John Andersen wrote:
> Robert Knight, lead maintainer of Konsole has launched a Konsole Usage 
> Survey. 
> 28 questions are waiting for your answers. Use this chance to give useful 
> feedback about a vital and often-used base application of KDE to enable 
> Robert to make Konsole the best console application for KDE 4. 
Vital and often-used indeed!!

Why, oh why has the Konsole icon been removed from the taskbar in the
default desktop ? Putting it back is trivial, I know, but its a shame to
see such an important tool being hidden from sight.

It feels like going the way of Win or OS X: if you want to use the CLI,
you'd better know where to look for it. Under Linux, on the other hand,
I'd rather see it featured prominently, as the valuable asset it is.

Just my 2ยข.

Cheers. Bye.

Ph. A.


*Philippe Andersson*
Unix System Administrator
IBA Particle Therapy |
Tel: +32-10-475.983
Fax: +32-10-487.707

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