Hello community,

here is the log from the commit of package python-tox for openSUSE:Factory 
checked in at 2018-11-08 09:48:01
Comparing /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/python-tox (Old)
 and      /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.python-tox.new (New)

Package is "python-tox"

Thu Nov  8 09:48:01 2018 rev:24 rq:645896 version:3.5.2

--- /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/python-tox/python-tox.changes    2018-09-13 
12:11:15.314311549 +0200
+++ /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.python-tox.new/python-tox.changes       
2018-11-08 09:48:18.797112325 +0100
@@ -1,0 +2,153 @@
+Thu Oct 18 07:54:12 UTC 2018 - Tomáš Chvátal <tchva...@suse.com>
+- Make sure the tests are executed
+Fri Oct 12 03:14:03 UTC 2018 - Arun Persaud <a...@gmx.de>
+- specfile:
+  * require filelock
+  * CHANGELOG.rst ->changelog.rst, added CONTRIBUTORS CONTRIBUTING.rst to doc
+  * add fdupes
+- update to version 3.5.2:
+  * Bugfixes
+    + session packages are now put inside a numbered directory
+      (instead of prefix numbering it, because pip fails when wheels
+      are not named according to `PEP-491
+      <https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0491/#id9>`_, and prefix
+      numbering messes with this) - by :user:`gaborbernat` (`#1042
+      <https://github.com/tox-dev/tox/issues/1042>`_)
+  * Features
+    + level three verbosity ("-vvv") show the packaging output - by
+      :user:`gaborbernat` (`#1047
+      <https://github.com/tox-dev/tox/issues/1047>`_)
+- changes from version 3.5.1:
+  * Bugfixes
+    + fix regression with "3.5.0": specifying "--installpkg" raises
+      "AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'basename'"
+      (`#1042 <https://github.com/tox-dev/tox/issues/1042>`_)
+- changes from version 3.5.0:
+  * Bugfixes
+    + intermittent failures with "--parallel--safe-build", instead of
+      mangling with the file paths now uses a lock to make the package
+      build operation thread safe and is now on by default
+      ("--parallel--safe-build" is now deprecated) - by
+      :user:`gaborbernat` (`#1026
+      <https://github.com/tox-dev/tox/issues/1026>`_)
+  * Features
+    + Added "temp_dir" folder configuration (defaults to
+      "{toxworkdir}/.tmp") that contains tox temporary files. Package
+      builds now create a hard link (if possible, otherwise copy -
+      notably in case of Windows Python 2.7) to the built file, and
+      feed that file downstream (e.g. for pip to install it). The hard
+      link is removed at the end of the run (what it points though is
+      kept inside "distdir"). This ensures that a tox session operates
+      on the same package it built, even if a parallel tox run builds
+      another version. Note "distdir" will contain only the last built
+      package in such cases. - by :user:`gaborbernat` (`#1026
+      <https://github.com/tox-dev/tox/issues/1026>`_)
+  * Documentation
+    + document tox environment recreate rules (:ref:`recreate`) - by
+      :user:`gaborbernat` (`#93
+      <https://github.com/tox-dev/tox/issues/93>`_)
+    + document inside the "--help" how to disable colorized output via
+      the "PY_COLORS" operating system environment variable - by
+      :user:`gaborbernat` (`#163
+      <https://github.com/tox-dev/tox/issues/163>`_)
+    + document all global tox flags and a more concise format to
+      express default and type - by :user:`gaborbernat` (`#683
+      <https://github.com/tox-dev/tox/issues/683>`_)
+    + document command line interface under the config section `cli
+      <https://tox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/config.html?highlight=cli#cli>`_
+      - by :user:`gaborbernat` (`#829
+      <https://github.com/tox-dev/tox/issues/829>`_)
+- changes from version 3.4.0:
+  * Bugfixes
+    + add "--exists-action w" to default pip flags to handle better
+      VCS dependencies (`pip documentation on this
+      <https://pip.pypa.io/en/latest/reference/pip/#exists-action-option>`_)
+      - by :user:`gaborbernat` (`#503
+      <https://github.com/tox-dev/tox/issues/503>`_)
+    + instead of assuming the Python version from the base python name
+      ask the interpreter to reveal the version for the
+      "ignore_basepython_conflict" flag - by :user:`gaborbernat`
+      (`#908 <https://github.com/tox-dev/tox/issues/908>`_)
+    + PEP-517 packaging fails with sdist already exists, fixed via
+      ensuring the dist folder is empty before invoking the backend
+      and `pypa/setuptools 1481
+      <https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/pull/1481>`_ - by
+      :user:`gaborbernat` (`#1003
+      <https://github.com/tox-dev/tox/issues/1003>`_)
+  * Features
+    + add "commands_pre" and "commands_post" that run before and after
+      running the "commands" (setup runs always, commands only if
+      setup suceeds, teardown always - all run until the first failing
+      command) - by :user:`gaborbernat` (`#167
+      <https://github.com/tox-dev/tox/issues/167>`_)
+    + "pyproject.toml" config support initially by just inline the
+      tox.ini under "tool.tox.legacy_tox_ini" key; config source
+      priority order is "pyproject.toml", "tox.ini" and then
+      "setup.cfg" - by :user:`gaborbernat` (`#814
+      <https://github.com/tox-dev/tox/issues/814>`_)
+    + use the os environment variable "TOX_SKIP_ENV" to filter out tox
+      environment names from the run list (set by "envlist") - by
+      :user:`gaborbernat` (`#824
+      <https://github.com/tox-dev/tox/issues/824>`_)
+    + always set "PIP_USER=0" (do not install into the user site
+      package, but inside the virtual environment created) and
+      "PIP_NO_DEPS=0" (installing without dependencies can cause
+      broken package installations) inside tox - by
+      :user:`gaborbernat` (`#838
+      <https://github.com/tox-dev/tox/issues/838>`_)
+    + tox will inject some environment variables that to indicate a
+      command is running within tox: "TOX_WORK_DIR" env var is set to
+      the tox work directory, "TOX_ENV_NAME" is set to the current
+      running tox environment name, "TOX_ENV_DIR" is set to the
+      current tox environments working dir - by :user:`gaborbernat`
+      (`#847 <https://github.com/tox-dev/tox/issues/847>`_)
+    + While running tox invokes various commands (such as building the
+      package, pip installing dependencies and so on), these were
+      printed in case they failed as Python arrays. Changed the
+      representation to a shell command, allowing the users to quickly
+      replicate/debug the failure on their own - by
+      :user:`gaborbernat` (`#851
+      <https://github.com/tox-dev/tox/issues/851>`_)
+    + skip missing interpreters value from the config file can now be
+      overridden via the "--skip-missing-interpreters" cli flag - by
+      :user:`gaborbernat` (`#903
+      <https://github.com/tox-dev/tox/issues/903>`_)
+    + keep additional environments config order when listing them - by
+      :user:`gaborbernat` (`#921
+      <https://github.com/tox-dev/tox/issues/921>`_)
+    + allow injecting config value inside the ini file dependent of
+      the fact that we're connected to an interactive shell or not -
+      by :user:`gaborbernat` (`#947
+      <https://github.com/tox-dev/tox/issues/947>`_)
+    + do not build sdist if skip install is specified for the envs to
+      be run - by :user:`gaborbernat` (`#974
+      <https://github.com/tox-dev/tox/issues/974>`_)
+    + when verbosity level increases above two start passing through
+      verbosity flags to pip - by :user:`gaborbernat` (`#982
+      <https://github.com/tox-dev/tox/issues/982>`_)
+    + when discovering the interpreter to use check if the tox host
+      Python matches and use that if so - by :user:`gaborbernat`
+      (`#994 <https://github.com/tox-dev/tox/issues/994>`_)
+    + "-vv" will print out why a virtual environment is re-created
+      whenever this operation is triggered - by :user:`gaborbernat`
+      (`#1004 <https://github.com/tox-dev/tox/issues/1004>`_)
+  * Documentation
+    + clarify that "python" and "pip" refer to the virtual
+      environments executable - by :user:`gaborbernat` (`#305
+      <https://github.com/tox-dev/tox/issues/305>`_)
+    + add Sphinx and mkdocs example of generating documentation via
+      tox - by :user:`gaborbernat` (`#374
+      <https://github.com/tox-dev/tox/issues/374>`_)
+    + specify that "setup.cfg" tox configuration needs to be inside
+      the "tox:tox" namespace - by :user:`gaborbernat` (`#545
+      <https://github.com/tox-dev/tox/issues/545>`_)




Other differences:
++++++ python-tox.spec ++++++
--- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.J2u7LS/_old  2018-11-08 09:48:19.293111741 +0100
+++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.J2u7LS/_new  2018-11-08 09:48:19.297111736 +0100
@@ -12,24 +12,23 @@
 # license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
 # published by the Open Source Initiative.
-# Please submit bugfixes or comments via http://bugs.opensuse.org/
+# Please submit bugfixes or comments via https://bugs.opensuse.org/
 %{?!python_module:%define python_module() python-%{**} python3-%{**}}
 Name:           python-tox
-Version:        3.3.0
+Version:        3.5.2
 Release:        0
 Summary:        Virtualenv-based automation of test activities
 License:        MIT
 Group:          Development/Languages/Python
 URL:            https://github.com/tox-dev/tox
+BuildRequires:  %{python_module filelock}
 BuildRequires:  %{python_module pip}
 BuildRequires:  %{python_module pluggy >= 0.3.0}
 BuildRequires:  %{python_module py >= 1.4.17}
-BuildRequires:  %{python_module six >= 1.0.0}
-Requires:       python-six >= 1.0.0
 BuildRequires:  %{python_module pytest >= 3.0.0}
 BuildRequires:  %{python_module pytest-cov >= 2.5.1}
 BuildRequires:  %{python_module pytest-mock >= 1.10.0}
@@ -37,10 +36,13 @@
 BuildRequires:  %{python_module pytest-xdist >= 1.22.2}
 BuildRequires:  %{python_module setuptools_scm}
 BuildRequires:  %{python_module setuptools}
+BuildRequires:  %{python_module six >= 1.0.0}
 BuildRequires:  %{python_module toml}
 BuildRequires:  %{python_module virtualenv >= 1.11.2}
+BuildRequires:  fdupes
 BuildRequires:  python-rpm-macros
 BuildRequires:  unzip
+Requires:       python-filelock
 Requires:       python-packaging  >= 17.1
 Requires:       python-pluggy >= 0.3.0
 Requires:       python-py >= 1.4.17
@@ -94,6 +96,8 @@
 %setup -q -n tox-%{version}
+# remove cmdline test as they exec tox binary that is alternatived by us
+rm -f tests/unit/test_z_cmdline.py
@@ -103,10 +107,13 @@
 for B in tox tox-quickstart ; do
     %python_clone -a %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/$B
+%python_expand %fdupes %{buildroot}%{$python_sitelib}
+export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
-%python_exec setup.py test
+export PATH=%{buildroot}%{_bindir}:$PATH
+%python_expand PYTHONPATH=%{buildroot}%{$python_sitelib} 
py.test-%{$python_bin_suffix} -v -k 'not network'
 %python_install_alternative tox tox-quickstart
@@ -116,7 +123,7 @@
 %files %{python_files}
 %license LICENSE
-%doc README.rst CHANGELOG.rst
+%doc README.rst docs/changelog.rst CONTRIBUTORS CONTRIBUTING.rst
 %python_alternative %{_bindir}/tox
 %python_alternative %{_bindir}/tox-quickstart

++++++ tox-3.3.0.tar.gz -> tox-3.5.2.tar.gz ++++++
++++ 17678 lines of diff (skipped)

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