Hello community,

here is the log from the commit of package python-pandas for openSUSE:Factory 
checked in at 2015-05-20 23:56:33
Comparing /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/python-pandas (Old)
 and      /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.python-pandas.new (New)

Package is "python-pandas"

--- /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/python-pandas/python-pandas.changes      
2015-03-25 10:01:46.000000000 +0100
+++ /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.python-pandas.new/python-pandas.changes 
2015-05-20 23:56:35.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,0 +2,231 @@
+Tue May 19 09:18:50 UTC 2015 - toddrme2...@gmail.com
+- Update to version 0.16.1
+  * Highlights
+    - Support for a ``CategoricalIndex``, a category based index
+    - New section on how-to-contribute to pandas
+    - Revised "Merge, join, and concatenate" documentation, 
+      including graphical examples to make it easier to understand
+      each operations
+    - New method sample for drawing random samples from Series,
+      DataFrames and Panels.
+    - The default Index printing has changed to a more uniform 
+      format
+    - BusinessHour datetime-offset is now supported
+  * Enhancements
+    - BusinessHour`offset is now supported, which represents 
+      business hours starting from 09:00 - 17:00 on BusinessDay by 
+      default.
+    - DataFrame.diff now takes an axis parameter that determines the
+      direction of differencing
+    - Allow clip, clip_lower, and clip_upper to accept array-like 
+      arguments as thresholds (This is a regression from 0.11.0).
+      These methods now have an axis parameter which determines 
+      how the Series or DataFrame will be aligned with the 
+      threshold(s).
+    - DataFrame.mask() and Series.mask() now support same keywords 
+      as where
+    - drop function can now accept errors keyword to suppress 
+      ValueError raised when any of label does not exist in the 
+      target data.
+    - Allow conversion of values with dtype datetime64 or timedelta64
+      to strings using astype(str)
+    - get_dummies function now accepts sparse keyword.  If set to
+      True, the return DataFrame is sparse, e.g. SparseDataFrame.
+    - Period now accepts datetime64 as value input.
+    - Allow timedelta string conversion when leading zero is 
+      missing from time definition, ie 0:00:00 vs 00:00:00.
+    - Allow Panel.shift with axis='items'
+    - Trying to write an excel file now raises NotImplementedError 
+      if the DataFrame has a MultiIndex instead of writing a broken
+      Excel file.
+    - Allow Categorical.add_categories to accept Series or np.array.
+    - Add/delete str/dt/cat accessors dynamically from __dir__.
+    - Add normalize as a dt accessor method.
+    - DataFrame and Series now have _constructor_expanddim property
+      as overridable constructor for one higher dimensionality 
+      data. This should be used only when it is really needed
+    - pd.lib.infer_dtype now returns 'bytes' in Python 3 where 
+      appropriate.
+    - We introduce a CategoricalIndex, a new type of index object
+      that is useful for supporting indexing with duplicates. This
+      is a container around a Categorical (introduced in v0.15.0)
+      and allows efficient indexing and storage of an index with a
+      large number of duplicated elements. Prior to 0.16.1, 
+      setting the index of a DataFrame/Series with a category 
+      dtype would convert this to regular object-based Index.
+    - Series, DataFrames, and Panels now have a new method: 
+      pandas.DataFrame.sample. The method accepts a specific number
+      of rows or columns to return, or a fraction of the total
+      number or rows or columns. It also has options for sampling
+      with or without replacement, for passing in a column for
+      weights for non-uniform sampling, and for setting seed values
+      to facilitate replication.
+    - The following new methods are accesible via .str accessor to
+      apply the function to each values.
+      + capitalize()
+      + swapcase()
+      + normalize()
+      + partition()
+      + rpartition()
+      + index()
+      + rindex()
+      + translate()
+    - Added StringMethods (.str accessor) to Index
+    - split now takes expand keyword to specify whether to expand
+      dimensionality. return_type is deprecated.
+  * API changes
+    - When passing in an ax to df.plot( ..., ax=ax), the sharex 
+      kwarg will now default to False.
+    - Add support for separating years and quarters using dashes, 
+      for example 2014-Q1.
+    - pandas.DataFrame.assign now inserts new columns in 
+      alphabetical order. Previously the order was arbitrary.
+    - By default, read_csv and read_table will now try to infer
+      the compression type based on the file extension. Set 
+      compression=None to restore the previous behavior 
+      (no decompression).
+    - The string representation of Index and its sub-classes have 
+      now been unified. These will show a single-line display if 
+      there are few values; a wrapped multi-line display for a lot
+      of values (but less than display.max_seq_items; if lots of 
+      items > display.max_seq_items) will show a truncated display 
+      (the head and tail of the data). The formatting for 
+      MultiIndex is unchanges (a multi-line wrapped display). The
+      display width responds to the option display.max_seq_items,
+      which is defaulted to 100.
+  * Deprecations
+    - Series.str.split's return_type keyword was removed in favor 
+      of expand
+  * Performance Improvements
+    - Improved csv write performance with mixed dtypes, including 
+      datetimes by up to 5x
+    - Improved csv write performance generally by 2x
+    - Improved the performance of pd.lib.max_len_string_array 
+      by 5-7x
+  * Bug Fixes
+    - Bug where labels did not appear properly in the legend of 
+      DataFrame.plot(), passing label= arguments works, and Series 
+      indices are no longer mutated.
+    - Bug in json serialization causing a segfault when a frame had 
+      zero length.
+    - Bug in read_csv where missing trailing delimiters would cause 
+      segfault.
+    - Bug in retaining index name on appending
+    - Bug in scatter_matrix draws unexpected axis ticklabels
+    - Fixed bug in StataWriter resulting in changes to input 
+      DataFrame upon save.
+    - Bug in transform causing length mismatch when null entries 
+      were present and a fast aggregator was being used
+    - Bug in equals causing false negatives when block order 
+      differed
+    - Bug in grouping with multiple pd.Grouper where one is 
+      non-time based
+    - Bug in read_sql_table error when reading postgres table with 
+      timezone
+    - Bug in DataFrame slicing may not retain metadata
+    - Bug where TimdeltaIndex were not properly serialized in fixed 
+      HDFStore
+    - Bug with TimedeltaIndex constructor ignoring name when given 
+      another TimedeltaIndex as data.
+    - Bug in DataFrameFormatter._get_formatted_index with not 
+      applying max_colwidth to the DataFrame index
+    - Bug in .loc with a read-only ndarray data source
+    - Bug in groupby.apply() that would raise if a passed user 
+      defined function either returned only None (for all input).
+    - Always use temporary files in pytables tests
+    - Bug in plotting continuously using secondary_y may not show 
+      legend properly.
+    - Bug in DataFrame.plot(kind="hist") results in TypeError when 
+      DataFrame contains non-numeric columns
+    - Bug where repeated plotting of DataFrame with a DatetimeIndex 
+      may raise TypeError
+    - Bug in setup.py that would allow an incompat cython version 
+      to build
+    - Bug in plotting secondary_y incorrectly attaches right_ax 
+      property to secondary axes specifying itself recursively.
+    - Bug in Series.quantile on empty Series of type Datetime or 
+      Timedelta
+    - Bug in where causing incorrect results when upcasting was 
+      required
+    - Bug in FloatArrayFormatter where decision boundary for 
+      displaying "small" floats in decimal format is off by one 
+      order of magnitude for a given display.precision
+    - Fixed bug where DataFrame.plot() raised an error when both 
+      color and style keywords were passed and there was no color 
+      symbol in the style strings
+    - Not showing a DeprecationWarning on combining list-likes with 
+      an Index
+    - Bug in read_csv and read_table when using skip_rows parameter 
+      if blank lines are present.
+    - Bug in read_csv() interprets index_col=True as 1
+    - Bug in index equality comparisons using == failing on 
+      Index/MultiIndex type incompatibility
+    - Bug in which SparseDataFrame could not take nan as a column 
+      name
+    - Bug in to_msgpack and read_msgpack zlib and blosc compression 
+      support
+    - Bug GroupBy.size doesn't attach index name properly if 
+      grouped by TimeGrouper
+    - Bug causing an exception in slice assignments because 
+      length_of_indexer returns wrong results
+    - Bug in csv parser causing lines with initial whitespace plus 
+      one non-space character to be skipped.
+    - Bug in C csv parser causing spurious NaNs when data started 
+      with newline followed by whitespace.
+    - Bug causing elements with a null group to spill into the 
+      final group when grouping by a Categorical
+    - Bug where .iloc and .loc behavior is not consistent on empty 
+      dataframes
+    - Bug in invalid attribute access on a TimedeltaIndex 
+      incorrectly raised ValueError instead of AttributeError
+    - Bug in unequal comparisons between categorical data and a 
+      scalar, which was not in the categories (e.g. 
+      Series(Categorical(list("abc"), ordered=True)) > "d". This 
+      returned False for all elements, but now raises a TypeError. 
+      Equality comparisons also now return False for == and True 
+      for !=.
+    - Bug in DataFrame __setitem__ when right hand side is a 
+      dictionary
+    - Bug in where when dtype is datetime64/timedelta64, but dtype 
+      of other is not
+    - Bug in MultiIndex.sortlevel() results in unicode level name 
+      breaks
+    - Bug in which groupby.transform incorrectly enforced output 
+      dtypes to match input dtypes.
+    - Bug in DataFrame constructor when columns parameter is set, 
+      and data is an empty list
++++ 34 more lines (skipped)
++++ between /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/python-pandas/python-pandas.changes
++++ and /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.python-pandas.new/python-pandas.changes




Other differences:
++++++ python-pandas.spec ++++++
--- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.6XpHeB/_old  2015-05-20 23:56:36.000000000 +0200
+++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.6XpHeB/_new  2015-05-20 23:56:36.000000000 +0200
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 %define modname pandas
 Name:           python-%{modname}
-Version:        0.16.0
+Version:        0.16.1
 Release:        0
 Summary:        Make working with "relational" or "labeled" data both easy and 
 License:        BSD-3-Clause

++++++ pandas-0.16.0.tar.gz -> pandas-0.16.1.tar.gz ++++++
++++ 250290 lines of diff (skipped)

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