On Mon, 2007-05-14 at 10:07 +0200, Erik Jakobsen wrote:
> Hi.
> I have a blown Nvidia FX5200 card on my openSuSE 10.2 install.
> The computer is set up to use Nvidia per the info found in opensuse.
> I put in another graohics card marked:
> Even if I think, that the letters can indicate that it's also an Nividia 
> card, the 10.2 cannot start up the x-server.
> Can anybody tell me what I can do now ?.

  At bootup look for the options line at the bottom of the screen and
put the following on it:
init 3
  This will get you single user no-graphical mode.  Log in as root.
Simplest way is to invoke sax2 and redo your video card configuration.
Then use:
init 5
to switch to normal run level with x-server running.  You can also
manually edit the 
/etc/X11/xorg.cong file and change the line with the nvidia module name
to nv, save and exit, and then issue the init 5, command and you should
have your gui back.



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