
Am Do 16.11.2006 19:49 schrieb Boyd Lynn Gerber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I know that the SUSE developers do not always notice that packages
> have
> newer versions.

That could be true for FACTORY - not for released products ;-)

> I not that the one's I have add to bugzilla as a feature
> request have all been updated.  Maybe someon should file a bug feature
> request.

You'll not get Version Upgrades for a released product directly over the
SUSE update channel (ok: we have some exeptions). SUSE has a strict
policy for released products: no version upgrades, only updates for the
version released with the distribution.

The "trick" behind it: sometimes developers decide to add new features
and perhaps some API changes to new versions. If you have installed a
programm on your system and SUSE will deliver a upgrade - perhaps
afterwards neither your programm nor any other programm linked against
it will execute... Ask people who decided to upgrade their KDE version:
sometimes it works, sometimes not.

So the answer is: yes, you can _upgrade_ - but you should know that your
system can be unstable if something happens with the newer programm
version. If you just _update_, everything should work as expected - and
even better after the update.

The SUSE developers spend a lot of time fixing old versions of a
programm. Remember: the programms (and their version numbers!) on SLES10
have seven years support. So perhaps in seven years, a user who has
updated his system every day will just have subversion 1.3.1 on his
plattform - but this version should be very "stable" then. ;-)


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