On Wed, 2007-06-06 at 21:55 -0500, Peter Van Lone wrote:
> On 6/6/07, Mike McMullin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > umount -d /mnt/mountiso
> > mount -o loop $1.iso /mnt/mountiso
> >
> >   I have this script, Kai, it works rather well for me.
> Mike, a couple things here that confuse me:
> 1)Kai wanted something that could mount an ISO from the GUI ... I
> suppose if you create a launcher/icon for this script, that could
> work. But, then it still requires root rights, correct? (this was
> something else Kai wanted, was not to require root.

  IIRC Kai does know something of programming.  ;)  Of course, one could
right click on the .iso file and use the open with ... and then invoke
the script, but there ought to be a conflict resolving the name due to
the extension.  I know that I had a reason for forcing ?.iso, but don't
off-hand recall what it was.

> 2)Your script looks to be using a variable for the .iso filename (I
> assume that is what the $ infront of the 1.iso means)? How does that
> work ... should a user be prompted for the path/filename of the iso?
> Or is it something like, if you put your iso in the same directory as
> the script, then it just finds the iso?

  Yeah the %1 takes a parameter passed to the script (the first one
actually) and assumes that it is the name of the iso file to be mounted
less it's extension.  This script is actually located in the /usr/bin
directory and is invokable by any user on the system (+x has been set).
As far as invoking it from the CLI, a path to the file is only required
when the script is invoked from a directory other than the one that
the .iso is located in, yes it will have to find the .iso.



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