Hi there,

I used to bind Ctrl-Alt-Del to run the command:

  qdbus org.xfce.SessionManager /org/xfce/SessionManager Logout 1 true

which will pop up the dialog asking what to do:

  Logout Reboot Shutdown ...

This doesn't work anymore on xfce-4.14 dup'ed from

Running this from a terminal prompt, I see the following:

  qdbus org.xfce.SessionManager /org/xfce/SessionManager Logout 1 true
  Error: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod
  Keine derartige Schnittstelle »(null)« des Objekts im Pfad 

Looking at the interface definition of /org/xfce/SessionManager using
qdbusviewer however shows that there still exists a method "Logout".

Should this work? Or how can I achieve this differently?

TIA, cheers.


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