Hello community,

here is the log from the commit of package python-Twisted for openSUSE:Factory 
checked in at 2012-09-27 10:27:06
Comparing /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/python-Twisted (Old)
 and      /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.python-Twisted.new (New)

Package is "python-Twisted", Maintainer is ""

--- /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/python-Twisted/python-Twisted.changes    
2012-02-24 06:54:02.000000000 +0100
+++ /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.python-Twisted.new/python-Twisted.changes       
2012-09-27 10:27:08.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,0 +2,165 @@
+Tue Sep 25 18:07:05 PDT 2012 - msu...@gnome.org
+- Update to version 12.2.0
+  * Starting with the release after 12.2, Twisted will begin requiring
+    zope.interface 3.6 (as part of Python 3 support).
+  * Features
+    - twisted.protocols.sip.MessageParser now handles multiline headers.
+    - twisted.internet.endpoints now provides StandardIOEndpoint, a
+      Standard I/O endpoint.
+    - If a FTPCmdError occurs during twisted.protocols.ftp.FTP.ftp_RETR
+      sending the file (i.e. it is raised by the IReadFile.send method it
+      invokes), then it will use that to return an error to the client
+      rather than necessarily sending a 426 CNX_CLOSED_TXFR_ABORTED error.
+    - twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorSocket.adoptStreamConnection is
+      implemented by some reactors as a way to add an existing
+      established connection to them.
+    - twisted.internet.endpoints now provides TCP6ServerEndpoint, an IPv6
+      TCP server endpoint.
+    - twisted.internet.endpoints now provides TCP6ClientEndpoint, an IPv6
+      TCP client endpoint.
+    - twisted.internet.endpoints.serverFromString, the endpoint string
+      description feature, can now be used to create IPv6 TCP servers.
+    - twisted.internet.endpoints.serverFromString, the endpoint string
+      description feature, can now be used to create servers that run on
+      Standard I/O.
+    - twisted.trial.unittest now offers SynchronousTestCase, a test case
+      base class that provides usability improvements but not reactor-
+      based testing features.
+  * Bugfixes
+    - twisted.internet.Process.signalProcess now catches ESRCH raised by
+      os.kill call and raises ProcessExitedAlready instead.
+    - TLSMemoryBIOProtocol (and therefore all SSL transports if pyOpenSSL
+      >= 0.10) now provides the interfaces already provided by the
+      underlying transport.
+  * Deprecations and Removals
+    - Python 2.5 is no longer supported.
+    - The --extra option of trial, deprecated since 11.0, is removed now.
+    - addPluginDir and getPluginDirs in twisted.python.util are
+      deprecated now.
+    - twisted.trial.runner.DocTestCase, deprecated in Twisted 8.0, has
+      been removed.
+    - startKeepingErrors, flushErrors, ignoreErrors, and clearIgnores in
+      twisted.python.log (deprecated since Twisted 2.5) are removed now.
+    - unzip, unzipIter, and countZipFileEntries in
+      twisted.python.zipstream (deprecated in Twisted 11.0) are removed
+      now.
+    - twisted.test.time_helpers, deprecated since Twisted 10.0, has been
+      removed.
+    - twisted.web.static.FileTransfer, deprecated since 9.0, is removed
+      now. Use a subclass of StaticProducer instead.
+    - ErrorPage, NoResource and ForbiddenResource in twisted.web.error
+      were deprecated since 9.0 and are removed now.
+    - twisted.web.google, deprecated since Twisted 11.1, is removed now.
+Tue Sep 25 17:50:17 PDT 2012 - msu...@gnome.org
+- Update to version 12.1.0
+  * Features
+    - The kqueue reactor has been revived.
+    - twisted.python.filepath now provides IFilePath, an interface for
+      file path objects.
+    - New gtk3 and gobject-introspection reactors have been added.
+    - gtk and glib reactors now run I/O and scheduled events with lower
+      priority, to ensure the UI stays responsive.
+    - IReactorTCP.connectTCP() can now accept IPv6 address literals
+      (although not hostnames) in order to support connecting to IPv6
+      hosts.
+    - twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorSocket, a new interface, is now
+      supported by some reactors to listen on sockets set up by external
+      software (eg systemd or launchd).
+    - twisted.internet.endpoints.clientFromString now also supports
+      strings in the form of tcp:example.com:80 and ssl:example.com:4321
+    - twisted.python.constants.Flags now provides a way to define
+      collections of flags for bitvector-type uses.
+    - The epoll(7)-based reactor is now the default reactor on Linux.
+    - twisted.python.runtime.platform.isLinux can be used to check if
+      Twisted is running on Linux.
+    - twisted.internet.endpoints.serverFromString now recognizes a
+      "systemd" endpoint type, for listening on a server port inherited
+      from systemd.
+    - Connections created using twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorUNIX
+      now support sending and receiving file descriptors between
+      different processes.
+    - twisted.internet.endpoints.clientFromString now supports UNIX
+      client endpoint strings with the path argument specified like
+      "unix:/foo/bar" in addition to the old style, "unix:path=/foo/bar".
+    - twisted.protocols.amp.Descriptor is a new AMP argument type which
+      supports passing file descriptors as AMP command arguments over
+      UNIX connections.
+    - twisted.web.client.Agent and ProxyAgent now support persistent
+      connections.
+    - Added twisted.web.template.renderElement, a function which renders
+      an Element to a response.
+    - twisted.web.client.HTTPConnectionPool now ensures that failed
+      queries on persistent connections are retried, when possible.
+    - twisted.web.template.XMLFile now supports FilePath objects.
+    - twisted.web.template.renderElement takes a doctype keyword
+      argument, which will be written as the first line of the response,
+      defaulting to the HTML5 doctype.
+  * Bugfixes
+    - twisted.internet.abstract.FileDescriptor implements
+      twisted.internet.interfaces.IPushProducer instead of
+      twisted.internet.interfaces.IProducer.
+      twisted.internet.iocpreactor.abstract.FileHandle implements
+      twisted.internet.interfaces.IPushProducer instead of
+      twisted.internet.interfaces.IProducer.
+    - The epoll reactor now supports reading/writing to regular files on
+      stdin/stdout.
+    - Calling .cancel() on any Twisted-provided client endpoint
+      (TCP4ClientEndpoint, UNIXClientEndpoint, SSL4ClientEndpoint) now
+      works as documented, rather than logging an AlreadyCalledError.
+    - A leak of OVERLAPPED structures in some IOCP error cases has been
+      fixed.
+    - twisted.internet._pollingfile._PollableWritePipe now checks for
+      outgoing unicode data in write() and writeSequence() instead of
+      checkWork().
+    - twisted.web.util.formatFailure now quotes all data in its output to
+      avoid it being mistakenly interpreted as markup.
+    - twisted.web.distrib now lets distributed servers set the response
+      message.
+  * Improved Documentation
+    - "Working from Twisted's Subversion repository" links to UQDS and
+      Combinator are now updated.
+    - Added tkinterdemo.py, an example of Tkinter integration.
+  * Deprecations and Removals
+    - The 'unsigned' flag to twisted.scripts.tap2rpm.MyOptions is now
+      deprecated.
+    - Removed the unreachable _fileUrandom method from
+      twisted.python.randbytes.RandomFactory.
+    - twisted.persisted.journal is removed, deprecated since Twisted
+      11.0.
+    - Support for pyOpenSSL 0.9 and older is now deprecated.  pyOpenSSL
+      0.10 or newer will soon be required in order to use Twisted's SSL
+      features.
+    - backwardsCompatImplements and fixClassImplements are removed from
+      twisted.python.components, deprecated in 2006.
+    - twisted.python.reflect.macro was removed, deprecated since Twisted
+      8.2.
+    - twisted.python.text.docstringLStrip, deprecated since Twisted
+      10.2.0, has been removed
+    - Removed the deprecated dispatch and dispatchWithCallback methods
+      from twisted.python.threadpool.ThreadPool (deprecated since 8.0)
+    - twisted.scripts.tapconvert is now deprecated.
+    - twisted.python.reflect's Settable, AccessorType, PropertyAccessor,
+      Accessor, OriginalAccessor and Summer are now deprecated.
+    - twisted.python.threadpool.ThreadSafeList (deprecated in 10.1) is
+      removed.
+    - twisted.application.app.initialLog, deprecated since Twisted 8.2.0,
+      has been removed.
+    - twisted.spread.refpath was deleted, deprecated since Twisted 9.0.
+    - twisted.python.otp, deprecated since 9.0, is removed.
+    - Removed `dsu`, `moduleMovedForSplit`, and `dict` from
+      twisted.python.util (deprecated since 10.2)
+    - PHP3Script and PHPScript were removed from twisted.web.twcgi,
+      deprecated since 10.1. Use twcgi.FilteredScript instead.
+    - twisted.web.template.XMLFile's support for file objects and
+      filenames is now deprecated.  Use the new support for FilePath
+      objects.
+    - twisted.web.server.date_time_string and
+      twisted.web.server.string_date_time are now deprecated in favor of
+      twisted.web.http.datetimeToString and twisted.web.
+      http.stringToDatetime




Other differences:
++++++ python-Twisted.spec ++++++
--- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.M1S9tx/_old  2012-09-27 10:27:09.000000000 +0200
+++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.M1S9tx/_new  2012-09-27 10:27:09.000000000 +0200
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 Name:           python-Twisted
-Version:        12.0.0
+Version:        12.2.0
 Release:        0
 Url:            http://twistedmatrix.com/
 Summary:        An asynchronous networking framework written in Python

++++++ Twisted-12.0.0.tar.bz2 -> Twisted-12.2.0.tar.bz2 ++++++
++++ 74944 lines of diff (skipped)

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