
So we planned the last SFD event of 2016 on Saturday 17th.

We can report that there were ~35% less visitors and those who
attended were new comers on one hand and our usual “suspects” were
lying on their couch moaning about the economy, and/or following their
partner in the Xmas fever spree.

Our venue is adjacent to the shopping mall of Rouen, so this is our
barometer. When there are loads of people in the walkways, then we are
gratified with visitors.

We had:

1.    The Chess Club President who came to greet merry Xmas

2.    Our Greek lady with some issues.

3.    A new lady with FireFox issues

4.    Our motor cycler with VLC issues and Leap 42.2 (tip of ice berg)

5.    Olivier came to help out as usual.

6.    Laurence same sort of things but more patient with ladies in
particular beginners.

7.    Two new comers who were in another LUG

8.    7 “chance” visitors, looking around, just asking what we do and
when we are back in.

9.    openStreemap was there (a representative that is)

10.  A young student from another LUG fond of many distributions and
being converted/evangelized to openSUSE.

11.  Nathalie to give morale support, tea, coffee, juice, cakes and
make people wait when they arrive…

12.  Myself

Nothing much happening, apart from sharing knowledge, applications,
usage, debugging. Until our moto cycler after hearing the lady
complaining about FireFox was motivated to change his desktop to Mate
(not our idea) and people from 7 and 10 above jumped on this
opportunity for approximately 3 hours. The 4G router was red hot
downloading with yast (29GB for the day). The whole story ended in a
nightmare. I had to take the laptop home, reinstall Leap 42.2 fresh
and went to deliver on Sunday :)

There was on top of all this a couple that needed a Dell with Vista
migrated. Olivier spent the whole afternoon on this case. We thought
that we had won when it asked to reboot after installation. No, blank
screen, the video card is not on the HAL list and clearly not

Also tried Tumbletweed, KO as well. Vista has some happy days to live on.

I did distribute Leap 42.2 DVDs and stickers…

It was my step daughter’s birthday so we closed on time and were quite
happy that we were asked for January dates, which BTW is 28th. I have
5 new people who have confirmed their presence *plus* one lady with
her desktop already in the starting blocks :D

However a smaller audience, we had a lot of fun :)

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