Hello community,

here is the log from the commit of package python-joblib for openSUSE:Factory 
checked in at 2019-01-08 12:29:42
Comparing /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/python-joblib (Old)
 and      /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.python-joblib.new.28833 (New)

Package is "python-joblib"

Tue Jan  8 12:29:42 2019 rev:5 rq:663428 version:0.13.0

--- /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/python-joblib/python-joblib.changes      
2019-01-03 18:09:29.759987428 +0100
+++ /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.python-joblib.new.28833/python-joblib.changes   
2019-01-08 12:31:39.628064190 +0100
@@ -1,0 +2,48 @@
+Mon Jan  7 19:39:00 UTC 2019 - Todd R <toddrme2...@gmail.com>
+- update to Release 0.13.0
+  * Include loky 2.4.2 with default serialization with ``cloudpickle``.
+    This can be tweaked with the environment variable ``LOKY_PICKLER``.
+  * Fix nested backend in SequentialBackend to avoid changing the default
+    backend to Sequential. (#792)
+  * Fix nested_backend behavior to avoid setting the default number of
+    workers to -1 when the backend is not dask. (#784)
+- Update to Release 0.12.5
+  * Include loky 2.3.1 with better error reporting when a worker is
+    abruptly terminated. Also fixes spurious debug output.
+  * Include cloudpickle 0.5.6. Fix a bug with the handling of global
+    variables by locally defined functions.
+- Update to Release 0.12.4
+  * Include loky 2.3.0 with many bugfixes, notably w.r.t. when setting
+    non-default multiprocessing contexts. Also include improvement on
+    memory management of long running worker processes and fixed issues
+    when using the loky backend under PyPy.
+  * Raises a more explicit exception when a corrupted MemorizedResult is 
+  * Loading a corrupted cached file with mmap mode enabled would
+    recompute the results and return them without memmory mapping.
+- Update to Release 0.12.3
+  * Fix joblib import setting the global start_method for multiprocessing.
+  * Fix MemorizedResult not picklable (#747).
+  * Fix Memory, MemorizedFunc and MemorizedResult round-trip pickling +
+    unpickling (#746).
+  * Fixed a regression in Memory when positional arguments are called as
+    kwargs several times with different values (#751).
+  * Integration of loky 2.2.2 that fixes issues with the selection of the
+    default start method and improve the reporting when calling functions
+    with arguments that raise an exception when unpickling.
+  * Prevent MemorizedFunc.call_and_shelve from loading cached results to
+    RAM when not necessary. Results in big performance improvements
+- Update to Release 0.12.2
+  * Integrate loky 2.2.0 to fix regression with unpicklable arguments and
+    functions reported by users (#723, #643).
+  * Loky 2.2.0 also provides a protection against memory leaks long running
+    applications when psutil is installed (reported as #721).
+  * Joblib now includes the code for the dask backend which has been updated
+    to properly handle nested parallelism and data scattering at the same
+    time (#722).
+  * Restored some private API attribute and arguments
+    (`MemorizedResult.argument_hash` and `BatchedCalls.__init__`'s
+    `pickle_cache`) for backward compat. (#716, #732).
+  * Fix a deprecation warning message (for `Memory`'s `cachedir`) (#720).




Other differences:
++++++ python-joblib.spec ++++++
--- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.uPANgZ/_old  2019-01-08 12:31:40.016063769 +0100
+++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.uPANgZ/_new  2019-01-08 12:31:40.020063764 +0100
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 %{?!python_module:%define python_module() python-%{**} python3-%{**}}
 Name:           python-joblib
-Version:        0.12.1
+Version:        0.13.0
 Release:        0
 Summary:        Module for using Python functions as pipeline jobs
 License:        BSD-3-Clause
@@ -32,8 +32,11 @@
 BuildArch:      noarch
 BuildRequires:  %{python_module lz4}
 BuildRequires:  %{python_module numpy}
+BuildRequires:  %{python_module psutil}
 BuildRequires:  %{python_module pytest}
 Requires:       python-lz4
+Recommends:     python-numpy
+Recommends:     python-psutil
@@ -60,7 +63,10 @@
 %python_expand %fdupes %{buildroot}%{$python_sitelib}
-%python_expand PYTHONPATH=%{buildroot}%{$python_sitelib} 
py.test-%{$python_bin_suffix} joblib -k 'not 
+export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
+%{python_expand export PYTHONPATH=%{buildroot}%{$python_sitelib}
+py.test-%{$python_bin_suffix} joblib -k 'not 
 %files %{python_files}
 %license LICENSE.txt

++++++ joblib-0.12.1.tar.gz -> joblib-0.13.0.tar.gz ++++++
++++ 45182 lines of diff (skipped)

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