Hello community,

here is the log from the commit of package minder for openSUSE:Factory checked 
in at 2020-10-18 16:35:43
Comparing /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/minder (Old)
 and      /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.minder.new.3486 (New)

Package is "minder"

Sun Oct 18 16:35:43 2020 rev:20 rq:842370 version:1.11.1

--- /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/minder/minder.changes    2020-09-25 
16:31:24.939884062 +0200
+++ /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.minder.new.3486/minder.changes  2020-10-18 
16:35:51.700876438 +0200
@@ -1,0 +2,56 @@
+Sun Oct 11 07:30:59 UTC 2020 - Alexei Podvalsky <avvi...@yandex.by>
+- Update to 1.11.1:
+  * New
+  * Added Shift-e keyboard shortcut to edit note text for nodes
+    and connections.
+  * Changes
+  * Updated Italian translation (thanks to @albanobattistella).
+  * Improved automatic layout of node trees when adjacent tree
+    sizes change.
+  * Changed node and connection contextual menus to show (Edit
+    Note) instead of (Add Note) and (Remove Note) options.
+  * Bug Fixes
+  * Fixing compilation issues.
+  * Fixing behavior of 't' command when node is selected.
+  * Fixing support for undo/redo of root node insertion.
+  * Added Preferences dialog.
+  * Added Portuguese translation (thanks to Andre Barata).
+  * Added keyboard shortcut (Menu or Shift-F10) to display
+    contextual menus in mindmap.
+  * Added default theme preference option.
+  * Added preference option to select map items on cursor hover.
+  * Added Shift+Home/End support for selecting all text from
+    current cursor to beginning/end of node or connection titles when
+    editing.
+  * Added support for PlantUML import/export.
+  * Added support for displaying notifications on completion of
+    export operation.
+  * Added keyboard shortcuts for displaying tabs in sidebar.
+  * Added support for making filepath URIs clickable in nodes,
+    connections and notes (displays the files in the file manager
+    application).
+  * When nodes are copied to clipboard, pasting them as text in
+    an external application will be displayed as in text export
+    format.
+  * When text is copied to the clipboard from an external
+    application, pasting as nodes in Minder will parse in text import
+  * Improved look of menu accelerators and added missing
+    accelerators.
+  * Changed 't' command to transition task status from disabled
+    to enabled to done and back to disabled.
+  * Fixed issues with undo/redo of node/connection title changes.
+  * Fixed issue with undoing a connection add operation.
+  * Fixed issue with connection titles being clear when
+    connection is moved to a different node.
+  * Fixed UI issue with changing window width by dragging right
+    side of window when sidebar is hidden.
+  * Fixed issues with inputting special characters with US
+    international keyboard.
+  * Fixed issue where images in resized nodes were not displaying
+    properly on application restart.
+  * Fixed issue where copying a filename in a file manager and
+    pasting in Minder would attempt to past the icon image instead of
+    the filename when editing text.




Other differences:
++++++ minder.spec ++++++
--- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.MIiGum/_old  2020-10-18 16:35:52.228876673 +0200
+++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.MIiGum/_new  2020-10-18 16:35:52.232876675 +0200
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 Name:           minder
-Version:        1.10.0
+Version:        1.11.1
 Release:        0
 Summary:        Mind-mapping app
 License:        GPL-3.0-or-later

++++++ Minder-1.10.0.tar.gz -> Minder-1.11.1.tar.gz ++++++
++++ 34640 lines of diff (skipped)

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