Here are the minutes from yesterday's dist meeting.  If you have any
questions, comments, ideas, please speak up!


* Enabling more network services to be NetworkManager aware, e.g. ntp and autofs

This is in general desired but might need quite large rework for some
services like autofs that do not handle IP changes properly.

Proposal: Services should be aware that network goes up/down and
handle no network (instead of timing out).

Let's look what can be done for ntp - and later look at other
services.  Note the ntp service is also usefull for machines without
network (serial DCF77 clock).  Right now the dispatcher script sends a
signal to ntp if the IP address changes but during boot ntp starts
even if network is not running.

Suggestion: ntp start script should figure out if NetworkManager is
running and if it is only start if network is up - otherwise the
dispatcher script will start it.

AI: Work together on ntp.

Dial-in support for NetworkManager to support ISDN, Modem, UMTS, 3G
cards is beeing worked on and should be ready for openSUSE 10.3.

* Checkin policy for specific projects and how to track them

Current example is postgresql.  This was a question for security
update of old distributions.  The maintenance team grants exceptions
on a case by case basis, e.g. if the new version just fixes the
security problem.

* AppArmor: Move the profiles from our package to their packages

This would allow easier tracking of changes in packages.  On the other
hand a central place might give some extra review.

Consensus: If the format is stable enough, we should distribute the
profiles.  Once we do it, we should train the packagers and institure
some review process for the profiles to maintain a high quality.

Beside manual page apparmor.d(5) a short documentation for packagers
in plain english of the format is missed.

AI: talk to Apparmor folks.

* Faster booting?
  What can be done here?

  Booting consists of kernel startup, initrd and System V scripts.
  The bootchart scripts do measure the System V scripts but not the
  initial ramdisk.

  Idea: Snapshotting at gdm/kdm time: Write a snapshot and resume at
  the next boot back to this version.  This is different from suspend
  to disk.

  Filesystem fragmentation under Linux is in general not a problem -
  but it is a problem in booting.  Therefore measurements have to be
  done on freshly installed systems.

AI: Generate some bootcharts to show current bottlenecks.

* Shrink the basepackages (packages always installed for building)

  With todays changes we seem to be able to do a self-contained
  build of base with just 72 source packages (spec files).  By heavily
  stripping the set of basepacks of course.  And we have side-by-side
  compiles against the openSUSE config to compare logfiles (no differences

  This means that e.g. vim and strace will be removed from the build
  environment.  The autobuild team will add options to build to easily
  add debug tools to the tree.

AI: Show list of packages to autobuild to adjust configs, announce
changes to opensuse-packaging - and run comparisions of the complete
system to check that all requirements are met.
* Email notifications for checkins for not novell addresses

Package.changes file coming from the build service might contain
non-Novell email addresses.  We decided to not send any autobuild
emails to those adddresses.

AI: implement whitelist of domains (currently,,

 Andreas Jaeger, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
  SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, GF: Markus Rex, HRB 16746 (AG Nürnberg)
   Maxfeldstr. 5, 90409 Nürnberg, Germany
    GPG fingerprint = 93A3 365E CE47 B889 DF7F  FED1 389A 563C C272 A126

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