
The car had to be towed to a Dealer because, the windscreen was smashed.

OK, SFD 2010, where do I begin?

We solicited the Propaganda machine:
News papers: Paris - Normandie, Rouen Magazine
National Radios : RTL and France Bleue
RSS :  All LUGs in France
Forums: Our usual partners
Mailing lists : opensuse-fr, interlug, .
Posters: printed on A3 in colour
Uniforms : no openSUSE t-shirts, we indulged in Novell shirts
Banners : Novell Users International
DVDs : Thanks to openSUSE 11.3 only as we gave all our stock of 11.1 at RMLL
in Bordeaux.
Material : 5 laptops with openSUSE 11.3 and in standby 16 Boxes with
openSUSE 11.1 - 11.2,
WI-FI: Our partners of Rouen-Wireless were there
Room for the venue : Rouen City Associations House
Logistics, refreshments & food :
Participants:, wikimedia France & LANPOWER
Websites: &
Ranking and web submission : AddWeb

We were overwhelmed  by the visitors. We distributed 211 openSUSE 11.3 DVDs
to the casual visitors and a few SUSE 11 SP1 to people from the Ministry of

We started sfd with demonstration of CMS, we showed fresh installation and
tweaking of software from This took a couple of
hours because the process was challenging and over a wireless link sometimes
falling at 2mb.

Coffee break and we struggled our way into FOSS games. The audience was
quite interested that you could use Linux to work but also to play games and
some of them are "clones" of Windows games. We gave some advice on using
Wine, but demonstrated that installation of openSUSE 11.3 alongside with
Windows would be their best bet. Dual booting and showing how to configure
in Yast.

We taught people into installing openSUSE 11.3 (OK we cheated here) on a
particular laptop (a fast one). There were a few challengers. Some people
deeply anchored into Ubuntu and Debian were a bit cold on doing the big
move! One guy even came with his laptop loaded with CentOS not to nag us but
to ask advice on wireless. I showed him how easy we were connected with 5
makes of laptops (Asus, HP, Packard bell, Compaq) with wireless. He will
give openSUSE a try!

We had our usual visitors and fans and in particular the Chess Club of the
city. He wants to interface his Chess board with a Linux box. Well, if any
of you has some ideas.. 

We had a debate on Gnome and KDE 4. This does drain your brains because it's
like loving automatic car v/s a manual car. Both cars work fine, it's like
tea with sugar or just tea.

Wikimedia France was there and gave a lecture on wikis, that was
interesting, I did learn a few things as well. We showed the wiki of and we were the *only* LUG in France doing something.

We finished the day with practical labs on openSSH, mRemote, Xen, blogs
(mainly WP), CSS.

Each visitor was given a pen to write our email down and then they could
keep it! What a pity, no pens left, not even for me!

There were many other stories, but time is of essence, so I'll keep it
short. We are now getting ready for the next round 16th October, 2010.

We ran out of battery for our camera so here are the pics secured :

Best wishes,

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