Hello community,

here is the log from the commit of package kbreakout for openSUSE:Factory 
checked in at 2019-01-08 12:20:44
Comparing /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/kbreakout (Old)
 and      /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.kbreakout.new.28833 (New)

Package is "kbreakout"

Tue Jan  8 12:20:44 2019 rev:80 rq:658362 version:18.12.0

--- /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/kbreakout/kbreakout.changes      2018-11-13 
17:18:04.734227044 +0100
+++ /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.kbreakout.new.28833/kbreakout.changes   
2019-01-08 12:20:57.316768417 +0100
@@ -1,0 +2,36 @@
+Fri Dec 14 06:09:02 UTC 2018 - lbeltr...@kde.org
+- Update to 18.12.0
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php
+- Changes since 18.11.90:
+  * No code changes since 18.11.90
+Mon Dec 03 20:55:51 UTC 2018 - lbeltr...@kde.org
+- Update to 18.11.90
+  * New bugfix release
+  * For more details please see:
+  * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php
+- Changes since 18.11.80:
+  * No code changes since 18.11.80
+Tue Nov 20 06:22:05 UTC 2018 - Luca Beltrame <lbeltr...@kde.org>
+- Run spec-cleaner
+Tue Nov 20 05:56:51 UTC 2018 - lbeltr...@kde.org
+- Update to 18.11.80
+  * New feature release
+  * For more details please see:
+  * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php
+- Changes since 18.08.3:
+  * Add AppData file
+  * Use qEnvironmentVariableIsEmpty
@@ -47 +83 @@
-  * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.07.80.php
+  * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.08-beta.php
@@ -97 +133 @@
-  * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.03.90.php
+  * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.04-rc.php
@@ -208 +244 @@
-  * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-17.07.90.php
+  * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-17.08-rc.php
@@ -267 +303 @@
-  * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-17.03.80.php
+  * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-17.04-beta.php
@@ -354 +390 @@
-   * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-16.07.90.php
+   * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-16.08-rc.php
@@ -475 +511 @@
-   * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.07.90.php
+   * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.08-rc.php




Other differences:
++++++ kbreakout.spec ++++++
--- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.uQMY8s/_old  2019-01-08 12:20:57.808767873 +0100
+++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.uQMY8s/_new  2019-01-08 12:20:57.808767873 +0100
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # spec file for package kbreakout
-# Copyright (c) 2017 SUSE LINUX GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
+# Copyright (c) 2018 SUSE LINUX GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
 # All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
 # remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
@@ -12,22 +12,21 @@
 # license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
 # published by the Open Source Initiative.
-# Please submit bugfixes or comments via http://bugs.opensuse.org/
+# Please submit bugfixes or comments via https://bugs.opensuse.org/
-%bcond_without lang
-Name:           kbreakout
-Version:        18.08.3
-Release:        0
 %define kf5_version 5.26.0
 # Latest stable Applications (e.g. 17.08 in KA, but 17.11.80 in KUA)
 %{!?_kapp_version: %define _kapp_version %(echo %{version}| awk -F. '{print 
+%bcond_without lang
+Name:           kbreakout
+Version:        18.12.0
+Release:        0
 Summary:        Breakout-like game for KDE
-License:        GPL-2.0+
+License:        GPL-2.0-or-later
 Group:          Amusements/Games/Action/Breakout
-Url:            http://www.kde.org
+URL:            http://www.kde.org
 Source0:        kbreakout-%{version}.tar.xz
 BuildRequires:  extra-cmake-modules
 BuildRequires:  kconfig-devel
@@ -40,6 +39,7 @@
 BuildRequires:  kwidgetsaddons-devel
 BuildRequires:  kxmlgui-devel
 BuildRequires:  libkdegames-devel
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig
 BuildRequires:  update-desktop-files
 BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(Qt5Qml)
 BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(Qt5Quick)
@@ -50,7 +50,6 @@
 %if %{with lang}
 Recommends:     %{name}-lang
-BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build
 KBreakout is the KDE version of a Breakout-like game.
@@ -70,21 +69,21 @@
   %kf5_makeinstall -C build
   %if %{with lang}
     %find_lang %{name} --with-man --all-name
-    %kf5_find_htmldocs
+    %{kf5_find_htmldocs}
-%doc COPYING*
+%license COPYING*
 %doc %lang(en) %{_kf5_htmldir}/en/kbreakout/
 %if %{with lang}
 %files lang -f %{name}.lang
-%doc COPYING*
+%license COPYING*

++++++ kbreakout-18.08.3.tar.xz -> kbreakout-18.12.0.tar.xz ++++++
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/kbreakout-18.08.3/CMakeLists.txt 
--- old/kbreakout-18.08.3/CMakeLists.txt        2018-11-06 01:15:12.000000000 
+++ new/kbreakout-18.12.0/CMakeLists.txt        2018-12-07 01:30:56.000000000 
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
 install(PROGRAMS org.kde.kbreakout.desktop  DESTINATION  ${KDE_INSTALL_APPDIR})
+install(FILES org.kde.kbreakout.appdata.xml DESTINATION 
 if (KF5DocTools_FOUND)
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/kbreakout-18.08.3/org.kde.kbreakout.appdata.xml 
--- old/kbreakout-18.08.3/org.kde.kbreakout.appdata.xml 1970-01-01 
01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ new/kbreakout-18.12.0/org.kde.kbreakout.appdata.xml 2018-12-03 
07:14:06.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<component type="desktop">
+  <id>org.kde.kbreakout.desktop</id>
+  <metadata_license>CC0-1.0</metadata_license>
+  <project_license>GPL-2.0+</project_license>
+  <name>KBreakOut</name>
+  <name xml:lang="ca">KBreakOut</name>
+  <name xml:lang="ca-valencia">KBreakOut</name>
+  <name xml:lang="de">KBreakOut</name>
+  <name xml:lang="en-GB">KBreakOut</name>
+  <name xml:lang="es">KBreakOut</name>
+  <name xml:lang="fr">KBreakOut</name>
+  <name xml:lang="nl">KBreakOut</name>
+  <name xml:lang="pt">KBreakOut</name>
+  <name xml:lang="pt-BR">KBreakOut</name>
+  <name xml:lang="sk">KBreakOut</name>
+  <name xml:lang="sv">Utbrytning</name>
+  <name xml:lang="uk">KBreakOut</name>
+  <name xml:lang="x-test">xxKBreakOutxx</name>
+  <summary>KBreakOut is a Breakout-like game by KDE</summary>
+  <summary xml:lang="ca">El KBreakOut és un joc com el Breakout, creat per la 
comunitat KDE</summary>
+  <summary xml:lang="ca-valencia">El KBreakOut és un joc com el Breakout, 
creat per la comunitat KDE</summary>
+  <summary xml:lang="de">KBreakOut ist ein Breakout-ähnliches Spiel von 
+  <summary xml:lang="en-GB">KBreakOut is a Breakout-like game by KDE</summary>
+  <summary xml:lang="es">KBreakOut es un juego semejante a Breakout creado por 
+  <summary xml:lang="nl">KBreakOut is een Breakout-achtig spel door 
+  <summary xml:lang="pt">O KBreakOut é um jogo do tipo Breakout pelo 
+  <summary xml:lang="pt-BR">O KBreakOut é um jogo semelhante ao Breakout 
(quebra de barreiras) do KDE</summary>
+  <summary xml:lang="sv">Utbrytning är ett spel som liknar Breakout av 
+  <summary xml:lang="uk">KBreakOut — це гра, схожа на Breakout, від 
+  <summary xml:lang="x-test">xxKBreakOut is a Breakout-like game by 
+  <description>
+    <p>
+      The objective of KBreakOut is to destroy as many bricks as possible 
without losing the ball.
+    </p>
+    <p xml:lang="ca">L'objectiu del KBreakOut és destruir tants maons com 
sigui possible sense perdre la pilota.</p>
+    <p xml:lang="ca-valencia">L'objectiu del KBreakOut és destruir tants maons 
com siga possible sense perdre la pilota.</p>
+    <p xml:lang="de">Das Ziel des Spiels ist es, so viele Steine wie möglich 
zu zerstören, ohne den Ball zu verlieren.</p>
+    <p xml:lang="en-GB">The objective of KBreakOut is to destroy as many 
bricks as possible without losing the ball.</p>
+    <p xml:lang="es">El objetivo de KBreakOut es destruir tantos ladrillos 
como sea posible sin perder la bola.</p>
+    <p xml:lang="nl">Het doel van KBreakOut is om zoveel mogelijk bakstenen te 
vernietigen zonder de bal te verliezen.</p>
+    <p xml:lang="pt">O objectivo do KBreakOut é destruir tantos tijolos 
quantos possíveis, sem perder a bola.</p>
+    <p xml:lang="pt-BR">O objetivo do KBreakOut é destruir o maior número 
possível de tijolos sem deixar a bola cair.</p>
+    <p xml:lang="sv">Syftet med Utbrytning är att förstöra så många 
tegelstenar som möjligt utan att förlora bollen.</p>
+    <p xml:lang="uk">Метою гри є знищити якомога більше блоків без втрати 
+    <p xml:lang="x-test">xxThe objective of KBreakOut is to destroy as many 
bricks as possible without losing the ball.xx</p>
+    <p>
+        The player is presented with a game field containing a number of 
bricks. A ball travels across the screen, bouncing off the top and side walls. 
When a brick is hit, the ball bounces away and the brick is destroyed. The 
player loses a life when the ball touches the bottom of the field. To prevent 
this from happening, the player has to use a movable bar to bounce the ball 
upward, situated at the bottom of the window. The purpose of the game is to 
progress through the levels destroying all bricks present in each, and trying 
to get a highscore.
+    </p>
+    <p xml:lang="ca">El jugador té un camp que conté maons. Una pilota viatja 
per la pantalla, rebotant a la paret superior i a les laterals. Quan col·lideix 
amb un maó, la pilota rebota i el maó es destrueix. El jugador perd una vida 
quan la pilota toca la part inferior del camp. Per evitar-ho, el jugador té que 
usar una barra mòbil situada a la part inferior de la finestra per rebotar la 
pilota cap amunt. L'objectiu del joc és progressar pels nivells destruint tots 
els maons de cada nivell, intentant aconseguir una puntuació màxima.</p>
+    <p xml:lang="ca-valencia">El jugador té un camp que conté maons. Una 
pilota viatja per la pantalla, rebotant a la paret superior i a les laterals. 
Quan col·lideix amb un maó, la pilota rebota i el maó es destrueix. El jugador 
perd una vida quan la pilota toca la part inferior del camp. Per evitar-ho, el 
jugador té que usar una barra mòbil situada a la part inferior de la finestra 
per rebotar la pilota cap amunt. L'objectiu del joc és progressar pels nivells 
destruint tots els maons de cada nivell, intentant aconseguir una puntuació 
+    <p xml:lang="de">Dem Spieler wird ein Spielfeld mit einer Anzahl an 
Steinen präsentiert. Ein Ball wandert über den Bildschirm, springt dabei aber 
von der oberen und den seitlichen Wänden ab. Wenn ein Stein getroffen wird, 
springt der Ball ab und der Stein ist zerstört. Der Spieler verliert ein Leben, 
wenn der Ball das untere Ende des Feldes berührt. Um das zu verhindern, muss 
der Spieler den Ball mithilfe einer beweglichen Leiste am unteren Rand 
zurückspringen lassen. Das Ziel des Spieles ist es, die Ebenen zu durchlaufen, 
indem alle Steine darin zerstört werden, und dabei noch einen hohen Punktestand 
zu erreichen.</p>
+    <p xml:lang="en-GB">The player is presented with a game field containing a 
number of bricks. A ball travels across the screen, bouncing off the top and 
side walls. When a brick is hit, the ball bounces away and the brick is 
destroyed. The player loses a life when the ball touches the bottom of the 
field. To prevent this from happening, the player has to use a movable bar to 
bounce the ball upward, situated at the bottom of the window. The purpose of 
the game is to progress through the levels destroying all bricks present in 
each, and trying to get a highscore.</p>
+    <p xml:lang="es">Al jugador se le muestra un campo de juego que contiene 
cierto número de ladrillos. Una bola se desplaza por la pantalla, rebotando en 
las paredes de la parte superior y de los laterales. Al alcanzar un ladrillo, 
la bola rebota y el ladrillo se destruye. El jugador pierde una vida cada vez 
que la bola toca la parte inferior del campo. Para evitar que ocurra esto, el 
jugador debe usar una barra móvil situada en la parte inferior de la ventana 
para hacer que la bola rebote hacia arriba. El objetivo del juego consiste en 
progresar a través de varios niveles destruyendo todos los ladrillos presentes 
en cada uno de ellos para tratar de obtener una alta puntuación.</p>
+    <p xml:lang="nl">De speler krijgt een speelveld te zien met daarin een 
aantal bakstenen. Een bal verplaatst zich over het scherm, stuiterend tegen de 
bovenkant en de muren aan de zijkanten. Als het een baksteen raakt dan stuitert 
de bal weg en is de baksteen vernietigd. De speler verliest een leven als de 
bal de onderkant van het veld raakt. Om dit te voorkomen moet de speler een 
beweegbare speelbalk gebruiken om de de bal weer omhoog te stuiteren, die 
onderaan het venster te vinden is. Het doel van het spel is door de levels te 
gaan ondertussen alle aanwezige bakstenen vernietigend en een hoge score te 
+    <p xml:lang="pt">É apresentado ao jogador um campo de jogo que contém uma 
determinada quantidade de tijolos. Uma bola percorre o ecrã, fazendo ricochete 
nas paredes superior e laterais. Quando atingir um tijolo, a bola ressalta e o 
tijolo é destruído. O jogador perde uma vida quando a bola atingir o fundo do 
campo. Para evitar que isto aconteça, o jogador dispõe de uma barra móvel para 
ressaltar a bola para cima, situando-se esta barra no fundo da janela. O 
intuito do jogo é progredir pelos níveis, destruindo todos os tijolos presentes 
em cada um, tentando obter um recorde.</p>
+    <p xml:lang="pt-BR">O jogador é presenteado com um campo de jogo contendo 
um número de tijolos. Uma bola viaja através da tela, batendo nas paredes 
superiores e laterais. Quando um tijolo é atingido, a bola é repelida e o 
tijolo é destruído. O jogador perde uma vida quando a bola toca o fundo do 
campo. Para evitar que isto aconteça, o jogador tem que usar uma barra móvel 
situada na parte inferior da tela para rebater a bola para cima. O objetivo do 
jogo é progredir através dos níveis destruindo todos os tijolos presentes em 
cada um, etentando obter um recorde.</p>
+    <p xml:lang="sv">Ett spelfält som innehåller ett antal tegelstenar visas 
för spelaren. En boll rör sig över skärmen, och studsar från väggarna längs 
överkanten och sidorna. När en tegelsten träffas, studsar bollen bort och 
tegelstenen förstörs. Spelaren förlorar ett liv när bollen rör vid fältets 
underkant. För att förhindra att det sker, måste spelaren använda en rörlig 
platta, som finns längst ner i fönstret, för att studsa bollen uppåt. Spelets 
syfte är att ta sig igenom alla nivåer, förstöra tegelstenarna som finns i 
varje nivå, och försöka uppnå bästa poäng.</p>
+    <p xml:lang="uk">Перед гравцем буде показано ігрове поле з декількома 
блоками. полем пересуватиметься кулька, яка відбиватиметься від бічних і 
верхньої стін. Якщо кулька влучить у блок, вона відіб’ється від нього, а сам 
блок буде зруйновано. Якщо кулька торкнеться нижньої стіни ігрового поля, 
гравець втратить одне життя. Щоб цього не сталося, гравцеві слід буде 
пересувати розташовану у нижній частині ігрового поля рисочку, якою можна 
відбивати кульку угору. Метою гри є просування рівнями шляхом руйнування всіх 
блоків на кожному з пройдених рівнів, а також збільшення очкового результату 
+    <p xml:lang="x-test">xxThe player is presented with a game field 
containing a number of bricks. A ball travels across the screen, bouncing off 
the top and side walls. When a brick is hit, the ball bounces away and the 
brick is destroyed. The player loses a life when the ball touches the bottom of 
the field. To prevent this from happening, the player has to use a movable bar 
to bounce the ball upward, situated at the bottom of the window. The purpose of 
the game is to progress through the levels destroying all bricks present in 
each, and trying to get a highscore.xx</p>
+  </description>
+  <url type="homepage">http://games.kde.org/game.php?game=kbreakout</url>
+  <url 
+  <url type="help">https://docs.kde.org/?application=kbreakout</url>
+  <url 
+  <screenshots>
+    <screenshot type="default">
+      <caption>Playing KBreakOut</caption>
+      <caption xml:lang="ca">Jugant al KBreakOut</caption>
+      <caption xml:lang="ca-valencia">Jugant al KBreakOut</caption>
+      <caption xml:lang="de">KBreakOut spielen</caption>
+      <caption xml:lang="en-GB">Playing KBreakOut</caption>
+      <caption xml:lang="es">Jugando a KBreakOut</caption>
+      <caption xml:lang="nl">KBreakOut spelen</caption>
+      <caption xml:lang="pt">Jogar ao KBreakOut</caption>
+      <caption xml:lang="pt-BR">Jogando KBreakOut</caption>
+      <caption xml:lang="sk">Hranie KBreakOut</caption>
+      <caption xml:lang="sv">Spela Utbrytning</caption>
+      <caption xml:lang="uk">Гра у KBreakOut</caption>
+      <caption xml:lang="x-test">xxPlaying KBreakOutxx</caption>
+      <image>http://kde.org/images/screenshots/kbreakout.png</image>
+    </screenshot>
+  </screenshots>
+  <project_group>KDE</project_group>
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/kbreakout-18.08.3/org.kde.kbreakout.desktop 
--- old/kbreakout-18.08.3/org.kde.kbreakout.desktop     2018-09-29 
08:16:55.000000000 +0200
+++ new/kbreakout-18.12.0/org.kde.kbreakout.desktop     2018-12-03 
07:14:06.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 [Desktop Entry]
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/ar/kbreakout.po 
--- old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/ar/kbreakout.po    2018-11-06 01:15:11.000000000 
+++ new/kbreakout-18.12.0/po/ar/kbreakout.po    2018-12-07 01:30:54.000000000 
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: desktop_extragear-base_plasma\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-21 03:16+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-12 06:51+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2009-01-30 13:11+0300\n"
 "Last-Translator: OsamaKhalid <osamak....@gmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Arabic\n"
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/ast/kbreakout.po 
--- old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/ast/kbreakout.po   2018-11-06 01:15:11.000000000 
+++ new/kbreakout-18.12.0/po/ast/kbreakout.po   1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) YEAR This_file_is_part_of_KDE
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
-# enolp <en...@softastur.org>, 2016.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: \n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-21 03:16+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-12-21 16:38+0100\n"
-"Last-Translator: enolp <en...@softastur.org>\n"
-"Language-Team: Asturian <alministrado...@softastur.org>\n"
-"Language: ast\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
-"X-Generator: Lokalize 2.0\n"
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Your names"
-msgstr "Softastur"
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Your emails"
-msgstr "alministrado...@softastur.org"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, GeneralSettings)
-#: generalsettings.ui:13
-#, kde-format
-msgid "General Settings"
-msgstr ""
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label)
-#: generalsettings.ui:28
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"Enabling the following option will make the game steal the mouse cursor, "
-"pause the game to get the cursor back."
-msgstr ""
-#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (FireOnClick), group (General)
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_FireOnClick)
-#: generalsettings.ui:38 kbreakout.kcfg:9
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Fire on mouse click"
-msgstr ""
-#: main.cpp:38
-#, kde-format
-msgid "KBreakOut"
-msgstr ""
-#: main.cpp:39
-#, kde-format
-msgid "A breakout like game by KDE"
-msgstr ""
-#: main.cpp:41
-#, kde-format
-msgid "(c) 2007-2008 Fela Winkelmolen"
-msgstr ""
-#: main.cpp:42
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Fela Winkelmolen"
-msgstr ""
-#: main.cpp:43
-#, kde-format
-msgid "original author and maintainer"
-msgstr ""
-#: main.cpp:45
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Eugene Trounev"
-msgstr ""
-#: main.cpp:46 main.cpp:49
-#, kde-format
-msgid "artwork"
-msgstr ""
-#: main.cpp:48
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Sean Wilson"
-msgstr ""
-#: main.cpp:51
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Lorenzo Bonomi"
-msgstr ""
-#: main.cpp:52
-#, kde-format
-msgid "testing"
-msgstr ""
-#: main.cpp:54
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Brian Croom"
-msgstr ""
-#: main.cpp:55
-#, kde-format
-msgid "port to KGameRenderer"
-msgstr ""
-#: main.cpp:57
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Viranch Mehta"
-msgstr ""
-#: main.cpp:58
-#, kde-format
-msgid "port to QtQuick"
-msgstr ""
-#: mainwindow.cpp:116
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Key (shortcut) to toggle full screen"
-msgid "F"
-msgstr ""
-#: mainwindow.cpp:119
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Fire the ball"
-msgstr ""
-#: mainwindow.cpp:128
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Skip level"
-msgstr ""
-#: mainwindow.cpp:135
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Add life"
-msgstr ""
-#: mainwindow.cpp:146
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Key (shortcut) to pause the game"
-msgid "P"
-msgstr ""
-#: mainwindow.cpp:166
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Theme"
-msgstr ""
-#: mainwindow.cpp:170
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "General settings"
-msgid "General"
-msgstr ""
-#: mainwindow.cpp:179
-#, kde-format
-msgid "   Time (hh:mm)"
-msgstr ""
-#: mainwindow.cpp:188
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Starting a new game will end the current one!"
-msgstr ""
-#: mainwindow.cpp:189
-#, kde-format
-msgid "New Game"
-msgstr ""
-#: mainwindow.cpp:190
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Start a New Game"
-msgstr ""
-#: mainwindow.cpp:224
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Game won!"
-msgstr ""
-#: mainwindow.cpp:231
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Time (hh:mm)"
-msgstr ""
-#: mainwindow.cpp:310
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"Do you want to fire the ball on mouse click?\n"
-"Answering Yes will make the game steal the\n"
-"mouse cursor, pause the game to get\n"
-"the cursor back."
-msgstr ""
-#: mainwindow.cpp:314
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Fire on click?"
-msgstr ""
-#: qml/logic.js:210
-msgid "Well done! You won the game"
-msgstr ""
-#: qml/logic.js:217 qml/main.qml:154
-msgid "Level %1"
-msgstr ""
-#: qml/logic.js:358
-msgid "Game Paused!"
-msgstr ""
-#: qml/logic.js:508
-msgid "Oops! You have lost the ball!"
-msgstr ""
-#: qml/logic.js:563
-msgid "Game Over!"
-msgstr ""
-#: qml/main.qml:124
-msgid "Press %1 to fire the ball"
-msgstr ""
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/bg/kbreakout.po 
--- old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/bg/kbreakout.po    2018-11-06 01:15:11.000000000 
+++ new/kbreakout-18.12.0/po/bg/kbreakout.po    2018-12-07 01:30:54.000000000 
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: kbreakout\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-21 03:16+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-12 06:51+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-07-28 18:15+0300\n"
 "Last-Translator: Yasen Pramatarov <ya...@lindeas.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Bulgarian <d...@fsa-bg.org>\n"
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/bs/kbreakout.po 
--- old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/bs/kbreakout.po    2018-11-06 01:15:11.000000000 
+++ new/kbreakout-18.12.0/po/bs/kbreakout.po    2018-12-07 01:30:54.000000000 
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: kbreakout\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-21 03:16+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-12 06:51+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-10-18 20:27+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Samir Ribić <Unknown>\n"
 "Language-Team: bosanski <b...@li.org>\n"
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/ca/kbreakout.po 
--- old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/ca/kbreakout.po    2018-11-06 01:15:11.000000000 
+++ new/kbreakout-18.12.0/po/ca/kbreakout.po    2018-12-07 01:30:54.000000000 
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: kbreakout\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-21 03:16+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-12 06:51+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-03-15 20:22+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Josep Ma. Ferrer <txe...@gmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Catalan <kde-i18n...@kde.org>\n"
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/ca@valencia/kbreakout.po 
--- old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/ca@valencia/kbreakout.po   2018-11-06 
01:15:11.000000000 +0100
+++ new/kbreakout-18.12.0/po/ca@valencia/kbreakout.po   2018-12-07 
01:30:54.000000000 +0100
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: kbreakout\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-21 03:16+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-12 06:51+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-03-15 20:22+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Josep Ma. Ferrer <txe...@gmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Catalan <kde-i18n...@kde.org>\n"
@@ -234,6 +234,3 @@
 #: qml/main.qml:124
 msgid "Press %1 to fire the ball"
 msgstr "Premeu %1 per disparar la bola"
-#~ msgid "The graphical theme to be used."
-#~ msgstr "El tema gràfic a utilitzar."
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/cs/kbreakout.po 
--- old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/cs/kbreakout.po    2018-11-06 01:15:11.000000000 
+++ new/kbreakout-18.12.0/po/cs/kbreakout.po    2018-12-07 01:30:54.000000000 
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: kbreakout\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-21 03:16+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-12 06:51+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-03-15 12:29+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Vít Pelčák <v...@pelcak.org>\n"
 "Language-Team: Czech <kde-i18n-...@kde.org>\n"
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/da/kbreakout.po 
--- old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/da/kbreakout.po    2018-11-06 01:15:11.000000000 
+++ new/kbreakout-18.12.0/po/da/kbreakout.po    2018-12-07 01:30:54.000000000 
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: kbreakout\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-21 03:16+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-12 06:51+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-11-11 10:18+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: scootergrisen\n"
 "Language-Team: Danish\n"
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/de/kbreakout.po 
--- old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/de/kbreakout.po    2018-11-06 01:15:11.000000000 
+++ new/kbreakout-18.12.0/po/de/kbreakout.po    2018-12-07 01:30:54.000000000 
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: kbreakout\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-21 03:16+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-12 06:51+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-03-19 15:18+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Burkhard Lück <lu...@hube-lueck.de>\n"
 "Language-Team: German <kde-i18n...@kde.org>\n"
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/el/kbreakout.po 
--- old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/el/kbreakout.po    2018-11-06 01:15:11.000000000 
+++ new/kbreakout-18.12.0/po/el/kbreakout.po    2018-12-07 01:30:54.000000000 
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: kbreakout\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-21 03:16+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-12 06:51+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2016-05-29 15:51+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Stelios <ssta...@gmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Greek <kde-i18n...@kde.org>\n"
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/en_GB/kbreakout.po 
--- old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/en_GB/kbreakout.po 2018-11-06 01:15:11.000000000 
+++ new/kbreakout-18.12.0/po/en_GB/kbreakout.po 2018-12-07 01:30:54.000000000 
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: \n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-21 03:16+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-12 06:51+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-05-21 16:21+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Steve Allewell <steve.allew...@gmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: English <kde-i18n-...@kde.org>\n"
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/eo/kbreakout.po 
--- old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/eo/kbreakout.po    2018-11-06 01:15:11.000000000 
+++ new/kbreakout-18.12.0/po/eo/kbreakout.po    2018-12-07 01:30:54.000000000 
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: kbreakout\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-21 03:16+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-12 06:51+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2009-11-15 12:06+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Axel Rousseau <a...@esperanto-jeunes.org>\n"
 "Language-Team: esperanto <kde-i18n...@kde.org>\n"
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/es/kbreakout.po 
--- old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/es/kbreakout.po    2018-11-06 01:15:11.000000000 
+++ new/kbreakout-18.12.0/po/es/kbreakout.po    2018-12-07 01:30:54.000000000 
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: kbreakout\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-21 03:16+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-12 06:51+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-03-20 21:45+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Eloy Cuadra <ecua...@eloihr.net>\n"
 "Language-Team: Spanish <kde-l10n...@kde.org>\n"
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/et/kbreakout.po 
--- old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/et/kbreakout.po    2018-11-06 01:15:11.000000000 
+++ new/kbreakout-18.12.0/po/et/kbreakout.po    2018-12-07 01:30:54.000000000 
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: kbreakout\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-21 03:16+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-12 06:51+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2016-01-13 14:22+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Marek Laane <qiila...@gmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Estonian <kde...@linux.ee>\n"
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/eu/kbreakout.po 
--- old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/eu/kbreakout.po    2018-11-06 01:15:11.000000000 
+++ new/kbreakout-18.12.0/po/eu/kbreakout.po    2018-12-07 01:30:54.000000000 
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: \n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-21 03:16+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-12 06:51+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-08-25 22:52+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Ignigo Salvador Azurmendi <xa...@euskalnet.net>\n"
 "Language-Team: Basque <itzulp...@euskalgnu.org>\n"
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/fi/kbreakout.po 
--- old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/fi/kbreakout.po    2018-11-06 01:15:11.000000000 
+++ new/kbreakout-18.12.0/po/fi/kbreakout.po    2018-12-07 01:30:54.000000000 
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: kbreakout\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-21 03:16+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-12 06:51+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-03-01 16:41+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Tommi Nieminen <transla...@legisign.org>\n"
 "Language-Team: Finnish <kde-i18n-...@kde.org>\n"
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/fr/kbreakout.po 
--- old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/fr/kbreakout.po    2018-11-06 01:15:11.000000000 
+++ new/kbreakout-18.12.0/po/fr/kbreakout.po    2018-12-07 01:30:54.000000000 
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: kbreakout\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-21 03:16+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-12 06:51+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-05-24 13:25+0800\n"
 "Last-Translator: Simon Depiets <sdepi...@gmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: French <kde-francoph...@kde.org>\n"
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/ga/kbreakout.po 
--- old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/ga/kbreakout.po    2018-11-06 01:15:11.000000000 
+++ new/kbreakout-18.12.0/po/ga/kbreakout.po    2018-12-07 01:30:54.000000000 
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: kdereview/kbreakout.po\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-21 03:16+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-12 06:51+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2008-04-18 14:59-0500\n"
 "Last-Translator: Kevin Scannell <ksca...@gmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Irish <gaeilge-gnuli...@lists.sourceforge.net>\n"
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/gl/kbreakout.po 
--- old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/gl/kbreakout.po    2018-11-06 01:15:11.000000000 
+++ new/kbreakout-18.12.0/po/gl/kbreakout.po    2018-12-07 01:30:54.000000000 
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: kbreakout\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-21 03:16+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-12 06:51+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-10-22 10:04+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Adrián Chaves (Gallaecio) <adr...@chaves.io>\n"
 "Language-Team: Galician <kde-i18n-...@kde.org>\n"
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/hr/kbreakout.po 
--- old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/hr/kbreakout.po    2018-11-06 01:15:11.000000000 
+++ new/kbreakout-18.12.0/po/hr/kbreakout.po    2018-12-07 01:30:54.000000000 
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: \n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-21 03:16+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-12 06:51+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-01-24 17:07+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Andrej Dundovic <adund...@gmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Croatian <kde-croatia-l...@lists.sourceforge.net>\n"
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/hu/kbreakout.po 
--- old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/hu/kbreakout.po    2018-11-06 01:15:11.000000000 
+++ new/kbreakout-18.12.0/po/hu/kbreakout.po    2018-12-07 01:30:54.000000000 
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: KDE 4.3\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-21 03:16+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-12 06:51+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2015-09-04 14:17+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Kristóf Kiszel <ulys...@kubuntu.org>\n"
 "Language-Team: Hungarian <kde-l10n...@kde.org>\n"
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/is/kbreakout.po 
--- old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/is/kbreakout.po    2018-11-06 01:15:11.000000000 
+++ new/kbreakout-18.12.0/po/is/kbreakout.po    2018-12-07 01:30:54.000000000 
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: kbreakout\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-21 03:16+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-12 06:51+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2015-01-29 09:07+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Sveinn í Felli <s...@fellsnet.is>\n"
 "Language-Team: Icelandic <kde-...@molar.is>\n"
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/it/kbreakout.po 
--- old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/it/kbreakout.po    2018-11-06 01:15:11.000000000 
+++ new/kbreakout-18.12.0/po/it/kbreakout.po    2018-12-07 01:30:54.000000000 
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: kbreakout\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-21 03:16+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-12 06:51+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-03-17 00:37+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Luigi Toscano <luigi.tosc...@tiscali.it>\n"
 "Language-Team: Italian <kde-i18n...@kde.org>\n"
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/ja/kbreakout.po 
--- old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/ja/kbreakout.po    2018-11-06 01:15:11.000000000 
+++ new/kbreakout-18.12.0/po/ja/kbreakout.po    2018-12-07 01:30:54.000000000 
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: kbreakout\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-21 03:16+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-12 06:51+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2009-07-21 01:50+0900\n"
 "Last-Translator: Yukiko Bando <yba...@k6.dion.ne.jp>\n"
 "Language-Team: Japanese <kde...@kde.org>\n"
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/kk/kbreakout.po 
--- old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/kk/kbreakout.po    2018-11-06 01:15:11.000000000 
+++ new/kbreakout-18.12.0/po/kk/kbreakout.po    2018-12-07 01:30:54.000000000 
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: \n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-21 03:16+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-12 06:51+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-07-11 03:05+0600\n"
 "Last-Translator: Sairan Kikkarin <sai...@computer.org>\n"
 "Language-Team: Kazakh <kde-i18n-...@kde.org>\n"
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/km/kbreakout.po 
--- old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/km/kbreakout.po    2018-11-06 01:15:11.000000000 
+++ new/kbreakout-18.12.0/po/km/kbreakout.po    2018-12-07 01:30:54.000000000 
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: kbreakout\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-21 03:16+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-12 06:51+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-07-10 15:55+0700\n"
 "Last-Translator: Khoem Sokhem <khoemsok...@khmeros.info>\n"
 "Language-Team: Khmer\n"
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/ko/kbreakout.po 
--- old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/ko/kbreakout.po    2018-11-06 01:15:11.000000000 
+++ new/kbreakout-18.12.0/po/ko/kbreakout.po    2018-12-07 01:30:54.000000000 
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: kdegames\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-21 03:16+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-12 06:51+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-03-02 01:57+0900\n"
 "Last-Translator: Shinjo Park <k...@peremen.name>\n"
 "Language-Team: Korean <k...@li.org>\n"
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/lt/kbreakout.po 
--- old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/lt/kbreakout.po    2018-11-06 01:15:11.000000000 
+++ new/kbreakout-18.12.0/po/lt/kbreakout.po    2018-12-07 01:30:55.000000000 
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: kbreakout\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-21 03:16+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-12 06:51+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-29 17:52+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Mindaugas Baranauskas <opensuse.lietuviu.ka...@gmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: lt <kde-i18n...@kde.org>\n"
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/lv/kbreakout.po 
--- old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/lv/kbreakout.po    2018-11-06 01:15:11.000000000 
+++ new/kbreakout-18.12.0/po/lv/kbreakout.po    2018-12-07 01:30:55.000000000 
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: kbreakout\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-21 03:16+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-12 06:51+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-01-06 22:24+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Einars Sprugis <eina...@gmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Latvian <loc...@laka.lv>\n"
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/mr/kbreakout.po 
--- old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/mr/kbreakout.po    2018-11-06 01:15:12.000000000 
+++ new/kbreakout-18.12.0/po/mr/kbreakout.po    2018-12-07 01:30:55.000000000 
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: \n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-21 03:16+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-12 06:51+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-03-22 15:08+0530\n"
 "Last-Translator: Chetan Khona <che...@kompkin.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Marathi <kde-i18n-...@kde.org>\n"
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/nb/kbreakout.po 
--- old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/nb/kbreakout.po    2018-11-06 01:15:12.000000000 
+++ new/kbreakout-18.12.0/po/nb/kbreakout.po    2018-12-07 01:30:55.000000000 
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: KDE 4\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-21 03:16+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-12 06:51+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-16 22:27+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Bjørn Steensrud <bjor...@skogkatt.homelinux.org>\n"
 "Language-Team: Norwegian Bokmål <i18n...@lister.ping.uio.no>\n"
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/nds/kbreakout.po 
--- old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/nds/kbreakout.po   2018-11-06 01:15:12.000000000 
+++ new/kbreakout-18.12.0/po/nds/kbreakout.po   2018-12-07 01:30:55.000000000 
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: kbreakout\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-21 03:16+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-12 06:51+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-05-13 19:13+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Sönke Dibbern <s_dibb...@web.de>\n"
 "Language-Team: Low Saxon <kde-i18n-...@kde.org>\n"
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/nl/kbreakout.po 
--- old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/nl/kbreakout.po    2018-11-06 01:15:12.000000000 
+++ new/kbreakout-18.12.0/po/nl/kbreakout.po    2018-12-07 01:30:55.000000000 
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: kbreakout\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-21 03:16+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-12 06:51+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-03-15 12:17+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Freek de Kruijf <freekdekru...@kde.nl>\n"
 "Language-Team: Dutch <kde-i18n...@kde.org>\n"
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/nn/kbreakout.po 
--- old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/nn/kbreakout.po    2018-11-06 01:15:12.000000000 
+++ new/kbreakout-18.12.0/po/nn/kbreakout.po    2018-12-07 01:30:55.000000000 
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: kbreakout\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-21 03:16+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-12 06:51+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-09-03 18:04+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Karl Ove Hufthammer <k...@huftis.org>\n"
 "Language-Team: Norwegian Nynorsk <i18n...@lister.ping.uio.no>\n"
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/pl/kbreakout.po 
--- old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/pl/kbreakout.po    2018-11-06 01:15:12.000000000 
+++ new/kbreakout-18.12.0/po/pl/kbreakout.po    2018-12-07 01:30:55.000000000 
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: kbreakout\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-21 03:16+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-12 06:51+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-08 07:18+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Łukasz Wojniłowicz <lukasz.wojnilow...@gmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Polish <kde-i18n-...@kde.org>\n"
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/pt/kbreakout.po 
--- old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/pt/kbreakout.po    2018-11-06 01:15:12.000000000 
+++ new/kbreakout-18.12.0/po/pt/kbreakout.po    2018-12-07 01:30:55.000000000 
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: kbreakout\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-21 03:16+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-12 06:51+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-03-14 17:31+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: José Nuno Coelho Pires <zepi...@gmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Portuguese <kde-i18n...@kde.org>\n"
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/pt_BR/kbreakout.po 
--- old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/pt_BR/kbreakout.po 2018-11-06 01:15:12.000000000 
+++ new/kbreakout-18.12.0/po/pt_BR/kbreakout.po 2018-12-07 01:30:55.000000000 
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: kbreakout\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-21 03:16+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-12 06:51+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-09-14 17:48-0300\n"
 "Last-Translator: Luiz Fernando Ranghetti <elchev...@opensuse.org>\n"
 "Language-Team: Portuguese <kde-i18n-pt...@kde.org>\n"
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/ro/kbreakout.po 
--- old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/ro/kbreakout.po    2018-11-06 01:15:12.000000000 
+++ new/kbreakout-18.12.0/po/ro/kbreakout.po    2018-12-07 01:30:55.000000000 
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: lskat\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-21 03:16+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-12 06:51+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2009-09-02 00:54-0600\n"
 "Last-Translator: Laurenţiu Buzdugan <l...@rolix.org>\n"
 "Language-Team: Română <kde-i18n...@kde.org>\n"
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/ru/kbreakout.po 
--- old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/ru/kbreakout.po    2018-11-06 01:15:12.000000000 
+++ new/kbreakout-18.12.0/po/ru/kbreakout.po    2018-12-07 01:30:55.000000000 
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: kbreakout\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-21 03:16+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-12 06:51+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2016-01-07 13:25+0300\n"
 "Last-Translator: Alexander Potashev <aspotas...@gmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Russian <kde-russ...@lists.kde.ru>\n"
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/sk/kbreakout.po 
--- old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/sk/kbreakout.po    2018-11-06 01:15:12.000000000 
+++ new/kbreakout-18.12.0/po/sk/kbreakout.po    2018-12-07 01:30:55.000000000 
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: kbreakout\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-21 03:16+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-12 06:51+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-16 21:09+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Roman Paholik <wizzar...@gmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Slovak <kde...@linux.sk>\n"
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/sl/kbreakout.po 
--- old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/sl/kbreakout.po    2018-11-06 01:15:12.000000000 
+++ new/kbreakout-18.12.0/po/sl/kbreakout.po    2018-12-07 01:30:55.000000000 
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: kbreakout\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-21 03:16+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-12 06:51+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-03-24 21:23+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Andrej Mernik <andr...@ubuntu.si>\n"
 "Language-Team: Slovenian <lugos-...@lugos.si>\n"
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/sr/kbreakout.po 
--- old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/sr/kbreakout.po    2018-11-06 01:15:12.000000000 
+++ new/kbreakout-18.12.0/po/sr/kbreakout.po    2018-12-07 01:30:55.000000000 
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: kbreakout\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-21 03:16+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-12 06:51+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-07 00:52+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Chusslove Illich <caslav.i...@gmx.net>\n"
 "Language-Team: Serbian <kde-i18n...@kde.org>\n"
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/sv/kbreakout.po 
--- old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/sv/kbreakout.po    2018-11-06 01:15:12.000000000 
+++ new/kbreakout-18.12.0/po/sv/kbreakout.po    2018-12-07 01:30:55.000000000 
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: kbreakout\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-21 03:16+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-12 06:51+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-03-14 16:21+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Stefan Asserhäll <stefan.asserh...@bredband.net>\n"
 "Language-Team: Swedish <kde-i18n-...@kde.org>\n"
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/tr/kbreakout.po 
--- old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/tr/kbreakout.po    2018-11-06 01:15:12.000000000 
+++ new/kbreakout-18.12.0/po/tr/kbreakout.po    2018-12-07 01:30:55.000000000 
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: kdegames-kde4\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-21 03:16+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-12 06:51+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-05-16 09:12+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Mete <metebilgi...@gmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Turkish (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/kdegames-k-tr/";
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/ug/kbreakout.po 
--- old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/ug/kbreakout.po    2018-11-06 01:15:12.000000000 
+++ new/kbreakout-18.12.0/po/ug/kbreakout.po    2018-12-07 01:30:55.000000000 
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: kbreakout\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-21 03:16+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-12 06:51+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-08 07:05+0900\n"
 "Last-Translator: Gheyret Kenji <ghey...@gmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Uyghur Computer Science Association <u...@yahoogroups.com>\n"
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/uk/kbreakout.po 
--- old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/uk/kbreakout.po    2018-11-06 01:15:12.000000000 
+++ new/kbreakout-18.12.0/po/uk/kbreakout.po    2018-12-07 01:30:55.000000000 
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: kbreakout\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-21 03:16+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-12 06:51+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-03-14 20:57+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Yuri Chornoivan <yurc...@ukr.net>\n"
 "Language-Team: Ukrainian <kde-i18n...@kde.org>\n"
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/wa/kbreakout.po 
--- old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/wa/kbreakout.po    2018-11-06 01:15:12.000000000 
+++ new/kbreakout-18.12.0/po/wa/kbreakout.po    2018-12-07 01:30:55.000000000 
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: kbreakout\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-21 03:16+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-12 06:51+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2009-07-16 22:17+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Jean Cayron <jean.cay...@gmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Walloon <linux...@walon.org>\n"
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/zh_CN/kbreakout.po 
--- old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/zh_CN/kbreakout.po 2018-11-06 01:15:12.000000000 
+++ new/kbreakout-18.12.0/po/zh_CN/kbreakout.po 2018-12-07 01:30:55.000000000 
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: kdeorg\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-21 03:16+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-11-01 23:21\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-12 06:51+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-11-12 09:24\n"
 "Last-Translator: guoyunhe <i...@guoyunhe.me>\n"
 "Language-Team: Chinese Simplified\n"
 "Language: zh_CN\n"
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/zh_TW/kbreakout.po 
--- old/kbreakout-18.08.3/po/zh_TW/kbreakout.po 2018-11-06 01:15:12.000000000 
+++ new/kbreakout-18.12.0/po/zh_TW/kbreakout.po 2018-12-07 01:30:55.000000000 
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: kbreakout\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-21 03:16+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-12 06:51+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-07-03 20:36+0800\n"
 "Last-Translator: Jeff Huang <s8321...@gmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Chinese <kde-i18n-...@kde.org>\n"
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/kbreakout-18.08.3/src/mainwindow.cpp 
--- old/kbreakout-18.08.3/src/mainwindow.cpp    2018-09-29 08:16:55.000000000 
+++ new/kbreakout-18.12.0/src/mainwindow.cpp    2018-12-03 07:14:06.000000000 
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
     gameEngine = new GameEngine(this);
-    m_cheatsEnabled = !qgetenv("KDE_DEBUG").isEmpty();
+    m_cheatsEnabled = !qEnvironmentVariableIsEmpty("KDE_DEBUG");
     connect(canvasWidget, &CanvasWidget::focusLost, this, 

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