove deutex-proto.diff
+  * upstreamed in 07bd0a5083fc15db20bee9056511bd3e10dd1362
+- remove deutex-nolimit.diff
+  * fixed in f8b1336bbcb7bc387d3e856cc7c9f75697cd0f0b
+- remove deprecated BuildRoot option
+Mon Jan  1 18:18:37 UTC 2018 - jeng...@inai.de
+- Add 0001-increase-array-size-for-char-tname-variable-51.patch,
+  0001-Fix-strict-aliasing-violations.patch
+- Explain some changelog entries better.
+Mon Jan  1 07:58:11 UTC 2018 - avin...@opensuse.org
+- update to 5.1.0
+  * The -overwrite option now works.
+  * Levels are extracted/inserted in a way to preserve GL nodes.
+  * Inserting pictures with a height of 1 pixel no longer causes
+    a malloc error, and allows the operation of rebuilding a
+    Doom 1 or 2 IWAD.
+  * Texture lump file names can now be overridden.
+  * Support reading and writing sprite offsets based on PNG
+    "grAb" chunks (cf. grabpng package) in a manner compatible
+    with SLADE and ZDoom. wadinfo.txt overrides these offsets
+    unless -pngoffsets is used.
+- includes 5.0.0
+  * Removed DeuSF program mode.
+  * Removed command line options used by WinTex.
+  * Removed MS-DOS and OS/2 support code.
+  * Removed the "-man" option from deutex.
+  * Removed incomplete Rise of the Triad support.
+  * PNG support added. This is the default extraction format now.
+  * Sun Audio (.au) and Creative .voc sound file format support
+    has been removed. RIFF WAVE is the only supported format.
+  * Full sound lumps from the WAD are always extracted (-fullsnd
+    option).
+  * MIDI files can be included just by being named *.mid, and are
+    extracted to the same file name extension.
+  * Log file support has been removed, in favor of the user doing
+    a shell redirection (e.g. with > or 2>) instead.
+  * Arch-vile sprites are now extracted and inserted using
+    literal names for sprites with the '[' and ']' characters in
+    names (were illegal in DOS), and sprite names with '\' are
+    now altered to use '^' on-disk, matching the ZDoom PK3
+    standard.
+  * Graphics with a height > 128 and < 256 are now inserted into
+    Doom WAD files correctly.
+  * UDMF (Universal Doom Map Format) support.
+- remove patches obsoleted by upstream cleanup and refactoring
+  * deutex-automake.diff
+  * deutex-braces.diff
+  * deutex-init-stdfp.diff
+    - check_types removed (b76fafa6fee9a64929e7b1087ac36ea3ce39e27d)
+  * deutex-soundbuf.diff
+- rebase deutex-proto.diff
+- rebase deutex-nolimit.diff
+- renumber patches
@@ -35 +110,0 @@




Other differences:
++++++ deutex.spec ++++++
--- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.NxtP45/_old  2018-01-19 11:52:44.640965014 +0100
+++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.NxtP45/_new  2018-01-19 11:52:44.644964825 +0100
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # spec file for package deutex
-# Copyright (c) 2017 SUSE LINUX GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
+# Copyright (c) 2018 SUSE LINUX GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
 # All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
 # remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
@@ -17,60 +17,45 @@
 Name:           deutex
-Version:        4.4.902
+Version:        5.1.1
 Release:        0
 Summary:        WAD composer for Doom and related games
 License:        GPL-2.0+
 Group:          Development/Tools/Other
-Url:            http://www.teaser.fr/~amajorel/deutex/
+#Historic-Url:  http://www.teaser.fr/~amajorel/deutex/
+URL:            https://github.com/Doom-Utils/deutex
-# This prerelease tarball is unfortunately not linked from the homepage,
-# but referenced from
-# http://doom-editing.gamehourz.com/DeuTex-release-candidate-ftopict85808.html
-Patch1:         deutex-automake.diff
-Patch2:         deutex-braces.diff
-Patch3:         deutex-proto.diff
-Patch4:         deutex-init-stdfp.diff
-Patch5:         deutex-soundbuf.diff
-Patch6:         deutex-nolimit.diff
-BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build
-BuildRequires:  autoconf
+BuildRequires:  asciidoc
 BuildRequires:  automake
-BuildRequires:  libtool
-Provides:       deusf = %version
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig
-DeuTex is a wad composer for Doom, Heretic, Hexen and Strife. It can
-be used to extract the lumps of a wad and save them as individual
-files. Conversely, it can also build a wad from separate files. When
-extracting a lump to a file, it does not just copy the raw data, it
-converts it to an appropriate format (such as PPM for graphics, Sun
-audio for samples, etc.). Conversely, when it reads files for
-inclusion in pwads, it does the necessary conversions (for example,
-from PPM to Doom picture format). In addition, DeuTex has functions
-such as merging wads, etc.
+DeuTex is a .wad file composer for Doom, Heretic, Hexen and Strife.
+It can be used to extract the lumps of a WAD and save them as
+individual files. Conversely, it can also build a WAD from separate
+files. When extracting a lump to a file, it does not just copy the
+raw data, it converts it to an appropriate format (such as PNG for
+graphics, WAVE for audio samples, etc.). Conversely, when it reads
+files for inclusion in PWADs, it does the necessary conversions (for
+example, from PPM to Doom picture format). In addition, DeuTex has
+functions such as merging WADs.
 %setup -q
-%patch -P 1 -P 2 -P 3 -P 4 -P 5 -P 6 -p1
-autoreconf -fi
+autoreconf -fiv
-make CFLAGS="%optflags" %{?_smp_mflags}
-iconv -f iso8859-1 -t utf-8 <deutex.6 >deutex.6.new;
-iconv -f iso8859-1 -t utf-8 <dtexman6.txt >dtexman6.txt.new;
-mv deutex.6.new deutex.6;
-mv dtexman6.txt.new dtexman6.txt;
+make %{?_smp_mflags}
-%doc %_mandir/*/*

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