Hello community,

here is the log from the commit of package python-SQLAlchemy for 
openSUSE:Factory checked in at 2018-07-02 23:33:09
Comparing /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/python-SQLAlchemy (Old)
 and      /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.python-SQLAlchemy.new (New)

Package is "python-SQLAlchemy"

Mon Jul  2 23:33:09 2018 rev:52 rq:620083 version:1.2.9

--- /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/python-SQLAlchemy/python-SQLAlchemy.changes      
2018-06-27 10:22:12.222325894 +0200
+++ /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.python-SQLAlchemy.new/python-SQLAlchemy.changes 
2018-07-02 23:33:26.701249682 +0200
@@ -1,0 +2,142 @@
+Sun Jul  1 02:17:55 UTC 2018 - a...@gmx.de
+- removed patch fix_test_reflection.patch (included upstream)
+- update to version 1.2.9:
+  * orm
+    + [orm] [bug] Fixed issue where chaining multiple join elements
+      inside of Query.join() might not correctly adapt to the previous
+      left-hand side, when chaining joined inheritance classes that
+      share the same base class.
+      References: #3505
+    + [orm] [bug] Fixed bug in cache key generation for baked queries
+      which could cause a too-short cache key to be generated for the
+      case of eager loads across subclasses. This could in turn cause
+      the eagerload query to be cached in place of a non-eagerload
+      query, or vice versa, for a polymorhic “selectin” load, or
+      possibly for lazy loads or selectin loads as well.
+      References: #4287
+    + [orm] [bug] Fixed bug in new polymorphic selectin loading where
+      the BakedQuery used internally would be mutated by the given
+      loader options, which would both inappropriately mutate the
+      subclass query as well as carry over the effect to subsequent
+      queries.
+      References: #4286
+    + [orm] [bug] Fixed regression caused by #4256 (itself a
+      regression fix for #4228) which breaks an undocumented behavior
+      which converted for a non-sequence of entities passed directly
+      to the Query constructor into a single-element sequence. While
+      this behavior was never supported or documented, it’s already in
+      use so has been added as a behavioral contract to Query.
+      References: #4269
+    + [orm] [bug] Fixed an issue that was both a performance
+      regression in 1.2 as well as an incorrect result regarding the
+      “baked” lazy loader, involving the generation of cache keys from
+      the original Query object’s loader options. If the loader
+      options were built up in a “branched” style using common base
+      elements for multiple options, the same options would be
+      rendered into the cache key repeatedly, causing both a
+      performance issue as well as generating the wrong cache
+      key. This is fixed, along with a performance improvement when
+      such “branched” options are applied via Query.options() to
+      prevent the same option objects from being applied repeatedly.
+      References: #4270
+  * sql
+    + [sql] [bug] Fixed regression in 1.2 due to #4147 where a Table
+      that has had some of its indexed columns redefined with new
+      ones, as would occur when overriding columns during reflection
+      or when using Table.extend_existing, such that the
+      Table.tometadata() method would fail when attempting to copy
+      those indexes as they still referred to the replaced column. The
+      copy logic now accommodates for this condition.
+       References: #4279
+  * mysql
+    + [mysql] [bug] Fixed percent-sign doubling in
+      mysql-connector-python dialect, which does not require
+      de-doubling of percent signs. Additionally, the mysql-
+      connector-python driver is inconsistent in how it passes the
+      column names in cursor.description, so a workaround decoder has
+      been added to conditionally decode these
+      randomly-sometimes-bytes values to unicode only if needed. Also
+      improved test support for mysql-connector-python, however it
+      should be noted that this driver still has issues with unicode
+      that continue to be unresolved as of yet.
+    + [mysql] [bug] Fixed bug in index reflection where on MySQL 8.0
+      an index that includes ASC or DESC in an indexed column
+      specfication would not be correctly reflected, as MySQL 8.0
+      introduces support for returning this information in a table
+      definition string.
+      References: #4293
+    + [mysql] [bug] Fixed bug in MySQLdb dialect and variants such as
+      PyMySQL where an additional “unicode returns” check upon
+      connection makes explicit use of the “utf8” character set, which
+      in MySQL 8.0 emits a warning that utf8mb4 should be used. This
+      is now replaced with a utf8mb4 equivalent. Documentation is also
+      updated for the MySQL dialect to specify utf8mb4 in all
+      examples. Additional changes have been made to the test suite to
+      use utf8mb3 charsets and databases (there seem to be collation
+      issues in some edge cases with utf8mb4), and to support
+      configuration default changes made in MySQL 8.0 such as
+      explicit_defaults_for_timestamp as well as new errors raised for
+      invalid MyISAM indexes.
+      References: #4283
+    + [mysql] [bug] The Update construct now accommodates a Join
+      object as supported by MySQL for UPDATE..FROM. As the construct
+      already accepted an alias object for a similar purpose, the
+      feature of UPDATE against a non-table was already implied so
+      this has been added.
+      References: #3645
+  * sqlite
+    + [sqlite] [bug] Fixed issue in test suite where SQLite 3.24 added
+      a new reserved word that conflicted with a usage in
+      TypeReflectionTest. Pull request courtesy Nils Philippsen.
+  * mssql
+    + [mssql] [bug] Fixed bug in MSSQL reflection where when two
+      same-named tables in different schemas had same-named primary
+      key constraints, foreign key constraints referring to one of the
+      tables would have their columns doubled, causing errors. Pull
+      request courtesy Sean Dunn.
+      References: #4228
+    + [mssql] [bug] [py3k] Fixed issue within the SQL Server dialect
+      under Python 3 where when running against a non-standard SQL
+      server database that does not contain either the
+      “sys.dm_exec_sessions” or “sys.dm_pdw_nodes_exec_sessions”
+      views, leading to a failure to fetch the isolation level, the
+      error raise would fail due to an UnboundLocalError.
+      References: #4273
+  * oracle
+    + [oracle] [feature] Added a new event currently used only by the
+      cx_Oracle dialect, DialectEvents.setiputsizes(). The event
+      passes a dictionary of BindParameter objects to DBAPI-specific
+      type objects that will be passed, after conversion to parameter
+      names, to the cx_Oracle cursor.setinputsizes() method. This
+      allows both visibility into the setinputsizes process as well as
+      the ability to alter the behavior of what datatypes are passed
+      to this method.
+      See als Fine grained control over cx_Oracle data binding and performance 
with setinputsizes
+      References: #4290
+    + [oracle] [bug] [mysql] Fixed INSERT FROM SELECT with CTEs for
+      the Oracle and MySQL dialects, where the CTE was being placed
+      above the entire statement as is typical with other databases,
+      however Oracle and MariaDB 10.2 wants the CTE underneath the
+      “INSERT” segment. Note that the Oracle and MySQL dialects don’t
+      yet work when a CTE is applied to a subquery inside of an UPDATE
+      or DELETE statement, as the CTE is still applied to the top
+      rather than inside the subquery.
+      References: #4275
+  * misc
+    + [feature] [ext] Added new attribute Query.lazy_loaded_from which
+      is populated with an InstanceState that is using this Query in
+      order to lazy load a relationship. The rationale for this is
+      that it serves as a hint for the horizontal sharding feature to
+      use, such that the identity token of the state can be used as
+      the default identity token to use for the query within
+      id_chooser().
+      References: #4243
+    + [bug] [py3k] Replaced the usage of inspect.formatargspec() with
+      a vendored version copied from the Python standard library, as
+      inspect.formatargspec() is deprecated and as of Python 3.7.0 is
+      emitting a warning.
+      References: #4291




Other differences:
++++++ python-SQLAlchemy.spec ++++++
--- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.eBBIvw/_old  2018-07-02 23:33:27.593248577 +0200
+++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.eBBIvw/_new  2018-07-02 23:33:27.597248572 +0200
@@ -20,14 +20,13 @@
 %define oldpython python
 %bcond_without tests
 Name:           python-SQLAlchemy
-Version:        1.2.8
+Version:        1.2.9
 Release:        0
 Summary:        Database Abstraction Library
 License:        MIT
 Group:          Development/Languages/Python
 URL:            http://www.sqlalchemy.org
-Patch0:         fix_test_reflection.patch
 BuildRequires:  %{python_module devel}
 # Test requirements:
 BuildRequires:  %{python_module mock}
@@ -70,7 +69,6 @@
 %setup -q -n SQLAlchemy-%{version}
-%patch0 -p1
 rm -rf doc/build # Remove unnecessary scripts for building documentation
 sed -i 's/\r$//' examples/dynamic_dict/dynamic_dict.py

++++++ SQLAlchemy-1.2.8.tar.gz -> SQLAlchemy-1.2.9.tar.gz ++++++
++++ 9537 lines of diff (skipped)

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