Hello community,

here is the log from the commit of package open-iscsi for openSUSE:Factory 
checked in at 2020-11-10 13:38:20
Comparing /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/open-iscsi (Old)
 and      /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.open-iscsi.new.11331 (New)

Package is "open-iscsi"

Tue Nov 10 13:38:20 2020 rev:98 rq:846080 version:unknown

--- /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/open-iscsi/open-iscsi.changes    2020-08-02 
12:29:16.819914016 +0200
+++ /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.open-iscsi.new.11331/open-iscsi.changes 
2020-11-10 13:39:07.320513009 +0100
@@ -1,0 +2,17 @@
+Wed Nov  4 18:58:29 UTC 2020 - Lee Duncan <ldun...@suse.com>
+- Updated to latest upstream, including async login ability:
+ * TODO: Update to todo list.
+ * Implement login "no_wait" for iscsiadm NODE mode
+ * iscsiadm buffer overflow regression when discovering many targets at once
+ * iscsid: Check Invalid Session id for stop connection
+ * Add ability to attempt target logins asynchronously
+Tue Nov  3 14:34:25 UTC 2020 - Franck Bui <f...@suse.com>
+- %service_del_postun_without_restart is now available on SLE
+  More accurately it's been introduced in SLE12-SP2+ and SLE15+


Other differences:
++++++ open-iscsi.spec ++++++
--- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.C6rXXD/_old  2020-11-10 13:39:08.060511538 +0100
+++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.C6rXXD/_new  2020-11-10 13:39:08.064511531 +0100
@@ -146,11 +146,7 @@
-%if %{defined service_del_postun_without_restart}
-       %service_del_postun_without_restart iscsi.service
-       %service_del_postun -n iscsi.service
+%service_del_postun_without_restart iscsi.service
 %service_del_postun iscsid.service iscsid.socket

++++++ open-iscsi-SUSE-latest.diff.bz2 ++++++
--- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.C6rXXD/_old  2020-11-10 13:39:08.084511491 +0100
+++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.C6rXXD/_new  2020-11-10 13:39:08.088511483 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,453 @@
+diff --git a/README b/README
+index 2499d9a7b638..508c9d7b2bfe 100644
+--- a/README
++++ b/README
+@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ The output will be similar to the following.
+ iscsiadm -m discoverydb [ -hV ] [ -d debug_level ] [-P printlevel] [ -t type 
-p ip:port -I ifaceN ... [ -Dl ] ] | [ [ -p ip:port -t type] [ -o operation ] [ 
-n name ] [ -v value ] [ -lD ] ] 
+ iscsiadm -m discovery [ -hV ] [ -d debug_level ] [-P printlevel] [ -t type -p 
ip:port -I ifaceN ... [ -l ] ] | [ [ -p ip:port ] [ -l | -D ] ] 
+-iscsiadm -m node [ -hV ] [ -d debug_level ] [ -P printlevel ] [ -L 
all,manual,automatic ] [ -U all,manual,automatic ] [ -S ] [ [ -T targetname -p 
ip:port -I ifaceN ] [ -l | -u | -R | -s] ] [ [ -o  operation  ] [ -n name ] [ 
-v value ] ]
++iscsiadm -m node [ -hV ] [ -d debug_level ] [ -P printlevel ] [ -L 
all,manual,automatic ] [ -W ] [ -U all,manual,automatic ] [ -S ] [ [ -T 
targetname -p ip:port -I ifaceN ] [ -l | -u | -R | -s] ] [ [ -o  operation  ] [ 
-n name ] [ -v value ] ]
+ iscsiadm -m session [ -hV ] [ -d debug_level ] [ -P  printlevel] [ -r 
sessionid | sysfsdir [ -R | -u | -s ] [ -o operation ] [ -n name ] [ -v value ] 
+ iscsiadm -m iface [ -hV ] [ -d debug_level ] [ -P printlevel ] [ -I ifacename 
| -H hostno|MAC ] [ [ -o  operation  ] [ -n name ] [ -v value ] ] [ -C ping [ 
-a ip ] [ -b packetsize ] [ -c count ] [ -i interval ] ]
+ iscsiadm -m fw [ -d debug_level ] [ -l ]
+@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ Mode "node"
+   -m node --targetname=[name] --portal=[ip:port] \
+                       --interface=iscsi_ifacename] \
+-                      [--login|--logout|--rescan|--stats]
++                      [--login|--logout|--rescan|--stats] [-W]
+   -m node --targetname=[name] --portal=[ip:port]
+                       --interface=[driver,HWaddress] \
+                       --op=[op] [--name=[name] --value=[value]]
+@@ -407,6 +407,13 @@ Mode "node"
+                         --stats prints the iSCSI stats for the session.
++                        --login normally sends a login request to the 
++                        target and normally waits for the results. If
++                        -W/--no_wait is supplied return success if we are
++                        able to send the login request, and do not wait
++                        for the response. The user will have to poll for
++                        success
+                         Print level can be 0 to 1.
+   -m node --logoutall=[all|manual|automatic]
+@@ -414,11 +421,16 @@ Mode "node"
+                         with a node startup value manual or automatic.
+                         Nodes marked as ONBOOT are skipped.
+-  -m node --loginall=[all|manual|automatic]
++  -m node --loginall=[all|manual|automatic] [-W]
+                         Login "all" the running sessions or just the ones
+                         with a node startup value manual or automatic.
+                         Nodes marked as ONBOOT are skipped.
++                        If -W is supplied then do not wait for the login
++                        response for the target, returning success if we
++                        are able to just send the request. The client
++                        will have to poll for success.
+ Mode "session"
+ --------------
+@@ -915,8 +927,8 @@ Passing in none of them will result in all node records 
being operated on.
+       iscsiadm -m node -l
+ - iSCSI login to all portals on a node/target through each interface set
+-              in the db:
+-      iscsiadm -m node -T iqn.2005-03.com.max -l
++              in the db, but do not wait for the login response:
++      iscsiadm -m node -T iqn.2005-03.com.max -l -W
+ - iSCSI login to a specific portal through each interface set in the db:
+       iscsiadm -m node -T iqn.2005-03.com.max -p -l
+@@ -1131,11 +1143,11 @@ copied into e.g. /usr/local/share/man8.
+ ==================
+ There are three steps needed to set up a system to use iSCSI storage:
+-7.1. iSCSI startup using the init script or manual startup.
++7.1. iSCSI startup using the systemd units or manual startup.
+ 7.2. Discover targets.
+ 7.3. Automate target logins for future system reboots.
+-The init scripts will start the iSCSI daemon and log into any
++The systemd startup units will start the iSCSI daemon and log into any
+ portals that are set up for automatic login (discussed in 7.2)
+ or discovered through the discover daemon iscsid.conf params
+ (discussed in 7.1.2).
+@@ -1151,12 +1163,11 @@ Red Hat or Fedora:
+ -----------------
+ To start open-iscsi in Red Hat/Fedora you can do:
+-      service open-iscsi start
++      systemctl start open-iscsi
+ To get open-iscsi to automatically start at run time you may have to
+ run:
+-      chkconfig --level <levels> open-iscsi on
+-Where <levels> are the run levels.
++      systemctl enable open-iscsi
+ And, to automatically mount a file system during startup
+ you must have the partition entry in /etc/fstab marked with the "_netdev"
+@@ -1166,12 +1177,10 @@ option. For example this would mount an iscsi disk sdb:
+ SUSE or Debian:
+ ---------------
+-Otherwise, if there is an initd script for your distro in etc/initd that
+-gets installed with "make install"
+-      /etc/init.d/open-iscsi start
+-will usually get you started.
++The open-iscsi service is socket activated, so there is no need to
++enable the open-iscsi service. Likewise, the iscsi.service login
++service is enabled automatically, so setting 'startup' to "automatic'
++will enable automatic login to open-iscsi targets.
+ 7.1.2 Manual Startup
+@@ -1184,12 +1193,12 @@ If there is no initd script, you must start the tools 
by hand. First load the
+ iscsi modules:
+       modprobe -q iscsi_tcp
+-After that, start iSCSI daemon process:
+-      ./iscsid
++After that, start iSCSI as a daemon process:
++      iscsid
+-or alternatively, start it with debug enabled and with output
+-redirected to the current console:
+-      ./iscsid -d 8 -f &
++or alternatively, start it with debug enabled, in a seperate window,
++which will force it into "foreground" mode:
++      iscsid -d 8 
+ Logging into Targets
+@@ -1198,7 +1207,7 @@ redirected to the current console:
+ Use the configuration utility, iscsiadm, to add/remove/update Discovery
+ records, iSCSI Node records or monitor active iSCSI sessions (see above or the
+ iscsiadm man files and see section 7.2 below for how to discover targets):
+-      ./iscsiadm  -m node
++      iscsiadm  -m node
+ will print out the nodes that have been discovered as:
+@@ -1210,7 +1219,7 @@ The format is:
+ If you are using the iface argument or want to see the driver
+ info, use the following:
+-      ./iscsiadm -m node -P 1
++      iscsiadm -m node -P 1
+ Example output:
+       Target: iqn.1992-08.com.netapp:sn.33615311
+@@ -1234,14 +1243,22 @@ Default here is iscsi_tcp/tcp to be used over 
whichever NIC the
+ network layer decides is best.
+ To login, take the ip, port and targetname from above and run:
+-      ./iscsiadm -m node -T targetname -p ip:port -l
++      iscsiadm -m node -T targetname -p ip:port -l
+ In this example we would run:
+-      ./iscsiadm -m node -T iqn.1992-08.com.netapp:sn.33615311 \
++      iscsiadm -m node -T iqn.1992-08.com.netapp:sn.33615311 \
+               -p -l
+       Note: drop the portal group tag from the "iscsiadm -m node" output.
++If you wish, for example to login to all targets represented in the node
++database, but not wait for the login responses:
++      iscsiadm -m node -l -W
++after which you can use "session" mode to detect when the logins complete:
++      iscsiadm -m session
+ 7.2. Discover Targets
+ =====================
+@@ -1318,8 +1335,8 @@ all sessions add the following to the 
+ Setting this in iscsid.conf will not affect existing nodes. It will only
+ affect nodes that are discovered after setting the value.
+-To login to all automated nodes, simply restart the iscsi service, e.g. with:
+-      /etc/init.d/open-iscsi restart
++To login to all automated nodes, simply restart the iscsi login service, e.g. 
++      systemctl restart iscsi
+ On your next startup the nodes will be logged into automatically.
+@@ -1375,7 +1392,7 @@ SendTargets
+               -n discovery.sendtargets.discoveryd_poll_inval -v 30
+ To have the new settings take effect, restart iscsid by restarting the
+-iscsi service.
++iscsi services.
+ Note:
+ When iscsiadm is run with the -o new argument, it will use the
+@@ -1404,7 +1421,7 @@ iSNS
+               -n discovery.isns.discoveryd_poll_inval -v 30
+ To have the new settings take effect, restart iscsid by restarting the
+-iscsi service.
++iscsi services.
+ Note:
+ When iscsiadm is run with the -o new argument, it will use the
+diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
+index 732818067e4c..a3d1d91c9fb6 100644
+--- a/TODO
++++ b/TODO
+@@ -377,3 +377,16 @@ I am working on this one. Hopefully it should be done 
+ it gets out of sync with the kernel version, and that's not good.
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
++13. Node database
++Current implementation of node data is not scalable. It handles database using
++some bunch of files and directories. It has not locking and can not handle
++thousands of targets.
++14. Migration of duplicate functionality out of iscsid/iscsiadm into 
++and add better error handling .
+diff --git a/doc/iscsiadm.8 b/doc/iscsiadm.8
+index bf23dd2e6e27..597f7aac1964 100644
+--- a/doc/iscsiadm.8
++++ b/doc/iscsiadm.8
+@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ iscsiadm \- open-iscsi administration utility
+ .IR printlevel ]
+ .RB [ \-L
+ .IR all,manual,automatic,onboot ]
++.RB [ \-W ]
+ .RB [ \-U
+ .IR all,manual,automatic,onboot ]
+ .RB [ \-S ]
+@@ -292,7 +293,13 @@ in or all running session, except ones marked onboot, if 
all is passed in.
+ This option is only valid for node mode (it is valid but not functional
+ for session mode).
+ .TP
+-\fB\-m, \-\-mode \fIop\fR
++\fB\-W\fR, \fB\-\-\-no_wait\fR
++In node mode, do not wait for a response from the targets.
++This means that success will be returned if the command is able to
++send the login requests, whether or not they succeed. In this case, it will
++be up to the caller to poll for success (i.e. session creation).
++\fB\-m\fR, \fB\-\-mode \fIop\fR
+ specify the mode. \fIop\fR
+ must be one of \fIdiscovery\fR, \fIdiscoverydb\fR, \fInode\fR, \fIfw\fR,
+ \fIhost\fR \fIiface\fR or \fIsession\fR.
+diff --git a/usr/idbm.c b/usr/idbm.c
+index 6309be07f6a8..42c2699dbcc9 100644
+--- a/usr/idbm.c
++++ b/usr/idbm.c
+@@ -169,6 +169,7 @@ static struct idbm *db;
+ #define __recinfo_int_list(_key,_info,_rec,_name,_show,_tbl,_n,_mod) do { \
+       _info[_n].type = TYPE_INT_LIST; \
+       strlcpy(_info[_n].name, _key, NAME_MAXVAL); \
++      _info[_n].value[0] = '\0'; \
+       for (unsigned long _i = 0; _i < ARRAY_LEN(_rec->_name); _i++) { \
+               if (_rec->_name[_i] != (unsigned)~0) {                  \
+                       for (unsigned long _j = 0; _j < ARRAY_LEN(_tbl); _j++) 
{        \
+diff --git a/usr/initiator.c b/usr/initiator.c
+index 5f4bdca35dc1..684647c9eca2 100644
+--- a/usr/initiator.c
++++ b/usr/initiator.c
+@@ -692,6 +692,7 @@ static void iscsi_login_eh(struct iscsi_conn *conn, struct 
queue_task *qtask,
+                          int err)
+ {
+       struct iscsi_session *session = conn->session;
++      int stop_flag = 0;
+       log_debug(3, "iscsi_login_eh");
+       /*
+@@ -711,7 +712,11 @@ static void iscsi_login_eh(struct iscsi_conn *conn, 
struct queue_task *qtask,
+                           !iscsi_retry_initial_login(conn))
+                               session_conn_shutdown(conn, qtask, err);
+                       else {
+-                              session_conn_reopen(conn, qtask, 
++                              stop_flag = (session->id < INVALID_SESSION_ID) 
++                              log_debug(6, "connection %p socket_fd: %d, "
++                                        "session id: %d stop_flag: %d\n",
++                                        conn, conn->socket_fd, session->id, 
++                              session_conn_reopen(conn, qtask, stop_flag);
+                       }
+                       break;
+               case R_STAGE_SESSION_REDIRECT:
+diff --git a/usr/iscsiadm.c b/usr/iscsiadm.c
+index f2bd72171c39..311978eee13f 100644
+--- a/usr/iscsiadm.c
++++ b/usr/iscsiadm.c
+@@ -133,9 +133,10 @@ static struct option const long_options[] =
+       {"interval", required_argument, NULL, 'i'},
+       {"index", required_argument, NULL, 'x'},
+       {"portal_type", optional_argument, NULL, 'A'},
++      {"no_wait", no_argument, NULL, 'W'},
+       {NULL, 0, NULL, 0},
+ };
+-static char *short_options = 
++static char *short_options = 
+ static void usage(int status)
+ {
+@@ -144,15 +145,15 @@ static void usage(int status)
+                       program_name);
+       else {
+               printf("\
+-iscsiadm -m discoverydb [ -hV ] [ -d debug_level ] [-P printlevel] [ -t type 
-p ip:port -I ifaceN ... [ -Dl ] ] | [ [ -p ip:port -t type] \
+-[ -o operation ] [ -n name ] [ -v value ] [ -lD ] ] \n\
+-iscsiadm -m discovery [ -hV ] [ -d debug_level ] [-P printlevel] [ -t type -p 
ip:port -I ifaceN ... [ -l ] ] | [ [ -p ip:port ] [ -l | -D ] ] \n\
+-iscsiadm -m node [ -hV ] [ -d debug_level ] [ -P printlevel ] [ -L 
all,manual,automatic ] [ -U all,manual,automatic ] [ -S ] [ [ -T targetname -p 
ip:port -I ifaceN ] [ -l | -u | -R | -s] ] \
+-[ [ -o  operation  ] [ -n name ] [ -v value ] ]\n\
+-iscsiadm -m session [ -hV ] [ -d debug_level ] [ -P  printlevel] [ -r 
sessionid | sysfsdir [ -R | -u | -s ] [ -o operation ] [ -n name ] [ -v value ] 
+-iscsiadm -m iface [ -hV ] [ -d debug_level ] [ -P printlevel ] [ -I ifacename 
| -H hostno|MAC ] [ [ -o  operation  ] [ -n name ] [ -v value ] ] [ -C ping [ 
-a ip ] [ -b packetsize ] [ -c count ] [ -i interval ] ]\n\
+-iscsiadm -m fw [ -d debug_level ] [ -l ]\n\
+-iscsiadm -m host [ -P printlevel ] [ -H hostno|MAC ] [ [ -C chap [ -x 
chap_tbl_idx ] ] | [ -C flashnode [ -A portal_type ] [ -x flashnode_idx ] ] | [ 
-C stats ] ] [ [ -o operation ] [ -n name ] [ -v value ] ] \n\
++iscsiadm -m discoverydb [-hV] [-d debug_level] [-P printlevel] [-t type -p 
ip:port -I ifaceN ... [-Dl]] | [[-p ip:port -t type] \
++[-o operation] [-n name] [-v value] [-lD]] \n\
++iscsiadm -m discovery [-hV] [-d debug_level] [-P printlevel] [-t type -p 
ip:port -I ifaceN ... [-l]] | [[-p ip:port] [-l | -D]] \n\
++iscsiadm -m node [-hV] [-d debug_level] [-P printlevel] [-L 
all,manual,automatic,onboot] [-W] [-U all,manual,automatic,onboot] [-S] [[-T 
targetname -p ip:port -I ifaceN] [-l | -u | -R | -s]] \
++[[-o  operation ] [-n name] [-v value]]\n\
++iscsiadm -m session [-hV] [-d debug_level] [-P  printlevel] [-r sessionid | 
sysfsdir [-R | -u | -s] [-o operation] [-n name] [-v value]]\n\
++iscsiadm -m iface [-hV] [-d debug_level] [-P printlevel] [-I ifacename | -H 
hostno|MAC] [[-o  operation ] [-n name] [-v value]] [-C ping [-a ip] [-b 
packetsize] [-c count] [-i interval]]\n\
++iscsiadm -m fw [-d debug_level] [-l]\n\
++iscsiadm -m host [-P printlevel] [-H hostno|MAC] [[-C chap [-x chap_tbl_idx]] 
| [-C flashnode [-A portal_type] [-x flashnode_idx]] | [-C stats]] [[-o 
operation] [-n name] [-v value]] \n\
+ iscsiadm -k priority\n");
+       }
+       exit(status);
+@@ -452,6 +453,8 @@ __do_leading_login(void *data, struct list_head *list, 
struct node_rec *rec)
+       struct iface_rec *pattern_iface = data;
+       int nr_found;
++      log_debug(1, "doing leading login using iface: %s", 
+       /* Skip any records that do not match the pattern iface */
+       if (!iface_match(pattern_iface, &rec->iface))
+               return -1;
+@@ -471,7 +474,7 @@ __do_leading_login(void *data, struct list_head *list, 
struct node_rec *rec)
+ }
+ static int
+-login_by_startup(char *mode)
++login_by_startup(char *mode, bool wait)
+ {
+       int nr_found = 0, err, rc;
+       struct startup_data startup;
+@@ -512,7 +515,7 @@ login_by_startup(char *mode)
+       if (!list_empty(&startup.all_logins)) {
+               log_debug(1, "Logging into normal (non-leading-login) portals");
+               /* Login all regular (non-leading-login) portals first */
+-              err = iscsi_login_portals(NULL, &nr_found, 1,
++              err = iscsi_login_portals(NULL, &nr_found, wait,
+                               &startup.all_logins, iscsi_login_portal);
+               if (err)
+                       log_error("Could not log into all portals");
+@@ -657,7 +660,7 @@ static int for_each_matched_rec(struct node_rec *rec, void 
+ }
+-static int login_portals(struct node_rec *pattern_rec)
++static int login_portals(struct node_rec *pattern_rec, bool wait)
+ {
+       LIST_HEAD(rec_list);
+       int nr_found, rc, err;
+@@ -671,7 +674,7 @@ static int login_portals(struct node_rec *pattern_rec)
+       rc = err;
+       /* if there is an err but some recs then try to login to what we have */
+-      err = iscsi_login_portals(pattern_rec, &nr_found, 1, &rec_list,
++      err = iscsi_login_portals(pattern_rec, &nr_found, wait ? 1 : 0, 
+                                 iscsi_login_portal);
+       if (err)
+               log_error("Could not log into all portals");
+@@ -2806,7 +2809,7 @@ static int verify_node_params(struct list_head *params, 
struct node_rec *rec)
+ /* TODO cleanup arguments */
+ static int exec_node_op(struct iscsi_context *ctx, int op, int do_login,
+                       int do_logout, int do_show, int do_rescan, int do_stats,
+-                      int info_level, struct node_rec *rec,
++                      bool wait, int info_level, struct node_rec *rec,
+                       struct list_head *params)
+ {
+       int rc = 0;
+@@ -2853,7 +2856,7 @@ static int exec_node_op(struct iscsi_context *ctx, int 
op, int do_login,
+       }
+       if (do_login) {
+-              rc = login_portals(rec);
++              rc = login_portals(rec, wait);
+               goto out;
+       }
+@@ -3559,6 +3562,7 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
+       struct iscsi_session **ses = NULL;
+       uint32_t se_count = 0;
+       struct iscsi_session *se = NULL;
++      bool wait = true;
+       ctx = iscsi_context_new();
+       if (ctx == NULL) {
+@@ -3728,6 +3732,9 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
+               case 'A':
+                       portal_type = str_to_portal_type(optarg);
+                       break;
++              case 'W':
++                      wait = false;
++                      break;
+               case 'h':
+                       usage(0);
+               }
+@@ -3900,7 +3907,7 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
+                                 do_show);
+               break;
+       case MODE_NODE:
+-              if ((rc = verify_mode_params(argc, argv, "RsPIdmlSonvupTUL",
++              if ((rc = verify_mode_params(argc, argv, "RsPIdmlSonvupTULW",
+                                            0))) {
+                       log_error("node mode: option '-%c' is not "
+                                 "allowed/supported", rc);
+@@ -3909,7 +3916,7 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
+               }
+               if (do_login_all) {
+-                      rc = login_by_startup(group_session_mgmt_mode);
++                      rc = login_by_startup(group_session_mgmt_mode, wait);
+                       goto out;
+               }
+@@ -3939,7 +3946,7 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
+               }
+               rc = exec_node_op(ctx, op, do_login, do_logout, do_show,
+-                                do_rescan, do_stats, info_level, rec,
++                                do_rescan, do_stats, wait, info_level, rec,
+                                 &params);
+               break;
+       case MODE_SESSION:
+@@ -4025,7 +4032,7 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
+                       /* drop down to node ops */
+                       rc = exec_node_op(ctx, op, do_login, do_logout, do_show,
+-                                        do_rescan, do_stats, info_level,
++                                        do_rescan, do_stats, wait, info_level,
+                                         rec, &params);
+ free_info:
+                       free(info);
+@@ -4040,7 +4047,7 @@ free_info:
+                       if (do_logout || do_rescan || do_stats) {
+                               rc = exec_node_op(ctx, op, do_login, do_logout,
+                                                do_show, do_rescan, do_stats,
+-                                               info_level, NULL, &params);
++                                               wait, info_level, NULL, 
+                               goto out;
+                       }

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