On Tue, 2007-08-07 at 19:08 +0200, Clayton wrote:
> I have a new sound problem... I have a Logitech USB 250 Headset that
> has been working perfectly up until today.  I have been able to adjust
> the volume using KMix...
> Today the volume dropped to about 20% and stayed there.  If I turn on
> absolute values in KMix (shows value between 0 and 100) and move the
> slider, the highest it goes is 44% which is not high enough to hear
> anything.

  At this point I would look into Yast, Sound Card, and tweak the Master
volume.  You have not mentioned which version that you are running, and
I have had a few volume level fall backs on my 10.0 system, and by that
I mean the volume is set to 0 according to YaST.

> Is there any way to reconfigure this audio device?  It is not present
> in YAST - never has been... I assume that is because of the fact it is
> a USB audio device.  Is there another way - command line? - that I can
> reset teh volume to this audio device so I can hear things with it
> again?

  See above, also make sure that you are using the correct Master
Channel, by right clicking on the volume symbol in the tray and choosing
the proper one.

> Oh, I have tried log out and back in.. and also a full reboot.. no
> change.. max is still 44% ad not loud enough to hear...
> C.

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