John Pierce wrote:
> Thu Mar 15 13:50:06 2007 scpm (scpm) warning could not query scpm status
> Thu Mar 15 20:06:48 2007 scpm (scdb) warning could not open
> /var/lib/scpm/scdb/scdb.db
> Thu Mar 15 20:06:48 2007 scpm (scpm) ERROR could not open database
> I googled for it and found one bugzilla report regarding the same
> problem that I am having, but it was not resolved and seemed to go to
> a dead end.

Well, first things first...does the file exist in that location?  You
might also try running 'scpm rebuild' to clean up the database.  I
remember having to do that a few times in older SuSE versions where
switching profiles sometimes failed in mid-stream.

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