Hello community,

here is the log from the commit of package pmacct for openSUSE:Leap:15.2 
checked in at 2020-01-17 12:01:31
Comparing /work/SRC/openSUSE:Leap:15.2/pmacct (Old)
 and      /work/SRC/openSUSE:Leap:15.2/.pmacct.new.26092 (New)

Package is "pmacct"

Fri Jan 17 12:01:31 2020 rev:3 rq:763594 version:1.7.4

--- /work/SRC/openSUSE:Leap:15.2/pmacct/pmacct.changes  2020-01-15 
15:44:28.695290426 +0100
+++ /work/SRC/openSUSE:Leap:15.2/.pmacct.new.26092/pmacct.changes       
2020-01-17 12:01:34.160507461 +0100
@@ -1,0 +2,167 @@
+Thu Jan  2 11:41:34 UTC 2020 - Martin Hauke <mar...@gmx.de>
+- Update to version 1.7.4
+  + Introduced support for the 'vxlan' VXLAN/VNI primitive in all
+    traffic daemons 
+  + BMP daemon: added support for Peer Up message namespace for TLVs
+  + sfprobe plugin: added support for IPv6 transport for sFlow export.  
+  See /usr/share/doc/packages/pmacct/ChangeLog for all changes
+Thu Nov  7 20:08:48 UTC 2019 - Martin Hauke <mar...@gmx.de>
+- Do not longer build with support for the obsolete GeoIP
+  The GeoIP-interface has been discontinued by Maxmind. See
+  https://support.maxmind.com/geolite-legacy-discontinuation-notice/
+  for details. Without the database GeoIP is useless.
+  pmacct is now build with support for libmaxminddb (GeoIPv2) that
+  provides the same features but with a new supported interface.
+Thu May 16 18:02:07 UTC 2019 - Martin Hauke <mar...@gmx.de>
+- Update to version 1.7.3
+  + Introduced the RPKI daemon to build a ROA database and check prefixes
+    validation status and coverages. Resource Public Key Infrastructure
+    (RPKI) is a specialized public key infrastructure (PKI) framework
+    designed to secure the Internet routing. RPKI uses certificates to
+    allow Local Internet Registries (LIRs) to list the Internet number
+    resources they hold. These attestations are called Route Origination
+    Authorizations (ROAs). ROA information can be acquired in one of the
+    two following ways: 1) importing it using the rpki_roas_file config
+    directive from a file in the RIPE Validator format or 2) connecting
+    to a RPKI RTR Cache for live ROA updates; the cache IP address/port
+    being defined by the rpki_rtr_cache config directive (and a few more
+    optional rpki_rtr_* directives are available and can be reviwed in
+    the CONFIG-KEYS doc). The ROA fields will be populated with one of
+    these five values: 'u' Unknown, 'v' Valid, 'i' Invalid no overlaps,
+    'V' Invalid with a covering Valid prefix, 'U' Invalid with a covering
+    Unknown prefix.
+  + Introducing pmgrpcd.py, written in Python, a daemon to handle gRPC-
+    based Streaming Telemetry sessions and unmarshall GPB data. Code
+    was mostly courtesy by Matthias Arnold ( @tbearma1 ). This is in
+    addition (or feeding into) pmtelemetryd, written in C, a daemon to
+    handle TCP/UDP-based Streaming Telemetry sessions with JSON-encoded
+    data.
+  + pmacctd, uacctd: added support for CFP (Cisco FabricPath) and Cisco
+    Virtual Network Tag protocols.
+  + print plugin: added 'custom' to print_output. This is to cover two
+    main use-cases: 1) use JSON or Avro encodings but fix the format of
+    the messages in a custom way and 2) use a different encoding than
+    JSON or Avro. See also example in examples/custom and new directives
+    print_output_custom_lib and print_output_custom_cfg_file. The patch
+    was courtesy by Edge Intelligence ( @edge-intelligence ).
+  + Introducing mpls_pw_id aggregation primitive and mpls_pw_id key in
+    pre_tag_map to filter on signalled L2 MPLS VPN Pseudowire IDs.
+  + BGP daemon: added bgp_disable_router_id knob to enable/disable BGP
+    Router-ID check, both at BGP OPEN time and BGP lookup. Useful, for
+    example, in scenarios with split BGP v4/v6 AFs over v4/v6 transports.
+  + BGP, BMP daemons: translate origin attribute numeric value into IGP
+    (i), EGP (e) and Incomplete (u) strings.
+  + plugins: added new plugin_exit_any feature to make the daemon bail
+    out if any (not all, which is the default behaviour) of the plugins
+    exits.
+  + maps_index: improved selection of buckets for index hash structure
+    by picking the closest prime number to the double of the entries of
+    the map to be indexed in order to achieve better elements dispersion
+    and hence better performances.
+  + nfacctd: added support for IPFIX templateId-scoped (IE 145) sampling
+    information.
+  + pmacctd, uacctd, sfacctd, nfacctd: added a -M command-line option to
+    set *_markers (ie. print_markers) to true and fixed -A command-line
+    option to set print_output_file_append to align to true/false.
+  ! fix, BGP, BMP, Streaming Telemetry daemons: improved sequencing of
+    dump events by assigning a single sequence number per event (ie. for
+    streaming pipeline scenarios in order to reduce correlation with
+    dump_init/dump_close messages). Also amount of record dumped was
+    added to the close message.
+  ! fix, BGP, BMP, Streaming Telemetry daemons: removed hierarchical
+    json_decref() since json_object_get() borrows reference. This was
+    occasionaly leading to SEGVs.
+  ! fix, uacctd: dynamically allocate jumbo_container buffer size as
+    packets larger than 10KB, previous static allocation, would lead to
+    crashes.
+  ! fix, nfacctd: wired (BGP, BMP, ISIS, etc.) lookups to the NEL/NSEL 
+    use-case.
+  ! fix, nfacctd: search for IE 408 (dataLinkFrameType) was leading to
+    SEGVs. Also improved handling of variable-length IPFIX templates.  
+  ! fix, BMP daemon: solved an occasional truncation of the last message
+    in a packet. 
+  ! fix, BGP daemon: when processing bgp_daemon_md5_file, ipv4 addresses
+    were incorrectly translated to ipv4-mapped ipv6 ones as a result of
+    which TCP-MD5 hashes were not correctly bound to sockets.
+  ! fix, BGP daemon: improved label-unicast and mpls-vpn SAFIs handling
+    (some bogus messages, multiple labels, etc.).
+  ! fix, BGP daemon: introduced PREFIX_STRLEN to make enough room for
+    prefix2str() calls (before unsufficient INET6_ADDRSTRLEN was used).
+  ! fix, BMP daemon: improved handling of ADD-PATH capability.
+  ! fix, plugins: an incorrect evaluation in P_cache_attach_new_node did
+    make possible to buffer overrun in plugins cache allocation. This was
+    found related to a "[..]: Assertion `!cache_ptr->stitch' failed."
+    daemon bail-out message.
+  ! fix, plugins: if pidfile directive was enabled, exit_gracefully() was
+    mistakenly deleting the plugin pidfile when called by a child process
+    (ie. writer, dumper, etc.).
+  ! fix, plugins: when taking exit_gracefully(), if the process is marked
+    as 'is_forked', just exit and don't perform extra ops in exit_all()
+    or exit_plugin().
+  ! fix, plugins: re-evaluate dynamic tables/files name if *_refresh_time
+    is different than *_history period.
+  ! fix, SQL plugins: a missing 'AND' was making SQL statements related
+    to src_host_coords and dst_host_coords fail.
+  ! fix, GeoIPv2: if no match is returned by libmaxminddb, return O1 code
+    (Other Country) instead of a null value.
+  ! fix, flow_to_rd_map: mpls_vpn_id was not working when maps_index was
+    enabled. Also partly re-written mpls_vpn_id handler.
+  ! fix, nfprobe plugin: serialize_bin() function introduced for correct
+    serialization of custom primitives defined with 'raw' semantics.
+  ! fix, PostgreSQL plugin: testing for presence of PQlibVersion() in
+    libpq to prevent compiling issues (ie. on CentOS 6).
+  ! fix, MySQL plugin: including mysql_version.h to compile successfully
+    against newer MariaDB releases.
+  ! fix, nDPI classification: send log message if 'class' primitive is
+    selected but nDPI is not compiled in; also updated code to follow
+    API changes in versions >= 2.6 of the library. Dropped support for
+    versions < 2.4.
+  ! fix, sfprobe plugin: added (and documented) conditional for optional
+    export of classification info.
+  ! fix, aggregate_primitives: field_type is now also allowed for pmacctd
+    and uaccd daemons so that it can be used for NetFlow v9/IPFIX export
+    (nfprobe plugin) purposes.
+  ! fix, pre_tag_map: if no 'ip' keyword is specified, an entry of the
+    map gets recirculated in order to be set for both v4 and v6 maps. If
+    a 'set_label' is also specified, it was causing a SEGV. Now the label
+    is correctly copied in case of recirculation.
+  ! fix, zmq_common.c: added option for non-blocking p_zmq_send_bin() as
+    otherwise program would block in case of no consumers (main use-case:
+    flow replication over ZeroMQ queues); as a result, a generous hwm
+    value was added on both sides of these queues.
+  ! fix, zmq_common.c: ZAP socket moved inside thread to prevent failed
+    assert() when compiling with gcc7/gcc8. Also a single user/password
+    auto-generated combination is used for all plugins.
+  ! fix, signals.c: SIGUSR1 handler for nfacctd and nfacctd is changed to
+    syncronous in order to prevent race conditions. Also, in pmacctd,
+    upon sending SIGUSR1, stats were not printed when reading packets
+    from a pcap_interfaaces_map.
+  ! fix, plugin_cmn_json.c: if leaving protocols numerical (ie. proto,
+    tunnel_proto primitives), convert them to string-represented numbers
+    for data consistency for consumers.
+  ! fix, util.c: open_output_file(), if file exists and it's a FIFO then
+    set O_NONBLOCK when opening.
+  ! fix, pretag.c: pretag_index_report() was reporting incorrect info of
+    the hash structure built for the maps_index feature. Its format was
+    has also changed to be better parseable.
+  ! fix, compile time warnings: several warnings were addressed including
+    but not restricted to -Wformat ones. Also an annotation was added to
+    the Log function to inform the compiler it's a printf-style function,
+    allowing it to give warnings for argument mismatches.
+  - --enable-ipv6 configure script switch has been deprecated and, as a
+    result, IPv6 support was made mandatory.
+  - BGP daemon: removed unused pathlimit field from bgp_attr structure.
+  - pmacct client: removed deprecated SYM field from from formatted and
+    CSV headers.
+- Build with support for
+  * ZeroMQ
+  * Maxmind GeoIP DB v2




Other differences:
++++++ pmacct.spec ++++++
--- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.RAx5hK/_old  2020-01-17 12:01:35.776508172 +0100
+++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.RAx5hK/_new  2020-01-17 12:01:35.780508174 +0100
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # spec file for package pmacct
-# Copyright (c) 2018 SUSE LINUX GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
+# Copyright (c) 2020 SUSE LINUX GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
 # All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
 # remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
 # Please submit bugfixes or comments via https://bugs.opensuse.org/
 #Compat macro for new _fillupdir macro introduced in Nov 2017
 %if ! %{defined _fillupdir}
   %define _fillupdir /var/adm/fillup-templates
@@ -23,7 +24,7 @@
 %bcond_with ndpi
 Name:           pmacct
-Version:        1.7.2
+Version:        1.7.4
 Release:        0
 Summary:        Accounting and aggregation toolsuite for IPv4 and IPv6
 License:        GPL-2.0-only
@@ -50,8 +51,9 @@
 BuildRequires:  postgresql-devel
 BuildRequires:  sqlite-devel >= 3.0.0
 BuildRequires:  systemd-rpm-macros
-BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(geoip)
 BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(jansson)
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(libmaxminddb)
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(libzmq)
 %if %{with ndpi}
 BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(libndpi)
@@ -83,14 +85,13 @@
     --docdir="%{_docdir}/%{name}" \
     --enable-mmap \
     --enable-l2 \
-    --enable-ipv6 \
     --enable-mysql \
     --enable-pgsql \
     --enable-sqlite3 \
     %if %{with ndpi}
     --enable-ndpi \
-    --enable-geoip \
+    --enable-geoipv2 \
     %if 0%{?suse_version} >= 1310 && 0%{?is_opensuse} == 1
     --enable-jansson \
@@ -102,7 +103,6 @@
 make %{?_smp_mflags}
@@ -128,9 +128,10 @@
 # remove unneeded files
 rm -rf %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/pmacct/examples/lg
+rm -rf %{buildroot}/%{_libdir}/pmacct/examples/lg
+rm -rf %{buildroot}/%{_libdir}/pmacct/examples/custom/libcustom.la
 rm -rf 
 %service_add_pre nfacctd.service pmacctd.service sfacctd.service

++++++ pmacct-1.7.2.tar.gz -> pmacct-1.7.4.tar.gz ++++++
++++ 76624 lines of diff (skipped)

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