Hello community,

here is the log from the commit of package boringssl for openSUSE:Factory 
checked in at 2020-05-29 21:23:50
Comparing /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/boringssl (Old)
 and      /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.boringssl.new.3606 (New)

Package is "boringssl"

Fri May 29 21:23:50 2020 rev:10 rq:809934 version:20200122

--- /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/boringssl/boringssl.changes      2020-03-11 
18:54:42.175657619 +0100
+++ /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.boringssl.new.3606/boringssl.changes    
2020-05-29 21:38:56.438929127 +0200
@@ -1,0 +2,230 @@
+Thu May 28 11:48:37 UTC 2020 - Jan Engelhardt <jeng...@inai.de>
+- Rectify groups.
+Wed May 27 18:40:47 UTC 2020 - Michał Rostecki <mroste...@suse.com>
+- Remove patch for enabling shared linking - it was enabled
+  upstream.
+  * 0001-add-soversion-option.patch
+- Add boringssl-source subpackage.
+Wed May 27 14:18:19 UTC 2020 - mroste...@suse.com
+- Update to version 20200122:
+  * Define EVP compatibility constants for X448 and Ed448.
+  * Allow shared libraries in the external CMake build.
+  * Add a few little-endian functions to CBS/CBB.
+  * Move iOS asm tricks up in external CMake build.
+  * Try again to deal with expensive tests.
+  * Restore ARM CPU variation tests on builders.
+  * Remove SSL_CTX_set_rsa_pss_rsae_certs_enabled.
+  * Work around another NULL/0 C language bug.
+  * Use the MAYBE/DISABLED pattern in RSATest.BlindingCacheConcurrency.
+  * Switch an #if-0-gated test to DISABLED_Foo.
+  * Proxy: send whole SSL records through the handshaker.
+  * Disable Wycheproof primality test cases on non-x86 (too slow)
+  * test_state.cc: serialize the test clock.
+  * Output after every Wycheproof primality test.
+  * Maybe fix generated-CMake build on Android and iOS.
+  * Detect the NDK path from CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE.
+  * Tell Go to build for GOOS=android when running on Android.
+  * Reland bitsliced aes_nohw implementation.
+  * Add bssl client option to load a hashed directory of cacerts.
+  * No-op change to run the new NO_SSE2 builders.
+  * Clarify that we perform the point-on-curve check.
+  * Reduce size of BlindingCacheConcurrency test under TSAN.
+  * Compare vpaes/bsaes conversions against a reference implementation.
+  * Enable the SSE2 Poly1305 implementation on clang-cl.
+  * Remove alignment requirement on CRYPTO_poly1305_finish.
+  * Fix double-free under load.
+  * Add some XTS tests.
+  * Add EncodeHex and DecodeHex functions to test_util.h.
+  * Revert "Replace aes_nohw with a bitsliced implementation."
+  * Replace aes_nohw with a bitsliced implementation.
+  * Switch HRSS inversion algorithm.
+  * Run EVP_CIPHER tests in-place.
+  * Add an option to disable SSE2 intrinsics for testing.
+  * Dummy change to trigger master-with-bazel builder.
+  * Drop use of alignas(64) in aead_test.cc
+  * Add standalone CMake build to generate_build_files.py
+  * TLS 1.3 split handshake initial support.
+  * Import Wycheproof primality tests.
+  * Split BN_prime_checks into two constants for generation and validation.
+  * Add some Miller-Rabin tests from Wycheproof.
+  * Import Wycheproof PKCS#1 decrypt tests.
+  * Import Wycheproof OAEP tests.
+  * Import Wycheproof PKCS#1 signing tests.
+  * Skip JWK keys when converting Wycheproof tests.
+  * Import Wycheproof's size-specific RSA PKCS#1 verifying tests.
+  * Handle "acceptable" Wycheproof inputs unambiguously.
+  * Import Wycheproof XChaCha20-Poly1305 tests.
+  * Import Wycheproof HMAC tests.
+  * Import Wycheproof HKDF tests.
+  * bytestring: add methods for int64.
+  * Update Wycheproof test vectors.
+  * Add mock QUIC transport to runner
+  * Add test vectors for CVE-2019-1551 (not affected).
+  * Fix check_bn_tests.go.
+  * Fix MSan error in SSLTest.Handoff test.
+  * SSLTest.Handoff: extend to include a session resumption.
+  * inject_hash preserves filemode
+  * Move TLS 1.3 state machine constants to internal.h.
+  * Add a ppc64le ABI tester.
+  * Allocate small TLS read buffers inline.
+  * Remove unused labels from ARM ABI test assembly.
+  * Update AAPCS and AAPCS64 links.
+  * Fix EVP_has_aes_hardware on ppc64le.
+  * Remove remnants of end_of_early_data alert from tests.
+  * Add a test for ERR_error_string_n.
+  * Remove post-quantum experiment signal extension.
+  * Give ERR_error_string_n a return value for convenience.
+  * Defer early keys to QUIC clients to after certificate reverification.
+  * Defer releasing early secrets to QUIC servers.
+  * Halve the size of the kNIDsIn* constants
+  * modulewrapper: manage buffer with |unique_ptr|.
+  * Add missing boringssl_prefix_symbols_asm.h include.
+  * acvptool: add support for ECDSA
+  * Inline gcm_init_4bit into gcm_init_ssse3.
+  * Vectorize gcm_mul32_nohw and replace gcm_gmult_4bit_mmx.
+  * Add a constant-time fallback GHASH implementation.
+  * Conditionally define PTRACE_O_EXITKILL in urandom_test.cc
+  * Fix build warning if _SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS is defined globally
+  * modulewrapper: use a raw string.
+  * acvptool: add license headers.
+  * Enable TLS 1.3 by default.
+  * acvptool: Add support for DRBG
+  * Discard user_canceled alerts in TLS 1.3.
+  * Work around more C language bugs with empty spans.
+  * No-op commit to test the new builder.
+  * acvptool: Add support for HMAC
+  * Add stub functions for RSA-PSS keygen parameters.
+  * HelloRetryRequest getter
+  * Add break-tests-android.sh script.
+  * Add compatibility functions for sigalgs
+  * Run AES-192-GCM in CAVP tests.
+  * Rename a number of BUF_* functions to OPENSSL_*.
+  * List bn_div fuzzer in documentation.
+  * Reenable bn_div fuzzer.
+  * Drop CECPQ2b code.
+  * Add urandom_test to all_tests.json
+  * Fix the standalone Android FIPS build.
+  * Add sanity checks to FIPS module construction.
+  * Correct relative path.
+  * Add test for urandom.c
+  * break-hash.go: Search ELF dynamic symbols if symbols not found.
+  * Fix $OPENSSL_ia32cap handling.
+  * Switch probable_prime to rejection sampling.
+  * Rename the last remnants of the early_data_info extension.
+  * Fix up BN_GENCB_call calls.
+  * Do fewer trial divisions for larger RSA keygens.
+  * Fix GRND_NONBLOCK flag when calling getrandom.
+  * Simplify bn_miller_rabin_iteration slightly.
+  * Add some notes on RSA key generation performance.
+  * Break early on composites in the primality test.
+  * Extract and test the deterministic part of Miller-Rabin.
+  * Fix the FIPS + fuzzing build.
+  * FIPS.md: document some recent Android changes.
+  * Add a function to derive an EC key from some input secret.
+  * Fix run_android_tests.go with shared library builds.
+  * No-op change to test new builders.
+  * Move no-exec-stack sections outside of #ifs.
+  * Add |SSL_get_min_proto_version| and |SSL_get_max_proto_version|
+  * Make FIPS build work for Android cross-compile.
+  * Enable optional GRND_RANDOM flag to be passed to getrandom on Android.
+  * Switch cert_compression_algs to GrowableArray.
+  * Add GrowableArray<T> to ssl/internal.h.
+  * Fixed quic_method lookup in TLS 1.3 server side handshake.
+  * Add .note.GNU-stack at the source level.
+  * -Wno-vla -> -Wvla
+  * Add an option for explicit renegotiations.
+  * tool: add -json flag to |speed|
+  * Set -Wno-vla.
+  * Use a pointer to module_hash in boringssl_fips_self_test() args.
+  * Use a smaller hex digest in FIPS flag files when SHA-256 used.
+  * Switch to using SHA-256 for FIPS integrity check on Android.
+  * Use getentropy on macOS 10.12 and later.
+  * Move #include of "internal.h", which defines |OPENSSL_URANDOM|.
+  * Style nit.
+  * Assert that BN_CTX_end is actually called.
+  * Test some known large primes.
+  * Test some Euler pseudoprimes.
+  * Be consistent about Miller-Rabin vs Rabin-Miller.
+  * fix build with armv6  Error: .size expression for _vpaes_decrypt_consts 
does not evaluate to a constant
+  * Mark ssl_early_data_reason_t values stable.
+  * Make the dispatch tests opt-in.
+  * Bound the number of API calls in ssl_ctx_api.cc.
+  * Only attempt to mprotect FIPS module for AArch64.
+  * Opportunistically read entropy from the OS in FIPS mode.
+  * Update INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P calls missing first argument.
+  * Ignore build32 and build64 subdirectories.
+  * Add page protection logic to BCM self test.
+  * Disable unwind tests in FIPS mode.
+  * Disable RDRAND on AMD family 0x17, models 0x70–0x7f.
+  * Don't allow SGC EKUs for server certificates.
+  * Add |SSL_CIPHER_get_value| to get the IANA number of a cipher suite.
+  * Add XOF compilation compatibility flags
+  * Replace BIO_printf with ASN1_STRING_print in GENERAL_NAME_print
+  * Trigger a build on the ARM mode builder.
+  * Fix vpaes-armv7.pl in ARM mode.
+  * Add AES-192-GCM support to EVP_AEAD.
+  * Add AES-256 CFB to libdecrepit.
+  * Parse explicit EC curves more strictly.
+  * Use the Go 1.13 standard library ed25519.
+  * Update build tools.
+  * Use ScopedEVP_AEAD_CTX in ImplDispatchTest.AEAD_AES_GCM.
+  * Use a mix of bsaes and vpaes for CTR on NEON.
+  * Use vpaes + conversion to setup CBC decrypt on NEON.
+  * Add NEON vpaes-to-bsaes key converters.
+  * Add vpaes-armv7.pl and replace non-parallel modes.
+  * Correct comments for x86_64 _vpaes_encrypt_core_2x.
+  * Add benchmarks for AES block operations.
+  * Only write self test flag files if an environment variable is set.
+  * Const-correct EC_KEY_set_public_key_affine_coordinates.
+  * Revert "Fix VS build when assembler is enabled"
+  * Support compilation via emscripten
+  * Fix cross-compile of Android on Windows.
+  * Move the config->async check into RetryAsync.
+  * Clear *out in ReadHandshakeData's empty case.
+  * Add initial support for 0-RTT with QUIC.
+  * Have some more fun with spans.
+  * Add OPENSSL_FALLTHROUGH to a few files.
+  * Limit __attribute__ ((fallthrough)) to Clang >= 5.
+  * Make |EVP_CIPHER_CTX_reset| return one.
+  * Add Fallthru support for clang 10.
+  * Add self-test suppression flag file for Android FIPS builds.
++++ 33 more lines (skipped)
++++ between /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/boringssl/boringssl.changes
++++ and /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.boringssl.new.3606/boringssl.changes




Other differences:
++++++ boringssl.spec ++++++
--- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.PrW2w3/_old  2020-05-29 21:38:57.122931164 +0200
+++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.PrW2w3/_new  2020-05-29 21:38:57.126931176 +0200
@@ -18,23 +18,26 @@
 %define sover 1
 %define libname libboringssl%{sover}
+%define src_install_dir /usr/src/%{name}
 Name:           boringssl
-Version:        20190916
+Version:        20200122
 Release:        0
 Summary:        An SSL/TLS protocol implementation
 License:        OpenSSL
+Group:          Development/Sources
 URL:            https://boringssl.googlesource.com/boringssl/
 Source:         %{name}-%{version}.tar.xz
-Patch1:         0001-add-soversion-option.patch
-Patch2:         0002-crypto-Fix-aead_test-build-on-aarch64.patch
-Patch3:         0003-enable-s390x-builds.patch
-Patch4:         0004-fix-alignment-for-ppc64le.patch
-Patch5:         0005-fix-alignment-for-arm.patch
+Patch0:         0002-crypto-Fix-aead_test-build-on-aarch64.patch
+Patch1:         0003-enable-s390x-builds.patch
+Patch2:         0004-fix-alignment-for-ppc64le.patch
+Patch3:         0005-fix-alignment-for-arm.patch
 BuildRequires:  cmake >= 3.0
+BuildRequires:  fdupes
 BuildRequires:  gcc-c++
 BuildRequires:  go
 BuildRequires:  libunwind-devel
 BuildRequires:  ninja
+BuildRequires:  patchelf
 ExclusiveArch:  %{ix86} x86_64 aarch64 s390x ppc64le %arm
@@ -43,6 +46,7 @@
 %package -n %{libname}
 Summary:        An SSL/TLS protocol implementation
+Group:          System/Libraries
 Recommends:     ca-certificates-mozilla
 %description -n %{libname}
@@ -51,6 +55,7 @@
 %package devel
 Summary:        Development files for BoringSSL
+Group:          Development/Libraries/C and C++
 Requires:       %{libname} = %{version}
 %description devel
@@ -58,57 +63,70 @@
 Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols,
 derived from OpenSSL.
+%package source
+Summary:        Source code of BoringSSL
+Group:          Development/Sources
+BuildArch:      noarch
+%description source
+Source files for BoringSSL implementation
-%setup -q
-%patch1 -p1
-%patch2 -p1
-%patch3 -p1
-%patch4 -p1
-%patch5 -p1
+%autosetup -p1
-%define _lto_cflags %{nil}
-%define __builder ninja
 %cmake \
-  -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="%{optflags} -pthread" \
-  -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="%{optflags} -pthread" \
-  -DSOVERSION=%{sover}
+  -DCMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS="%{?build_ldflags} -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,-z,now"
-install -D -m0755 build/crypto/libcrypto.so.%{sover} 
-install -D -m0755 build/crypto/libcrypto.so 
-install -D -m0755 build/ssl/libssl.so.%{sover} 
-install -D -m0755 build/ssl/libssl.so 
-install -D -m0755 build/decrepit/libdecrepit.so.%{sover} 
-install -D -m0755 build/decrepit/libdecrepit.so 
-install -D -m0755 build/libboringssl_gtest.so.%{sover} 
-install -D -m0755 build/libboringssl_gtest.so 
+# Install libraries
+install -D -m0755 build/libcrypto.so 
+install -D -m0755 build/libssl.so 
+# Add SOVER to SONAME fields in libraries
+patchelf --set-soname libboringssl_crypto.so.%{sover} 
+patchelf --set-soname libboringssl_ssl.so.%{sover} 
+# Create links from *.so to *.so.SOVER
+ln -sf libboringssl_crypto.so.%{sover} 
+ln -sf libboringssl_ssl.so.%{sover} %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/libboringssl_ssl.so
+# Install sources
+rm -rf build/
+mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{src_install_dir}
+cp -r * %{buildroot}%{src_install_dir}
+%fdupes %{buildroot}%{src_install_dir}
+# Fix arch-independent-package-contains-binary-or-object
+find %{buildroot}%{src_install_dir} -type f \( -name "*.a" -o -name "*.lib" -o 
-name "*.o" \) -exec rm -f "{}" +
+# Fix non-executable-script warning.
+find %{buildroot}%{src_install_dir} -type f -name "*.sh" -exec chmod +x "{}" +
+# Fix env-script-interpreter error.
+find %{buildroot}%{src_install_dir} -type f -name "*.pl" -exec sed -i 
's|#!.*/usr/bin/env perl|#!/usr/bin/perl|' "{}" +
+find %{buildroot}%{src_install_dir} -type f -name "*.py" -exec sed -i 
's|#!.*/usr/bin/env python.*|#!/usr/bin/python3|' "{}" +
+find %{buildroot}%{src_install_dir} -type f -name "*.sh" -exec sed -i 
's|#!.*/usr/bin/env bash|#!/bin/bash|' "{}" +
 # To avoid conflicts with openssl development files, change all includes from
 # openssl to boringssl.
 # BoringSSL headers provided by this pachage are installed in
 # /usr/include/boringssl for the same reason.
-find include/openssl -type f -exec sed -i 's/openssl/boringssl/' "{}" +
+find src/include/openssl -type f -exec sed -i 's/openssl/boringssl/' "{}" +
-find include/openssl -type f -execdir install -D -m0644 "{}" 
"%{buildroot}%{_includedir}/boringssl/{}" \;
+find src/include/openssl -type f -execdir install -D -m0644 "{}" 
"%{buildroot}%{_includedir}/boringssl/{}" \;
 %post -n %{libname} -p /sbin/ldconfig
 %postun -n %{libname} -p /sbin/ldconfig
 %files -n %{libname}
-%doc README.md
+%doc src/README.md
 %license LICENSE
 %files devel
+%files source

++++++ 0002-crypto-Fix-aead_test-build-on-aarch64.patch ++++++
--- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.PrW2w3/_old  2020-05-29 21:38:57.150931247 +0200
+++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.PrW2w3/_new  2020-05-29 21:38:57.150931247 +0200
@@ -27,13 +27,13 @@
 Signed-off-by: Michal Rostecki <mroste...@opensuse.org>
 Change-Id: Iac2c6810fa260ad214abde8db733793ac914acda
- crypto/cipher_extra/aead_test.cc | 20 +++++++++++++-------
+ src/crypto/cipher_extra/aead_test.cc | 20 +++++++++++++-------
  1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
-Index: boringssl-20190523/crypto/cipher_extra/aead_test.cc
+Index: boringssl-20200122/src/crypto/cipher_extra/aead_test.cc
---- boringssl-20190523.orig/crypto/cipher_extra/aead_test.cc
-+++ boringssl-20190523/crypto/cipher_extra/aead_test.cc
+--- boringssl-20200122.orig/src/crypto/cipher_extra/aead_test.cc
++++ boringssl-20200122/src/crypto/cipher_extra/aead_test.cc
 @@ -29,6 +29,12 @@
  #include "../test/test_util.h"
  #include "../test/wycheproof_util.h"
@@ -47,45 +47,3 @@
  struct KnownAEAD {
    const char name[40];
-@@ -540,10 +546,10 @@ TEST_P(PerAEADTest, AliasedBuffers) {
- }
- TEST_P(PerAEADTest, UnalignedInput) {
--  alignas(64) uint8_t key[EVP_AEAD_MAX_KEY_LENGTH + 1];
--  alignas(64) uint8_t nonce[EVP_AEAD_MAX_NONCE_LENGTH + 1];
--  alignas(64) uint8_t plaintext[32 + 1];
--  alignas(64) uint8_t ad[32 + 1];
-+  alignas(ALIGN_BYTES) uint8_t key[EVP_AEAD_MAX_KEY_LENGTH + 1];
-+  alignas(ALIGN_BYTES) uint8_t nonce[EVP_AEAD_MAX_NONCE_LENGTH + 1];
-+  alignas(ALIGN_BYTES) uint8_t plaintext[32 + 1];
-+  alignas(ALIGN_BYTES) uint8_t ad[32 + 1];
-   OPENSSL_memset(key, 'K', sizeof(key));
-   OPENSSL_memset(nonce, 'N', sizeof(nonce));
-   OPENSSL_memset(plaintext, 'P', sizeof(plaintext));
-@@ -561,7 +567,7 @@ TEST_P(PerAEADTest, UnalignedInput) {
-   ASSERT_TRUE(EVP_AEAD_CTX_init_with_direction(
-       ctx.get(), aead(), key + 1, key_len, EVP_AEAD_DEFAULT_TAG_LENGTH,
-       evp_aead_seal));
--  alignas(64) uint8_t ciphertext[sizeof(plaintext) + EVP_AEAD_MAX_OVERHEAD];
-+  alignas(ALIGN_BYTES) uint8_t ciphertext[sizeof(plaintext) + 
-   size_t ciphertext_len;
-   ASSERT_TRUE(EVP_AEAD_CTX_seal(ctx.get(), ciphertext + 1, &ciphertext_len,
-                                 sizeof(ciphertext) - 1, nonce + 1, nonce_len,
-@@ -569,7 +575,7 @@ TEST_P(PerAEADTest, UnalignedInput) {
-                                 ad_len));
-   // It must successfully decrypt.
--  alignas(64) uint8_t out[sizeof(ciphertext)];
-+  alignas(ALIGN_BYTES) uint8_t out[sizeof(ciphertext)];
-   ctx.Reset();
-   ASSERT_TRUE(EVP_AEAD_CTX_init_with_direction(
-       ctx.get(), aead(), key + 1, key_len, EVP_AEAD_DEFAULT_TAG_LENGTH,
-@@ -583,7 +589,7 @@ TEST_P(PerAEADTest, UnalignedInput) {
- }
- TEST_P(PerAEADTest, Overflow) {
--  alignas(64) uint8_t key[EVP_AEAD_MAX_KEY_LENGTH];
-+  alignas(ALIGN_BYTES) uint8_t key[EVP_AEAD_MAX_KEY_LENGTH];
-   OPENSSL_memset(key, 'K', sizeof(key));
-   bssl::ScopedEVP_AEAD_CTX ctx;

++++++ 0003-enable-s390x-builds.patch ++++++
--- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.PrW2w3/_old  2020-05-29 21:38:57.158931271 +0200
+++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.PrW2w3/_new  2020-05-29 21:38:57.158931271 +0200
@@ -7,17 +7,17 @@
 - recognition of architecture
 - adapting memory alignment
- CMakeLists.txt                   | 2 ++
- crypto/cipher_extra/aead_test.cc | 2 ++
- crypto/poly1305/poly1305_test.cc | 9 +++++++--
- include/openssl/base.h           | 3 +++
+ CMakeLists.txt                       | 2 ++
+ src/crypto/cipher_extra/aead_test.cc | 2 ++
+ src/crypto/poly1305/poly1305_test.cc | 9 +++++++--
+ src/include/openssl/base.h           | 3 +++
  4 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
-index c06b700e5144..80c9383b9af8 100644
---- a/CMakeLists.txt
-+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
-@@ -469,6 +469,8 @@ elseif(${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR} STREQUAL "mips")
+Index: boringssl-20200122/CMakeLists.txt
+--- boringssl-20200122.orig/CMakeLists.txt
++++ boringssl-20200122/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -93,6 +93,8 @@ elseif(${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR} STREQUA
    set(ARCH "generic")
    set(ARCH "ppc64le")
@@ -26,10 +26,10 @@
    message(FATAL_ERROR "Unknown processor:" ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR})
-diff --git a/crypto/cipher_extra/aead_test.cc 
-index fd20ebc77b67..4c079e843321 100644
---- a/crypto/cipher_extra/aead_test.cc
-+++ b/crypto/cipher_extra/aead_test.cc
+Index: boringssl-20200122/src/crypto/cipher_extra/aead_test.cc
+--- boringssl-20200122.orig/src/crypto/cipher_extra/aead_test.cc
++++ boringssl-20200122/src/crypto/cipher_extra/aead_test.cc
 @@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
  #if defined(OPENSSL_AARCH64)
@@ -39,10 +39,10 @@
  #define ALIGN_BYTES 64
-diff --git a/crypto/poly1305/poly1305_test.cc 
-index 198cca12dae5..43cd95c8eb86 100644
---- a/crypto/poly1305/poly1305_test.cc
-+++ b/crypto/poly1305/poly1305_test.cc
+Index: boringssl-20200122/src/crypto/poly1305/poly1305_test.cc
+--- boringssl-20200122.orig/src/crypto/poly1305/poly1305_test.cc
++++ boringssl-20200122/src/crypto/poly1305/poly1305_test.cc
 @@ -25,6 +25,11 @@
  #include "../test/file_test.h"
  #include "../test/test_util.h"
@@ -55,28 +55,10 @@
  static void TestSIMD(unsigned excess, const std::vector<uint8_t> &key,
                       const std::vector<uint8_t> &in,
-@@ -63,7 +68,7 @@ static void TestSIMD(unsigned excess, const 
std::vector<uint8_t> &key,
-   CRYPTO_poly1305_update(&state, in.data() + done, in.size() - done);
-   // |CRYPTO_poly1305_finish| requires a 16-byte-aligned output.
--  alignas(16) uint8_t out[16];
-+  alignas(ALIGN_BYTES) uint8_t out[16];
-   CRYPTO_poly1305_finish(&state, out);
-   EXPECT_EQ(Bytes(out), Bytes(mac)) << "SIMD pattern " << excess << " 
- }
-@@ -82,7 +87,7 @@ TEST(Poly1305Test, TestVectors) {
-     CRYPTO_poly1305_init(&state, key.data());
-     CRYPTO_poly1305_update(&state, in.data(), in.size());
-     // |CRYPTO_poly1305_finish| requires a 16-byte-aligned output.
--    alignas(16) uint8_t out[16];
-+    alignas(ALIGN_BYTES) uint8_t out[16];
-     CRYPTO_poly1305_finish(&state, out);
-     EXPECT_EQ(Bytes(out), Bytes(mac)) << "Single-shot Poly1305 failed.";
-diff --git a/include/openssl/base.h b/include/openssl/base.h
-index cb1affacacce..2e29644ceadf 100644
---- a/include/openssl/base.h
-+++ b/include/openssl/base.h
+Index: boringssl-20200122/src/include/openssl/base.h
+--- boringssl-20200122.orig/src/include/openssl/base.h
++++ boringssl-20200122/src/include/openssl/base.h
 @@ -99,6 +99,9 @@ extern "C" {
  #elif (defined(__PPC64__) || defined(__powerpc64__)) && 
  #define OPENSSL_64_BIT
@@ -87,6 +69,3 @@
  #elif defined(__mips__) && !defined(__LP64__)
  #define OPENSSL_32_BIT
  #define OPENSSL_MIPS

++++++ 0004-fix-alignment-for-ppc64le.patch ++++++
--- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.PrW2w3/_old  2020-05-29 21:38:57.166931295 +0200
+++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.PrW2w3/_new  2020-05-29 21:38:57.170931307 +0200
@@ -4,13 +4,13 @@
 Subject: [PATCH 4/4] fix alignment for ppc64le
- crypto/cipher_extra/aead_test.cc | 2 +-
+ src/crypto/cipher_extra/aead_test.cc | 2 +-
  1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
 diff --git a/crypto/cipher_extra/aead_test.cc 
 index 4c079e843321..2c7e116a4aad 100644
---- a/crypto/cipher_extra/aead_test.cc
-+++ b/crypto/cipher_extra/aead_test.cc
+--- a/src/crypto/cipher_extra/aead_test.cc
++++ b/src/crypto/cipher_extra/aead_test.cc
 @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
  #include "../test/test_util.h"
  #include "../test/wycheproof_util.h"

++++++ 0005-fix-alignment-for-arm.patch ++++++
--- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.PrW2w3/_old  2020-05-29 21:38:57.178931330 +0200
+++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.PrW2w3/_new  2020-05-29 21:38:57.178931330 +0200
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 diff -purN boringssl-20190916.orig/crypto/cipher_extra/aead_test.cc 
---- boringssl-20190916.orig/crypto/cipher_extra/aead_test.cc   2020-03-10 
20:57:53.383996634 +0100
-+++ boringssl-20190916/crypto/cipher_extra/aead_test.cc        2020-03-10 
20:59:03.108731229 +0100
+--- boringssl-20190916.orig/src/crypto/cipher_extra/aead_test.cc       
2020-03-10 20:57:53.383996634 +0100
++++ boringssl-20190916/src/crypto/cipher_extra/aead_test.cc    2020-03-10 
20:59:03.108731229 +0100
 @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
  #if defined(OPENSSL_AARCH64) || defined(OPENSSL_PPC64LE)
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
  #define ALIGN_BYTES 64
 diff -purN boringssl-20190916.orig/crypto/poly1305/poly1305_test.cc 
---- boringssl-20190916.orig/crypto/poly1305/poly1305_test.cc   2020-03-10 
20:57:53.363996424 +0100
-+++ boringssl-20190916/crypto/poly1305/poly1305_test.cc        2020-03-10 
21:08:32.606731399 +0100
+--- boringssl-20190916.orig/src/crypto/poly1305/poly1305_test.cc       
2020-03-10 20:57:53.363996424 +0100
++++ boringssl-20190916/src/crypto/poly1305/poly1305_test.cc    2020-03-10 
21:08:32.606731399 +0100
 @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
  #include "../test/file_test.h"
  #include "../test/test_util.h"

++++++ _service ++++++
--- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.PrW2w3/_old  2020-05-29 21:38:57.198931390 +0200
+++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.PrW2w3/_new  2020-05-29 21:38:57.198931390 +0200
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
     <param name="changesgenerate">enable</param>
     <param name="filename">boringssl</param>
     <param name="versionformat">%cd</param>
-    <param name="revision">chromium-stable</param>
+    <param name="revision">1c2769383f027befac5b75b6cedd25daf3bf4dcf</param>
   <service mode="disabled" name="recompress">
     <param name="file">*.tar</param>

++++++ _servicedata ++++++
--- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.PrW2w3/_old  2020-05-29 21:38:57.218931449 +0200
+++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.PrW2w3/_new  2020-05-29 21:38:57.218931449 +0200
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 <service name="tar_scm">
-              <param 
\ No newline at end of file
+              <param 
\ No newline at end of file

++++++ boringssl-20190916.tar.xz -> boringssl-20200122.tar.xz ++++++
differ: char 25, line 1

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