On Tue, 2007-04-10 at 16:06 +0300, Emils wrote:
> http://linux.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=07/04/10/0252229&from=rss

Are the conspirationist already running out of idea?
Here a couple to put down in your pipe and smoke on a bit.

- openSUSE 10.3 will ship on Cd made of pure cocaine: now sold by the
quarter gram.

- Novell/SUSE eat babies ... for real i found a pampers and the
remaining of a leg in my 10.2 box.

- Novell/SUSE is the new SCO. Oh! but were SCO failed Novell shall
succeed MUHAHAHAhahahahaha....... .. . Nah overused already :(

- Novell/SUSE goal is to fund tons of open source project then subtly
inject them with Microsoft IP just for the heck of it ... it's not like
we are trying to run a Linux business here anyway.

- Z0MG!!!!!!11111one

- Reason? Who the f*** care ... All aboard the FUD wagon Yippee!

OK now if the /. trolls crowd would please move along normal service
should be resumed, Thanks you please come again (they will anyway they
just looooooove it).

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