Hello community,

here is the log from the commit of package python-openstackclient for 
openSUSE:Factory checked in at 2016-09-30 15:30:41
Comparing /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/python-openstackclient (Old)
 and      /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.python-openstackclient.new (New)

Package is "python-openstackclient"

    2016-05-04 08:19:24.000000000 +0200
       2016-09-30 15:30:42.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,0 +2,268 @@
+Fri Sep  9 07:50:02 UTC 2016 - tbecht...@suse.com
+- Remove some BuildRequires only needed for documentation.
+Fri Sep  2 12:33:49 UTC 2016 - tbecht...@suse.com
+update to version 3.2.0
+  * [docs] fix incorrect rst markups
+  * Cleanup after install
+  * Provide fallback prompt function for current osc-lib
+  * Clean imports in code
+  * Fix six typos
+  * Fix auth prompt brokenness
+  * Updated from global requirements
+Thu Sep  1 12:25:39 UTC 2016 - tbecht...@suse.com
+update to version 3.1.0
+  * Add create_one_image_member() in FakeImage class and update test
+  * Fix error for find_service() in identity
+  * fix one spelling mistake and two help messages
+  * Add "--project" option to "volume type create" command
+  * Remove discover from test-requirements
+  * Standardize import format
+  * Update Fakes.py and unit tests for commands in identity V2.0
+  * Add support of setting volume's state
+  * Remove execute permission on a few files
+  * Add a document for required options
+  * Add python-neutronclient to OSC plugins
+  * Add notes, modify notes in fakes docstring
+  * Rework clientmanager
+  * Fix doc issue for "compute agent list" command
+  * Pass security group id to novaclient
+  * Remove useless dest of option in "snapshot create" command
+  * Add port security option to network commands
+  * skip image tag tests
+  * Add "--marker" and "--limit" options to "snapshot list"
+  * Add --ip-version filtering option to subnet.rst
+  * Add support for domain specific roles
+  * Add command to unset information from ports
+  * Add Python3.5 to setup.cfg tox.ini
+  * Implement network agents functionality
+  * Updated from global requirements
+  * Pass security group id to novaclient while adding security
+  * Allow format selection in get_opts
+  * Add '--dhcp' and '--no-dhcp' options to os subnet list cmd
+  * Transfer "ip fixed add/remove" to "server add/remove fixed ip"
+  * Integ test cleanup
+  * arguments are not locale decoded into Unicode
+  * Support bulk deletion for delete commands in identityv3
+  * Fix OSC identity v3 functional tests
+  * "server list": "Image Name", "Image ID" columns
+  * skip failing tests due to bug 1599333 is fixed
+  * Add command to unset information from Subnet-pools
+  * remove unused LOG
+  * Add "--snapshot" option to "backup create" command in volumev2
+  * OS_DEFAULT_DOMAIN must be an ID
+  * Follow upper constraints for all tox targets
+  * Implement "network rbac set" command
+  * Modify some help and error messages in ec2creds identityv2
+  * Restore default auth-type for token/endpoint
+  * update requirements and test requirements
+  * Fix errors in volume set/unset image properties unit tests
+  * Support bulk deletion for delete commands in computev2
+  * Fix post and periodic jobs
+  * Support multi REST API calls error handling for "volume set" command
+  * Add support for deleting volumes with associated snapshots
+  * Implement rbac list and show command
+  * Support error handling for delete commands in volumev2
+  * Add unit tests for group commands in identity v3
+  * Add missing "Volume version 2 only" message in backup.rst
+  * Remove FakeService.get_services
+  * update plugin documentation
+  * Remove useless dest of option in volume v1&v2
+  * Use identity fake classes instead of old unit tests data
+  * Unskip tests caused by bug 1599333
+  * Fix up last-minute imports to use osc-lib
+  * Implement network rbac create and delete commands
+  * osc-lib: shell
+  * Rename backup commands in volume v1 and v2
+  * Added a note on how to test changes
+  * Make set/unset command in volume pass normally when nothing specified
+  * image list: Add Checksum column
+  * Update the description of project in releasenotes.
+  * Temp work around for missing select_auth_plugin()
+  * Add '--force' option to 'backup delete' command in volumev2
+  * Modify some unusual help messages in computev2
+  * Exchange the check order for the dhcp and no-dhcp
+  * modify notes in the FakeHypervisorStats docstring
+  * Add command to unset information from Routers
+  * Remove an outdated directory in tox.ini
+  * Gate-unbreaking combo review
+  * Change to plural form of object in multi delete error message in networkv2
+  * Make set/unset commands pass normally when nothing specified in identityv3
+  * Add unit tests for "host list" and "host show" commands
+  * Update doc for credential in indentityv3
+  * Correct reraising of exception
+  * Add "--force" option to "backup create" command in volumev2
+  * Change "ID only" to "name or ID" for backup commands
+  * Add "--property" option to "snapshot create" command in volumev2
+  * Transfer "ip floating add/remove" to "server add/remove
+  * Work around a version clash issue with os-client-config
+  * Set identity v3 client in networkv2 fake
+  * Add "--property" option to "flavor create" command
+  * Add "--force" option to "volume qos delete" command
+  * fix a few spelling mistakes
+  * Unit test of credential in identityv3
+  * Refactor identity v3 unit tests with fake class
+  * Allow setting quotas for server groups and server group members
+  * Remove temporary code in ClientManager
+  * Unskip the tests affected by warlock 1.3.0
+  * Modify compute agent set command
+  * Transfer "ip floating pool list" to "floating ip pool list"
+  * Transfer "ip floating CRUD" to "floating ip CRUD"
+  * Add missing '(name only)' message for keypair in computev2
+  * Modify few words and change output format for command "ip floating list"
+  * Clarification of option name rules
+  * Use assertEqual() instead of assertDictEqual()
+  * Add shell integration test
+  * Show project access for volume type
+  * Add assignment list to v2 identity and deprecate alternate listing
+  * Refactor unit tests for project and domain with fake classes in identityv3
+  * Add command to unset information from Subnets
+  * osc-lib: api.auth
+  * Deduplicate get_opts methods
+  * Document network trunk  commands
+  * fix some spelling mistakes in doc/
+  * Fix several flake8 code style issues in compute tests.
+  * document locale and language support tips
+  * Add network-topolopy support
+  * Implement "network agent set" command
+  * Use FakeProject and FakeDomain classes in unit tests of networkv2
+  * Add options to "volume type list" command
+  * Add "--incremental" option to "backup create" command in volume v2
+  * Show "target_project_id" attribute properly for network rbac object
+  * Add Support for showing flavor access list
+  * Make the doc build reproducible
+  * Support to get server rdp/serial/mks type console url
+  * Change the wrong import order
+Wed Aug 31 10:01:06 UTC 2016 - tbecht...@suse.com
+update to version 2.6.0
+  * Add newline to strings in stdout/stderr.write()
+  * Implement "address scope create" command
+  * Fix server group document issue
+  * Add functional tests for IP availability
+  * Modify lowercase to uppercase
+  * Add functional tests for server group in ComputeV2
+  * Imported Translations from Zanata
+  * Fix output and error log in server.py
+  * Rename --profile to --os-profile
+  * Fixes BadRequest when no --pool-prefix given
+  * Fix functional test for floatingip add/remove in ComputeV2
+  * Support deleting multi address scopes in networkv2
+  * i18n support for leftover exception messages in volume
+  * Add new share and default parms to subnet pool cmds
+  * Documentation updates
+  * Added "name" parameter to the help message.
+  * Trivial: Remove duplicated line in man page
+  * Map server power state num to meanful string
+  * fix keypair help msg
+  * Support multiple argument for compute agent delete command
+  * Add unit tests for "server show" command
+  * Refactor TestImageList with FakeImage class
+  * Fixed subnet command host route output
+  * Release note cleanups for 2.6.0
+  * Fix image tests to use warlock resources
+  * Add FakeQos class and update unit test for qos_specs in VolumeV2
+  * Fix i18n support for help and log.warning in image
+  * Refactor service unit tests
+  * add unit test for compute agent command
+  * Fix functional test failures
+  * Added --no-route to the router set command
+  * Add functional tests for commands of floating ip
+  * Updated from global requirements
+  * Changed the nomenclature of credentials command
+  * Add support for volume transfer request list
+  * keystone: fix catalog output when region is unset
+  * Add ip version filter to subnet list
+  * Release notes cleanup
+  * bump timeout to prevent gate failures
+  * Refactor TestAddProjectToImage with FakeImage class
+  * Implement "address scope set" command
+  * Add support for setting flavor-access
+  * Use find_resource() instead of get() in _prep_server_detail()
+  * Fix i18n support in cinder
+  * Modify the style of translated messages
+  * Add "server group list" command
+  * Add network segment command object
+  * Implement "address scope list" command
+  * Update tests for server
+  * Add network availability for osc
+  * Add "server group show" command
++++ 71 more lines (skipped)
++++ between 
++++ and 




Other differences:
++++++ python-openstackclient.spec ++++++
--- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.kKkQMD/_old  2016-09-30 15:30:43.000000000 +0200
+++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.kKkQMD/_new  2016-09-30 15:30:43.000000000 +0200
@@ -16,93 +16,109 @@
-%define component openstackclient
-Name:           python-%{component}
-Version:        2.2.0
+%global sname python-openstackclient
+Name:           python-openstackclient
+Version:        3.2.0
 Release:        0
-Summary:        OpenStack Unified Command Line Client
+Summary:        OpenStack Command-line Client
 License:        Apache-2.0
 Group:          Development/Languages/Python
-Url:            http://launchpad.net/python-openstackclient
-Source99:       rpmlintrc
-BuildRequires:  openstack-suse-macros
-BuildRequires:  python-pbr >= 0.5.21
-# Documentation requirements:
-BuildRequires:  python-Sphinx
-# Test requirements:
-%if 0%{?suse_version} && 0%{?suse_version} <= 1110
-BuildRequires:  python-discover
-BuildRequires:  python-Babel >= 1.3
-BuildRequires:  python-cinderclient
-BuildRequires:  python-cliff >= 1.4.3
-BuildRequires:  python-fixtures
-BuildRequires:  python-glanceclient >= 0.9.0
-BuildRequires:  python-keystoneclient
-BuildRequires:  python-mock >= 1.0
-BuildRequires:  python-novaclient >= 2.15.0
-BuildRequires:  python-openstacksdk
-BuildRequires:  python-oslo.i18n
-BuildRequires:  python-oslo.utils
-BuildRequires:  python-oslotest
-BuildRequires:  python-osprofiler
-BuildRequires:  python-pycrypto >= 2.6
-BuildRequires:  python-requests >= 1.1
-BuildRequires:  python-requests-mock
-BuildRequires:  python-six >= 1.9.0
+Url:            https://launchpad.net/%{sname}
+BuildRequires:  openstack-macros
+BuildRequires:  python-cinderclient >= 1.6.0
+BuildRequires:  python-cliff >= 1.15.0
+BuildRequires:  python-devel
+BuildRequires:  python-fixtures >= 3.0.0
+BuildRequires:  python-glanceclient >= 2.0.0
+BuildRequires:  python-keystoneclient >= 2.0.0
+BuildRequires:  python-mock >= 2.0
+BuildRequires:  python-novaclient >= 2.29.0
+BuildRequires:  python-openstacksdk >= 0.9.0
+BuildRequires:  python-os-client-config >= 1.13.1
+BuildRequires:  python-os-testr >= 0.7.0
+BuildRequires:  python-osc-lib >= 0.4.0
+BuildRequires:  python-oslotest >= 1.10.0
+BuildRequires:  python-osprofiler >= 1.3.0
+BuildRequires:  python-requests >= 2.10.0
+BuildRequires:  python-requests-mock >= 1.0
+BuildRequires:  python-stevedore >= 1.16.0
 BuildRequires:  python-testrepository >= 0.0.18
 BuildRequires:  python-testtools >= 1.4.0
-Requires:       python-cinderclient >= 1.3.1
+BuildRequires:  python-wrapt >= 1.7.0
+Requires:       python-Babel >= 2.3.4
+Requires:       python-cinderclient >= 1.6.0
 Requires:       python-cliff >= 1.15.0
-Requires:       python-glanceclient >= 1.2.0
-Requires:       python-keystoneauth1 >= 2.1.0
-Requires:       python-keystoneclient >= 1.6.0
+Requires:       python-glanceclient >= 2.0.0
+Requires:       python-keystoneauth1 >= 2.10.0
+Requires:       python-keystoneclient >= 2.0.0
 Requires:       python-novaclient >= 2.29.0
-Requires:       python-openstacksdk >= 0.7.4
-Requires:       python-os-client-config >= 1.13.1
-Requires:       python-oslo.config >= 3.7.0
+Requires:       python-openstacksdk >= 0.9.0
+Requires:       python-osc-lib >= 0.4.0
 Requires:       python-oslo.i18n >= 2.1.0
-Requires:       python-pbr >= 1.6
-Requires:       python-requests >= 2.8.1
+Requires:       python-oslo.utils >= 3.16.0
 Requires:       python-six >= 1.9.0
-Requires:       python-stevedore >= 1.5.0
-BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build
-%if 0%{?suse_version} && 0%{?suse_version} <= 1110
-%{!?python_sitelib: %global python_sitelib %(python -c "from 
distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib()")}
 BuildArch:      noarch
-Provides:       %{name}-test = %{version}
-#TODO(saschpe): Change back to '<' after next version update:
-Obsoletes:      %{name}-test <= %{version}
-A unified command-line client for OpenStack. Combines the
-functionality of the individual OpenStack project clients.
+python-openstackclient is a unified command-line client for the OpenStack APIs.
+It is a thin wrapper to the stock python-*client modules that implement the
+actual REST API client actions.
+%package doc
+Summary:        Documentation for OpenStack Command-line Client
+Group:          Documentation
+# Some clients are commented out, since they have not been built yet
+# TODO(jpena): uncomment them to enable their sections in the documentation
+BuildRequires:  python-Sphinx
+#BuildRequires:  python-aodhclient >= 0.5.0
+#BuildRequires:  python-barbicanclient >= 4.0.0
+#BuildRequires:  python-congressclient >= 1.3.0
+#BuildRequires:  python-designateclient >= 1.5.0
+#BuildRequires:  python-heatclient >= 1.1.0
+#BuildRequires:  python-ironicclient >= 1.6.0
+#BuildRequires:  python-mistralclient >= 2.0.0
+#BuildRequires:  python-muranoclient >= 0.8.2
+#BuildRequires:  python-neutronclient >= 4.2.0
+BuildRequires:  python-oslosphinx >= 2.5.0
+#BuildRequires:  python-ironic-inspector-client >= 1.5.0
+#BuildRequires:  python-saharaclient >= 0.16.0
+#BuildRequires:  python-zaqarclient >= 1.0.0
+%description      doc
+python-openstackclient is a unified command-line client for the OpenStack APIs.
+It is a thin wrapper to the stock python-*client modules that implement the
+actual REST API client actions.
+This package contains auto-generated documentation.
-%setup -q
+%setup -q -n %{sname}-%{version}
-python setup.py build
-python setup.py build_sphinx && rm doc/build/html/.buildinfo
+%{__python2} setup.py build_sphinx
+# remove the sphinx-build leftovers
+rm -rf doc/build/html/.{doctrees,buildinfo}
-python setup.py install --prefix=%{_prefix} --root=%{buildroot}
+# man page
+install -p -D -m 644 doc/build/man/openstack.1 
-testr init && testr run --parallel
+%{__python2} setup.py testr
-%doc LICENSE README.rst doc/build/html
+%doc README.rst
+%license LICENSE
+%files doc
+%license LICENSE
+%doc doc/build/html

++++++ _service ++++++
--- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.kKkQMD/_old  2016-09-30 15:30:44.000000000 +0200
+++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.kKkQMD/_new  2016-09-30 15:30:44.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-  <service mode="disabled" name="download_files"> 
-    <param name="changesgenerate">enable</param>
-  </service>
-  <service mode="disabled" name="set_version">
-    <param name="basename">python-openstackclient</param>
+  <service mode="disabled" name="renderspec">
+    <param 
+    <param name="output-name">python-openstackclient.spec</param>
+    <param 
-  <service mode="disabled" name="python_requires">
+  <service mode="disabled" name="download_files">
+    <param name="changesgenerate">enable</param>
   <service name="refresh_patches" mode="disabled">
     <param name="changesgenerate">enable</param>

++++++ python-openstackclient-2.2.0.tar.gz -> 
python-openstackclient-3.2.0.tar.gz ++++++
++++ 71490 lines of diff (skipped)

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