Op Monday 21 May 2007 17:13:57 schreef Jorge Fábregas:
> Is there a way to remove a package and ALL its dependencies? For example, I
> installed mplayer and I had to install 9 other packages to satisfy
> dependencies.  If I no longer want mplayer I'll do this:
> rpm -q --last
> to see the last packages I installed. I"ll then do "rpm -e" with EACH one
> of them.  I noticed that you can only specify one package with the remove
> switch...It will be great If I could "rpm -e this,that,the-other-one,
> blabla" or something like "rpm -e MPlayer --along-dependencies" :)  (if and
> only those packages are needed only by MPlayer of course...).
> I'm not interested in a shell script. I just would like to know if there's
> a switch I'm missing (I read the man page but found nothing).

Alright here is a webpage ;)

Richard Bos
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