On 4/13/07, John Andersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Thursday 12 April 2007, Dave Crouse wrote:
> So, My how-to's on installing suse ftp ver9.1 that has 95,000+ page
> views are just irrelevant dribble and we should just close down all
> the forums because a few of you don't see any virtue in them ?

Dave: We have a wiki and archives.

Those 95000 people found your page with google. They could just
as well find the wiki or the archives

The fact that the a hammer is the only tool you know tends to
cause you to look at every problem as if it were a nail.

John Andersen
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How very strange..... lol.  Seems  I AM the one using more than one
medium of communication and yet you accuse ME of only using a hammer
roflmao.  Seems to me your the one that is small minded making insults
at me. Your the one that only views things in black and white, and
assumes the mailing list is the only form of communication worthwhile.
I never said mailing lists weren't worthwhile, I think all forms are
good. However we can get and help new users is a good thing.

You are obviously very narrow minded and have forgotten that the last
10 years  has actually made the internet more than just text based
email and usenet.  I suppose I could re-direct www.opensuse.us to a
debian site.... would that make you happier ?  If I have served no
purpose, then it wouldn't matter to you right ?  :P I mean, I did
register the domain for the next 10 years, and have made it a point to
get google to rank it as high as possible.  Perhaps Debian could use
the boost in traffic :P

Those 95000 people found your page with google. They could just
as well find the wiki or the archives

But obviously they didn't did they ?

I would say forums are much more search engine friendly than a wiki or
any email archives.  Do a few searches, which comes up more ......
archived email lists and wiki's or forums ?  (Don't bother responding,
I ALREADY know the answer).

Contrary to what you think, forums aren't made up of idiots and
"people that don't know how to run a mail reader".  I would venture to
say your not on any forums because we would have banned an obnoxious
prude like yourself.

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