Hello community,

here is the log from the commit of package kbruch for openSUSE:Factory checked 
in at 2015-03-11 09:45:44
Comparing /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/kbruch (Old)
 and      /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.kbruch.new (New)

Package is "kbruch"

--- /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/kbruch/kbruch.changes    2015-02-06 
10:58:10.000000000 +0100
+++ /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.kbruch.new/kbruch.changes       2015-03-11 
09:45:45.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,0 +2,7 @@
+Tue Mar  3 10:33:52 UTC 2015 - tittiatc...@gmail.com
+- Update to KDE Applications 14.12.3
+   * KDE Applications 14.12.3
+   * See https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-14.12.3.php




Other differences:
++++++ kbruch.spec ++++++
--- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.676y8c/_old  2015-03-11 09:45:46.000000000 +0100
+++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.676y8c/_new  2015-03-11 09:45:46.000000000 +0100
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 Name:           kbruch
-Version:        14.12.2
+Version:        14.12.3
 Release:        0
 Summary:        Excercise Fractions
 License:        GPL-2.0+

++++++ kbruch-14.12.2.tar.xz -> kbruch-14.12.3.tar.xz ++++++
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/kbruch-14.12.2/kbruch.appdata.xml 
--- old/kbruch-14.12.2/kbruch.appdata.xml       2014-11-28 06:42:25.000000000 
+++ new/kbruch-14.12.3/kbruch.appdata.xml       2015-02-21 07:35:51.000000000 
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
+  <name xml:lang="bs">KBruch</name>
   <name xml:lang="ca">KBruch</name>
   <name xml:lang="cs">KBruch</name>
   <name xml:lang="da">KBruch</name>
@@ -28,6 +29,7 @@
   <name xml:lang="x-test">xxKBruchxx</name>
   <name xml:lang="zh-TW">數學_KBruch</name>
   <summary>Exercise Fractions</summary>
+  <summary xml:lang="bs">Vježba razlomaka</summary>
   <summary xml:lang="ca">Exercita les fraccions</summary>
   <summary xml:lang="cs">Cvičení se zlomky</summary>
   <summary xml:lang="de">Bruchrechnen üben</summary>
@@ -52,6 +54,7 @@
   <summary xml:lang="zh-TW">練習分數</summary>
     <p>KBruch is a small program to practice calculating with fractions and 
percentages. Different exercises are provided for this purpose and you can use 
the learning mode to practice with fractions. The program checks the user's 
input and gives feedback.</p>
+    <p xml:lang="bs">KBruch je mali program da vježbate računanje sa 
razlomcima i procentima. Različite vježbe su obezbjeđeni za tu svrhu i možete 
koristiti režim učenja da vježbate sa razlomcima. Program provjerava ulaz 
korisnika i daje povratnu informaciju.</p>
     <p xml:lang="ca">El KBruch és un programa senzill per a practicar càlcul 
amb fraccions i percentatges. Es proposen diversos exercicis i podeu utilitzar 
el mode d'aprenentatge per a practicar amb fraccions. El programa comprova 
l'entrada de l'usuari i proporciona una resposta.</p>
     <p xml:lang="de">KBruch ist ein kleines Programm, um das Rechnen mit 
Brüchen und Prozenten zu üben. Für diesen Zweck werden verschiedene Übungen 
angeboten. Außerdem gibt es einen Modus für das Lernen von Brüchen. Das 
Programm überprüft die Eingaben des Benutzers und gibt entsprechende 
     <p xml:lang="en-GB">KBruch is a small program to practice calculating with 
fractions and percentages. Different exercises are provided for this purpose 
and you can use the learning mode to practice with fractions. The program 
checks the user's input and gives feedback.</p>
@@ -73,6 +76,7 @@
     <p xml:lang="x-test">xxKBruch is a small program to practice calculating 
with fractions and percentages. Different exercises are provided for this 
purpose and you can use the learning mode to practice with fractions. The 
program checks the user's input and gives feedback.xx</p>
     <p xml:lang="zh-TW">KBruch 是用來練習計算分數與百分比的小程式。提供不同的練習模式讓您練習分數。</p>
+    <p xml:lang="bs">Svojstva:</p>
     <p xml:lang="ca">Característiques:</p>
     <p xml:lang="cs">Vlastnosti:</p>
     <p xml:lang="de">Funktionen:</p>
@@ -97,6 +101,7 @@
     <p xml:lang="zh-TW">功能:</p>
       <li>Arithmetic exercise - in this exercise you have to solve a given 
fraction task. You have to enter the numerator and the denominator. This is the 
main exercise.</li>
+      <li xml:lang="bs">Aritmetička vježba - u ovoj vježbi morate riješiti 
dati razlomak . Morate ući u brojnik i nazivnik. Ovo je glavna vježba.</li>
       <li xml:lang="ca">Exercici aritmètic: En aquest exercici heu de resoldre 
un càlcul de fracció. Cal que escriviu el resultat, és a dir el numerador i el 
denominador. Aquest és l'exercici principal.</li>
       <li xml:lang="de">Arithmetik - in dieser Übung muss eine gegebene 
Bruchaufgabe gelöst werden. Sie müssen den ganzzahligen Anteil des Bruchs und 
Zähler und Nenner eingeben. Dies ist die Hauptübung.</li>
       <li xml:lang="en-GB">Arithmetic exercise - in this exercise you have to 
solve a given fraction task. You have to enter the numerator and the 
denominator. This is the main exercise.</li>
@@ -118,6 +123,7 @@
       <li xml:lang="x-test">xxArithmetic exercise - in this exercise you have 
to solve a given fraction task. You have to enter the numerator and the 
denominator. This is the main exercise.xx</li>
       <li xml:lang="zh-TW">運算練習 -- 這類練習中您要解分數題。您要輸入分子與分母,是基本的練習。</li>
       <li>Comparison exercise - in this exercise you have to compare the size 
of 2 given fractions, using the symbols &gt;, &lt; or =.</li>
+      <li xml:lang="bs">Vježba poređenja - u ovoj vježbi morate porediti 2 
data razlomkas, koristeći simbole &gt;, &lt; ili =.</li>
       <li xml:lang="ca">Exercici de comparació: En aquest exercici heu de 
comparar el valor numèric de 2 fraccions, utilitzant els símbols &gt;, &lt; or 
       <li xml:lang="de">Vergleich - In dieser Übung müssen 2 gegebene Brüche 
der Größe nach mithilfe der Symbole  „&gt;“, „&lt; “ oder „=“ verglichen 
       <li xml:lang="en-GB">Comparison exercise - in this exercise you have to 
compare the size of 2 given fractions, using the symbols &gt;, &lt; or =.</li>
@@ -139,6 +145,7 @@
       <li xml:lang="x-test">xxComparison exercise - in this exercise you have 
to compare the size of 2 given fractions, using the symbols &gt;, &lt; or 
       <li xml:lang="zh-TW">比較練習 -- 這類練習中您要比較兩個分數的大小,並輸入 &gt;, &lt; 或 =。</li>
       <li>Conversion exercise - in this exercise you have to convert a given 
number into a fraction.</li>
+      <li xml:lang="bs">Konverzija vježbe - u ovoj vježbi morate pretvoriti 
dati broj u razlomak.</li>
       <li xml:lang="ca">Exercici de conversió: En aquest exercici heu de 
convertir un nombre en una fracció.</li>
       <li xml:lang="de">Umwandeln - in dieser Übung muss eine gegebene Zahl in 
einen Bruch umgewandelt werden.</li>
       <li xml:lang="en-GB">Conversion exercise - in this exercise you have to 
convert a given number into a fraction.</li>
@@ -160,6 +167,7 @@
       <li xml:lang="x-test">xxConversion exercise - in this exercise you have 
to convert a given number into a fraction.xx</li>
       <li xml:lang="zh-TW">轉換練習 -- 這類練習讓您將指定的數字換成分數。</li>
       <li>Factorization exercise - in this exercise you have to factorize a 
given number into its prime factors.</li>
+      <li xml:lang="bs">Faktorizacijska vježba - u ovoj vježbi morate 
razložiti dati broj na proste faktore.</li>
       <li xml:lang="ca">Exercici de factorització: En aquest exercici heu de 
descompondre un nombre en factors primers.</li>
       <li xml:lang="de">Faktorisieren - in dieser Übung muss eine gegebene 
Zahl in ihre Primfaktoren zerlegt werden.</li>
       <li xml:lang="en-GB">Factorisation exercise - in this exercise you have 
to factorise a given number into its prime factors.</li>
@@ -181,6 +189,7 @@
       <li xml:lang="x-test">xxFactorization exercise - in this exercise you 
have to factorize a given number into its prime factors.xx</li>
       <li xml:lang="zh-TW">分解練習 -- 這類練習讓您將數字做質因數分解。</li>
       <li>Percentage exercise - in this exercise you have to calculate 
+      <li xml:lang="bs">Procenat vježbe - u ovoj vježbi morate izračunati 
       <li xml:lang="ca">Exercici de percentatge: En aquest exercici heu de 
calcular els percentatges.</li>
       <li xml:lang="de">Prozentaufgaben - in dieser Übung müssen Prozente 
berechnet werden.</li>
       <li xml:lang="en-GB">Percentage exercise - in this exercise you have to 
calculate percentages.</li>

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