Hello community,

here is the log from the commit of package patterns-yast for openSUSE:Factory 
checked in at 2020-10-18 16:20:06
Comparing /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/patterns-yast (Old)
 and      /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.patterns-yast.new.3486 (New)

Package is "patterns-yast"

Sun Oct 18 16:20:06 2020 rev:11 rq:839565 version:20191229

--- /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/patterns-yast/patterns-yast.changes      
2019-04-12 09:12:48.949624209 +0200
+++ /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.patterns-yast.new.3486/patterns-yast.changes    
2020-10-18 16:20:13.152458722 +0200
@@ -1,0 +2,11 @@
+Sun Dec 29 11:55:24 UTC 2019 - Stasiek Michalski <hel...@mailbox.org>
+- Split basis pattern into basis, desktop and server (boo#1159875)
+- 20191229
+Tue Aug 27 09:11:33 CEST 2019 - sch...@suse.de
+- Adapting Dockerfile to yast-ruby container.


Other differences:
++++++ patterns-yast.spec ++++++
--- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.so5JBn/_old  2020-10-18 16:20:13.848459032 +0200
+++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.so5JBn/_new  2020-10-18 16:20:13.852459034 +0200
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # spec file for package patterns-yast
-# Copyright (c) 2019 SUSE LINUX GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
+# Copyright (c) 2020 SUSE LLC
 # All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
 # remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 # license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
 # published by the Open Source Initiative.
-# Please submit bugfixes or comments via http://bugs.opensuse.org/
+# Please submit bugfixes or comments via https://bugs.opensuse.org/
@@ -20,14 +20,13 @@
 Name:           patterns-yast
-Version:        20190411
+Version:        20191229
 Release:        0
-Summary:        Patterns for Installation (Yast)
+Summary:        Patterns for Installation (YaST)
 License:        MIT
 Group:          Metapackages
-Url:            https://github.com/openSUSE/patterns
+URL:            https://github.com/yast/patterns-yast
 Source0:        %{name}-rpmlintrc
-BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build
 BuildRequires:  patterns-rpm-macros
@@ -35,13 +34,13 @@
 of the installation source setup.  Installation of this package does
 not make sense.
-This particular package contains the Yast patterns.
+This particular package contains the YaST patterns.
 %package yast2_basis
-Summary:        YaST System Administration
+Summary:        YaST Base Utilities
 Group:          Metapackages
 Provides:       pattern() = yast2_basis
 Provides:       pattern-icon() = yast
@@ -50,107 +49,127 @@
 Requires:       libyui-ncurses-pkg
 Requires:       yast2
+Requires:       yast2-firewall
+Requires:       yast2-packager
+Requires:       yast2-theme
+Recommends:     yast2-metapackage-handler
+Suggests:       yast2-firstboot
+Suggests:       yast2-snapper
+# SLE only
+%if !0%{?is_opensuse}
+Requires:       yast2-registration
+Recommends:     yast2-support
+# yast2 clone_system is expected to be installed by default (sle-beta)
+Recommends:     autoyast2-installation
 %if 0%{?is_opensuse}
-# opensuse only, see bsc#1125040
 Requires:       yast2-alternatives
+# bsc#1083398
+Recommends:     yast2-vm
+# Don't install update facilities on Tumbleweed
+%if 0%{?sle_version}
+Requires:       yast2-online-update
+Requires:       yast2-online-update-frontend
+Requires:       yast2-update
+Suggests:       yast2-online-update-configuration
+%description yast2_basis
+YaST tools for basic system administration.
+%files yast2_basis
+%dir %{_docdir}/patterns
+%package yast2_desktop
+Summary:        YaST Desktop Utilities
+Group:          Metapackages
+Provides:       pattern() = yast2_desktop
+Provides:       pattern-icon() = yast
+Provides:       pattern-order() = 1222
+Provides:       pattern-visible()
 Requires:       yast2-country
-Requires:       yast2-firewall
-Requires:       yast2-hardware-detection
+# Included for the release notes client
+Requires:       yast2-installation
+Requires:       yast2-services-manager
+Requires:       yast2-sysconfig
+Requires:       yast2-users
+Recommends:     yast2-fonts
+Recommends:     yast2-journal
+Recommends:     yast2-printer
+Recommends:     yast2-scanner
+%description yast2_desktop
+YaST tools for desktop system administration.
+%files yast2_desktop
+%dir %{_docdir}/patterns
+%package yast2_server
+Summary:        YaST Server Utilities
+Group:          Metapackages
+Provides:       pattern() = yast2_server
+Provides:       pattern-icon() = yast
+Provides:       pattern-order() = 1224
+Provides:       pattern-visible()
+# Included for the release notes client
 Requires:       yast2-installation
 Requires:       yast2-ldap
 Requires:       yast2-mail
+# Useless on desktop, since NM is the default there
 Requires:       yast2-network
-Requires:       yast2-online-update
-Requires:       yast2-online-update-frontend
-Requires:       yast2-packager
-Requires:       yast2-pam
-Requires:       yast2-perl-bindings
-Requires:       yast2-pkg-bindings
-%if !0%{?is_opensuse}
-# SLE only
-Requires:       yast2-registration
 Requires:       yast2-security
 Requires:       yast2-services-manager
-Requires:       yast2-storage-ng
 Requires:       yast2-sysconfig
 Requires:       yast2-transfer
 Requires:       yast2-tune
-Requires:       yast2-update
 Requires:       yast2-users
-Requires:       yast2-xml
 Recommends:     yast2-auth-client
 Recommends:     yast2-auth-server
 Recommends:     yast2-iscsi-client
 Recommends:     yast2-journal
 Recommends:     yast2-ldap-client
-Recommends:     yast2-metapackage-handler
 Recommends:     yast2-nfs-client
 Recommends:     yast2-nis-client
 Recommends:     yast2-ntp-client
-Recommends:     yast2-printer
-Recommends:     yast2-slp
-Recommends:     yast2-sudo
-Recommends:     yast2-support
 # see the discussion in #386473
 Recommends:     yast2-samba-client
 Recommends:     yast2-samba-server
+Recommends:     yast2-slp
+Recommends:     yast2-sudo
 Recommends:     yast2-tftp-server
 # #542936
 Recommends:     yast2-vpn
-# Recommend Chrony at least until boo#936378 is fixed and YaST is not trying 
to configure a service that's not there
-Recommends:     chrony
-Suggests:       yast2-online-update-configuration
 Suggests:       autoyast2
-# yast2 clone_system is expected to be installed by default (sle-beta)
-Recommends:     autoyast2-installation
-Suggests:       libyui-qt-pkg
-Suggests:       libyui-gtk-pkg
 Suggests:       yast2-drbd
-Suggests:       yast2-firstboot
 Suggests:       yast2-multipath
-Suggests:       yast2-snapper
 # #381365
 Suggests:       yast2-squid
-# themeing for hardcore KDE lovers
-Suggests:       yast2-theme-oxygen
-# see extra-packages for reasons
-Suggests:       sbl
-Suggests:       Mesa
-Suggests:       i4l-isdnlog
-Suggests:       ypserv
-Suggests:       install-initrd
-# for yast2-scanner
-# mandatory
-Suggests:       sane-backends
-# optionally
-Suggests:       hplip
-# optionally, open source, derived from iscan
-Suggests:       iscan-free
-# yast2-sound
-Suggests:       alsa-firmware
-Suggests:       alsa-tools
-# yast2-printer - printing via novell ipx
-Suggests:       ncpfs
-Suggests:       kernel-kdump
-Suggests:       sssd
-Suggests:       snapper
-# FATE 304350
-Suggests:       sblim-sfcb
-Suggests:       cim-schema
-Requires:       yast2-theme
-# bsc#1083398
-%if 0%{?is_opensuse}
-Recommends:     yast2-vm
-%description yast2_basis
-YaST tools for basic system administration.
+%description yast2_server
+YaST tools for server system administration.
-%files yast2_basis
-%dir /usr/share/doc/packages/patterns
+%files yast2_server
+%dir %{_docdir}/patterns
@@ -199,8 +218,8 @@
 YaST tools for installing your system.
 %files yast2_install_wf
-%dir /usr/share/doc/packages/patterns
+%dir %{_docdir}/patterns
@@ -215,16 +234,13 @@
 # from data/X11-YaST
 Recommends:     libyui-qt-pkg
 Recommends:     yast2-control-center-qt
-# yast modules for the desktop
-Recommends:     yast2-scanner
-Recommends:     yast2-fonts
 %description x11_yast
 Graphical YaST user interfaces for minimal X desktop.
 %files x11_yast
-%dir /usr/share/doc/packages/patterns
+%dir %{_docdir}/patterns
@@ -264,8 +280,8 @@
 Tools and libraries for developing YaST modules, the setup and configuration 
tool for openSUSE.
 %files devel_yast
-%dir /usr/share/doc/packages/patterns
+%dir %{_docdir}/patterns
@@ -274,10 +290,12 @@
-mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/share/doc/packages/patterns/
-echo 'This file marks the pattern yast2_basis to be installed.' > 
-echo 'This file marks the pattern yast2_install_wf to be installed.' > 
-echo 'This file marks the pattern x11_yast to be installed.' > 
-echo 'This file marks the pattern devel_yast to be installed.' > 
+mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_docdir}/patterns/
+echo 'This file marks the pattern yast2_basis to be installed.' > 
+echo 'This file marks the pattern yast2_desktop to be installed.' > 
+echo 'This file marks the pattern yast2_server to be installed.' > 
+echo 'This file marks the pattern yast2_install_wf to be installed.' > 
+echo 'This file marks the pattern x11_yast to be installed.' > 
+echo 'This file marks the pattern devel_yast to be installed.' > 

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