Hello community,

here is the log from the commit of package 000product for 
openSUSE:Leap:15.2:PowerPC checked in at 2020-03-10 03:23:34
Comparing /work/SRC/openSUSE:Leap:15.2:PowerPC/000product (Old)
 and      /work/SRC/openSUSE:Leap:15.2:PowerPC/.000product.new.26092 (New)

Package is "000product"

Tue Mar 10 03:23:34 2020 rev:160 rq: version:unknown

New Changes file:



Other differences:
openSUSE-dvd5-dvd-ppc64le.kiwi: same change
openSUSE-ftp-ftp-ppc64le.kiwi: same change
stub.kiwi: same change
++++++ unsorted.yml ++++++
--- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.1M9sxh/_old  2020-03-10 03:23:35.892106106 +0100
+++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.1M9sxh/_new  2020-03-10 03:23:35.896106107 +0100
@@ -1505,6 +1505,7 @@
   - ceph 
   - ceph-base 
   - ceph-common 
+  - ceph-csi 
   - ceph-fuse 
   - ceph-grafana-dashboards 
   - ceph-immutable-object-cache 
@@ -2951,6 +2952,8 @@
   - flameshot 
   - flameshot-bash-completion 
   - flann-devel 
+  - flannel 
+  - flannel-k8s-yaml 
   - flare 
   - flare-game 
   - flarq 
@@ -16297,7 +16300,6 @@
   - python-CouchDB 
   - python-CouchDB-doc 
   - python-Epsilon 
-  - python-FormEncode-doc 
   - python-Genshi-doc 
   - python-Hamlib 
   - python-Jinja2-emacs 
@@ -16306,12 +16308,9 @@
   - python-LHAPDF 
   - python-Louie 
   - python-M2Crypto-doc 
-  - python-Ming 
   - python-OpenColorIO 
   - python-OpenColorIO-devel 
   - python-OpenImageIO 
-  - python-Parsley 
-  - python-Parsley-doc 
   - python-PyWavelets-doc 
   - python-PyWebDAV 
   - python-Pylons 
@@ -16370,7 +16369,6 @@
   - python-ceph-cfg 
   - python-chewing 
   - python-cinderclient-doc 
-  - python-ciscoconfparse 
   - python-cliff-doc 
   - python-cloudfiles 
   - python-cly 
@@ -16412,13 +16410,14 @@
   - python-egenix-mx-base 
   - python-egenix-mx-base-devel 
   - python-enum34 
-  - python-espeak 
   - python-espressopp 
   - python-etude 
   - python-falcon-doc 
   - python-fastcluster-doc 
   - python-faulthandler 
   - python-fcgi 
+  - python-fedmsg-base 
+  - python-fedmsg-doc 
   - python-feedzilla 
   - python-fityk 
   - python-flake8-doc 
@@ -16463,12 +16462,9 @@
   - python-imagestore 
   - python-imobiledevice 
   - python-interlude 
-  - python-ioflo 
   - python-ipaddress 
   - python-irclib 
-  - python-ironic-inspector-client 
   - python-ironicclient-doc 
-  - python-josepy-doc 
   - python-jrnl 
   - python-jupyter_client-doc 
   - python-jupyter_console-doc 
@@ -16481,7 +16477,6 @@
   - python-jupyter_nbformat-doc 
   - python-jupyter_notebook-doc 
   - python-jupyter_qtconsole-doc 
-  - python-jwcrypto 
   - python-k8sclient 
   - python-k8sclient-doc 
   - python-kaa-base 
@@ -16506,8 +16501,6 @@
   - python-libfwsi 
   - python-libgsignon 
   - python-libkdumpfile 
-  - python-liblarch 
-  - python-liblarch_gtk 
   - python-liblnk 
   - python-libmsiecf 
   - python-libolecf 
@@ -16526,9 +16519,7 @@
   - python-masakariclient-doc 
   - python-mathgl 
   - python-md2workflow-common 
-  - python-mechanize 
   - python-mechanoid 
-  - python-microversion_parse 
   - python-microversion_parse-doc 
   - python-miniupnpc 
   - python-mistralclient 
@@ -16619,7 +16610,7 @@
   - python-py2pack-doc 
   - python-pyOpenSSL-doc 
   - python-pybind11-common-devel 
-  - python-pycadf 
+  - python-pycadf-common 
   - python-pycadf-doc 
   - python-pycdio 
   - python-pycryptopp 
@@ -16671,7 +16662,6 @@
   - python-qtdatavis3d-qt5-api 
   - python-qtdatavis3d-qt5-examples 
   - python-qtdatavis3d-qt5-sip 
-  - python-raet 
   - python-rcssmin-docs 
   - python-rdflib-doc 
   - python-redland 
@@ -16700,7 +16690,6 @@
   - python-sqlalchemy-migrate-doc 
   - python-stevedore-doc 
   - python-subprocess32 
-  - python-sushy 
   - python-sushy-doc 
   - python-svg2rlg 
   - python-svm 
@@ -16819,7 +16808,6 @@
   - python2-GDAL 
   - python2-Genshi 
   - python2-GeoIP 
-  - python2-GitPython 
   - python2-Gloo 
   - python2-GooCalendar 
   - python2-GridDataFormats 
@@ -16843,9 +16831,11 @@
   - python2-Markups 
   - python2-Mathics 
   - python2-MechanicalSoup 
+  - python2-Ming 
   - python2-MiniMock 
   - python2-Morfessor 
   - python2-PGet 
+  - python2-Parsley 
   - python2-Paste 
   - python2-PasteDeploy 
   - python2-PasteScript 
@@ -16974,7 +16964,6 @@
   - python2-alembic 
   - python2-allpairspy 
   - python2-alsa 
-  - python2-altair 
   - python2-altgraph 
   - python2-amqp 
   - python2-amqplib 
@@ -17276,6 +17265,7 @@
   - python2-chest 
   - python2-cilium-microscope 
   - python2-cinderclient 
+  - python2-ciscoconfparse 
   - python2-cl 
   - python2-click 
   - python2-click-completion 
@@ -17349,7 +17339,6 @@
   - python2-css-parser 
   - python2-csscompressor 
   - python2-cssutils 
-  - python2-csvkit 
   - python2-cursive 
   - python2-curtsies 
   - python2-cymruwhois 
@@ -17419,6 +17408,7 @@
   - python2-django-crispy-forms 
   - python2-django-environ 
   - python2-django-jinja 
+  - python2-django-js-asset 
   - python2-django-json-widget 
   - python2-django-jsonfield 
   - python2-django-nine 
@@ -17431,6 +17421,7 @@
   - python2-django-sekizai 
   - python2-django-tagging 
   - python2-django-tastypie 
+  - python2-django-threadedcomments 
   - python2-django-webpack-loader 
   - python2-django-webtest 
   - python2-djvulibre 
@@ -17480,6 +17471,7 @@
   - python2-ephem 
   - python2-epubmerge 
   - python2-eradicate 
+  - python2-espeak 
   - python2-esptool 
   - python2-et_xmlfile 
   - python2-etcd 
@@ -17500,7 +17492,6 @@
   - python2-factory_boy 
   - python2-fake-useragent 
   - python2-falcon 
-  - python2-fanficfare 
   - python2-fann2 
   - python2-fastcluster 
   - python2-fasteners 
@@ -17691,10 +17682,12 @@
   - python2-intervaltree 
   - python2-invoke 
   - python2-iocapture 
+  - python2-ioflo 
   - python2-ipaddr 
   - python2-iptables 
   - python2-ipy 
   - python2-ipython_genutils 
+  - python2-ironic-inspector-client 
   - python2-ironicclient 
   - python2-iso8601 
   - python2-isodate 
@@ -17776,6 +17769,7 @@
   - python2-jupyter_watermark 
   - python2-jupyter_widgetsnbextension 
   - python2-jupyter_wysiwyg 
+  - python2-jwcrypto 
   - python2-k5test 
   - python2-kafka-python 
   - python2-kaitaistruct 
@@ -17822,6 +17816,8 @@
   - python2-libfvde 
   - python2-libfwnt 
   - python2-libguestfs 
+  - python2-liblarch 
+  - python2-liblarch-gtk 
   - python2-libnacl 
   - python2-libpamtest 
   - python2-libpfm 
@@ -17840,7 +17836,6 @@
   - python2-libvshadow 
   - python2-libvslvm 
   - python2-libxml2-python 
-  - python2-limnoria 
   - python2-line_profiler 
   - python2-linecache2 
   - python2-linux-procfs 
@@ -17886,15 +17881,16 @@
   - python2-matplotlib-web 
   - python2-matplotlib-wx 
   - python2-matrix-synapse 
-  - python2-matrix-synapse-ldap3 
   - python2-maxminddb 
   - python2-mbstrdecoder 
   - python2-mccabe 
   - python2-md2workflow 
+  - python2-mechanize 
   - python2-meld3 
   - python2-memory_profiler 
   - python2-metaextract 
   - python2-mhash 
+  - python2-microversion_parse 
   - python2-minio 
   - python2-mistune 
   - python2-mock 
@@ -18046,7 +18042,6 @@
   - python2-passivetotal 
   - python2-passlib 
   - python2-pastel 
-  - python2-pastream 
   - python2-path.py 
   - python2-pathlib 
   - python2-pathlib2 
@@ -18173,6 +18168,7 @@
   - python2-pybluez 
   - python2-pybtex 
   - python2-pybugz 
+  - python2-pycadf 
   - python2-pycha 
   - python2-pychm 
   - python2-pycodestyle 
@@ -18433,6 +18429,7 @@
   - python2-queuelib 
   - python2-quicktions 
   - python2-radon 
+  - python2-raet 
   - python2-random2 
   - python2-rarfile 
   - python2-rarfile-doc 
@@ -18653,6 +18650,7 @@
   - python2-sunpy 
   - python2-suntime 
   - python2-sure 
+  - python2-sushy 
   - python2-svgwrite 
   - python2-swiftclient 
   - python2-sybil 
@@ -18980,9 +18978,11 @@
   - python3-Markups 
   - python3-Mathics 
   - python3-MechanicalSoup 
+  - python3-Ming 
   - python3-MiniMock 
   - python3-Morfessor 
   - python3-PGet 
+  - python3-Parsley 
   - python3-Paste 
   - python3-PasteDeploy 
   - python3-PasteScript 
@@ -19428,6 +19428,7 @@
   - python3-chest 
   - python3-cilium-microscope 
   - python3-cinderclient 
+  - python3-ciscoconfparse 
   - python3-cl 
   - python3-clang 
   - python3-click 
@@ -19587,8 +19588,10 @@
   - python3-django-formtools 
   - python3-django-gravatar2 
   - python3-django-guardian 
+  - python3-django-haystack 
   - python3-django-invitations 
   - python3-django-jinja 
+  - python3-django-js-asset 
   - python3-django-json-widget 
   - python3-django-jsonfield 
   - python3-django-minio-storage 
@@ -19609,6 +19612,7 @@
   - python3-django-settings-toml 
   - python3-django-tagging 
   - python3-django-tastypie 
+  - python3-django-threadedcomments 
   - python3-django-webpack-loader 
   - python3-django-webtest 
   - python3-djangorestframework 
@@ -19685,6 +19689,7 @@
   - python3-enzyme 
   - python3-ephem 
   - python3-eradicate 
+  - python3-espeak 
   - python3-espressomd 
   - python3-esptool 
   - python3-et_xmlfile 
@@ -19921,12 +19926,14 @@
   - python3-intervaltree 
   - python3-invoke 
   - python3-iocapture 
+  - python3-ioflo 
   - python3-ipa 
   - python3-ipa-tests 
   - python3-ipa_hbac 
   - python3-iptables 
   - python3-ipy 
   - python3-ipython_genutils 
+  - python3-ironic-inspector-client 
   - python3-ironicclient 
   - python3-iso8601 
   - python3-isodate 
@@ -20017,6 +20024,7 @@
   - python3-jupyter_watermark 
   - python3-jupyter_widgetsnbextension 
   - python3-jupyter_wysiwyg 
+  - python3-jwcrypto 
   - python3-k5test 
   - python3-kafka-python 
   - python3-kaitaistruct 
@@ -20082,6 +20090,8 @@
   - python3-libgsignon 
   - python3-libguestfs 
   - python3-libixion 
+  - python3-liblarch 
+  - python3-liblarch-gtk 
   - python3-libmodulemd 
   - python3-libmount 
   - python3-libnacl 
@@ -20163,10 +20173,12 @@
   - python3-mbstrdecoder 
   - python3-mccabe 
   - python3-md2workflow 
+  - python3-mechanize 
   - python3-meld3 
   - python3-memory_profiler 
   - python3-metaextract 
   - python3-metamagic.json 
+  - python3-microversion_parse 
   - python3-mimesis 
   - python3-minidb 
   - python3-minio 
@@ -20466,6 +20478,7 @@
   - python3-pybluez 
   - python3-pybtex 
   - python3-pybugz 
+  - python3-pycadf 
   - python3-pycares 
   - python3-pycodestyle 
   - python3-pycountry 
@@ -20743,6 +20756,7 @@
   - python3-quicktions 
   - python3-radon 
   - python3-rados 
+  - python3-raet 
   - python3-random2 
   - python3-rarfile 
   - python3-rarfile-doc 
@@ -20970,6 +20984,7 @@
   - python3-suntime 
   - python3-sure 
   - python3-susepubliccloudinfo 
+  - python3-sushy 
   - python3-svgwrite 
   - python3-svneverever 
   - python3-swiftclient 
@@ -21459,6 +21474,7 @@
   - raylib-devel 
   - razercfg 
   - razor-agents 
+  - rbac-lookup 
   - rbd-fuse 
   - rbd-mirror 
   - rbd-nbd 

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