Xn Nooby schreef:
Is there a standard way to remotely manage 100+ SUSE boxes?  The
machines are NLPOS9, which is based on SLES9, which is in turn based
on SUSE 9.1.  I need a way to remotely administer them, with cheaper
solutions being ideal.

The problem is having to individually log in and tweak things on 100+
boxes. The administration tasks would be applying security updates,
and working with files for custom applications.

I believe I can do this with two shell scripts, a "control" script and
a "job" script.  The control script would copy (via scp) and remotely
run (via SSH) the job script to a list of servers stored in an ASCII
file. Is this the standard way of doing this?

Any suggestions?

well, i should install 1 ( or maybe 2 ) LTSP servers, and turn the 100 suse boxes into thinclients with LTSP. Then you only have to manage 1 ( or 2 ) servers. This is a real dream from point of view administration. Of course it depends on what kind of applications needs to run on the thinclients. Realy worth thinking about....

a happy LTSP/OpenSUSe user

jef peeraer
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