Op Friday 11 May 2007 21:40:54 schreef Alexey Eremenko:
> Does Kolab allows any web browser to access the email server , lik
> Zimbra or GMail ?

The email server used in the kolab solution is cyrus.  Any email web 
application that can handle imap can be connected to kolab.  However, one 
does not need kolab for an email only solution.  Kolab is build to be a 
groupware solution, so the web application should support calendaring, todo, 
free/busy and the like as well.

As soon as the connection with horde is done (expected in some months), a very 
nice groupware web interface is than available.  This supports everything 
from email, calendaring, tasks, up to an interface for mobile devices.  A 
very complete and compelling setup if you ask me.
> From screenshots I see that only Kontact client works with Kolab.

It works with Outlook using a connector and thunderbird as well.  Perhaps 
there are no screenshots of it, that's possible of course.

Richard Bos
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