Hello community,

here is the log from the commit of package python-pylint for openSUSE:Factory 
checked in at 2013-11-28 16:52:24
Comparing /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/python-pylint (Old)
 and      /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.python-pylint.new (New)

Package is "python-pylint"

--- /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/python-pylint/python-pylint.changes      
2013-06-25 14:44:59.000000000 +0200
+++ /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.python-pylint.new/python-pylint.changes 
2013-11-28 16:52:24.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,0 +2,75 @@
+Wed Nov 27 14:57:03 UTC 2013 - p.drou...@gmail.com
+- Update to version 1.0.0
+  * Add check for the use of 'exec' function
+  * New --msg-template option to control output, deprecating "msvc" and
+    "parseable" output formats as well as killing `--include-ids` and 
+    options
+  * Do not emit [fixme] for every line if the config value 'notes'
+    is empty, but [fixme] is enabled.
+  * Emit warnings about lines exceeding the column limit when
+    those lines are inside multiline docstrings.
+  * Do not double-check parameter names with the regex for parameters and
+    inline variables.
+  * Added a new warning missing-final-newline (C0304) for files missing
+    the final newline.
+  * Methods that are decorated as properties are now treated as attributes
+    for the purposes of name checking.
+  * Names of derived instance class member are not checked any more.
+  * Names in global statements are now checked against the regular
+    expression for constants.
+  * For toplevel name assignment, the class name regex will be used if
+    pylint can detect that value on the right-hand side is a class
+    (like collections.namedtuple()).
+  * Simplified invalid-name message
+  * Added a new warning invalid-encoded-data (W0512) for files that
+    contain data that cannot be decoded with the specified or
+    default encoding.
+  * New warning bad-open-mode (W1501) for calls to open (or file) that
+    specify invalid open modes (Original implementation by Sasha Issayev).
+  * New warning old-style-class (C1001) for classes that do not have any
+    base class.
+  * Add new name type 'class_attribute' for attributes defined
+    in class scope. By default, allow both const and variable names.
+  * New warning trailing-whitespace (C0303) that warns about
+    trailing whitespace.
+  * Added a new warning unpacking-in-except (W0712) about unpacking
+    exceptions in handlers, which is unsupported in Python 3.
+  * Add a configuration option for missing-docstring to
+    optionally exempt short functions/methods/classes from
+    the check.
+  * Add the type of the offending node to missing-docstring
+    and empty-docstring.
+  * New utility classes for per-checker unittests in testutils.py
+  * Do not warn about redefinitions of variables that match the
+    dummy regex.
+  * Do not treat all variables starting with _ as dummy variables,
+    only _ itself.
+  * Make the line-too-long warning configurable by adding a regex for lines
+    for with the length limit should not be enforced
+  * Do not warn about a long line if a pylint disable
+    option brings it above the length limit
+  * Do not flag names in nested with statements as undefined.
+  * Added a new warning 'old-raise-syntax' for the deprecated syntax
+    raise Exception, args
+  * Support for PEP 3102 and new missing-kwoa (E1125) message for missing
+    mandatory keyword argument (logilab.org's #107788)
+  * Fix spelling of max-branchs option, now max-branches
+  * Added a new base class and interface for checkers that work on the
+    tokens rather than the syntax, and only tokenize the input file
+    once.
+  * Follow astng renaming to astroid
+  * bitbucket #37: check for unbalanced unpacking in assignments
+  * bitbucket #25: fix incomplete-protocol false positive for read-only
+    containers like tuple
+  * bitbucket #16: fix False positive E1003 on Python 3 for argument-less 
+  * bitbucket #6: put back documentation in source distribution
+  * bitbucket #15: epylint shouldn't hang anymore when there is a large
+    output on pylint'stderr
+  * bitbucket #7: fix epylint w/ python3
+  * bitbucket #3: remove string module from the default list of deprecated
+    modules
+- Remove unwanted %{py_requires} macro
+- Remove redundant %clean section




Other differences:
++++++ python-pylint.spec ++++++
--- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.Xes1Oy/_old  2013-11-28 16:52:25.000000000 +0100
+++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.Xes1Oy/_new  2013-11-28 16:52:25.000000000 +0100
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 %define modname pylint
 Name:           python-%{modname}
-Version:        0.28.0
+Version:        1.0.0
 Release:        0
 Summary:        Syntax and style checker for Python code
 License:        GPL-2.0+
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@
 Provides:       pylint = %{version}
 Obsoletes:      pylint < %{version}
 BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build
 %if 0%{?suse_version} <= 1110
 %{!?python_sitelib: %global python_sitelib %(python -c "from 
distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib()")}
@@ -66,9 +65,6 @@
 # fix non-executable rpmlint warning
 chmod +x %{buildroot}%{python_sitelib}/%{modname}/epylint.py
-rm -rf %{buildroot}
 %doc README ChangeLog examples/

++++++ pylint-0.28.0.tar.gz -> pylint-1.0.0.tar.gz ++++++
++++ 10885 lines of diff (skipped)

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