Hello community,

here is the log from the commit of package perl-Test-File-ShareDir for 
openSUSE:Factory checked in at 2014-06-16 21:31:39
Comparing /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/perl-Test-File-ShareDir (Old)
 and      /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.perl-Test-File-ShareDir.new (New)

Package is "perl-Test-File-ShareDir"

  2013-08-07 20:50:53.000000000 +0200
     2014-06-16 21:31:41.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,0 +2,51 @@
+Wed Jun 11 06:14:21 UTC 2014 - stephan.ba...@suse.com
+- Fixed summary which ended with a dot
+- make check now BuildRequires perl(Class::Tiny)
+- The new version uses GNU make so %build, %check and %install were adjusted
+- upgrade to version 1.000001 from 0.3.3
+  Noteworthy changes from upstream:
+  1.000001 2014-06-07T15:14:38Z
+  [Dependencies::Stats]
+  - Dependencies changed since 1.000000, see misc/*.deps* for details
+  1.000000 2014-01-30T15:23:48Z
+  [00 Tooling and Version replacement]
+   - Switched to EUMM to accelerate clean-install time.
+   - version schema moved from x.y.z to x.YYYzzz and is the primary reason for
+     incrementing the major
+  [Dependencies::Stats]
+  - Dependencies changed since 0.4.1, see misc/*.deps* for details
+  0.4.1 2013-11-21T06:51:24Z
+  [00 Trivial Doc Fix]
+  - Escaping of code containing > was done wrong.
+  0.4.0 2013-11-21T06:38:44Z
+  [00 Major Changes]
+  - New Modules/Interfaces to make life easier for people who only need one of
+    (Dist|Module) shares.
+   [Dependencies::Noteworthy]
+   - use Class::Tiny
+   - use new MB and TestMore
+   [Dependencies::Stats]
+   - Dependencies changed since 0.3.3, see misc/*.deps* for details
+   [Documentation]
+   - Encoding specified
+   - MetaPOD annotations added
+   [Packaging]
+   - use new MB syntax for fallback
+   [Tests]
+   - use Test::Compile::PerFile
+   - Regenerate ReportVersions::Tiny to not report develop deps.
+   - Regenerate CPAN::Changes test
+   - Regenerate Kwalitee test




Other differences:
++++++ perl-Test-File-ShareDir.spec ++++++
--- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.uPhPAy/_old  2014-06-16 21:31:42.000000000 +0200
+++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.uPhPAy/_new  2014-06-16 21:31:42.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # spec file for package perl-Test-File-ShareDir
-# Copyright (c) 2013 SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
+# Copyright (c) 2014 SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
 # All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
 # remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
@@ -17,10 +17,10 @@
 Name:           perl-Test-File-ShareDir
-Version:        0.3.3
+Version:        1.000001
 Release:        0
 %define cpan_name Test-File-ShareDir
-Summary:        Create a Fake ShareDir for your modules for testing.
+Summary:        Create a Fake ShareDir for your modules for testing
 License:        Artistic-1.0 or GPL-1.0+
 Group:          Development/Libraries/Perl
 Url:            http://search.cpan.org/dist/Test-File-ShareDir/
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
 BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build
 BuildRequires:  perl
 BuildRequires:  perl-macros
+BuildRequires:  perl(Class::Tiny)
 BuildRequires:  perl(File::Copy::Recursive)
 BuildRequires:  perl(File::ShareDir) >= 1.00
 BuildRequires:  perl(Module::Build) >= 0.4004
@@ -54,14 +55,15 @@
 %setup -q -n %{cpan_name}-%{version}
-%{__perl} Build.PL installdirs=vendor
-./Build build flags=%{?_smp_mflags}
+%{__perl} Makefile.PL installdirs=vendor
-./Build test
+make test
-./Build install destdir=%{buildroot} create_packlist=0
 %files -f %{name}.files

++++++ Test-File-ShareDir-0.3.3.tar.gz -> Test-File-ShareDir-1.000001.tar.gz 
++++ 6967 lines of diff (skipped)

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