On Wed, 2007-08-08 at 07:38 -0400, James Knott wrote:
> Hans van der Merwe wrote:
> > lware.
> >
> > Ok, tell me, seeing that I know nothing, if I can compromise a Linux
> > users home dir - why cant I send out spam?
> >  
> >   
> I have never claimed such a thing is impossible, but it is far more
> difficult to do with Linux.  In order to send out spam, something has to
> execute that can do that.  That means the user has to make something
> executable and then execute it.  That barrier is much lower in Windows. 
> The bottom line, which you apparently refuse to accept, is that it is
> much more difficult for such problems to occur with Linux.  Please note,
> I'm not saying impossible, just much more difficult.  Please also
> understand that Windows was built as a single user system, without many
> of the security methods that are standard in Linux & Unix and you can
> add to that some extremely poor software design in MS products, that
> turn them into a security sieve.  This means no matter how careful a
> user is, Windows will always be far more risky.

I think we agree on the subject.

Last thing - I dont think most virus/trojan/DOSattack writers do it
because its easy to do it in Windows (which it is), but because its got
a huge impact on the computer industry (80% odd using flavor of Win)  ->
and in there lies my main argument, that if it is do-able in Linux
(irrelevant of afford) it will hit the successful Desktop Linux market.

And thats all he wrote

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