Hello community,

here is the log from the commit of package step for openSUSE:Factory checked in 
at 2015-03-11 09:55:20
Comparing /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/step (Old)
 and      /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.step.new (New)

Package is "step"

--- /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/step/step.changes        2015-02-11 
16:42:32.000000000 +0100
+++ /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.step.new/step.changes   2015-03-11 
09:55:32.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,0 +2,7 @@
+Tue Mar  3 10:49:29 UTC 2015 - tittiatc...@gmail.com
+- Update to KDE Applications 14.12.3
+   * KDE Applications 14.12.3
+   * See https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-14.12.3.php




Other differences:
++++++ step.spec ++++++
--- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.RIQrxO/_old  2015-03-11 09:55:33.000000000 +0100
+++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.RIQrxO/_new  2015-03-11 09:55:33.000000000 +0100
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 Name:           step
-Version:        14.12.2
+Version:        14.12.3
 Release:        0
 Summary:        An interactive physics simulator
 License:        GPL-2.0+

++++++ step-14.12.2.tar.xz -> step-14.12.3.tar.xz ++++++
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/step-14.12.2/step.appdata.xml 
--- old/step-14.12.2/step.appdata.xml   2015-01-26 06:26:30.000000000 +0100
+++ new/step-14.12.3/step.appdata.xml   2015-02-21 07:39:54.000000000 +0100
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
+  <name xml:lang="bs">Korak</name>
   <name xml:lang="ca">Step</name>
   <name xml:lang="cs">Step</name>
   <name xml:lang="da">Step</name>
@@ -27,6 +28,7 @@
   <name xml:lang="x-test">xxStepxx</name>
   <name xml:lang="zh-TW">物理_Step</name>
   <summary>Interactive Physical Simulator</summary>
+  <summary xml:lang="bs">Interaktivni fizički simulator</summary>
   <summary xml:lang="ca">Simulador interactiu de física</summary>
   <summary xml:lang="cs">Interaktivní fyzikální simulátor</summary>
   <summary xml:lang="de">Interaktive Physiksimulation</summary>
@@ -50,6 +52,7 @@
   <summary xml:lang="zh-TW">互動式物理模擬器</summary>
     <p>Step is an interactive physical simulator. It allows you to explore the 
physical world through simulations. It works like this: you place some bodies 
on the scene, add some forces such as gravity or springs, then click Simulate 
and Step shows you how your scene will evolve according to the laws of physics. 
You can change every property of the bodies/forces in your experiment (even 
during simulation) and see how this will change evolution of the experiment. 
With Step you cannot only learn but feel how physics works!</p>
+    <p xml:lang="bs">Korak je interaktivni fizički simulator. Omogućava da se 
istraži fizički svijet kroz simulacije.Radi na sljedeći način: Postaviš 
nekoliko tijela na scenu, dodaš silu kao što je gravitacija ili opruge, onda 
klikneš Simuliraj i Korak ti pokaže kako će prema zakonima fizike evoluirati 
tvoja scena.Možeš promijeniti svaku osobinu tijela/sila  u eksperimentu (čak i 
tokom simulacije) i vidjeti kako će ovo promjeniti evoluciju eksperimenta.Sa 
Korakom ne samo da učiš nego i osjećaš kako fizika radi.</p>
     <p xml:lang="ca">Step és un simulador interactiu de física. Us permet 
explorar el món físic a través de simulacions. Funciona així: col·loqueu alguns 
cossos a l'escena, afegiu algunes forces com ara molles o la gravetat, cliqueu 
Simula i l'Step us mostra com evolucionarà l'escena segons les lleis de la 
física. Podeu canviar cadascuna de les propietats dels cossos o forces del 
vostre experiment (fins i tot durant la simulació) i veure com això afectarà a 
l'evolució de l'experiment. Amb Step no només podeu aprendre sinó també podeu 
sentir com funciona la física!</p>
     <p xml:lang="de">Step ist ein interaktiver Physiksimulator, mit dem Sie 
die Welt der Physik durch Simulationen erforschen können. Dazu platzieren Sie 
einige Körper im Versuchsfenster und fügen Kräfte wie die Gravitation oder 
Federn hinzu. Klicken Sie dann auf den Knopf „Simulation starten“ und 
beobachten Sie, wie sich Ihr Experiment nach den Gesetzen der Physik verändert. 
Jede Eigenschaft von Körpern oder Kräften lässt sich sogar in der laufenden 
Simulation ändern. Mit Step können Sie erfahren, wie die Physik in der Welt 
     <p xml:lang="en-GB">Step is an interactive physical simulator. It allows 
you to explore the physical world through simulations. It works like this: you 
place some bodies on the scene, add some forces such as gravity or springs, 
then click Simulate and Step shows you how your scene will evolve according to 
the laws of physics. You can change every property of the bodies/forces in your 
experiment (even during simulation) and see how this will change evolution of 
the experiment. With Step you cannot only learn but feel how physics works!</p>
@@ -70,6 +73,7 @@
     <p xml:lang="x-test">xxStep is an interactive physical simulator. It 
allows you to explore the physical world through simulations. It works like 
this: you place some bodies on the scene, add some forces such as gravity or 
springs, then click Simulate and Step shows you how your scene will evolve 
according to the laws of physics. You can change every property of the 
bodies/forces in your experiment (even during simulation) and see how this will 
change evolution of the experiment. With Step you cannot only learn but feel 
how physics works!xx</p>
     <p xml:lang="zh-TW">Step 
就會顯示出在您的場景中,根據物理定律產生的結果。您可以改變每個主體與力的屬性(甚至實驗中也可比改變),並看看它所造成的變化。有了 Step 
+    <p xml:lang="bs">Osobine:</p>
     <p xml:lang="ca">Característiques:</p>
     <p xml:lang="cs">Vlastnosti:</p>
     <p xml:lang="de">Funktionen:</p>
@@ -93,6 +97,7 @@
     <p xml:lang="zh-TW">功能:</p>
       <li>Classical mechanical simulation in two dimensions</li>
+      <li xml:lang="bs">Klasična mehanička simulacije u dvije dimenzije</li>
       <li xml:lang="ca">Simulador de mecànica clàssica en dues dimensions</li>
       <li xml:lang="de">Simulation klassischer Mechanik in zwei 
       <li xml:lang="en-GB">Classical mechanical simulation in two 
@@ -114,6 +119,7 @@
       <li xml:lang="x-test">xxClassical mechanical simulation in two 
       <li xml:lang="zh-TW">傳統的二維機械模擬</li>
       <li>Particles, springs with damping, gravitational and coulomb 
+      <li xml:lang="bs">Čestice, opruge s prigušenjem,gravitacijska i kulonova 
       <li xml:lang="ca">Partícules, molles amb amortiment, forces 
gravitacionals i de Coulomb</li>
       <li xml:lang="de">Teilchen, Federn mit Dämpfung, Gravitations- und 
       <li xml:lang="en-GB">Particles, springs with damping, gravitational and 
coulomb forces</li>
@@ -134,6 +140,7 @@
       <li xml:lang="x-test">xxParticles, springs with damping, gravitational 
and coulomb forcesxx</li>
       <li xml:lang="zh-TW">粒子,有阻力的彈力,重力與庫倫力等</li>
       <li>Rigid bodies</li>
+      <li xml:lang="bs">Kruta tijela</li>
       <li xml:lang="ca">Cossos rígids</li>
       <li xml:lang="de">Starre Körper</li>
       <li xml:lang="en-GB">Rigid bodies</li>
@@ -155,6 +162,7 @@
       <li xml:lang="x-test">xxRigid bodiesxx</li>
       <li xml:lang="zh-TW">堅固主體</li>
       <li>Collision detection (currently only discrete) and handling</li>
+      <li xml:lang="bs">Detekcija sudara (trenutno samo diskretna) i 
       <li xml:lang="ca">Detecció de col·lisions (ara per ara només discretes) 
i el seu maneig</li>
       <li xml:lang="de">Kollisionserkennung (zurzeit nur diskret) und 
       <li xml:lang="en-GB">Collision detection (currently only discrete) and 
@@ -176,6 +184,7 @@
       <li xml:lang="x-test">xxCollision detection (currently only discrete) 
and handlingxx</li>
       <li xml:lang="zh-TW">碰撞偵測(目前只有不連接的)與處理</li>
       <li>Soft (deformable) bodies simulated as user-editable 
particles-springs system, sound waves</li>
+      <li xml:lang="bs">Mehka(deformabilna) tijela su simulirana kao 
korisnički uređen ​​čestice-opruge sistem, zvučni valovi</li>
       <li xml:lang="ca">Cossos tous (deformables) simulats com a sistemes 
partícula-molla editables per l'usuari, ones de so</li>
       <li xml:lang="de">Elastische verformbare Körper als editierbare Systeme 
aus Teilchen und Federn, Schallwellen</li>
       <li xml:lang="en-GB">Soft (deformable) bodies simulated as user-editable 
particles-springs system, sound waves</li>
@@ -196,6 +205,7 @@
       <li xml:lang="x-test">xxSoft (deformable) bodies simulated as 
user-editable particles-springs system, sound wavesxx</li>
       <li xml:lang="zh-TW">軟性(可變形)主體,模擬成使用者可編輯的粒子彈性系統,聲波</li>
       <li>Molecular dynamics (currently using Lennard-Jones potential): gas 
and liquid, condensation and evaporation, calculation of macroscopic quantities 
and their variances</li>
+      <li xml:lang="bs">Molekularna dinamika (trenutno koristi Lennard-Jones 
potencijal): plin i tekućinu, kondenzacije i isparavanja, izračunavanje 
makroskopskih količina i njihovih varijancija</li>
       <li xml:lang="ca">Dinàmica molecular (usant ara per ara el potencial de 
Lennard-Jones): gas i líquid, condensació i evaporació, càlcul de quantitats 
macroscòpiques i les seves variances</li>
       <li xml:lang="de">Molekulare Dynamik mithilfe des 
Lennard-Jones-Potentials: Gase und Flüssigkeiten, Kondensation und Verdunstung, 
Berechnung der makroskopischen Werte und ihrer Abweichungen</li>
       <li xml:lang="en-GB">Molecular dynamics (currently using Lennard-Jones 
potential): gas and liquid, condensation and evaporation, calculation of 
macroscopic quantities and their variances</li>
@@ -216,6 +226,7 @@
       <li xml:lang="x-test">xxMolecular dynamics (currently using 
Lennard-Jones potential): gas and liquid, condensation and evaporation, 
calculation of macroscopic quantities and their variancesxx</li>
       <li xml:lang="zh-TW">分子動態(目前使用雷納德-瓊斯勢能,Lennard-Jones 
       <li>Units conversion and expression calculation: you can enter something 
like "(2 days + 3 hours) * 80 km/h" and it will be accepted as distance value 
(requires libqalculate)</li>
+      <li xml:lang="bs">Jedinice konverzije i proračun izraza: možete unijeti 
nešto poput "(2 dana + 3 sata) * 80 km / h", a ona će biti prihvaćena kao 
vrijednost udaljenosti (zahtijeva libqalculate)</li>
       <li xml:lang="ca">Conversió d'unitats i càlcul d'expressions: podeu 
introduir quelcom del tipus "(2 dies + 3 hores) * 80 km/h" i serà acceptat com 
un valor de distància (necessita la libqalculate)</li>
       <li xml:lang="de">Umwandlung von Einheiten und Berechnung von 
Ausdrücken: Sie können zum Beispiel „(2 days + 3 hours) * 80 km/h“ eingeben, 
daraus wird der Wert der Entfernung berechnet. Dazu ist die Bibliothek 
libqalculate erforderlich.</li>
       <li xml:lang="en-GB">Units conversion and expression calculation: you 
can enter something like "(2 days + 3 hours) * 80 km/h" and it will be accepted 
as distance value (requires libqalculate)</li>
@@ -236,6 +247,7 @@
       <li xml:lang="x-test">xxUnits conversion and expression calculation: you 
can enter something like "(2 days + 3 hours) * 80 km/h" and it will be accepted 
as distance value (requires libqalculate)xx</li>
       <li xml:lang="zh-TW">單位轉換與表示式計算:您可以輸入像是 "(2 days + 3 hours) * 80 km/h" 
它會接受並做距離計算(需要 libqalculate)</li>
       <li>Errors calculation and propagation: you can enter values like "1.3 ± 
0.2" for any property and errors for all dependent properties will be 
calculated using statistical formulas</li>
+      <li xml:lang="bs">Obračun i propagacija greške: možete unijeti 
vrijednosti kao što su "1.3 ± 0.2" za bilo koje vlasništvo i grešake za sve 
zavisne osobine će se izračunati pomoću statističkih formula</li>
       <li xml:lang="ca">Càlcul i propagació d'errors: podeu introduir valors 
del tipus "1.3 ± 0.2" a qualsevol propietat i els errors de totes les 
propietats que en depenguin es calcularan utilitzant fórmules estadístiques</li>
       <li xml:lang="de">Fehlerberechnung und -weiterleitung: Sie können Werte 
wie „1,3± 0,2“ für jede beliebige Eigenschaft eingeben. Dann werden die sich 
daraus ergebenden Fehler für alle abhängigen Eigenschaften mit statistischen 
Formeln berechnet.</li>
       <li xml:lang="en-GB">Errors calculation and propagation: you can enter 
values like "1.3 ± 0.2" for any property and errors for all dependent 
properties will be calculated using statistical formulas</li>
@@ -256,6 +268,7 @@
       <li xml:lang="x-test">xxErrors calculation and propagation: you can 
enter values like "1.3 ± 0.2" for any property and errors for all dependent 
properties will be calculated using statistical formulasxx</li>
       <li xml:lang="zh-TW">計算與增殖誤差:您可以對每個屬性輸入像是 "1.3 ± 0.2" 
       <li>Solver error estimation: errors introduced by the solver is 
calculated and added to user-entered errors</li>
+      <li xml:lang="bs">Rješavač greške procjenjuje: greške koje su uvedene od 
strane rješavača su izračunate i  dodane korisničkim greškama</li>
       <li xml:lang="ca">Estimació dels errors del solucionador: Els errors 
introduïts pel solucionador es calculen i s'afegeixen als errors introduïts per 
       <li xml:lang="de">Abschätzung der Fehler der Gleichungslösungssysteme: 
Die daraus entstehenden Fehler werden berechnet und zu den vom Benutzer 
eingegeben Fehlern addiert</li>
       <li xml:lang="en-GB">Solver error estimation: errors introduced by the 
solver is calculated and added to user-entered errors</li>
@@ -276,6 +289,7 @@
       <li xml:lang="x-test">xxSolver error estimation: errors introduced by 
the solver is calculated and added to user-entered errorsxx</li>
       <li xml:lang="zh-TW">計算器誤差估計:由計算器造成的誤差會被計算,並加入使用者輸入的誤差</li>
       <li>Several different solvers: up to 8th order, explicit and implicit, 
with or without adaptive timestep (most of the solvers require GSL library)</li>
+      <li xml:lang="bs">Nekoliko različitih rješavača: do osmog poretka, 
eksplicitno i implicitno, sa ili bez prilagodljivog vremesnog koraka(većina 
rješavača zahtjeva GSL biblioteku)</li>
       <li xml:lang="ca">Diversos solucionadors diferents: fins a ordre 8è, 
explícit o implícit, amb o sense pas temporal adaptatiu (la majoria de 
solucionadors necessiten la biblioteca GSL)</li>
       <li xml:lang="de">Mehrere verschiedene Gleichungslösungssysteme: bis zur 
achten Ordnung, explizit und implizit, mit oder ohne angepassten Zeitschritten. 
Die meisten Gleichungslösungssysteme benötigen die GSL-Bibliothek.</li>
       <li xml:lang="en-GB">Several different solvers: up to 8th order, 
explicit and implicit, with or without adaptive timestep (most of the solvers 
require GSL library)</li>
@@ -296,6 +310,7 @@
       <li xml:lang="x-test">xxSeveral different solvers: up to 8th order, 
explicit and implicit, with or without adaptive timestep (most of the solvers 
require GSL library)xx</li>
       <li xml:lang="zh-TW">數種不同的計算器:最高到八階,外顯與內含的,包含與不包含時間(大部份的計算器都需要 GSL 
       <li>Controller tool to easily control properties during simulation (even 
with custom keyboard shortcuts)</li>
+      <li xml:lang="bs">Upravljački alat za jednostavno upravljanje svojstvima 
tokom simulacije (čak i uz prilagođene prečice na tastaturi)</li>
       <li xml:lang="ca">Eina controladora per controlar fàcilment les 
propietats durant la simulació (àdhuc amb dreceres de teclat 
       <li xml:lang="de">Werkzeuge zur Kontrolle der Objekteigenschaften 
während der Simulation, auch mit benutzerdefinierten Kurzbefehlen.</li>
       <li xml:lang="en-GB">Controller tool to easily control properties during 
simulation (even with custom keyboard shortcuts)</li>
@@ -316,6 +331,7 @@
       <li xml:lang="x-test">xxController tool to easily control properties 
during simulation (even with custom keyboard shortcuts)xx</li>
       <li xml:lang="zh-TW">用於在模擬實驗時控制變因的控制工具(還有鍵盤捷徑)</li>
       <li>Tools to visualize results: graph, meter, tracer</li>
+      <li xml:lang="bs">Alati za vizualizaciju rezultata: graf, 
       <li xml:lang="ca">Eines per visualitzar resultats: gràfics, aparells de 
mesura, traçadors</li>
       <li xml:lang="de">Grafische Darstellung der Ergebnisse durch Diagramme, 
Messwertanzeigen und Spuren von Bewegungen</li>
       <li xml:lang="en-GB">Tools to visualise results: graph, meter, 
@@ -337,6 +353,7 @@
       <li xml:lang="x-test">xxTools to visualize results: graph, meter, 
       <li xml:lang="zh-TW">視覺化結果的工具:圖形、尺、追蹤器</li>
       <li>Context information for all objects, integrated wikipedia 
+      <li xml:lang="bs">Informacije konteksta za sve objekte, integrisani 
wikipedia preglednik</li>
       <li xml:lang="ca">Informació de context per tots els objectes, 
fullejador de la viquipèdia integrat</li>
       <li xml:lang="de">Kontextinformationen für alle Objekte, eingebauter 
       <li xml:lang="en-GB">Context information for all objects, integrated 
wikipedia browser</li>
@@ -358,6 +375,7 @@
       <li xml:lang="x-test">xxContext information for all objects, integrated 
wikipedia browserxx</li>
       <li xml:lang="zh-TW">所有物件的內文資訊,整合的維基瀏覽器</li>
       <li>Collection of example experiments, more can be downloaded with 
+      <li xml:lang="bs">Zbirka pokaznih eksperimenata, više se može preuzeti 
sa KNewStuff</li>
       <li xml:lang="ca">Col·lecció d'experiments d'exemple. Se'n poden baixar 
més amb KNewStuff</li>
       <li xml:lang="de">Sammlung von Beispielexperimenten, weitere Experimente 
können zusätzlich heruntergeladen werden</li>
       <li xml:lang="en-GB">Collection of example experiments, more can be 
downloaded with KNewStuff</li>
@@ -379,6 +397,7 @@
       <li xml:lang="x-test">xxCollection of example experiments, more can be 
downloaded with KNewStuffxx</li>
       <li xml:lang="zh-TW">範例實驗的收藏。可以透過 KNewStuff 下載更多</li>
       <li>Integrated tutorials</li>
+      <li xml:lang="bs">Integrirani tutoriali</li>
       <li xml:lang="ca">Guies d'aprenentatge integrades</li>
       <li xml:lang="de">Integrierte Anleitungen</li>
       <li xml:lang="en-GB">Integrated tutorials</li>

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