On Sunday 15 April 2007, Adam Tauno Williams wrote:
> On Sun, 2007-04-15 at 11:09 -0500, dwain wrote:
> > I am taking the plunge in the deep end here.  I want to set up a server
> > and begin learning how to use a cms.  There is a project I want to do and
> > I know I'm way behind the 8 ball with what I am looking at.  I know
> > nothing about php, mysql or js, but I am willing to learn.  I have begun
> > to collect books on the subjects, but I'd like to get things set up on my
> > machine first.
> If you are starting completely from scratch I'd, instead of LAMP, look
> at something like Mojoportal (a .NET CMS, runs on Mono/Apache/SuSE).
> Since you are acquiring a completely new skill set might as well pick
> one as maximally portable/marketable as possible.
> Now cue the horde's of LAMP minions to tell you this is heresy... :)
> > What all do I need to install to begin this journey besides the basic
> > php5 and mysql?
> Very little.
> --
> Adam Tauno Williams
> Network & Systems Administrator
> Consultant - http://www.whitemiceconsulting.com
> Developer - http://www.opengroupware.org

Thanks for the suggestion, but I'm not really familar with .net.  This server 
will be a test ground for something along the lines of wordpress.  That's 
what my current host supports, so I'll have to do the lamp thing.  They run a 
linux server, apache 2.? and php5.

So again, what do I need to install besides the basic apache, php5 and mysql 
to run wordpress?  Modules, etc. that I would need.



Dwain Alford
"The artist may use any form which his expression demands;
for his inner impulse must find suitable expression."     Wassily Kandinsky

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