On Tuesday 12 June 2007 20:13, Fernando Costa wrote:
> I don't know exactly what this errors mean and how to repair them.
        Sounds like your swap partition (virtual memory partition) is damaged 
and can 
not be activated.  It is relatively easy to recreate a swap partition.  
Please take a look at these files:
        man swapon
        man swapoff
        man mkswap

        My  /etc/fstab  entry for the swap partition looks like this:

/dev/sda3            swap                 swap       defaults              0 0

        My partition is on device  /dev/sda3. I would use these commands:

        swapoff  -a
        mkswap  -v1  -L swap  /dev/sda3
        swapon  -a

        You may have more than one swap area, and one or more may be corrupted.

        You can rebuild each of the areas, or all of them, and you can specify 
parms (you will have to decide by reading the man pages I listed).

        Hope this helps you  :)

Kind regards,

M Harris     <><
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