Op maandag 26 februari 2007 18:17, schreef Jay Smith:
> >Now, having said that, I have to report that I removed it all from the
> >computer because of the extra overhead that it requires and because I
> >personally do not need or want many of the bells and whistles that are
> >provided. So, to summarize, it is really nice eye candy but it made my
> >system slow down because I don't have gobs of memory.
> Agreed,I had used it and deleted it. It's not meant to be much more than
> eye candy but still, it's cool. Vista's Aero can barely compete with that.
> Vista's Aero is eye candy as well but not meant to help much. LOL.

because of Beryl I had people start to have a look at linux.  A nice distro 
for this to come with beryl out of the box, is knoppix ;)

Richard Bos
Without a home the journey is endless
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