On Tuesday 05 June 2007 01:36, Petr KlĂ­ma wrote:
> The caveat is that
> many variables might be set dynamically based on informations read from
> other config files. One can even include his own script setting his own
> set of variables. Many do this.

        ... however, if what you are looking for (at a moment in time) is a 
of "current" environment variables you can use the command:


        ... either with options or not... without will list to stdout *all* 
environment variables for the current shell. It would be a very simple matter 
of wrapping a PerlTK (or tclTK) gui wrapper around this command to list the 
variable names in a listbox, and then the value in an edit box... the result 
of the gui command would be to export the current "edited" list on to the 
next shell or next process...  

        You could just as easily pipe the output of printenv to a sed|gawk 
or perl script, or even grep, to pick out specific envs.

        Just some thoughts...

Kind regards,

M Harris     <><
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