On 9/12/18 6:00 AM, Marcel Kühlhorn wrote:
> On Wed, 2018-09-12 at 14:39 +0200, Vinzenz Vietzke wrote:
>> Hi,
>> cool! I'm keeping this topic on-list so that other people running
>> booths somewhere get the info as well.
>> As said, we'll bring a laptop running oS. How is your booth equipped?
>> Do you also want to have a demo laptop with openSUSE?
>> I could also send it to you a few days before the Linuxday if you
>> want to play around with it a bit. :)
>> Greetings,
>> vinz.
> Thanks for the offer, I already have an older Dell Notebook as Demo
> machine, but if you want to send yours anyways we could have one
> running Tumbleweed and one Leap :)
> Greetings,

LinuxDay in Vorarlberg sounds quite similar to LinuxFest NW (LFNW) here
in Bellingham Washington US. I was on the organizing committee for
several years and have been in the openSUSE booth a few times.

Using older hardware certainly shows versatility, frugality, social
conscience, etc. That is attractive to many people.

For expo demos, we've found that those subjective benefits are mostly
taken for granted with Linux. People are attracted to performance. Using
the latest, fastest hardware handles that and allows for conversations
about SLE > LEAP > Tumbleweed, quality, SUSE, community support, other
such things that set openSUSE apart.

At the last LFNW, we featured a new Intel Core gazillion with SSD and
KDE, converted Windows machine off the shelf from the local tech store.
Impressive performance. No conversations about the weight of openSUSE or


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