Hello community,

here is the log from the commit of package ghc-persistent-template for 
openSUSE:Factory checked in at 2019-12-27 13:56:16
Comparing /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/ghc-persistent-template (Old)
 and      /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.ghc-persistent-template.new.6675 (New)

Package is "ghc-persistent-template"

Fri Dec 27 13:56:16 2019 rev:20 rq:759477 version:2.7.3

  2019-08-13 13:15:21.041504501 +0200
        2019-12-27 13:56:18.640743603 +0100
@@ -1,0 +2,16 @@
+Fri Nov  8 16:14:27 UTC 2019 - Peter Simons <psim...@suse.com>
+- Drop obsolete group attributes.
+Tue Oct 29 07:32:27 UTC 2019 - psim...@suse.com
+- Update persistent-template to version 2.7.3.
+  ## Unreleased changes
+  ## 2.7.3
+  * Update module documentation for `Database.Persist.TH` to better describe 
the purpose of the module 
+  * Support template-haskell-2.15 




Other differences:
++++++ ghc-persistent-template.spec ++++++
--- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.mGv4GN/_old  2019-12-27 13:56:19.108743829 +0100
+++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.mGv4GN/_new  2019-12-27 13:56:19.108743829 +0100
@@ -19,11 +19,10 @@
 %global pkg_name persistent-template
 %bcond_with tests
 Name:           ghc-%{pkg_name}
-Version:        2.7.2
+Version:        2.7.3
 Release:        0
 Summary:        Type-safe, non-relational, multi-backend persistence
 License:        MIT
-Group:          Development/Libraries/Haskell
 URL:            https://hackage.haskell.org/package/%{pkg_name}
 BuildRequires:  ghc-Cabal-devel
@@ -51,7 +50,6 @@
 %package devel
 Summary:        Haskell %{pkg_name} library development files
-Group:          Development/Libraries/Haskell
 Requires:       %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
 Requires:       ghc-compiler = %{ghc_version}
 Requires(post): ghc-compiler = %{ghc_version}

++++++ persistent-template-2.7.2.tar.gz -> persistent-template-2.7.3.tar.gz 
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/persistent-template-2.7.2/ChangeLog.md 
--- old/persistent-template-2.7.2/ChangeLog.md  2019-07-17 15:42:19.000000000 
+++ new/persistent-template-2.7.3/ChangeLog.md  2019-10-28 16:58:53.000000000 
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+## Unreleased changes
+## 2.7.3
+* Update module documentation for `Database.Persist.TH` to better describe the 
purpose of the module [#968](https://github.com/yesodweb/persistent/pull/968)
+* Support template-haskell-2.15 
 ## 2.7.2
 * Expose the knot tying logic of `parseReferences` so that users can build
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/persistent-template-2.7.2/Database/Persist/TH.hs 
--- old/persistent-template-2.7.2/Database/Persist/TH.hs        2019-07-17 
15:42:19.000000000 +0200
+++ new/persistent-template-2.7.3/Database/Persist/TH.hs        2019-10-28 
16:58:53.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
@@ -8,8 +9,8 @@
 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans -fno-warn-missing-fields #-}
--- | This module provides utilities for creating backends. Regular users do not
--- need to use this module.
+-- | This module provides the tools for defining your database schema and using
+-- it to generate Haskell data types and migrations.
 module Database.Persist.TH
     ( -- * Parse entity defs
@@ -53,6 +54,7 @@
     , Value (Object), (.:), (.:?)
     , eitherDecodeStrict'
+import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
 import Data.Char (toLower, toUpper)
 import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
 import Data.Int (Int64)
@@ -60,19 +62,17 @@
 import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NEL
 import qualified Data.Map as M
 import Data.Maybe (isJust, listToMaybe, mapMaybe, fromMaybe)
-import Data.Monoid (mappend, mconcat)
+import Data.Monoid ((<>), mappend, mconcat)
 import Data.Proxy (Proxy (Proxy))
 import Data.Text (pack, Text, append, unpack, concat, uncons, cons, 
stripPrefix, stripSuffix)
 import qualified Data.Text as T
 import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8)
 import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
-import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
 import GHC.Generics (Generic)
 import GHC.TypeLits
 import Language.Haskell.TH.Lib (conT, varE)
 import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote
 import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
-import qualified System.IO as SIO
 import Text.Read (readPrec, lexP, step, prec, parens, Lexeme(Ident))
 import Web.PathPieces (PathPiece(..))
 import Web.HttpApiData (ToHttpApiData(..), FromHttpApiData(..))
@@ -86,8 +86,10 @@
 -- <https://github.com/yesodweb/persistent/issues/412>
 unHaskellNameForJSON :: HaskellName -> Text
 unHaskellNameForJSON = fixTypeUnderscore . unHaskellName
-  where fixTypeUnderscore "type" = "type_"
-        fixTypeUnderscore name = name
+  where
+    fixTypeUnderscore = \case
+        "type" -> "type_"
+        name -> name
 -- | Converts a quasi-quoted syntax into a list of entity definitions, to be
 -- used as input to the template haskell generation code (mkPersist).
@@ -155,17 +157,14 @@
 persistManyFileWith :: PersistSettings -> [FilePath] -> Q Exp
 persistManyFileWith ps fps = do
     mapM_ qAddDependentFile fps
-    ss <- mapM getS fps
+    ss <- mapM (qRunIO . getFileContents) fps
     let s = T.intercalate "\n" ss -- be tolerant of the user forgetting to put 
a line-break at EOF.
     parseReferences ps s
-  where
-    getS fp = do
-      h <- qRunIO $ SIO.openFile fp SIO.ReadMode
-      qRunIO $ SIO.hSetEncoding h SIO.utf8_bom
-      s <- qRunIO $ TIO.hGetContents h
-      return s
--- Takes a list of (potentially) independently defined entities and properly
+getFileContents :: FilePath -> IO Text
+getFileContents = fmap decodeUtf8 . BS.readFile
+-- | Takes a list of (potentially) independently defined entities and properly
 -- links all foreign keys to reference the right 'EntityDef', tying the knot
 -- between entities.
@@ -182,48 +181,48 @@
     noCycleEnts = map breakCycleEnt entsWithEmbeds
     -- every EntityDef could reference each-other (as an EmbedRef)
     -- let Haskell tie the knot
-    embedEntityMap = M.fromList $ map (\ent -> (entityHaskell ent, 
toEmbedEntityDef ent)) entsWithEmbeds
+    embedEntityMap = constructEmbedEntityMap entsWithEmbeds
     entsWithEmbeds = map setEmbedEntity rawEnts
     setEmbedEntity ent = ent
-      { entityFields = map (setEmbedField (entityHaskell ent) embedEntityMap) 
$ entityFields ent
-      }
+        { entityFields = map (setEmbedField (entityHaskell ent) 
embedEntityMap) $ entityFields ent
+        }
     -- self references are already broken
     -- look at every emFieldEmbed to see if it refers to an already seen 
     -- so start with entityHaskell ent and accumulate embeddedHaskell em
     breakCycleEnt entDef =
-      let entName = entityHaskell entDef
-      in  entDef { entityFields = map (breakCycleField entName) $ entityFields 
entDef }
+        let entName = entityHaskell entDef
+         in entDef { entityFields = map (breakCycleField entName) $ 
entityFields entDef }
-    breakCycleField entName f@(FieldDef { fieldReference = EmbedRef em }) =
-      f { fieldReference = EmbedRef $ breakCycleEmbed [entName] em }
-    breakCycleField _ f = f
+    breakCycleField entName f = case f of
+        FieldDef { fieldReference = EmbedRef em } ->
+            f { fieldReference = EmbedRef $ breakCycleEmbed [entName] em }
+        _ ->
+            f
     breakCycleEmbed ancestors em =
-        em { embeddedFields = map (breakCycleEmField $ emName : ancestors)
-                                  (embeddedFields em)
+        em { embeddedFields = breakCycleEmField (emName : ancestors) <$> 
embeddedFields em
-      where
-        emName = embeddedHaskell em
+        where
+            emName = embeddedHaskell em
     breakCycleEmField ancestors emf = case embeddedHaskell <$> membed of
         Nothing -> emf
         Just embName -> if embName `elem` ancestors
-          then emf { emFieldEmbed = Nothing, emFieldCycle = Just embName }
-          else emf { emFieldEmbed = breakCycleEmbed ancestors <$> membed }
-      where
-        membed = emFieldEmbed emf
+            then emf { emFieldEmbed = Nothing, emFieldCycle = Just embName }
+            else emf { emFieldEmbed = breakCycleEmbed ancestors <$> membed }
+        where
+            membed = emFieldEmbed emf
 -- calls parse to Quasi.parse individual entities in isolation
 -- afterwards, sets references to other entities
 -- | @since 2.5.3
 parseReferences :: PersistSettings -> Text -> Q Exp
 parseReferences ps s = lift $
-     map (mkEntityDefSqlTypeExp embedEntityMap entMap) noCycleEnts
+    map (mkEntityDefSqlTypeExp embedEntityMap entityMap) noCycleEnts
     (embedEntityMap, noCycleEnts) = embedEntityDefsMap $ parse ps s
-    entMap = M.fromList $ map (\ent -> (entityHaskell ent, ent)) noCycleEnts
+    entityMap = constructEntityMap noCycleEnts
 stripId :: FieldType -> Maybe Text
 stripId (FTTypeCon Nothing t) = stripSuffix "Id" t
@@ -237,21 +236,23 @@
 -- fieldSqlType at parse time can be an Exp
 -- This helps delay setting fieldSqlType until lift time
-data EntityDefSqlTypeExp = EntityDefSqlTypeExp EntityDef SqlTypeExp 
-                           deriving Show
-data SqlTypeExp = SqlTypeExp FieldType
-                | SqlType' SqlType
-                deriving Show
+data EntityDefSqlTypeExp
+    = EntityDefSqlTypeExp EntityDef SqlTypeExp [SqlTypeExp]
+    deriving Show
+data SqlTypeExp
+    = SqlTypeExp FieldType
+    | SqlType' SqlType
+    deriving Show
 instance Lift SqlTypeExp where
     lift (SqlType' t)       = lift t
     lift (SqlTypeExp ftype) = return st
-      where
-        typ = ftToType ftype
-        mtyp = (ConT ''Proxy `AppT` typ)
-        typedNothing = SigE (ConE 'Proxy) mtyp
-        st = VarE 'sqlType `AppE` typedNothing
+        where
+            typ = ftToType ftype
+            mtyp = ConT ''Proxy `AppT` typ
+            typedNothing = SigE (ConE 'Proxy) mtyp
+            st = VarE 'sqlType `AppE` typedNothing
 data FieldsSqlTypeExp = FieldsSqlTypeExp [FieldDef] [SqlTypeExp]
@@ -260,9 +261,10 @@
         lift $ zipWith FieldSqlTypeExp fields sqlTypeExps
 data FieldSqlTypeExp = FieldSqlTypeExp FieldDef SqlTypeExp
 instance Lift FieldSqlTypeExp where
-    lift (FieldSqlTypeExp (FieldDef{..}) sqlTypeExp) =
-      [|FieldDef fieldHaskell fieldDB fieldType $(lift sqlTypeExp) fieldAttrs 
fieldStrict fieldReference fieldComments|]
+    lift (FieldSqlTypeExp FieldDef{..} sqlTypeExp) =
+        [|FieldDef fieldHaskell fieldDB fieldType $(lift sqlTypeExp) 
fieldAttrs fieldStrict fieldReference fieldComments|]
 instance Lift EntityDefSqlTypeExp where
     lift (EntityDefSqlTypeExp ent sqlTypeExp sqlTypeExps) =
@@ -276,7 +278,7 @@
     lift (ForeignRef name ft) = [|ForeignRef name ft|]
     lift (EmbedRef em) = [|EmbedRef em|]
     lift (CompositeRef cdef) = [|CompositeRef cdef|]
-    lift (SelfReference) = [|SelfReference|]
+    lift SelfReference = [|SelfReference|]
 instance Lift EmbedEntityDef where
     lift (EmbedEntityDef name fields) = [|EmbedEntityDef name fields|]
@@ -285,99 +287,114 @@
     lift (EmbedFieldDef name em cyc) = [|EmbedFieldDef name em cyc|]
 type EmbedEntityMap = M.Map HaskellName EmbedEntityDef
+constructEmbedEntityMap :: [EntityDef] -> EmbedEntityMap
+constructEmbedEntityMap =
+    M.fromList . fmap (\ent -> (entityHaskell ent, toEmbedEntityDef ent))
 type EntityMap = M.Map HaskellName EntityDef
+constructEntityMap :: [EntityDef] -> EntityMap
+constructEntityMap =
+    M.fromList . fmap (\ent -> (entityHaskell ent, ent))
 data FTTypeConDescr = FTKeyCon deriving Show
 mEmbedded :: EmbedEntityMap -> FieldType -> Either (Maybe FTTypeConDescr) 
 mEmbedded _ (FTTypeCon Just{} _) = Left Nothing
-mEmbedded ents (FTTypeCon Nothing n) = let name = HaskellName n in
-    maybe (Left Nothing) Right $ M.lookup name ents
+mEmbedded ents (FTTypeCon Nothing n) =
+    let name = HaskellName n
+     in maybe (Left Nothing) Right $ M.lookup name ents
 mEmbedded ents (FTList x) = mEmbedded ents x
 mEmbedded ents (FTApp x y) =
-  -- Key converts an Record to a RecordId
-  -- special casing this is obviously a hack
-  -- This problem may not be solvable with the current QuasiQuoted approach 
-  if x == FTTypeCon Nothing "Key"
-    then Left $ Just FTKeyCon
-    else mEmbedded ents y
+    -- Key converts an Record to a RecordId
+    -- special casing this is obviously a hack
+    -- This problem may not be solvable with the current QuasiQuoted approach 
+    if x == FTTypeCon Nothing "Key"
+        then Left $ Just FTKeyCon
+        else mEmbedded ents y
 setEmbedField :: HaskellName -> EmbedEntityMap -> FieldDef -> FieldDef
 setEmbedField entName allEntities field = field
-  { fieldReference = case fieldReference field of
-      NoReference ->
-        case mEmbedded allEntities (fieldType field) of
-            Left _ -> case stripId $ fieldType field of
-                Nothing -> NoReference
-                Just name -> case M.lookup (HaskellName name) allEntities of
-                    Nothing -> NoReference
-                    Just _ -> ForeignRef (HaskellName name)
-                                    -- This can get corrected in 
-                                    (FTTypeCon (Just "Data.Int") "Int64")
-            Right em -> if embeddedHaskell em /= entName
-              then EmbedRef em
-              else if maybeNullable field
-                     then SelfReference
-                     else case fieldType field of
-                       FTList _ -> SelfReference
-                       _ -> error $ unpack $ unHaskellName entName
-                           `Data.Monoid.mappend` ": a self reference must be a 
-      existing@_   -> existing
+    { fieldReference =
+        case fieldReference field of
+            NoReference ->
+                case mEmbedded allEntities (fieldType field) of
+                    Left _ ->
+                        case stripId $ fieldType field of
+                            Nothing -> NoReference
+                            Just name ->
+                                case M.lookup (HaskellName name) allEntities of
+                                    Nothing -> NoReference
+                                    Just _ -> ForeignRef (HaskellName name)
+                                        -- This can get corrected in 
+                                        (FTTypeCon (Just "Data.Int") "Int64")
+                    Right em ->
+                        if embeddedHaskell em /= entName
+                             then EmbedRef em
+                        else if maybeNullable field
+                             then SelfReference
+                        else case fieldType field of
+                                 FTList _ -> SelfReference
+                                 _ -> error $ unpack $ unHaskellName entName 
<> ": a self reference must be a Maybe"
+            existing -> existing
 mkEntityDefSqlTypeExp :: EmbedEntityMap -> EntityMap -> EntityDef -> 
-mkEntityDefSqlTypeExp emEntities entMap ent = EntityDefSqlTypeExp ent
-    (getSqlType $ entityId ent)
-    $ (map getSqlType $ entityFields ent)
-  where
-    getSqlType field = maybe
-        (defaultSqlTypeExp field)
-        (SqlType' . SqlOther)
-        (listToMaybe $ mapMaybe (stripPrefix "sqltype=") $ fieldAttrs field)
+mkEntityDefSqlTypeExp emEntities entityMap ent =
+    EntityDefSqlTypeExp ent (getSqlType $ entityId ent) (map getSqlType $ 
entityFields ent)
+  where
+    getSqlType field =
+        maybe
+            (defaultSqlTypeExp field)
+            (SqlType' . SqlOther)
+            (listToMaybe $ mapMaybe (stripPrefix "sqltype=") $ fieldAttrs 
     -- In the case of embedding, there won't be any datatype created yet.
     -- We just use SqlString, as the data will be serialized to JSON.
-    defaultSqlTypeExp field = case mEmbedded emEntities ftype of
-        Right _ -> SqlType' SqlString
-        Left (Just FTKeyCon) -> SqlType' SqlString
-        Left Nothing -> case fieldReference field of
-            ForeignRef refName ft  -> case M.lookup refName entMap of
-                Nothing  -> SqlTypeExp ft
-                -- A ForeignRef is blindly set to an Int64 in setEmbedField
-                -- correct that now
-                Just ent' -> case entityPrimary ent' of
-                    Nothing -> SqlTypeExp ft
-                    Just pdef -> case compositeFields pdef of
-                        [] -> error "mkEntityDefSqlTypeExp: no composite 
-                        [x] -> SqlTypeExp $ fieldType x
-                        _ -> SqlType' $ SqlOther "Composite Reference"
-            CompositeRef _  -> SqlType' $ SqlOther "Composite Reference"
-            _ -> case ftype of
-                    -- In the case of lists, we always serialize to a string
-                    -- value (via JSON).
-                    --
-                    -- Normally, this would be determined automatically by
-                    -- SqlTypeExp. However, there's one corner case: if there's
-                    -- a list of entity IDs, the datatype for the ID has not
-                    -- yet been created, so the compiler will fail. This extra
-                    -- clause works around this limitation.
-                    FTList _ -> SqlType' SqlString
-                    _ -> SqlTypeExp ftype
-      where
-        ftype = fieldType field
+    defaultSqlTypeExp field =
+        case mEmbedded emEntities ftype of
+            Right _ -> SqlType' SqlString
+            Left (Just FTKeyCon) -> SqlType' SqlString
+            Left Nothing -> case fieldReference field of
+                ForeignRef refName ft  -> case M.lookup refName entityMap of
+                    Nothing  -> SqlTypeExp ft
+                    -- A ForeignRef is blindly set to an Int64 in setEmbedField
+                    -- correct that now
+                    Just ent' -> case entityPrimary ent' of
+                        Nothing -> SqlTypeExp ft
+                        Just pdef -> case compositeFields pdef of
+                            [] -> error "mkEntityDefSqlTypeExp: no composite 
+                            [x] -> SqlTypeExp $ fieldType x
+                            _ -> SqlType' $ SqlOther "Composite Reference"
+                CompositeRef _  -> SqlType' $ SqlOther "Composite Reference"
+                _ ->
+                    case ftype of
+                        -- In the case of lists, we always serialize to a 
+                        -- value (via JSON).
+                        --
+                        -- Normally, this would be determined automatically by
+                        -- SqlTypeExp. However, there's one corner case: if 
+                        -- a list of entity IDs, the datatype for the ID has 
+                        -- yet been created, so the compiler will fail. This 
+                        -- clause works around this limitation.
+                        FTList _ -> SqlType' SqlString
+                        _ -> SqlTypeExp ftype
+        where
+            ftype = fieldType field
 -- | Create data types and appropriate 'PersistEntity' instances for the given
 -- 'EntityDef's. Works well with the persist quasi-quoter.
 mkPersist :: MkPersistSettings -> [EntityDef] -> Q [Dec]
 mkPersist mps ents' = do
     x <- fmap Data.Monoid.mconcat $ mapM (persistFieldFromEntity mps) ents
-    y <- fmap mconcat $ mapM (mkEntity entMap mps) ents
+    y <- fmap mconcat $ mapM (mkEntity entityMap mps) ents
     z <- fmap mconcat $ mapM (mkJSON mps) ents
     uniqueKeyInstances <- fmap mconcat $ mapM (mkUniqueKeyInstances mps) ents
     return $ mconcat [x, y, z, uniqueKeyInstances]
     ents = map fixEntityDef ents'
-    entMap = M.fromList $ map (\ent -> (entityHaskell ent, ent)) ents
+    entityMap = constructEntityMap ents
 -- | Implement special preprocessing on EntityDef as necessary for 'mkPersist'.
 -- For example, strip out any fields marked as MigrationOnly.
@@ -428,8 +445,9 @@
 -- | Create an @MkPersistSettings@ with default values.
-mkPersistSettings :: Type -- ^ Value for 'mpsBackend'
-                  -> MkPersistSettings
+    :: Type -- ^ Value for 'mpsBackend'
+    -> MkPersistSettings
 mkPersistSettings t = MkPersistSettings
     { mpsBackend = t
     , mpsGeneric = False
@@ -449,7 +467,8 @@
 recNameNoUnderscore mps dt f
   | mpsPrefixFields mps = lowerFirst (unHaskellName dt) ++ upperFirst ft
   | otherwise           = lowerFirst ft
-  where ft = unHaskellName f
+  where
+    ft = unHaskellName f
 recName :: MkPersistSettings -> HaskellName -> HaskellName -> Text
 recName mps dt f =
@@ -518,11 +537,19 @@
 uniqueTypeDec :: MkPersistSettings -> EntityDef -> Dec
 uniqueTypeDec mps t =
+#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,15,0)
+    DataInstD [] Nothing
+        (AppT (ConT ''Unique) (genericDataType mps (entityHaskell t) backendT))
+            Nothing
+            (map (mkUnique mps t) $ entityUniques t)
+            (derivClause $ entityUniques t)
     DataInstD [] ''Unique
         [genericDataType mps (entityHaskell t) backendT]
             (map (mkUnique mps t) $ entityUniques t)
             (derivClause $ entityUniques t)
     derivClause [] = []
 #if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,12,0)
@@ -535,8 +562,8 @@
 mkUnique mps t (UniqueDef (HaskellName constr) _ fields attrs) =
     NormalC (mkName $ unpack constr) types
-    types = map (go . flip lookup3 (entityFields t))
-          $ map (unHaskellName . fst) fields
+    types =
+      map (go . flip lookup3 (entityFields t) . unHaskellName . fst) fields
     force = "!force" `elem` attrs
@@ -757,8 +784,6 @@
             $ ConE 'Entity `AppE` VarE keyVar `AppE` (ConE (sumConstrName mps 
t f) `AppE` VarE xName)
 -- | declare the key type and associated instances
 -- @'PathPiece'@, @'ToHttpApiData'@ and @'FromHttpApiData'@ instances are only 
generated for a Key with one field
 mkKeyTypeDec :: MkPersistSettings -> EntityDef -> Q (Dec, [Dec])
@@ -781,7 +806,12 @@
                         bi <- backendKeyI
                         return (bi, allInstances)
-#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,12,0)
+#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,15,0)
+    cxti <- mapM conT i
+    let kd = if useNewtype
+               then NewtypeInstD [] Nothing (AppT (ConT k) recordType) Nothing 
dec [DerivClause Nothing cxti]
+               else DataInstD    [] Nothing (AppT (ConT k) recordType) Nothing 
[dec] [DerivClause Nothing cxti]
+#elif MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,12,0)
     cxti <- mapM conT i
     let kd = if useNewtype
                then NewtypeInstD [] k [recordType] Nothing dec [DerivClause 
Nothing cxti]
@@ -877,7 +907,7 @@
 keyIdName = mkName . unpack . keyIdText
 keyIdText :: EntityDef -> Text
-keyIdText t = (unHaskellName $ entityHaskell t) `mappend` "Id"
+keyIdText t = unHaskellName (entityHaskell t) `mappend` "Id"
 unKeyName :: EntityDef -> Name
 unKeyName t = mkName $ "un" `mappend` keyString t
@@ -914,7 +944,7 @@
 keyFields :: MkPersistSettings -> EntityDef -> [(Name, Strict, Type)]
 keyFields mps t = case entityPrimary t of
-  Just pdef -> map primaryKeyVar $ (compositeFields pdef)
+  Just pdef -> map primaryKeyVar (compositeFields pdef)
   Nothing   -> if defaultIdType t
     then [idKeyVar backendKeyType]
     else [idKeyVar $ ftToType $ fieldType $ entityId t]
@@ -931,8 +961,7 @@
 keyFieldName :: MkPersistSettings -> EntityDef -> FieldDef -> Name
 keyFieldName mps t fd
   | pkNewtype mps t = unKeyName t
-  | otherwise = mkName $ unpack
-    $ lowerFirst (keyText t) `mappend` (unHaskellName $ fieldHaskell fd)
+  | otherwise = mkName $ unpack $ lowerFirst (keyText t) `mappend` 
unHaskellName (fieldHaskell fd)
 mkKeyToValues :: MkPersistSettings -> EntityDef -> Q Dec
 mkKeyToValues mps t = do
@@ -956,8 +985,8 @@
 mkKeyFromValues _mps t = do
     clauses <- case entityPrimary t of
         Nothing  -> do
-            e <- [|fmap $(return $ keyConE) . fromPersistValue . headNote|]
-            return $ [normalClause [] e]
+            e <- [|fmap $(return keyConE) . fromPersistValue . headNote|]
+            return [normalClause [] e]
         Just pdef ->
             fromValues t "keyFromValues" keyConE (compositeFields pdef)
     return $ FunD 'keyFromValues clauses
@@ -965,61 +994,61 @@
     keyConE = keyConExp t
 headNote :: [PersistValue] -> PersistValue
-headNote (x:[]) = x
-headNote xs = error $ "mkKeyFromValues: expected a list of one element, got: "
-  `mappend` show xs
+headNote = \case
+  [x] -> x
+  xs -> error $ "mkKeyFromValues: expected a list of one element, got: " 
`mappend` show xs
 fromValues :: EntityDef -> Text -> Exp -> [FieldDef] -> Q [Clause]
 fromValues t funName conE fields = do
-  x <- newName "x"
-  let funMsg = entityText t `mappend` ": " `mappend` funName `mappend` " 
failed on: "
-  patternMatchFailure <- [|Left $ mappend funMsg (pack $ show $(return $ VarE 
-  suc <- patternSuccess
-  return [ suc, normalClause [VarP x] patternMatchFailure ]
+    x <- newName "x"
+    let funMsg = entityText t `mappend` ": " `mappend` funName `mappend` " 
failed on: "
+    patternMatchFailure <- [|Left $ mappend funMsg (pack $ show $(return $ 
VarE x))|]
+    suc <- patternSuccess
+    return [ suc, normalClause [VarP x] patternMatchFailure ]
     patternSuccess =
-      case fields of
-        [] -> do
-          rightE <- [|Right|]
-          return $ normalClause [ListP []] (rightE `AppE` conE)
-        _ -> do
-          x1 <- newName "x1"
-          restNames <- mapM (\i -> newName $ "x" `mappend` show i) [2..length 
-          (fpv1:mkPersistValues) <- mapM mkPersistValue fields
-          app1E <- [|(<$>)|]
-          let conApp = infixFromPersistValue app1E fpv1 conE x1
-          applyE <- [|(<*>)|]
-          let applyFromPersistValue = infixFromPersistValue applyE
-          return $ normalClause
-              [ListP $ map VarP (x1:restNames)]
-              (foldl' (\exp (name, fpv) -> applyFromPersistValue fpv exp name) 
conApp (zip restNames mkPersistValues))
+        case fields of
+            [] -> do
+                rightE <- [|Right|]
+                return $ normalClause [ListP []] (rightE `AppE` conE)
+            _ -> do
+                x1 <- newName "x1"
+                restNames <- mapM (\i -> newName $ "x" `mappend` show i) 
[2..length fields]
+                (fpv1:mkPersistValues) <- mapM mkPersistValue fields
+                app1E <- [|(<$>)|]
+                let conApp = infixFromPersistValue app1E fpv1 conE x1
+                applyE <- [|(<*>)|]
+                let applyFromPersistValue = infixFromPersistValue applyE
+                return $ normalClause
+                    [ListP $ map VarP (x1:restNames)]
+                    (foldl' (\exp (name, fpv) -> applyFromPersistValue fpv exp 
name) conApp (zip restNames mkPersistValues))
     infixFromPersistValue applyE fpv exp name =
-      UInfixE exp applyE (fpv `AppE` VarE name)
+        UInfixE exp applyE (fpv `AppE` VarE name)
     mkPersistValue field =
-      [|mapLeft (fieldError t field) . fromPersistValue|]
+        [|mapLeft (fieldError t field) . fromPersistValue|]
 fieldError :: EntityDef -> FieldDef -> Text -> Text
 fieldError entity field err = mconcat
-  [ "Couldn't parse field `"
-  , fieldName
-  , "` from table `"
-  , tableName
-  , "`. "
-  , err
-  ]
+    [ "Couldn't parse field `"
+    , fieldName
+    , "` from table `"
+    , tableName
+    , "`. "
+    , err
+    ]
     fieldName =
-      unHaskellName (fieldHaskell field)
+        unHaskellName (fieldHaskell field)
     tableName =
-      unDBName (entityDB entity)
+        unDBName (entityDB entity)
 mkEntity :: EntityMap -> MkPersistSettings -> EntityDef -> Q [Dec]
-mkEntity entMap mps t = do
-    t' <- liftAndFixKeys entMap t
+mkEntity entityMap mps t = do
+    t' <- liftAndFixKeys entityMap t
     let nameT = unHaskellName entName
     let nameS = unpack nameT
     let clazz = ConT ''PersistEntity `AppT` genDataType
@@ -1055,7 +1084,7 @@
        dtd : mconcat fkc `mappend`
       ([ TySynD (keyIdName t) [] $
             ConT ''Key `AppT` ConT (mkName nameS)
-      , instanceD instanceConstraint clazz $
+      , instanceD instanceConstraint clazz
         [ uniqueTypeDec mps t
         , keyTypeDec
         , keyToValues'
@@ -1066,6 +1095,15 @@
         , toFieldNames
         , utv
         , puk
+#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,15,0)
+        , DataInstD
+            []
+            Nothing
+            (AppT (AppT (ConT ''EntityField) genDataType) (VarT $ mkName 
+            Nothing
+            (map fst fields)
+            []
         , DataInstD
@@ -1075,12 +1113,21 @@
             (map fst fields)
         , FunD 'persistFieldDef (map snd fields)
+#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,15,0)
+        , TySynInstD
+            (TySynEqn
+               Nothing
+               (AppT (ConT ''PersistEntityBackend) genDataType)
+               (backendDataType mps))
         , TySynInstD
                (backendDataType mps))
         , FunD 'persistIdField [normalClause [] (ConE $ keyIdName t)]
         , FunD 'fieldLens lensClauses
@@ -1149,7 +1196,7 @@
     singleUniqueKey :: Q [Dec]
     singleUniqueKey = do
-        expr <- [e|\p -> head (persistUniqueKeys p)|]
+        expr <- [e| head . persistUniqueKeys|]
         let impl = [FunD onlyUniquePName [Clause [] (NormalB expr) []]]
         cxt <- withPersistStoreWriteCxt
         pure [instanceD cxt onlyOneUniqueKeyClass impl]
@@ -1159,7 +1206,7 @@
     atLeastOneKey :: Q [Dec]
     atLeastOneKey = do
-        expr <- [e|\p -> NEL.fromList (persistUniqueKeys p)|]
+        expr <- [e| NEL.fromList . persistUniqueKeys|]
         let impl = [FunD requireUniquesPName [Clause [] (NormalB expr) []]]
         cxt <- withPersistStoreWriteCxt
         pure [instanceD cxt atLeastOneUniqueKeyClass impl]
@@ -1221,21 +1268,21 @@
 mkForeignKeysComposite :: MkPersistSettings -> EntityDef -> ForeignDef -> Q 
 mkForeignKeysComposite mps t ForeignDef {..} = do
-   let fieldName f = mkName $ unpack $ recName mps (entityHaskell t) f
-   let fname = fieldName foreignConstraintNameHaskell
-   let reftableString = unpack $ unHaskellName $ foreignRefTableHaskell
-   let reftableKeyName = mkName $ reftableString `mappend` "Key"
-   let tablename = mkName $ unpack $ entityText t
-   recordName <- newName "record"
-   let fldsE = map (\((foreignName, _),_) -> VarE (fieldName $ foreignName)
-                 `AppE` VarE recordName) foreignFields
-   let mkKeyE = foldl' AppE (maybeExp foreignNullable $ ConE reftableKeyName) 
-   let fn = FunD fname [normalClause [VarP recordName] mkKeyE]
-   let t2 = maybeTyp foreignNullable $ ConT ''Key `AppT` ConT (mkName 
-   let sig = SigD fname $ (ArrowT `AppT` (ConT tablename)) `AppT` t2
-   return [sig, fn]
+    let fieldName f = mkName $ unpack $ recName mps (entityHaskell t) f
+    let fname = fieldName foreignConstraintNameHaskell
+    let reftableString = unpack $ unHaskellName foreignRefTableHaskell
+    let reftableKeyName = mkName $ reftableString `mappend` "Key"
+    let tablename = mkName $ unpack $ entityText t
+    recordName <- newName "record"
+    let fldsE = map (\((foreignName, _),_) -> VarE (fieldName foreignName)
+                  `AppE` VarE recordName) foreignFields
+    let mkKeyE = foldl' AppE (maybeExp foreignNullable $ ConE reftableKeyName) 
+    let fn = FunD fname [normalClause [VarP recordName] mkKeyE]
+    let t2 = maybeTyp foreignNullable $ ConT ''Key `AppT` ConT (mkName 
+    let sig = SigD fname $ (ArrowT `AppT` (ConT tablename)) `AppT` t2
+    return [sig, fn]
 maybeExp :: Bool -> Exp -> Exp
 maybeExp may exp | may = fmapE `AppE` exp
@@ -1244,8 +1291,6 @@
 maybeTyp may typ | may = ConT ''Maybe `AppT` typ
                  | otherwise = typ
 -- | produce code similar to the following:
 -- @
@@ -1286,10 +1331,10 @@
             [ sqlTypeFunD ss
-    where
-      typ = genericDataType mps (entityHaskell e) backendT
-      entFields = entityFields e
-      columnNames  = map (unpack . unHaskellName . fieldHaskell) entFields
+  where
+    typ = genericDataType mps (entityHaskell e) backendT
+    entFields = entityFields e
+    columnNames  = map (unpack . unHaskellName . fieldHaskell) entFields
 -- | Apply the given list of functions to the same @EntityDef@s.
@@ -1297,7 +1342,7 @@
 -- >>> share [mkSave "myDefs", mkPersist sqlSettings] [persistLowerCase|...|]
 share :: [[EntityDef] -> Q [Dec]] -> [EntityDef] -> Q [Dec]
-share fs x = fmap mconcat $ mapM ($ x) fs
+share fs x = mconcat <$> mapM ($ x) fs
 -- | Save the @EntityDef@s passed in under the given name.
 mkSave :: String -> [EntityDef] -> Q [Dec]
@@ -1532,9 +1577,9 @@
     defs = filter isMigrated allDefs
-    isMigrated def = not $ "no-migrate" `elem` entityAttrs def
+    isMigrated def = "no-migrate" `notElem` entityAttrs def
     typ = ConT ''Migration
-    entMap = M.fromList $ map (\ent -> (entityHaskell ent, ent)) allDefs
+    entityMap = constructEntityMap allDefs
     body :: Q Exp
     body =
         case defs of
@@ -1542,40 +1587,40 @@
             _  -> do
               defsName <- newName "defs"
               defsStmt <- do
-                defs' <- mapM (liftAndFixKeys entMap) defs
+                defs' <- mapM (liftAndFixKeys entityMap) defs
                 let defsExp = ListE defs'
                 return $ LetS [ValD (VarP defsName) (NormalB defsExp) []]
               stmts <- mapM (toStmt $ VarE defsName) defs
               return (DoE $ defsStmt : stmts)
     toStmt :: Exp -> EntityDef -> Q Stmt
     toStmt defsExp ed = do
-        u <- liftAndFixKeys entMap ed
+        u <- liftAndFixKeys entityMap ed
         m <- [|migrate|]
         return $ NoBindS $ m `AppE` defsExp `AppE` u
 liftAndFixKeys :: EntityMap -> EntityDef -> Q Exp
-liftAndFixKeys entMap EntityDef{..} =
-  [|EntityDef
-      entityHaskell
-      entityDB
-      entityId
-      entityAttrs
-      $(ListE <$> mapM (liftAndFixKey entMap) entityFields)
-      entityUniques
-      entityForeigns
-      entityDerives
-      entityExtra
-      entitySum
-      entityComments
-   |]
+liftAndFixKeys entityMap EntityDef{..} =
+    [|EntityDef
+        entityHaskell
+        entityDB
+        entityId
+        entityAttrs
+        $(ListE <$> mapM (liftAndFixKey entityMap) entityFields)
+        entityUniques
+        entityForeigns
+        entityDerives
+        entityExtra
+        entitySum
+        entityComments
+    |]
 liftAndFixKey :: EntityMap -> FieldDef -> Q Exp
-liftAndFixKey entMap (FieldDef a b c sqlTyp e f fieldRef mcomments) =
-  [|FieldDef a b c $(sqlTyp') e f fieldRef' mcomments|]
+liftAndFixKey entityMap (FieldDef a b c sqlTyp e f fieldRef mcomments) =
+    [|FieldDef a b c $(sqlTyp') e f fieldRef' mcomments|]
     (fieldRef', sqlTyp') = fromMaybe (fieldRef, lift sqlTyp) $
       case fieldRef of
-        ForeignRef refName _ft -> case M.lookup refName entMap of
+        ForeignRef refName _ft -> case M.lookup refName entityMap of
           Nothing -> Nothing
           Just ent ->
             case fieldReference $ entityId ent of
@@ -1598,12 +1643,16 @@
 instance Lift FieldDef where
     lift (FieldDef a b c d e f g h) = [|FieldDef a b c d e f g h|]
 instance Lift UniqueDef where
     lift (UniqueDef a b c d) = [|UniqueDef a b c d|]
 instance Lift CompositeDef where
     lift (CompositeDef a b) = [|CompositeDef a b|]
 instance Lift ForeignDef where
     lift (ForeignDef a b c d e f g) = [|ForeignDef a b c d e f g|]
@@ -1730,7 +1779,7 @@
 (++) = append
 mkJSON :: MkPersistSettings -> EntityDef -> Q [Dec]
-mkJSON _ def | not ("json" `elem` entityAttrs def) = return []
+mkJSON _ def | ("json" `notElem` entityAttrs def) = return []
 mkJSON mps def = do
     pureE <- [|pure|]
     apE' <- [|(<*>)|]
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/persistent-template-2.7.2/persistent-template.cabal 
--- old/persistent-template-2.7.2/persistent-template.cabal     2019-07-17 
15:42:19.000000000 +0200
+++ new/persistent-template-2.7.3/persistent-template.cabal     2019-10-28 
16:58:53.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 name:            persistent-template
-version:         2.7.2
+version:         2.7.3
 license:         MIT
 license-file:    LICENSE
 author:          Michael Snoyman <mich...@snoyman.com>

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