Hi Dimitar,

Thank you for contacting us. The project welcomes your efforts to inform others about openSUSE. Please send me your address and I can send you a kit for the booth with marketing material.



On 10/03/2016 03:09 PM, Dimitar Zahariev wrote:
Dear all,

My name is Dimitar Zahariev and I want to be an openSUSE Advocate for

Currently I am working as a business intelligence / data integration
consultant with open and closed source solutions. I am using openSUSE on a
daily basis as my primary operating system. I can provide further personal /
professional information if needed.

Now straight to the point. I want to organize an openSUSE booth at our open
source event later this year. The event is called OpenFest
(http://www.openfest.org/2016/en/) and it will take place on 5th and 6th of
November. Last year there were more than 3000 visitors.

As a first attempt there will be only a booth, even though I will have
probably a lecture or two, but they will be on a different topic. For the
booth I'm planing to have:
- big monitor with running presentation(s);
- laptop with a live system for demo purposes;
- give away stickers;
- flyers;
- roll banner;
- some ruffle prizes;

I read all the information provided in the Advocate Portal and followed all
the steps there, but any suggestions and / or opinions are more than welcome.

I know that I can build and order most of things locally (and pay for them,
which I will most probably do), but I wanted to know is there an option for
some kind of help from openSUSE? By help I don't mean to receive something for
free, but for example to obtain it with a discount from somewhere, it will
save me money and time. And there are things that are hard to find, for
example the plush Gecko...

Perhaps later this year I will organize a launch party as well. It will be in
the second part of November or the first half of December, but this is another
story. :)

Thank you in advance for your feedback!

Kind regards,
Dimitar Zahariev

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