On Mon, 2007-08-13 at 20:31 -0400, Chris Arnold wrote:
> I recently enabled 3D support for my video card (intel i845) and
> "Desktop Effects" in control center. Every since then, firefox2 does not
> scroll smooth, it is "jerky". Also when clicking on apps, they open but
> are initialy black then load the interface. I know this is hard to
> explain but i am wondering if it is a video card slow-down?
> I am thinking about getting nvidia 9750 ultra. I am not gaming, just
> want good 3D support and maybe fix the slowness problem. What do you think?

I have the same with Firefox - try disabling the smooth scroll in the

For the rest - I only have slow resize actions - rest seems "fine" - but
yes the 3D stuff does eat a bit of CPU at times - becomes unusable when
loading the CPU with mencoding etc. etc.
But on whole my Dell D820 915i Intel with 1920x1200 performs better than
I expected.

Are you using Beryl, Compiz or the new Compiz-Fusion.  I have best
results with the last and AIGLX.


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